British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 845: Regional airliner

The latest website: Recovering from a short-term turnaround in London and Canberra, the original exploration contract has been consolidated, although there is not a word about uranium, a strategic material different from ordinary minerals.

The PTT aircraft carrier is destined not to be completed in a short period of time. For such a large-scale arms sale, even if it is operated in the dark, it cannot be done in a short time. Even if both parties are promoting it, there will be no one year Not even half a load.

Because this arms sale is a standard black-box operation and cannot be made public, neither the Foreign Secretary nor the permanent resignation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can come to Canberra.

It wasn't Edward Bridges, whose goal was too big, but Edward Bridges' deputy, Frank.

The specific amount of arms sales to the Australians is Frank's work, the second-in-command of the Treasury Department, and his wife Chris, who came to Australia in the name of a vacation.

When the couple arrived in Canberra, the car sent by Pamela Mountbatten went to the airport to meet them. Alan Wilson was holding up a copy of the Romance of the Former Han Dynasty, pretending that no one knew the East better than me, forcing Grameen.

However, this move was very speechless in Pamela Mountbatten's eyes. For her, the square word is similar to the book of heaven.

"You are in Canberra now, not in Kuala Lumpur." Pamela Mountbatten whispered complainingly, "What's there to see, is it?"

"History." Alan Wilson said without looking up, "It is the most powerful time in Chinese history, very interesting."

Dynasty fans have their own fans, but Alan Wilson has not found anyone who dares to bite the Han Dynasty. Without him, the Han Dynasty is really strong.

The Qing Dynasty had borders recognized by various countries, not counting. Other dynasties more or less opened their borders on the map. The Yuan and Ming Dynasties added hundreds of square kilometers with a stroke of the pen, and they didn’t even know it themselves.

The peak of the Tang Dynasty was brilliant, but it was always switching between beating others as dogs and being beaten into dogs by others. The peak frontier only lasted for a moment and was recorded in the history textbooks.

Are there any dynasties whose peak is not worse than the Tang Dynasty, and whose stability is not worse than that of the Ming and Qing Dynasties? In fact, the Han Dynasty means that the territory of the Han Dynasty did not go through the opening of the frontier.

The Han Dynasty is no worse than the peak Tang Dynasty militarily, and its ability to abuse vegetables is comparable to that of the Qing Dynasty, the king of vegetable abuse, combining strength and stability.

Putting it down, he was about to show his knowledge in front of his wife, but seeing Pamela Mountbatten's tendency to be unhappy, Alan Wilson resolutely gave up the immature idea, and it was more important to connect with feelings.

Before the Franks appeared, Pamela Mountbatten had just experienced the eloquence of an imperial commissioner.

"Oh, Frank, Chrissy, you are here." Alan Wilson got up with a smile and greeted his partner.

Pamela Mountbatten also greeted Frank's wife, and they became familiar with each other in a few words.

Alan Wilson and Prime Minister Menzies have previously expressed no desire to cooperate with each other in principle.

But in the case of arms sales, desire is not the problem, the problem has always been money. Alan Wilson is unable to come up with a logical and self-consistent written material to prove how much the new aircraft carrier program and the Tejas modification cost.

This matter only allows Treasury officials to give Australians a case for justifying the expense.

It's up to Frank to get funding for the replacement of the Royal Navy's new aircraft carrier from Australia.

"Since the completion of the two Queen-class ships, the Royal Navy has not launched a single warship. Although the stock is sufficient, the livelihood of the shipbuilding, the expectations of the Royal Navy? It is up to you, Frank."

The pressure was all on Frank, but Alan Wilson didn't have time to comfort his colleagues, but increased the pressure as soon as he opened his mouth.

Don't think that the military-industrial complex does not exist in the UK, at least for this time period, the UK does. The RAF program alone feeds more than a dozen airlines, including de Havilland.

The major shipyards are certainly no less involved than the airlines. The Labour government was scared by the Conservative Party after the latest general election. It also knows that economic development and welfare construction alone cannot solve all problems. At present, there are still many citizens in the UK who have imperial ambitions.

Once the construction of the new aircraft carrier is started, it may boost the support rate of the Labour Party. It's up to Frank to get enough funding to make the Labour government feel like it's ready to go.

Pamela Mountbatten has prepared a sumptuous dinner for the Franks' arrival, helping her husband strengthen the harmonious relationship between colleagues, which is flattering to the Franks.

The next phase of arms sales has been transferred from Alan Wilson to Frank.

Alan Wilson, who has not been back to Kuala Lumpur for a long time, is not in a hurry again, but is calculating how to shear wool.

