British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 841: CVA-One Carrier Program

The latest website: "If I have the right to decide, I will agree immediately." Alan Wilson glanced at Her Royal Highness, who was accompanying her, and agreed without the slightest hesitation, "But I don't have the right to decide, but it doesn't matter, I am willing to do it. Work hard, strive for a good result, and communicate with the country immediately."

agree! Why don't you agree, although the Queen class heavy aircraft carrier is the newest aircraft carrier in the UK. But their own family knows their own affairs, and there have been problems with the renewal of the Royal Navy.

Although the Labour government does not have to worry about the debt owed to the United States now, it is still not interested in increasing military spending. The military expenditure to maintain the scale, also because the status of the navy was replaced by the Royal Air Force, not much flowed into the navy.

Once the Queen-class starts construction of the third ship, it can even directly design a larger heavy aircraft carrier, which is good news for the Royal Navy's shipbuilding accumulation.

It can be done just like the Russians did, using Indian money to do Russia's affairs, and rebuilding an aircraft carrier to get the cost back, let alone Australia.

What is the military purchase of big fat, India will also be happy, it can really be called big fat but also Australia where blood is thicker than water.

"Is there any difficulty?" Menzies asked Alan Wilson again with doubts when he saw that Alan Wilson did not speak for a while.

"No, I will communicate with the country immediately about this." Alan Wilson's eyes were burning, but he couldn't let the Indian... Australians run away, and the hope of the Royal Navy's replacement was pinned on the Australians.

Not to mention a Queen-class aircraft carrier, if the distinguished guests need it, the UK can completely redesign a larger one, proving that blood is thicker than water with practical actions.

It went well beyond expectations, and Prime Minister Menzies didn't know why, but it was a little too easy.

He made such a request, of course, out of practical considerations. Australia is so vast and sparsely populated that it cannot really wait for potential enemies to hit the door. It is a better choice to defend the enemy outside the country.

Otherwise, how many soldiers would it take to guard such a long coastline in northern Australia? Australia has no such manpower at all.

Alan Wilson understands this psychology well, and he wouldn't have a second choice.

At this time, it is necessary for the royal princess to speak and explain the facts of the relationship between the United Kingdom and Australia. Princess Margaret first started with my personal opinion, and then angrily denounced Churchill's selfish behavior during World War II, and then expressed in an unprovable tone that London Politicians do feel guilty for some of their actions during World War II.

"Her Royal Highness, that was Churchill's personal mistake," said Prime Minister Menzies respectfully. "It's true that it must have hurt Australia's feelings, but what more can we say?"

Alan Wilson watched from the sidelines, and the joke about Churchill as the main culprit in Britain's decline began with the father of the Soviets, which he himself spread through his wife Pamela Mountbatten.

In the United Kingdom, he still has some restraint, but in the Commonwealth countries, he is so polite. Especially for countries like Australia and New Zealand, which already have resentment against Churchill, it is right to let him take the blame.

Today Churchill's worst reputation is not the United Kingdom, but Australia and New Zealand.

Leaving the Prime Minister's Office, let the distinguished sister-in-law walk in the front. If Princess Margaret is not there, he is a colonial commissioner. Although what he does is no different from that of a prime minister of a country, it is not random to want to see Prime Minister Menzies. see you.

This time, Her Royal Highness became Ellen Wilson's stepping stone, but she did not reject it in her heart.

"Australians want the newest aircraft carrier?" Princess Margaret asked. "Why?"

"The land is vast and the people are sparsely populated, so we have taken the initiative to contain it. The bamboo curtain in the eyes of the Americans is in East Asia, and the bamboo curtain in the eyes of Australians is Sukarno who shouts Great Indonesiaism right in front of us."

Limited by the evacuation and the presence of MI5, Alan Wilson was unable to give Her Royal Highness a kiss of victory.

Although there are some regrets, Alan Wilson is still very happy. As long as this is done, he believes that the benefits to the United Kingdom will be huge, and there will be no extra costs.

This is simply a surprise. If Australia can be recruited, isn't there a reason for the start of construction of a heavy aircraft carrier?

At present, the Royal Navy's Han aircraft carrier has only four Centaur-class, three Radiance-class, two Hater-class, two Eagle-class, two former Malta-class, and now Queen-class aircraft carriers.

In addition to these thirteen aircraft carriers, there are also giant-class aircraft carriers, which have been sold to France, the Netherlands, Brazil, Canada, and potential countries that are still looking for buyers, as well as Argentina and other countries. .

