British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 849: Indonesia is a top priority

Latest website: It must be said that Sukarno is still very courageous and dares to target the so-called white old world.

Few countries would claim that, simply dividing the world into white and non-white worlds, the white world is overwhelming in every way, even in terms of population.

I wonder if Sukarno thought that the Soviet Union was also in the so-called white world when he said this.

It can fire such a big gun, but ordinary countries can't do it, but when I think about it, Indonesia has withdrawn from the United Nations. Alan Wilson would not say anything about such remarks.

"Commissioner, the reports from China and India are here again." Alyssa took out the positions of participating countries after the Bandung Conference.

There are only a few countries that can be called non-compatriots at the Bandung Conference. Although King Farouk I of Egypt invited Egyptian representatives to attend, he was obviously not a traveler. As for the other Philippines, Japan, Jordan, and Iraq, there are others supporter.

The attitude of these countries is definitely not inclined, that is, the Bandung Conference is regarded as a general international conference. The platform that promotes cooperation among countries really elevates the Bandung Conference, China, North Vietnam, India and Indonesia.

The matter of North Vietnam has nothing to do with the United Kingdom, and it doesn't matter how you express your position, but the positions of several other countries are very important.

China, India and Indonesia are not small countries, Indonesia is already the weakest among them, but it still makes Australia sleepless.

It's not just Australia that has trouble sleeping. The United Kingdom, which has come to occupy the Malayan colony, is not invisible to this potential threat. Who made Sukarno keep saying that he wants to build a greater Indonesia?

"These countries may pose a threat to us, and one is the Soviet Union itself, and the other two have this tendency." Richard also gave his own evaluation when his boss looked at the document.

"It is indeed possible." Alan Wilson said in his heart that it is not so simple, but considering the British position, he agreed with Richard's analysis, which is the official opinion of the Malayan colonial government.

For the long-term stability of British Malaya, it is better for Indonesia to stand on the side of the Soviet Union. The free world may suffer some losses, but the UK will do just fine.

If the Strait of Malacca is calm, what reason does Britain have to continue hoarding heavy troops here? It's easy to withdraw something like a colony, but it's difficult to get it back.

"The position of China and India is very official." Alan Wilson put down the document and said, "Not as temperamental as Sukarno."

"These two countries are not as arrogant as Indonesia." Alyssa said after hearing the words, "Maybe she didn't speak her mind."

"Hey, of course, I know a little bit about both countries, and there is a kind of wishful thinking among them that Europe has only briefly taken over the mainstream of the world after a round of industrial revolution, and their countries have never been They have been leading the world for hundreds of thousands of years for a long time.”

Alan Wilson had a certain look on his face. He had worked in British India. As for the history textbooks of later generations, he had read the content of how many years ahead of the same period in Europe.

"No." Richard didn't look like Alyssa, and he really didn't know much about similar ideas.

Alyssa smiled without saying a word, Alan Wilson explained, "This is true, India is more explicit. China's blockade is relatively strict, and most people may not understand it. They just don't know that a Chinese and an Indian have met. At that time, who is the one who led the ancient civilization. Fortunately, Europe has strangled the major powers in the world of peace religion, otherwise it would have been lively."

"I'm almost too poor to eat, so I think a lot." Richard smiled contemptuously, scoffing at this idea.

"A means to increase national cohesion is understandable." Alan Wilson is quite calm, and sooner or later will pass the stage of finding pride in history.

China in the 21st century has stopped mentioning the sprout of capitalism that has never been seen before, and many of the old-fashioned claims have begun to be revised in textbooks.

But India has obviously not passed this stage, and is still in the dream that Indian civilization is the source of mankind.

Another difference is that the Internet in China is closed, and it is not easy to spread nonsense. The remarks of Indian netizens can easily spread all over the world and become a source of happiness in the eyes of netizens from all over the world.

The network environment that is too open is not good either. Youguang Wuchang can make a name for itself in the Internet world, because the beautification of its own history and the same beautification of the history of other countries have collided.

"Increase national cohesion? I wonder if the Greeks would think that the mathematical knowledge of ancient Greece was successfully applied 2,000 years ago to cause an industrial revolution and then conquer the world." Alyssa also joined the discussion.

Hearing this kind of brain hole that can publish works at the starting point, Alan Wilson thought for a while and replied along this line of thought, "Greece is still smaller. The industrial revolution of the Roman Empire should be used to conquer the world. The disadvantage is that in this In the world, Britain should be the first to eat the iron fist of the Roman Empire."

