British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 844: Munich experts

The latest website: Then, there is a lot of rhetoric that blood is thicker than water, and Australians believe this and are willing to work for it.

Holding the PPT aircraft carrier plan, Alan Wilson began to focus on the introduction, and also connected the basic facts of its blockade of Indonesia, saying that the United Kingdom very much hopes that Australia can shoulder the responsibility of protecting the South Pacific.

Menzies nodded frequently. This is also the general public opinion in Australia. The British still understand Australia very well. The person who doesn't understand is not the leader of the Conservative Party who has just stepped down. Get out.

Menzies is of course very willing to accept the UK's latest aircraft carrier. First of all, Australia really needs it. Australia, which monopolizes a continent, is actually similar to the geographical environment of the UK.

It can even be said to be even worse. The population of European countries is similar to that of the United Kingdom, while the population of Indonesia is almost ten times that of Australia. The two sides are so close, Australia can’t wait to sleep with one eye open and Jakarta.

As Alan Wilson said, the bamboo curtain in the eyes of the United States and the bamboo curtain in the eyes of Australia are not the same country at all.

"Australia is also very concerned about the spread of bamboo curtains," Menzies said with a pun.

"Just like the minister who supports arms sales in the cabinet said, Australia should have enough maritime power to protect itself." Alan Wilson did not bother about who the bamboo curtain was in the eyes of the other party, and continued, "But Dear Prime Minister, There are some reasons why the foreign minister and the permanent secretary did not come this time, but entrusted me to talk."

"Oh? Commissioner Wilson can speak directly?" Menzies was very interested. In fact, Alan Wilson was talking about it himself. On the face of the special princess.

"That's right, because the UK currently has a plan to sell an aircraft carrier to India." Alan Wilson began to explain that if the latest aircraft carrier to be built is publicly sold to Australia, it may affect the sale of the aircraft carrier to India. Things had an impact, and then it was logical to start selling the buy-one-get-one-free thing.

The United Kingdom will choose a Tejas-class aircraft carrier to sell to Australia on the surface, of course, it is only sold in name, but in fact, the United Kingdom will send the Tejas-class aircraft carrier over as long as Australia pays the modification fee.

Although the Radiance-class aircraft carrier is larger than the Giant-class aircraft carrier to be sold to India, it will not cause a gap between the Indians. It is essentially the same generation of aircraft carriers, but larger.

And now the cva01 aircraft carrier, which is almost PPT, is hidden under the Tejas-class aircraft carrier and is being carried out in secret. Britain and Australia must keep plans for a new aircraft carrier sale under wraps.

"Dear Prime Minister, now the Royal Navy has a large number of aircraft carriers that have not yet found a seller. Once potential sellers feel that the UK favors one over the other, it may affect the sale plan." Alan Wilson explained solemnly, "And the new aircraft carrier must have one The construction cycle, after the construction is completed, it will naturally be sent over.”

"It turns out to be so." Menzies accepted this explanation. After the war, the United Kingdom was indeed constantly looking for sellers to sell its aircraft carriers. This is not the first time the United Kingdom has done this. At the end of World War I, the United Kingdom was selling aircraft carriers. battleship.

Now, of course, Britain also wants to sell its battleships with huge maintenance costs, but the key is that no one buys them.

Now who doesn't know that the era of battleships is over, the role of battleships to Britain is limited to threatening colonies and coastal island countries, and it is even more useless to other countries.

Menzies promised to make this arms sale top secret, and it's worth it. Australia can sing against other countries, but definitely not to the United Kingdom and the United States, and the United Kingdom is Australia's largest investor.

In fact, since 1945, the United Kingdom has been the world's largest investor every year. It is true that the British government has no money. It does not mean that there are no beneficiaries of centuries of world dominance in the United Kingdom.

Pamela Mountbatten dug a large iron ore in Australia when she went to sea, and she became a huge wealth, and then it got out of hand. The Mountbatten Group, which rose like a comet, naturally attracted British capital to flock and enter Australia, this seemingly desolate wilderness.

And American capital ate such a big dividend from World War II, and the U.S. economy has been bullish after the war. Staying in the United States is the biggest gain. Naturally, there is no interest in going overseas. Now Eisenhower has started big infrastructure construction again. If this wave of dividends is not finished, the United States Capital will not go abroad in large numbers.

With the endorsement of Britain's actions after World War I, Menzies certainly believes that Britain will sell the aircraft carrier to India.

The first logical chain is established, and it is natural to fully believe it later.

Moreover, compared with India, the UK is going to sell the new aircraft carrier that is about to start construction, and this result is enough to satisfy him. Happiness is all about comparison.

