British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 847: Sterling settlement and demarcation

Latest website: Having said that, after implementing two of the world's most failed five-year plans, Peron should be ousted soon.

It is not that there is no common language with the United Kingdom. Like Prime Minister Attlee, Juan Peron claimed to combine the advantages of capitalism and socialism, but he clearly combined the shortcomings of the two systems.

In fact, with Argentina's foundation, it is very good to be a rich country that does not care about the world. It is obviously too much to want to be a big country.

It must be admitted that the territory occupied by Spain during the colonial era was a wealthy area, with massive amounts of precious metals and excellent agricultural conditions, and the British colonies were simply a bitter and cold land. If the Indians also divided into nomadic farming, the British accounted for a lot of nomads. The territory, the Spanish Empire simply does not look down on it.

However, in North America, where conditions are not very good, there are coal and iron resources most needed by the Industrial Revolution. Can gold and silver in Latin America be made into steel? Latin America as a whole has only 0.4 percent of the world's coal mines.

Argentina cannot fight with the United Kingdom on such a basis. The dispute over the Falkland Islands has turned into a war. To a large extent, it was because the British did not take a strong attitude towards the Falkland Islands after letting the colonies become independent, and even proposed the idea of ​​jointly administering the Falkland Islands.

In Argentina's eyes, the United Kingdom has allowed so many colonies to become independent, and they will not fight because of a small island that can only raise sheep, and they are willing to jointly manage the islands. I believe that even if Argentina occupied the Falkland Islands, the United Kingdom would not go to war.

But it happened that Mrs Thatcher enjoyed the results of fishing law enforcement by the previous prime ministers, and also needed approval ratings, and the war broke out like this.

Alan Wilson is an honest man, and he hopes that Britain will continue to maintain its attitude of not resolutely defending the Falklands, and maybe Argentina will take risks. The United Kingdom always needs a stepping stone to maintain its status as a world power. The intertwining of interests in Eurasia is too dangerous. Argentina is really suitable.

Pamela Mountbatten has entered the working state again, busy with the formation of the South American exploration team, as well as the plan of the regional airliner.

The former only needs one sentence to ensure the treatment of the exploration team. The latter is more laborious, and Alan Wilson also gave his wife some advice, which is nothing more than differentiation and improvement of mature plans.

The United Kingdom is obviously a country with a conservative atmosphere, but it is always very bold in new technologies, and always makes some bells and whistles. In the end, it proves to be useless, and it is not safe to increase the cost.

It's not impossible to do this on weapons and equipment. The military can bite the bullet and adapt, and other countries don't know.

But if you do this in commodities, it is not a problem that you can overcome by yourself.

Compared with a busy wife, my sister-in-law has nothing to do. Apart from helping with the childcare, she always makes Alan Wilson work hard to set her bones on the grounds that she is physically exhausted.

Facing the unreasonable demands of important members of the royal family, the imperial commissioner dared not to speak out and could only obey, "Princess is getting more and more excessive, I am a state official."

Princess Margaret hummed, clamped her big hand, and protested in a low voice, "I don't know what you said, I've already taken care of my daughter for you." Then she offered her red lips.

After some battle of words, Alan Wilson relaxed and returned to his gentlemanly manner, thinking about when to cook the raw rice, and the relationship has evolved to today. Without further progress, I am sorry to God.

England's national motto was motivating him at this time, God is God, I have the right, and of course he has the right to do what he likes.

Frank is still discussing the price of arms sales with Australia. Arms sales are not used for general business. Everyone knows that arms business is profitable. Profits generally start at 50%, and 100% is not unusual. Far from the normal processing industry, earning that little hard money.

The arms market is also winner-takes-all. It is precisely because of the importance of arms sales that the Cabinet and Whitehall are so concerned, they have come up with their old skills of operating under the shadows. It can be seen how much attention is paid to this arms sale.

Otherwise, how could Alan Wilson have immediately summoned Comet 1 to go back to London as soon as he heard that Australia meant it? Even without mentioning the price, it is a huge gain to be able to leverage the replacement of the British aircraft carrier.

Even in the 21st century, the United Kingdom has long occupied the top three in arms sales. France, which does not seem to be weak, has made little achievements in arms sales most of the time, so once there is a big order, it will be extremely important.

Although Alan Wilson couldn't help, he also hoped that Frank could get things done.

If it wasn't for Her Royal Highness always coming to ease his mood, he would like to have Frank talk to him every day.

In fact, there is no need for him to urge him. Frank is also very clear about what kind of return he will get in the future after negotiating this significant arms sale. This may be a moment of dedication that he has never had since he worked for the empire, and it may not be in the future. It's time to be so hard.

