British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 843: PPT to build aircraft carrier

The latest website: The key is money, he understands that better than anyone, and this will not change because the UK is out of debt.

When the CVA-01 plan was put in front of the cabinet secretary, a look of helplessness flashed on Norman Brooke's face, "I even suspect that the First Sea Secretary specially called you back."

"Absolutely not, esteemed Sir. It was I who discovered the business opportunity!" Alan Wilson said solemnly, "Although I should have nothing to do with this matter in the scope of the Colonial Commissioner's work, but out of the patriotism of a British citizen My heart, the integrity of the members of Whitehall, and the national ownership of the country make me unable to turn a blind eye to this. When the country is in trouble, I need individuals to maintain a keen insight and not miss any clues, including but not limited to... … global coordination…”

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs needs you." Norman Brooke listened to the words without changing his face, picked up the CVA-01 plan and shook his head, "No matter which one is land, sea or air, there are countless armament plans, but the implementation will cost money, Ben What is the administration in this regard?"

Alan Wilson said in his heart that this is not a problem of the Labour government, which means that the Conservative Party did not come up this time, otherwise in the next three years, the original time and space will appear to reduce the 700,000 British troops to 375,000, which is almost 375,000. A massive cut in the waist.

"Only by being good at using the soft power accumulated over the past century can we implement the plan of flying on both wings. Only then can we gain enough operational space. Dear Sir, this time I am going to Canberra, Australia intends to form an aircraft carrier formation, of course not the current Royal Navy. The active-duty warships should be more advanced, such as the Queen-class."

Seeing Norman Brooke's interest, Alan Wilson continued, "After the discovery of iron ore in Australia, the United States has formed a win-win relationship with the Malayan colony because of its abundant resources and low demand due to distance. Make Australia rich and steel from Malaya is coming to Europe. Going into the big cycle, Sir must know this, I mean, Australia has never been richer than ever and wants to arm in moderation, which is very normal. "

"That's it!" Norman Brook squinted and savored, and suddenly smiled, "Tell me what you think."

"Actually, we all know that normal replacement is necessary, and we have no intention of accusing the cabinet of trying to control military spending. But there are various modes of arms sales, and sometimes they can be innovative. The key lies in sincerity."

"From a national point of view, Australia is a reliable target for the UK. It is lonely in the southern hemisphere and urgently needs the support of the mother country. It has abundant financial resources and will never be hostile to the UK. It is difficult to find such an excellent arms sales target. Now that Australia has taken the initiative to speak up, of course the UK should do whatever it takes to help, I mean…”

Alan Wilson talked about Russia's operation of India's aircraft carrier, and then added, "Of course one point, I am not trying to entrap Australia, this is a win-win, the UK also needs to be updated, Australia has security needs, and the UK There is a need to keep the shipbuilding industry alive.”

"It's a very novel idea. In fact, we are also helping, and it was requested by Australia." Norman Brooke's eyes lit up. When it comes to the increase in military spending, it will definitely not pass the cabinet level, but if it only increases a small amount of spending, he will also I believe that the cabinet will not be too inhumane.

Norman Brooke also wants to stabilize the normal replacement of the Royal Navy, although selling old aircraft carriers seems to be more worry-free. But as Alan Wilson said, there are benefits to building a new carrier that cannot be expressed in numbers.

Norman Brooke left behind the CVA-01 plan and said, "If you can negotiate, I don't think it's a big issue for cabinet approval."

"Dear Sir, I can't go to Canberra with a draft, at least the documents from the relevant departments, if anyone thinks this is an inevitable plan in the UK." Alan Wilson is a little hard to say, he can't make it clear Let Australia pay for it.

Why do you need a formal project from the Ministry of Defense? It needs the approval of the cabinet. He doesn't have Mr. Jia's ability to build a car.

"No problem!" Norman Brooke agreed very happily, officially approved the project? Approved by the Cabinet, it may seem difficult.

What happened to a country's official program? It's not that it can be cancelled at any time. It looks like a child's play, but it's actually a child's play.

The rest already belongs to Norman Brooke, and all Alan Wilson can do is wait.

At No. 10 Downing Street, Norman Brooke and Attlee had an in-depth discussion around this matter, "Norman, of course I am not hostile to the military, you know that, but the new aircraft carrier project Passed, what if things can't be done?"

"If it can't be done, it will be canceled. We have canceled quite a few military projects since the war, claiming that the technology is not mature enough." Norman Brooke said without thinking, "It's just a matter that a spokesperson can handle. White Everyone can do it.”

