British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 842: easy business

The latest website: "Oh!" Alan Wilson said inexplicably, and emphasized, "Is it going to be sold to Portugal? You must know that Goa is still in the hands of the Portuguese. In fact, if Pakistan's financial resources are sufficient. If so, you can sell one to Pakistan for a balance.”

East Pakistan is not independent now. At this time when East Pakistan was not independent, the economic summary of Pakistan is simply that West Pakistan spends money, and East Pakistan earns foreign exchange, such a model.

From this we can see why this country will split sooner or later, and the finances of the two regions that do not border each other are not balanced. It is no wonder that East Pakistan will be troubled.

No one can control this matter. Mountbatten, in front of Alan Wilson, warned Jinnah at the beginning that once India and Pakistan are divided, Pakistan will split sooner or later.

The words have already been said, and there is nothing that Ali Jinnah can do if he doesn't listen. However, as far as the current economic level is concerned, although India was seriously moving towards a powerful country during the Nehru period.

But Pakistanis are generally richer than India, and this trend is getting bigger and bigger. Indians are richer than Pakistan, and that is a matter of the 21st century.

"This kind of thing will be discussed later!" Mountbatten obviously doesn't care about India and Pakistan. The deputy king of India is all in the past. He is now the British Sea Secretary. He picked up the phone and called the Admiralty directly, and asked the Admiralty Send in the documentation for the CVA-01 program.

Whether the Cabinet will pass the budget and support the Navy's shipbuilding aside, it is a matter for the Navy Department to plan the design of the new aircraft carrier. Failure to do so would only mean that Mountbatten, the leader of the navy, was derelict in his duties.

Half an hour later, an officer from the Admiralty arrived at Mountbatten's home in uniform, bringing along the CVA-01 plan documents and sketches. Mountbatten told the officer to go back, who was the Admiralty's Sea Lord, in front of his son-in-law. Introduce the CVA-01 plan or do not use fake others' hands.

"This is it." Mountbatten took out the sketch and introduced, "The estimated cost is 30 million pounds."

Alan Wilson sucked in a breath of cold air when he saw it. He didn't know what the sketch of the aircraft carrier was about, but the number units marked next to it could still be understood, "It's bigger than the US Forrestal-class aircraft carrier?"

"That's right, that's what I imagined." Mountbatten did not feel radical at all, after all, he was a sea secretary who had proposed an ice aircraft carrier. "British shipbuilding has always focused on innovation. This is a consistent design concept."

Alan Wilson was using his basic mathematical knowledge at this time, and it was easy to come to a conclusion after some calculations. The tonnage should be on the same level as the improved Kitty Hawk-class aircraft carrier of the Forrestal-class aircraft carrier.

The problem is that the Kitty Hawk class is now a blueprint, and the construction sequence of the Forrestal class aircraft carrier has not been completed yet? It was also after the Forrestal-class aircraft carrier was put into service that the United States improved it, and the Kitty Hawk-class was born.

Now the Kitty Hawk is definitely a concept, and the CVA-01 program in Mountbatten's hands is also a concept.

Mountbatten told Alan Wilson what old-fashioned imperialism was, and said, "Although it is not certain, but from the post-war period to the present ten years, we can already judge that the concept of the US Navy is to make rapid and gradual improvement."

"Run in small steps!" Alan Wilson described in a more apt term.

"Run in small steps? It's about the same, but in larger batches." Mountbatten nodded and continued, "But according to our observation of the US aircraft carrier, the combat effectiveness of the aircraft carrier itself is mainly determined by its aviation control capabilities. The aircraft carrier's air control capability mainly depends on its deck design. On the Forrestal-class aircraft carrier, the Americans took the lead in trying to increase the deck area by increasing the floating on both sides of the aircraft carrier."

"The inclination angle of the slanted deck of the aircraft carrier is too large, which means that the carrier-based aircraft cannot approach from the rear of the aircraft carrier when approaching the ship, but must first turn right and fly to the aircraft carrier at a distance of about five kilometers from the aircraft carrier. On the extension line of the slanted deck, turn left to align with the slanted deck itself, and then concentrate on controlling the aircraft to land on the deck that is constantly shifting to the right. As long as the above process is slightly wrong, the landing carrier aircraft There is a possibility of hitting the aircraft in the port rear staging area and the starboard front staging area of ​​the aircraft carrier. The whole landing process is very dangerous.”

"The angled deck with an excessively large angle also naturally divides the flight deck into two independent areas, the front right and the rear left. Such a messy division will inevitably lead to poor traffic between the maintenance areas and affect the maintenance and performance of carrier-based aircraft. Take-off and landing efficiency. It will further lead to embarrassment on the left rear deck and right rear deck of the aircraft carrier."