In fact, the United Kingdom also intends to sell one of them to Australia. However, Australia, which has been rich in the past two years after the discovery of iron ore, may no longer look down on the giant class.

But this is still not impossible. You can buy one and get one free. For example, when the UK is willing to start a new heavy aircraft carrier, it will give an aircraft carrier to Australia to use first, but the modification fee must be charged.

The Gorshkov aircraft carrier that Russia sold to India was not just in the name of a gift to make money with modification fees?

Returning to the property that Pamela Mountbatten purchased in Canberra, Alan Wilson smiled as if he had taken away the princess' first time. Pamela Mountbatten asked, and only then did she know the reason for the matter, "What's the joy of this? ?"

"You don't understand, the Navy definitely wants to continue to follow up with larger tonnage aircraft carriers, but the cabinet doesn't give money. Since Australia intends to want better aircraft carriers, this is the key to solving the Navy's predicament." Alan Wilson whistled road.

"This way my father should be very happy." Pamela Mountbatten knew exactly why her husband was happy.

"My wife is really smart." Alan Wilson praised without hesitation, "Including but not limited to aircraft carriers below the Centaur-class tonnage, the modification potential is limited, which means that the UK can use aircraft carriers for more than 20 years. If it can be bigger than it, the Radiance class of the Pacific Fleet is also very dangerous. That is to say, there are only six aircraft carriers of 30,000 tons, and they will appear in ten years. With a displacement of 30,000 tons, as the carrier-based aircraft becomes larger and larger, it will become more and more powerless.”

That is to say, ten years later, only six of the British aircraft carriers that roam the oceans have the potential to be refitted. It is more likely that there are only two Eagles and two Queens left to support the scene.

Most of the 20 small aircraft carriers currently in stock are either sold or dismantled. Can't let the Malayan colony keep so many battleships, and at the same time keep no less aircraft carriers than battleships?

Hurry up and see which country has more stupid money, it is more suitable to be a pick-up man, and you can also earn a modification fee.

"What are you going to do?" Pamela Mountbatten knew her husband's temperament well. Once something good happened, would she be able to hold back?

"Although it's hard to tell, but for the interests of the country, it is also for the dream of Sea Lord Mountbatten. I want to go back to the UK right away." Alan Wilson was a little embarrassed, the plan did not change quickly, and emphasized, "We Can't let the honest Australians down, I have to get this done."

Pamela Mountbatten sighed softly, "Well, that's how you are, as if everything can't be separated from you..."

"As a British official, this is what you should do." Alan Wilson, who is inseparable from Ai Zhongtang's sense of ownership, was about to bow three times in the direction of London and perform a performance of the king of food and loyalty to the king. thing.

Although he was the High Commissioner for the Malayan Colony, his work has always been in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The ambassadors of many African countries in later generations were originally called High Commissioners. Those who didn’t know it thought the British Empire was still there.

"Whatever the Minister of the Sea is, it's just a pleasure. It's up to me to really promote the construction of the aircraft carrier." In the farewell of his wife, daughter and sister-in-law, Alan Wilson boarded the Comet 1, and it started again just a few days ago. on a return trip.

But before that, he hadn't forgotten to follow the list in the diary to greet confidantes all over the place.

Dear First Sea Lord, long before Alan Wilson got on the plane, he received a telegram from his son-in-law. The telegram directly said that there was something good to tell, and Mountbatten was restless. He didn't know what good things happened to his son-in-law, and what did it have to do with him?

Twenty-four hours later, flying from Paris to London, a tired Alan Wilson arrived in London with the breath of a woodpecker. It's a shame to waste time, he never wastes even a It's about logistical support.

The dual reasons of jet lag and physical exhaustion made Alan Wilson groggy and walking lightly, but he did not regret it. In this state, he appeared in front of General Mountbatten and explained his communication with Australia.

"Since the completion of the two Queens, the Royal Navy has not built any warships, not even a frigate. No new warships will be built for a long time, which will age the talents. If there is a new project one day, it will also be because of There is a shortage of talent which leads to higher costs. But that cannot convince the cabinet, the Royal Navy is too big to justify and the cabinet will only see increased military spending.”

This does not need to be said by the son-in-law. General Mountbatten has already made inferences. The lack of potential aircraft carriers are either sold or disintegrated. The Malayan colony can't keep all the old warships of the Royal Navy, right?

"Does the Admiralty have plans to build a new aircraft carrier?" Alan Wilson asked after mentioning Australia's needs.

"Of course, the cabinet approval is another matter." Mountbatten said decisively, he remembered the CVA-01 plan, "and the cabinet is preparing to sell an aircraft carrier to India."

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