British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 850: Bold iron rod

The latest website: Made some less important instructions, Alan Wilson stretched and ended this communication.

How this 500,000-square-kilometer colony will develop in the future, he is now taking a step by step to see. Not all ideas can be achieved in the end.

On this day, having recovered his mental state, he finally walked out of the Administrative Office, which had rested for two days. Let Radwich send himself to the designated place, stand in front of the familiar door, and ring the doorbell.

When the door opened, Vivien Leigh's surprised face appeared, and she immediately pulled the smiling man in. The door closed, and almost immediately, a man and a woman hugged each other and told each other.

"Did you forget me after running for such a long time?" Vivien Lei punched the man's chest with a rather sad tone.

"I don't dare." Dare to forget any woman who has had entanglements, Alan Wilson hugged the body of the national treasure and whispered, "Who dares to ignore the charm of the national treasure? I can't do it anyway, this is my hard work. motivation."

"I knew it was nice!" All the resentment in Vivien Leigh's heart disappeared without a trace at this moment, and then broke free from the man's arms, although it was a long time no see and misses, but the child is more important.

After a while, Vivien Leigh took her son out, "David, call Dad, Dad has just come back from a business trip."

The little guy is still relatively recognizable, and in his memory, there is no one called his father. Vivien Leigh spoke for a long time before greeting Alan Wilson timidly.

In the face of Vivien Leigh's apology, Alan Wilson was very open and laughed at himself, "I'm really not qualified, how can there be any father like me, and people don't know where to go for a long time from time to time."

"You are busy, the child will understand in the future." Vivien Leigh spoke to comfort, she did not want to listen to the man's reflection.

It's not for any other reason, even if it is introspection, it will not change. It is meaningless to listen to the man to kill himself.

In any case, the family of three together made Vivien Leigh very happy, and the whole person became sunny.

Naturally, Alan Wilson, who had been busy with trivial matters in the Administrative Office, had a serious talk with Vivien Leigh in the evening.

"Vivian, your body has strengthened a lot, but don't exercise too much. In the end, you can get eight-pack abs and let me handle myself." Feeling the smooth back of the national treasure, Alan Wilson did it with his own experience. Out of reviews.

"You said that necessary exercise can delay aging." Vivien Leigh has not recovered from the storm, like a comfortable kitten, curled up in the arms of a man.

Alan Wilson certainly makes sense, but some of the side effects of exercise are that it hardens a woman's lines. Although the impact on the face is not obvious, the change also exists, and the face becomes angular.

"I've got the benefits, and now I'm talking about this again." Vivien Leigh muttered very dissatisfiedly. She was very satisfied with her words just now, and now it's too hypocritical to say that work and rest should be combined.

If Ellen Wilson knew about Vivien Leigh's complaints, she would be dissatisfied. He has a ballet with ballet skills, and he is not against anyone in this regard. He is more talented than all women of the same status as his wives.

The Imperial Commissioner, who was thinking so, was caught unprepared and caught the handle. He bowed his head in confusion, and looked at each other, "Vivian?"

"Huh?" Vivien Leigh greeted Alan Wilson's gaze with a smile, shaking her head slightly, the meaning is self-evident, one time is not enough.

"Sometimes I think, I'm busier than the President of the United States." The next day, Alan Wilson, who was having breakfast with his wife and children, spoke earnestly about his personal experience.

"Really?" Time is such a wonderful thing, just one night, Great Britain Bao's face was radiant, and a smile appeared on his face from time to time, like a blooming rose.

"Yes. Maybe this is the price that a person who needs to benefit the society has to pay." Alan Wilson sighed, quite a bit of a dazed spirit. So many people need him, and he has a heavy burden on his shoulders. Responsibility.

The national treasure can still understand the little commissioner, like a virtuous wife to the door, waving and watching the man leave.

Now Kuala Lumpur is not only a national treasure, but also a spy lurking in our side, who is planning to capture another imperialist hostage.

As a result, Alan Wilson went to Singapore's Far East Combat Command, and he was making up for sleep all the way, until he saw the new garrison commander, and he was still in a state of poor spirit.

"Alan, I heard before I came here that the High Commissioner of Malaya is very busy, and it seems that it is really the case." Seeing Alan Wilson's tired face being led up by the staff, Lieutenant General Scoence took the initiative to say hello .

I'm obviously not as busy as my second brother! Although he thought so in his heart, Alan Wilson said, "It's all for the well-being of Great Britain. Even if the work is 10,000 kilometers away, I don't dare to be slack in the slightest. I learned that Lieutenant General Scones came to serve in the Far East. All the imperial civil servants in Malaya are very happy. Pamela also mentioned to me that she is very recognized for the ability of the general, and with you sitting in the Malayan colony, the security here will definitely not be a problem.”

