British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 846: Brazilian iron ore

The latest website: If Alan Wilson remembers correctly, the United Kingdom is also the first country to start in the field of regional airliners, about five years earlier than the Boeing regional airliner in the United States.

Of course, it is no surprise that the UK has once again produced a second-class product made with first-class technology. This regional airliner is well-known in China and is called the Trident airliner.

Compared with the marketing of thousands of Boeing regional airliners, the biggest market for the Trident is China, except for the UK itself. Total production is also only one-tenth that of Boeing. After the Comet airliner lost to Boeing, the United Kingdom lost again in the field of regional airliners.

And now, compared to the Boeing 707 that just came out, the Comet has sold 500 planes, establishing a huge advantage. Differentiated products can now be considered.

"Is there a market?" Pamela Mountbatten said cautiously, "I'm not suspecting anything, just asking casually."

"The distance between East Malaysia and West Malaysia is very wasteful to use the Comet airliner. It's just that I couldn't help it at the beginning. You have shares in De Havilland. Even if you help you, I will bite the bullet and help you increase sales." Alan Wilson His tone is rather helpless. He can't help the domestic products to gain a firm foothold with his own products in the UK. "Actually, the domestic routes in Australia are also suitable for regional airliners."

The market of regional airliners is definitely not as good as that of trunk airliners, but because of different positioning, the market demand is also there. After all, there are not many Chinas that use trunk airliners as regional airliners, resulting in a rare 5% ratio.

Regional airliners generally have a usage ratio of 20 to 30%, and this ratio cannot be ignored.

Unconsciously, a small book has appeared in Pamela Mountbatten's hands, and the couple still have similar habits. It's just that Pamela Mountbatten is used to record business affairs. Alan Wilson is used to recording, which actress is about to have her birthday, what she likes to eat, etc...

This time, Pamela Mountbatten felt compelled to record her husband's insights on the aviation segment. Implementation should be discussed with de Havilland.

"It's another good project to make the colonies pay." With Alan Wilson's words, Pamela Mountbatten became more serious.

"I wrote it down." Pamela Mountbatten asked after she wrote it down, "Be the first to develop the regional airliner market. Will it cause chaos in the company's business?"

"Competitors to the Comet have already appeared. We must develop the market, otherwise it is really difficult to deal with." Alan Wilson was worried and said to his wife, "Has one of the Comet entered American Airlines? No, Boeing is a mighty enemy."

He also wanted de Havilland to be on an equal footing with Boeing, but how could it be so simple?

Now the Comet airliners that Britain has stuffed into the major colonies have already filled the market. Together with the United Kingdom itself, together with France, Canada, Germany, India, the Netherlands, and Portugal, it only sold nearly 500.

Anyone who knows a little about the future international aviation market knows that Boeing has a considerable advantage over Airbus.

The fundamental reason is that there are nearly 9,000 passenger planes in the hands of major US airlines. China ranks second with 4,000 aircraft!

Russia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Germany all have 1,000 aircraft, while Air France has only 500 aircraft. That is to say, these countries, including the United Kingdom, are on a par with the size of American Airlines.

Now China's purchasing power is negligible. There is no Russia, only the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union will definitely leave the market for its own passenger aircraft.

Markets across Eastern Europe cannot be counted on. Even if Canada is balanced between the UK and the US, at least half of its market will be given up to the US, after all, the two countries are too close.

Australia can count on it. For the remaining countries, India has no more purchasing power than China. Japan is simply a private land reserved by the United States. It is simply overthinking that the British airliner squeezed out Boeing in Japan.

It is also an archipelago country, and the potential market is not small. Indonesia is also an enemy. Indonesia wants to annex the Malayan colony.

It is better to expect these countries to become rich and become the market for the Comet airliner.

After all the calculations, the Comet airliner counts the places where the UK still retains its influence, and the European markets cannot keep up with the size of a US market. De Havilland and Boeing can be evenly divided, which is considered extraordinary. played. A bad thing is Airbus's status as the second child in ten thousand years.

This will not change because the Comet has sold 500 aircraft and Boeing has not sold one.

De Havilland must face huge pressure from Boeing, so it can only open another track and take the lead in grabbing the regional airliner market dominated by Canada and Brazil in later generations. There may still be hope of victory.

After all, the United States has not been sensitive to regional airliners for a long time, but is in a wait-and-see state.

"In this way, Boeing will indeed compete with the Comet in a few years." After Pamela Mountbatten heard it, she also agreed with her husband's analysis, which was not as easy as it was at the beginning.