Although Alan Wilson didn't understand a word, he nodded thoughtfully with his brows furrowed, and asked as if it were the case, "So how to solve it? The Americans should have found out."

"Whether they find it depends on the completion of this batch before the next batch of improvements can be seen."

Mountbatten explained, "However, when we met at the Admiralty, we thought that we could improve efficiency by integrating the landing deck and changing the angle. This is the way to maximize the use of tonnage. The take-off and landing efficiency of an aircraft carrier of the same tonnage will be improved. However, we must also consider the installation of the steam catapult. If the United States continues to expand the tonnage method, we may only be able to guarantee that the 60,000-ton aircraft carrier can do 80,000 tons, and the optimized design cannot solve all problems.”

"That's it!" Alan Wilson said in his heart that this can save tons and 20,000 tons. What else do you want? Use a 40,000-ton aircraft carrier to do what a 100,000-ton aircraft carrier can do? Just change the Eagle-class aircraft carrier directly, do you still need to build a new one?

The CVA-01 plan deck layout can be divided into three parts: the take-off deck in the forward part of the flight deck, the landing deck on the left side, and the preparation deck extending from the starboard side of the bow to the middle of the stern.

Alan Wilson thought about it for a long time, and asked the question in his heart, "It's impossible not to be shackled at all, right?"

"You asked a key question. If you want this design to be realized, the standard displacement should start at 60,000 tons." Mountbatten said this with a wry smile and shook his head. "The two Queens now seem to be smaller."

"No wonder this sketch is bigger than the Forrestal-class aircraft carrier." Alan Wilson understood that there must be enough space for this design, even the current two Queen-class aircraft are not enough.

"That's the problem." Mountbatten shrugged and said, "Military spending of 1.5 billion pounds a year, and maintaining the current size of the army, we are far less rich than the Americans, who can build an aircraft carrier for $200 million. "

Alan Wilson acknowledged that although the exchange rate between the British pound and the US dollar was stable at 1:2.8, the cost of the CVA-01 project of 30 million pounds could be compared with the nearly 200 million US dollars of the Forrestal-class aircraft carrier. Very conscientious.

According to the principle of doubling military expenditure, it should not be too much to sell a 60 million pound to Australia. Western Australia's iron ore was discovered so many years ago and sold for several years, and Australia's finances are now extremely healthy.

When I think about Australia in the future, buying a submarine and taking out 90 billion in one breath, I don't care about a powerful country. Even if it is seen that blood is thicker than water, it is reduced by 10 million pounds, and the UK is crowded everywhere. Make two and keep one for yourself, no problem at all.

Besides, you have already thought about buying one get one free and charging a giant-class modification fee. In theory, the United Kingdom can start three ships at the same time, use Australian money to do Australia's affairs, not to mention prepare to **** from India.

Alan Wilson's face was gloomy and uncertain. He was figuring out how to make the world not difficult to do business. General Mountbatten frowned slightly, "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking, how do you make Australia feel like it's a big bargain." Alan Wilson said quietly, "Father, the current information is not enough, and the support of Whitehall and the Cabinet is still needed at the critical moment. The Admiralty must come up with the upcoming Evidence of the start of construction, so that I can sell the most advanced aircraft carrier from the UK to Australia. It is not easy. The Giant class is negotiating with the Indian government. Once the arms sales with Australia are leaked, the Indians may regret it. I know the Indians best. Now, I always want to use one rupee to accomplish one pound, and confidentiality must be done in place."

Indians have never known what humility is, and have always been confident that they are right. But you must not let India find out, otherwise the giant class will not be sold.

At this moment, Alan Wilson felt the heavy imperial responsibility on his shoulders. You said he was a colonial commissioner, why did he start working for the Navy?

Mountbatten certainly hopes that the CVA-01 plan, which is almost unapproved by the cabinet, will turn around, but he still has some doubts, "Is the Australian heart really rich now?"

"Australia's minerals are also includes gold." Alan Wilson replied indifferently. Gold is money in this era, and there is no need to explore the ranking, because South Africa is still at its peak in this era, and there is no difference between the second and the tenth.

The peak of gold mining in Australia will be decades later, and gold mining in South Africa has long since ceased to flourish. Australia has discovered large gold mines, mining at a rate of 400 tons of gold per year.

It would be amazing if Australian gold had been fully discovered in this era of the gold standard.

Otherwise, why do the exploration teams of the Mountbatten Group still roam the Australian soil like ghosts to this day?

The Admiralty is no longer a problem, relying on the relationship between the son-in-law and Mountbatten's obsession with the Royal Navy. Better than anything else to make the CVA-01 plan come true. Mountbatten didn't care who it was made to sell to.

Alan Wilson put away the CVA-01 project and went to 70 Whitehall, with the help of the esteemed Sir Norman Brooke, the success rate would have been greatly increased.

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