"When I came, Admiral Mountbatten and Marshal Slim had already greeted him. The situation in the Far East is complicated. Only by cooperating with each other can we ensure the safety of this place." Lieutenant General Scons said very open-mindedly, "Of course, the threat of bamboo curtains is something that London is very concerned about. Allen has been working here for a long time, and there are some problems that need your help."

"Bamboo curtain threat?" Alan Wilson muttered with a smile, nodded and said, "Well, consider it a threat."

"Why, Alan doesn't think the threat is big enough." Lieutenant General Scones was surprised. He didn't know that when the former Lieutenant General Billton was there, the Malayan High Commissioner was like this.

"Unless they swim over, the route they want to come over from the land has been blocked by the United States." Alan Wilson looked relaxed, "Compared to the invisible threat, Jakarta, which keeps saying that the Malayan colony is part of Indonesia , is a more obvious threat."

If Alan Wilson was asked to objectively evaluate the Bamboo Curtain Offensive, it would have yielded little results.

The only achievement, Vietnam, finally ran away with the Soviet Union. In his eyes, the country to be wary of is the Soviet Union, and he must be wary of the United States. There is no third candidate at all.

Insufficient national strength means insufficient national strength. The result of daring to bite the bullet is that the Indonesian Communist Party will be wiped out. Even Indonesia, which has a huge foundation, can't move. What do you want to do to Malaya? Isn't that a joke?

When it comes to gnashing of teeth in Indonesia, and the United States that actually instigated the action, there is no such great hatred. The most fundamental reason is that Indonesia is easy to bully.

"General Mountbatten said you are a very humble person." Lieutenant General Scones asked incredulously, "It doesn't seem to be the case now."

"I won't exaggerate threats without a reason." Alan Wilson replied indifferently, "Official speech does not represent the fact of formulating policies. Sometimes we follow it. It is not reasonable to say it, but it follows the unified voice of the free world. That's all."

He felt that the threat from Indonesia was much greater. After all, it was so close that it was much easier to infiltrate Malaya than it was across the South China Sea. Even the hidden threat from the United States was even bigger.

"It seems that Whitehall has a different opinion." Lieutenant General Scones said with a smile, "Maybe I don't understand the situation."

"It is true that there are different opinions. We do not think that the entire Soviet camp is a very united camp, as Moscow said." Alan Wilson opened his mouth to explain, "The Prime Minister's judgment and Whitehall The judgment is the same, and then wait for the opportunity for the enemy to come together."

If you do the math, before Alan Wilson's second term, he should see the division of the enemy.

This discussion ends here. When Alan Wilson was in Sudan, he heard that the Indonesian warship was expelled by the Royal Navy. He was very dissatisfied with this. The distance between the Malayan colony and Indonesia is too close to give Jakarta a bad look. Look, there are so many warships in the Malayan colony, aren't they regarded as paper tigers?

It is a pity that he was in Africa at that time, and the Bandung Conference had just ended, so it was easy to attract attention when he took a tough attitude because of the influence. But he is back now and cannot tolerate Indonesia's overstepping.

It just so happens that the Far East Combat Command has also changed its I have to have a good talk with the new commander, "With the distance between the Malayan colony and Indonesia, there is not much time to react. Over the years, Jakarta has been infiltrating us. And the territory of the Netherlands, we must give a tough response. Dear General Scones, if something similar happens in June, I hope that the garrison will not expel but sink the Indonesian warships, giving Jakarta a great deal.”

Dong Dong... Lieutenant General Sconce tapped the table in front of him with his fingers, nodded and smiled, "I have no objection, but I have just taken office, and now I need to adapt to the affairs of the garrison. I will be ready to go in a few days. The barracks, and you will be informed of the combat readiness later."

"It seems that the defensive stance in the face of Indonesian infiltration has changed for a long time." Alan Wilson breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. "Actually, it is not difficult to contain Indonesia. With the strength of the Pacific Fleet, it is completely possible. Make it impossible for anything that floats in Indonesia to go to sea.”

Alan Wilson couldn't comprehend the prolonged defensive stance against Indonesia, but now that's about to change.

Together with Lieutenant General Sconce, who just took office, this time Alan Wilson returns to Kuala Lumpur, which will be a complete change in Indonesia's strategy. What should we do in the face of a country that unites the hearts of the people with nationalism? The resistance should be increased, and the iron rod should be thickened.

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