As far as Menzies is concerned, this arms sale has been approved, but it has to go through parliamentary funding. Fortunately, Alan Wilson has come up with a solution to cover de facto arms sales in the name of Tejas-class aircraft carrier modifications.

"Dear Prime Minister, and the matter of the uranium mine, entrusted by the cabinet, and the relationship of his wife Pamela. Regarding the mining and ownership of the uranium mine." Alan Wilson said this and paused, waiting for Menzies The answer, he has not forgotten the purpose of coming to Australia in the first place.

"The government and Mountbatten Group signed an exploration contract before, which is of course valid. And the United Kingdom needs uranium to strengthen the power of the free world. Of course we will not object." Menzies reiterated that he would not set any uranium issues. Obstacles, especially for the UK, that the two sides could sign a contract right away.

Alan Wilson breathed a sigh of relief. As for arms sales, of course he knew that such arms sales were not made by Menzies alone, and Australia was not his own, so he calmed down and left the Prime Minister's residence to wait for good news.

He doesn't think it's a problem, Australians are the poor's version of the American mind, and the external threat is greater. In particular, the support of countries with the same language and species is needed. Today, the United Kingdom still retains Asian colonies, which is also the object that Australia wants to hold.

"It looks like a good talk." Pamela Mountbatten saw her husband's return and immediately asked how it was going.

"When it comes to the threat of bamboo curtains, Menzies's attitude loosens." Alan Wilson laughed, safety is the most important thing in Australia, especially when many minerals are discovered one after another.

"Bamboo curtain, China can't reach Australia at all." Princess Margaret joined the conversation and wanted to talk to her brother-in-law.

"The bamboo curtain in the eyes of Australians is not the country you mentioned, there is a closer one." Alan Wilson corrected, and then emphasized, "Also, it is best for us not to conflict with China. I don't want the Malayan colony. Unstable, Australians think blood is thicker than water, don't think the Chinese don't have a similar idea."

"Understood." Princess Margaret replied in a low voice, "For the stability of Malaya. You seem to be very afraid of China."

Alan Wilson answered this question from the side, "Our conflict with China is not as simple as it seems. Don't think that in the war a hundred years ago, the expeditionary force came to an armed parade."

According to British statistics, the expeditionary army fought against the Qing army more than a dozen times, and the entire war was won after 60 or 70 people died. Left East Asia almost unscathed.

But why did the British army in the Opium War, a non-destructive armed parade, always take the initiative to ask the Qing Dynasty to negotiate? They have all come to fight across the sea, and from one victory to another victory, how can they take the initiative to seek peace than the Qing Dynasty?

The British death statistics are indeed only 60 or 70 people, but the expeditionary force reported the loss of more than 2,000 people in the category of shipwrecks.

This is very spiritual. The British Expeditionary Force did not go deep into the inland at all. The combat location was either Guangzhou or Zhenhai. There was no small place. Could it be that the plague broke out in major cities in the Qing Dynasty at that time? Or do I have biochemical weapons per capita in Qing Dynasty?

Take the U.S. military as a comparison, the U.S. military has very strict standards for soldiers killed in action. First of all, soldiers who die in action must have identification, such as dead bodies, important items marked with their names, etc. This makes many US soldiers engraved with their names on helmets, military boots or rifles to avoid being treated as missing.

In addition, soldiers must be killed on the spot. If they die in a field hospital, they are considered accidental deaths or post-injury deaths. They are not related to death in battle, and naturally they will not receive full pensions.

In the U.S. military, only those killed in action will receive pensions distributed by the military, and the remaining deceased can only receive compensation provided by commercial insurance companies.

The U.S. Army's Lieutenant General Walker rolled over on the road and died when he was retreating. In the end, UU reading was not included in the list of U.S. troops killed in action, but was counted as "traffic accident deaths" alone. The son of U.S. general Van Vleet was shot down in the air battle and was eventually counted as missing.

There is no doubt that the British army won the Opium War, but the death of 60 people and more than 2,000 deaths? Did you go to the African rainforest?

But in front of Princess Margaret, Alan Wilson didn't question my brilliant achievements in Great Britain, and all of them died of illness. It may be that the Europeans who carried the virus and infected the Indians encountered an indescribable virus in East Asia.

After waiting for two days, the matter of the uranium mine first came to light. This was originally the purpose of his coming to Australia, for the UK to wait for the cheapest uranium mine, so that the UK could save the most cost when expanding its nuclear arsenal.

It's just that the uranium ore has not yet started to talk deeply, and the sale of the aircraft carrier has been extended, and he hastily returned to London. Pamela Mountbatten was in constant communication with the Australian government when he returned to London.

When Alan Wilson came back, he happened to represent the British government, together with the Mountbatten Group and the Australian government to settle the matter, and his original purpose of coming to Australia was achieved.

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