"And in essence, this time there are two lines of arms sales. On the bright side, we give people the performance of selling or giving away an aircraft carrier and earning a conversion fee to ensure the start of the shipyard. As for pulling Australia to join the joint manufacturing A generation of aircraft carriers is a secret agreement."

Attlee listened to Norman Brooke's words and asked back, "Is there a problem with Ellen?"

"There is absolutely no problem with him doing this kind of thing, and we won't lose anything if we don't talk about it. But in order to ensure the government's support for this, we'd better come up with a full set of documents to prove that this is a formal project."

Norman Brook even said with a gesture, and then brought the topic to the support rate. "Actually, judging from the recovery momentum of the opposition party in the recent general election, some voters may prefer the proposition of the opposition party in some foreign policies."

"So?" Attlee was attracted by the approval rate, and asked after a while, "Norman, do you think the cabinet is losing points in diplomacy."

"Judging from the polls, the public is generally satisfied with the cabinet's economic policy. It also recognizes the diplomatic achievements of avoiding the Korean War. But in terms of overseas interests. The opposition always has some advantages."

"It's easy for those in the Conservative Party to do nothing, just talk." Prime Minister Attlee sneered.

"The military's position must always be taken into account. Eight hundred thousand soldiers are also very popular. The Royal Navy, to a certain extent, is still defending the stability of the colony. The Malayan colony proves this."

"Okay!" Prime Minister Attlee nodded, just like what Norman Brooke said, if it doesn't work, cancel it. After the war, the cabinet also canceled many military projects, and similar operations are already very skilled.

In this arms sale, the United Kingdom showed the flexibility of the old imperialism. Alan Wilson's PPT aircraft carrier suddenly changed from a sketch that can be held in one hand to covering all relevant departments, requiring a suitcase to carry official project.

The efficiency is so fast that it is hard to imagine that this is something that an electoral country can do. It is even more skilled than pitting France.

At this time, Alan Wilson was not fighting alone. Countless business ups and downs such as Jack Ma and President Jia, as well as the ardent hope of the entire cabinet, inspired him to be born as a public servant.

A day later, with the official PPT aircraft carrier document, Alan Wilson has arrived in Rome, and Audrey Hepburn is filming war and peace.

"You are willing to leave after staying for one night." Hepburn's index finger drew a circle on the man's chest, and his dignified face had an unknown sadness.

"Dear, because it involves state secrets, I can't stay for too long." Alan Wilson's face was distressed, no less than Hepburn, "Sometimes, I really want to let go of everything and live a peaceful life with you. Look. When it comes to the actor who works with you, I am always afraid that you will fall in love because of the play."

"Is that so? A few of my assistants don't contact you often?" Hepburn's eyes flashed through Huiguang and whispered, "Don't think I don't know who these assistants are, I'm not that stupid."

"I am also worried." Alan Wilson decisively admitted that he was afraid of losing Hepburn, and showed his possessiveness when necessary.

Hepburn was very happy, the man was still very honest. Although a bit busy, I will come when I have time.

Only then did he head to the southern hemisphere with Qiu Hua's affection. This circle made him dizzy. It was only by willpower that he overcame the round-trip time difference that spanned half the world in a short period of time.

Arriving in Canberra and leaving the paperwork to his wife, Alan Wilson fell asleep and had to adjust.

"I ran a back and forth in such a short time!" Pamela Mountbatten could only shake her head and sigh helping her husband sort out the PPT aircraft carrier documents. Now it seems that her husband needs to rest for two days.

"It is better to communicate with the Australian Prime Minister through the Governor." Princess Margaret looked at her unconscious brother-in-law and whispered, "This is more appropriate, and Marshal Slim is a soldier. Although the military is different, it can increase his authority. ."

Two days later, the time management master corrected the time difference and returned to a state of vitality.

Just a few days ago, it was just an internal draft of the Admiralty, and now although the documents of various departments are complete, it is still a PPT aircraft carrier project, Alan Wilson appeared in the Australian Prime Minister Robert Gordon Menzies before.

At this time, Alan Wilson was confident, as if innate self-confidence made him impeccable.

When the documents of various British departments were placed in front of Menzies, Alan Wilson said with a look of contempt, "It can be said that the sale of such a weapons platform has caused quite a bit of controversy. But the proponents believe that Australia is different after all and cannot be compared to the average country."

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