The clap of hands ended the brainstorming discussion, which has nothing to do with the current interests of the United Kingdom. The discussion should also return to the main topic, Alan Wilson said with a gloomy face, "There is no result in Indonesia, even if I leave office, I will not be relieved."

Both Richard and Alyssa nodded, but the two subordinates who were worried that India and Indonesia would join the Communist Party did not know. What my immediate boss is worried about is that Indonesia must not vote for the Communist Party.

Relying on, different from the original historical time and space, when the Netherlands of this world evacuated from Indonesia, they took away Kalimantan and half of New Guinea, causing the area of ​​2 million square kilometers of Indonesia to shrink by half at once.

After an adjustment by the Governor of Kalimantan Island of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, the 740,000-square-kilometer Kalimantan Island has become one-third occupied by the United Kingdom and two-thirds by the Netherlands. The island of New Guinea is 780,000 square kilometers, and the Netherlands occupies 320,000 square kilometers.

Kalimantan Island before the adjustment, the Dutch territory has 550,000 square kilometers, and now it has become 500,000 square kilometers. Together with the 320,000 square kilometers of Netherlands New Guinea. Indonesia, which was originally 2 million square kilometers, has successfully slimmed down into a country of less than 1.2 million square kilometers.

For this reason, Sukarno hated the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom, who contributed to the process.

Alan Wilson understands Sukarno's anger very well. Whose country is divided into 40% of its territory will not be able to calm down. Don't forget that Indonesia's Greater Indonesiaism also includes British Malaya.

According to the Indonesian territory in the mouths of the great Indonesians, plus the Malayan colony, the territory of Indonesia should be 2.4 million. Now Indonesia is only half, and the remaining half is occupied by imperialists.

With this premise, it has evolved to today, and the Greater Indonesiaism must be higher than the original history. In Indonesia, which has lost half of its land, whoever does not take back the land that has been maliciously divided by imperialism is a traitor.

The original Sukarno hated European and American countries very much, and this world is even better.

Alan Wilson could actually have defended the strategy and pretended he couldn't see Jakarta's anger.

But think of the CIA at its peak during the Cold War, beheading nearly three million members of Indonesia?

This large-scale effort is really not reassuring. If the United States does this and stops Indonesia from joining the Communist Party, what reason does the United Kingdom have to stay in the Strait of Malacca, on the edge of this golden waterway? Didn't the imperial army come for nothing?

It's hard to pull up Malaya's economy, waiting for it to return to its peak. As a result, you have to get out of the way with such a large investment?

The existence of the British Malayan colony requires an enemy. This enemy must have a certain strength, but it cannot be too strong. Now there are 1.2 million square kilometers of land left, but it is located in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Portugal, Australia and the United Kingdom. Indonesia, which is blocked by the New Zealand military force, is very suitable.

No matter whether it is too strong or too weak, the Malayan colonial government has decided that Indonesia will be the enemy.

"The top priority of safeguarding the interests of the United Kingdom is to settle Indonesia, the enemy of the free world. It is not only good for us, but also for Australia." Alan Wilson said solemnly, "We need a spokesperson in the Indonesian Communist Party. Go through the top-level list of the Indonesian Communist Party and find out who we need."

"Let's try our best." Alyssa nodded after listening, "It may not be easy."

"The factions of millions of can't be all flawless." Alan Wilson knows that no matter what you look at, it's all communism. completely different.

Both Richard and Alyssa nodded, and Alan Wilson continued to remind, "It is in the interests of the United Kingdom, it must be kept secret from anyone, and there are no allies in this matter. We operate this matter independently."

The CIA instigated the Indonesian military, and of course Alan Wilson would do the same, but doubly prepared.

"Speaking of allies, the U.S. military advisory group has officially entered Saigon." Alyssa kept in touch with her immediate boss when Alan Wilson went to Sudan, "Bao Dai's family is ready to settle in Malaya, do you want to see the commissioner? See. And the new commander of the Far East Combined Operations Command, Lieutenant General Scones has arrived."

"I will, but don't worry too much right now." Alan Wilson said, "Alyssa, you pay attention to the affairs of the Indonesian Communist Party. Report to me separately once you have results."

Emperor Bao can increase the reactionary forces in Malaya, and the arrival of the new commander of the British Army in Malaysia is also a major event, but it is not as important as Indonesia, which is the foundation for the long-term stability of the Malayan colony.

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