British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 840: Economic and Trade Changes to Arms Sales

Latest website: The uranium mine was discovered in the Northern Territory of Australia, covering an area of ​​less than 1.5 million square kilometers. The entire Northern Territory has a resident population of less than 100,000. The most important port and city is Darwin.

Although Australia is vast and sparsely populated, the Northern Territory has obviously reached another level. Whether the local population is larger than the resident crocodile is a question.

With such a sparse population, the Northern Territory is a territory of the Australian Government. Alan Wilson can't talk to a local governor, he can only talk to Canberra, not like in Western Australia, he can talk to Premier Ross McLarty.

Local newspapers and radio stations in Perth follow the news of Princess Margaret's arrival in Perth with plenty of content. There is no doubt that Princess Margaret's royal princess status and unique temperament have attracted the attention of Perth people.

Many Perth residents who were British citizens just a few years ago came here with the dream of finding a relaxing place to live, still thinking of themselves as British.

The image of Princess Margaret played on the TV was very attractive.

While facing the TV, Alan Wilson was having a verbal battle with Her Royal Highness the Princess, and one hand had already occupied the high ground. Desecrating Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, who is so popular in Perth.

After a long time, the two who were short of breath separated, Princess Margaret on the screen was saying that she liked Perth very much.

"Her Royal Highness is so popular in Australia." Even if the salty pig hand didn't stop for a moment, Alan Wilson didn't forget to point the princess on the screen.

"You bastard." Princess Margaret looked at the man tenderly, "Let people know that you are doing this to me, you will be finished, and your life will be extremely dark."

"So? Will Her Royal Highness allow such a thing to happen?" Pulling Princess Princess into her arms, and looking at each other at close range, Alan Wilson's questioning seemed a bit aggressive.

"Of course... no, no!" Princess Margaret stammered a satisfying answer.

"Very good, this is the fascinating response." Alan Wilson is very happy, he thinks that this year, there may be a breakthrough, although in the UK he does not dare to do anything to Her Royal Highness.

But in this free world, it is not difficult to find a safe zone to fill the emotional emptiness of the princess.

Judging from the reaction of the princess now, she absolutely does not reject the emotional emptiness being filled, and she is completely intentional.

Alan Wilson was satisfied that the bottom line of Her Royal Highness had been tested, and in a happy mood, he felt that there was no reason why this trip to Australia could not be a complete success.

A few days later, the family of three and Her Royal Highness flew to Canberra, the capital of Australia, by plane.

From the top of Comet 1, looking at the endless Gobi below through the plane window, Australia is incompatible with the rest of the earth, and even from the satellite photos of later generations, the colors are completely different.

It's almost as if an alien land has been attached to the earth, and billions of years of wind and sun have made this land very different from other continents.

"The biggest advantage of this desolate land is that all the minerals are buried very shallowly, and God is not thin to Australia." Alan Wilson understood why the Three-Body Problem arranged human beings here.

"It's really strange, Australia seems to be the flattest continent." Pamela Mountbatten shook her head, "Even the mountains are very short."

"Maybe many billions of years ago, the mountains in Australia were also very high. Maybe they were shortened by the wind and the sun." Alan Wilson answered his wife's question.

He remembered that the oldest rock on the surface of the earth was in the Murchisan Mountains in Western Australia, about four billion years old.

It wasn't until we reached the sky above Canberra that the khaki on the ground turned a little green. Needless to say, this is another decent place in Australia, where Canberra sits in the southeastern corner of Australia.

After getting off Comet 1, the group went directly to William Joseph Slim, the current Governor of Australia.

When it comes to the issue of Malaya, you can also chat with the Marshal. The incoming Lieutenant General David Skoons was once a subordinate of Marshal Slim. For Marshal Slim, it was himself who came here. people.

At the same time, Marshal Slim also paid tribute to Her Royal Highness's visit. The matter of the uranium mine involved secrets. Although Marshal Slim was an important general of the British military, he should not know about it.

It's just that on some issues, the Governor-General and the Prime Minister of Australia need to communicate with each other. Marshal Slim thinks that there is no problem. Since he became the Governor-General of Australia, there has been no friction because of the relationship between the United Kingdom and Australia.

"Also, I also found that Australians take security very seriously." Marshal Slim told his findings.

"That's easy." Alan Wilson was full of confidence, and he was ready to start with the threat of bamboo curtains and explain it from a security perspective to let Australia understand the importance of helping Britain stay in the British colony of Malaya.