"Whoever buys the Comet, let me call NATO brain-dead." After Alan Wilson took out the Airbus order and signed it, French President Macron joked with his wife who was a little more serious.

At present, Mountbatten Group has covered a wide range of scope after integrating the four major families of Heung Kong. But the most valuable assets are still mines in Australia and oil extraction in Libya, the Middle East and the North Sea.

The cash flow also has the Commonwealth lottery business and offshore center business with Newfoundland as the core. Even if you look at the whole world, it is quite powerful. Although the military industry has only just been involved, it is believed that with the backing of huge capital, it will eventually gain a firm foothold in it.

However, the hidden dangers are not without. Minerals and oil need the protection of military forces, and the UK can still do it at present. But can it be done in the future?

Maybe we should take the initiative to divert disasters to the east, and this time period is just the right time.

So far, the U.S. has been a steel exporter, both steel and iron ore. The quality of iron ore in the United States is also not low. Although it is not as good as Australia, it is much closer to Europe than Australia.

Australia sends iron ore to Malaya for rough processing before being shipped to Europe. Even this cost is higher than iron ore in the United States. The reason why the United Kingdom has been eating in is because of the existence of the Imperial Preferential System, which has left a part of Australia's share.

Most of Australia's iron ore is made into steel for export through Malaya, such a model.

Once the United States ends its history of exporting steel, it becomes a country that imports iron ore. The value of Australian iron ore will be discovered, and Alan Wilson asked his wife to lower the potential reserves to prevent being targeted.

It is safe to wait until the British capital has formed enough influence to form a positive cycle. So far, it's still not enough.

A better source of raw materials than Australian iron ore is needed to attract the attention of the United States.

Such a raw material supplier also exists, that is, Brazil, which will compete with Australia in iron ore exports in the future.

Brazil's total reserves and quality are a little worse than Australia's, but basically belong to the same level. And now, there are also many mines in Brazil that have not been discovered, although Vale has been established for more than a decade.

The Carajas iron ore in Brazil will be the largest iron ore in Brazil in the future. The iron ore reserves in the entire region have reached 7.2 billion tons. The purity of the iron ore is also the world's top level. The iron ore has high grade and alumina content. With the characteristics of low content, few harmful impurities and good sintering performance, it is the best quality iron ore resource in the world, and it is the biggest reason for Brazil to become the world's iron ore exporter.

If the Carajas iron ore is first discovered by the Mountbatten Group exploration team, Mountbatten Group can carry out the opposite operation in Australia, which is to reduce the potential iron ore reserves in Australia, and exaggerate the potential reserves in Brazil.

At that time, it can attract the attention of Americans who regard America as their backyard, and if the quality is the same, the reserves are even greater. With the location of South America, it will definitely attract the peeps of American capital.

Compared with Brazil, Australia is still farther away from the United States. But the risks are also different. In the political environment of Brazil, there may be a military coup. If there is a military government, it will definitely not allow foreign capital to dominate.

Taking into account the potential political risks, Alan Wilson decided to show his wife a clear path to bring his talent for finding minerals to warm South America. Once the United States wants to make joint ventures or mergers and acquisitions, he will cash out at a high price.

Pamela Mountbatten did not question, in this regard, she has shown blind obedience to her husband. Since Alan Wilson analyzed the geological structure of Brazil and felt that there would be large iron ore deposits, it must exist.

With little persuasion, Pamela Mountbatten expressed her It was just a conditioned reflex question, "Paris wouldn't be as shameless as Argentina, would it?"

"In the magical continent of South America, anything can happen. But make a contract to see the reaction of the United States, and be ready to evacuate at any time. There should be no accident." Alan Wilson, of course, knows what Argentina's Peron did after he came to power. . The Peron government adopted an economic policy of economic independence and nationalization, and also formulated two five-year plans for the development of industry and agriculture.

Looks ok? But the money for independence and nationalization started on the basis of the confiscation of British and American capital.

What's more, after Peron came to power, because of the ownership of the Falkland Islands, he has been arguing with the United Kingdom.

In this case, Pamela Mountbatten has a good impression of South American countries.

In the end, her trust in her husband surpassed her hatred of the Peron government. Pamela Mountbatten called her assistant, Zakharova, and began to arrange exploration missions into the Americas.

"All Americans should elect me as president." Alan Wilson sighed in his heart, and he made another contribution to the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States.

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