At present, Malaya assumes the role of the original British India, or under the framework of the imperial preferential system, through the acquisition of technology and bulk goods, I have heard that the processing industry helps the United Kingdom stabilize the pound area.

This is not impossible, but it is not mature enough, although it is an advanced version of the most basic colonial exploitation. But it is still worrying after a long time, as the Malayan Commissioner, he wants to establish an efficient but invisible method of shaving wool.

Real estate is definitely not good, because he has set the development direction of the Malayan colony before. West Malaysia is a wolf pack model, and East Malaysia is a strong provincial capital model. West Malaysia has 80% of the Malayan colony population, but at least Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Malacca, and Singapore should all develop at the same time.

Even in West Malaysia, there is no population pressure, and the direction of the development of the wolf pack has been set, and the real estate will automatically cease to exist. The strong provincial capital of East Malaysia develops real estate like this, but East Malaysia has a small population.

It is not that the Malayan colony cannot extract wealth from real estate, but it is impossible to expect the real estate to support the colonial government. The development of the Malayan colony is still based on the processing industry for import and export, taking into account the route of agriculture.

There is also a need for careful consideration of the degree of wool smashing. Alan Wilson directly put the concept of GDP into the calculation. He is not familiar with this set of calculations, and it is easier to calculate.

GDP per capita and income per capita are not the same concept. GDP per capita is the gross domestic product of the individual. The fact that you have produced so much value does not mean that you can get so much. There are also deductions for various taxes and insurance, as well as the exploitation of bosses and companies, as well as the government's operating costs.

Generally speaking, the per capita income of later developed countries is 50% of per capita GDP. The latter is the received income. Some European and American countries are above 50%, but Eastern European countries are not.

Different countries have different proportions of their income in per capita GDP, which is the so-called water content of GDP. Therefore, in many countries that seem to have high incomes, after the Chinese go there, although they feel relatively wealthy, they do not feel the difference of three or four times on the books.

A typical example on the European side of later generations is Ireland, whose per capita GDP is $80,000. The United Kingdom is 40,000, but the per capita income of the United Kingdom is not much worse than that of Ireland.

For example, Vietnam and Thailand in later generations can get one-third of GDP per capita. There is also Mexico, which is catching up with Southeast Asia in this, and only 30%.

Mexico, with a per capita GDP of 10,000, has only 3,000 year-round, while the United States has a per capita income of 60,000 US dollars and an income of more than 50% of its per capita GDP. This is a tenfold difference.

The smaller the ratio of per capita income to per capita GDP, the greater the degree of exploitation. Alan Wilson remembers that China's per capita income ratio is 44 percent, which is not too low in a developing country.

If the manufacturing industry is developed, prices can be lowered. This is why Japan and South Korea are not as easy as some European and American countries, but their living standards are still prosperous.

After some calculations, Malaya's current ratio is 35%. In addition, Malaya's current industrial and agricultural output value is rising. Alan Wilson feels that the light of Asia's lighthouse has been initially lit.

There is always blood and sweat in the early stage of development, and no pie will fall from the sky. The bottom line in Alan Wilson's mind is to increase the ratio to 40% after ten years. Such a slow transfer of profits can ease Malaya's revolt.

As for the wool, on the basis of industrial transfer, we can only find a way from the education industry. He felt that there should be no problem. Oxbridge in the United Kingdom has such a great reputation in the world, and it would be foolish not to take advantage of it.

Pamela Mountbatten only saw her husband, holding a pen and making gestures like a and then showing a meaningful smile, hugging her daughter's heart and saying that when her daughter grows up, she will not be like this father.

Now that Malaya is exploiting Chengdu University, it can give Alan Wilson more financial space. Of course he is happy. As for Pamela Mountbatten, he doesn't understand, a woman, hum...

"Dad!" Pamela's milky voice finally brought the imperial commissioner back to his senses.

After taking over his daughter, Alan Wilson also sensed his wife's dissatisfaction. The daughter was here, so he couldn't argue with words, so he said, "There is a problem with de Havilland's company's products, in fact, I have thought a lot about your business. The problem."

"Really?" Pamela Mountbatten immediately became serious, she didn't dare not take her husband seriously. The current momentum of the Mountbatten Group is based on this man.

"The Comet airliner is getting bigger and bigger. With the advancement of technology, it is not suitable for all routes in terms of cost. Currently, in terms of product strength, de Havilland needs a regional airliner for the domestic aviation market. Not only do we need it, like many countries in Europe need it." Alan Wilson looked serious, and on this occasion, he was full of authority in front of his wife.

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