It depends on what Australia wants. Anyway, Alan Wilson feels that no matter what Australia wants, as long as it pays, the UK can't sell anything, even a nuclear bomb.

Don't forget that the UK is still using the Australian Space Center to test the blue light missile? While short-range missiles have been successful, short-range missiles are not enough for the UK, the ICBMs the UK needs.

Even the original historical blue light missiles are not enough, because the UK cannot put missile silos on its own soil. In Australia, it is obvious that the historical range is not enough.

Because of the high requirements on the range, although the blue light missile project has received greater attention, the progress has not improved at all, and it is still under research.

The current Prime Minister of Australia is still Robert Gordon Menzies, the one who has always admired the Queen.

Alan Wilson thinks this may be a benefit the Queen brings to Britain. Who doesn't like a queen like England?

Although the queen doesn't come often, doesn't the princess come from time to time? help maintain Australia's centripetal force towards the UK,

A day later, Alan Wilson took Princess Margaret, who looks similar to the Queen, and this business card arrived at the Prime Minister's Office. Be prepared to have a good talk with Australia on military cooperation including but not limited to uranium mines.

A few years ago, Prime Minister Menzies did one thing, but it did not succeed, that is, to legislate to ban the activities of the Australian Communist Party. Through this incident, we can understand what kind of political appearance the Prime Minister is.

Alan Wilson talks up the threat of bamboo curtains, while implying that close cooperation between Australia and the UK is vital to the free world.

"Many people in the country believe that Australia's uniqueness makes it impossible for us to ignore Australia's danger. Although Europe and many countries believe that the United Kingdom should choose between the Commonwealth and Europe. But so far, the United Kingdom has withstood this. This kind of pressure." Alan Wilson, with a national emotion thicker than water, drew the relationship between the two sides closer in front of Menzies.

He definitely didn't lie. It has been ten years since the end of the war. If other European countries could not see it at the beginning, but today, no one can see that the United Kingdom has become the big colander of the European Community.

How did the textiles of the Malayan colony sell to the European market? Didn't the European Community's goalkeeper, the United Kingdom, come in? Although the United Kingdom added another price in the process, raising the price and selling it, it was still lower than the price of European textiles.

Britain's move is far more despicable than that of the United States to support Japan's textile industry. The United States is opening its own market. Although the United Kingdom has also opened its own market, it is more open to the market of the European Community countries, and part-time referees and goalkeepers.

First of all, it is France that has a lot of criticism, but since the war, France has been fighting wars in various colonies, so it is necessary for the United Kingdom to see the support of the old imperialist unity, and it has been holding back.

There are only a few countries in Europe that can say no to the UK. Germany and Italy are defeated. If France does not speak out, then there are no opponents.

France has more important things to do. If there is no trouble between the European Community and the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom will focus on the Commonwealth and the European Communist Party. The beneficiaries of course also include Australia, which is also a member of the British Commonwealth.

Since the discovery of iron ore in Western Australia, Australia and the United Kingdom should have been replaced by the United States in economic and trade relations. In another form, British investment in Australia is on the rise, and some of the close economic and trade ties between Australia and the British mainland are beginning to be replaced by the British colony of Malaya.

On the surface, the UK and Australia's dependence relationship is declining, but in fact it is just another way of changing from a bilateral relationship to a tripartite relationship.

Since this relationship exists Australia should meet some requirements of the United Kingdom as a matter of course.

Apparently Prime Minister Menzies thinks so too, because of the influx of British immigrants into Perth, plus he is a loyal supporter of the Queen himself, plus the role of economic and trade relations, he agrees with Alan Wilson.

After a few years, Australia also recognized the importance of British Malaya. Australia itself is not suitable for industrial development. Now the supply of many daily necessities in Australia has been done by British Malaya.

"London believes that in the field of security cooperation, the UK and Australia have a lot in common. To jointly maintain the prosperity of the Malayan colony, we must strengthen cooperation." If people are dissatisfied, they have to persevere.”

Menzies was silent for a while, and suddenly asked, "We believe in the importance of the UK in security issues, and security has always been our core concern. I wonder if the Queen-class heavy aircraft carrier can be sold to us."

Alan Wilson was startled. The Queen-class heavy aircraft carrier was actually the current name of the Malta-class aircraft carrier.

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