His wife, who was busy with regional airliners and exploration in the Americas, brought a piece of news about the demarcation of the North Sea.

"We have negotiated the demarcation of the relevant countries in the North Sea. The demarcation is based on the principle of the center line." Pamela Mountbatten just sat down and explained the matter.

"That's not right, why don't you fight for a more favorable demarcation?" Alan Wilson was surprised when he heard it. On the premise that oil and gas in the North Sea has been discovered, the United Kingdom has not fought for it at all. This is not in line with common sense. After thinking about it, he asked back, " Is it under pressure from the Americans?"

He couldn't think of any other reason. If anyone in the world could exert diplomatic pressure on Britain, it was only the United States and the Soviet Union.

There is no reason for the Soviet Union to do this, and the United States may do it to maintain the so-called NATO unity.

"No. Although the specific situation is unknown, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that it is not a problem of the United States." Pamela Mountbatten explained, "However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs strived for a condition, that is, the oil revenue of the relevant countries in the North Sea must be paid in pounds sterling. Settlement. With this premise, the agreement in principle on the center line was reached.”

"It turns out to be the case, for the settlement of the share in sterling." Alan Wilson understood, "The Netherlands, Germany, and Norway have all agreed?"

Pamela Mountbatten nodded, and Alan Wilson figured it out. For the foreseeable future, North Sea oil will be the only reliable source of oil and gas in Europe. The UK certainly wants to take advantage of its strength, but if it takes a step back, the benefits of letting neighboring countries settle North Sea oil in sterling are huge.

The currencies of ordinary countries can only be circulated in their own countries, and the currencies of these countries themselves have little influence. At this time, in addition to the US dollar, the currencies of many countries are not internationally recognized.

There are actually only three currencies in European countries that can be circulated across borders, the British pound, the franc and the mark. North Sea oil is the safest oil source in Europe, and it's very close. If it is settled in British pounds, the value of the British pound will be greatly stabilized.

Under the background that the United States always wanted to dismantle the sterling area and replace it with the dollar after the war, North Sea oil, the most reliable source of oil recently, can supply traditional European powers such as France and Germany. The British pound could be bound to the value of the franc and the mark to a certain extent, which would be of great benefit to the UK.

Therefore, for the international settlement share of the pound, the UK opened up to the Netherlands and Norway, and exchanged the conditions for the settlement of North Sea oil in sterling with a fair demarcation.

If there is only one country in the world that knows the power of currency besides the United States, it is the United Kingdom. In the negotiation with the United States, in the face of the Breston Woods system, the United Kingdom once proposed to create the World Bank and issue a super-sovereign currency.

Keynes had a very good understanding of the international financial and monetary system. He designed a world bank in the middle of the future international monetary system. The World Bank managed by each participating country will issue a unified world currency.

Proposing such a plan, of course, has an attempt to defend the interests of the United Kingdom, because it has been seen that it is impossible for the United Kingdom to maintain the hegemony of the British pound, so it is proposed to create a unified currency preemptively.

At that time, the stock of sterling in the world far exceeded that of the US dollar. Once this plan was passed, according to the stock, the United Kingdom would take advantage of it. Naturally, the United States would oppose it and finally passed the Breston Woods system.

"The government's heart is broken for the pound." What can Alan Wilson say, if it is for this purpose, he can only do this.

"It seems that you also recognize the benefits." Pamela Mountbatten nodded, "Can we still bring the currency status back?"

"It's hard to but it's right to keep working hard for it." Alan Wilson does not dare to talk nonsense on this issue, this is no longer a problem that can be solved by personal choice, "but in Brace Under the Don Woods system, it is still able to compete with the dollar, and it is even more difficult to compete with other commodities.”

There is a lot of gold in the world. The United States wants to issue more money, and other countries can easily find it. If it is really converted into petrodollars, it will be even more difficult for other countries.

Therefore, it doesn't matter if the African colonies want to be independent and leave, and the British garrison in the Persian Gulf must not be withdrawn.

Pamela Mountbatten started micro-manipulation again. After the demarcation of the North Sea, the surrounding countries naturally began to explore the North Sea. She also has to fight for her own share. The overall exploration of the North Sea will always require equipment, right? Nothing comes for nothing, Mountbatten Oil Group can win together with neighboring countries.

The eldest lady was busy with her career, and her son-in-law began to take care of her daughter again. Using telegrams to communicate with other places became the adjustment of life.

It's not that there is nothing wrong. There is a faint call from Great Britain Treasure and the Little Dragoons, hoping that he will return to the Malayan colony as soon as possible and take up the responsibility of a man.

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