British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 851: Arms sale negotiated

The latest website: The exchange with the military commander this time is still very fruitful. The civil servants and the military can achieve harmony, which is very important to maintaining the stability of the colony.

Leaving the Singapore Command, Alan Wilson began his commissioner duties, inspecting a number of operating plants.

At present, the Malayan colony is undergoing primary industrialization. If he wants to inspect, he can queue from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.

However, the visit to the instant noodle factory still surprised Tian Qianqiu. He did not expect that the emperor of Malaya would come.

"It looks good, this kind of thing is easy to make. And it suits Asian tastes very well." Alan Wilson opened a pack of instant noodles and was quite satisfied with the plastic packaging above, "However, this packaging is more important than the food industry. , involving the chemical industry, you know?"

"Lord Zhongtang, today's achievements all depend on the support of the government." Tian Qianqiu immediately said reliable words after listening.

"Don't be too modest. At present, within Asia, the UK can only rely on you. And it's a win-win. You succeed, investing in your Newfoundland Foundation, and local capital will also benefit. But yours The potential opponent, Japan, is not easy to deal with. Although I have thought of a lot of ways, I don’t know how many favorable conditions can be obtained.”

Alan Wilson said this, and took out the dough to crunch and chew, and it tasted good. But having said that, instant noodles are such a thing, where can they go?

Tian Qianqiu, of course, has heard of it. Alan Wilson hopes that the big comprador of the confluence of British Malaya and British capital can take advantage of the characteristics of Chinese people in Southeast Asian countries to form a siphon effect. In that case, the market that radiates to Southeast Asia will not be too small for the UK.

Retain the core and dump the surrounding markets under the guise of free trade through industrial advantages. It is not necessarily that the harvest is smaller than that of direct colonization, but there is a premise that the Malayan colony must be retained.

The population of more than 200 million is a market, which is enough for the British Malayan colony, and there is no need to have an additional burden like British India, so the Asian lighthouse signboard of the Malayan colony must be erected.

"Japan?" Tian Qianqiu frowned when he heard the name of this country. He was an immigrant from Malaya after the war. Except for living here, all his thoughts were Chinese.

"Don't make a fuss, both China and Japan have signed a trade agreement. It was signed in Hong Kong last year. Of course it's your right to hate Japan, but now it's a peaceful era, and war tactics can't be used. You can still think of ways to compete in business." Ron Wilson swallowed the chewed instant noodles, but still did not show the slightest optimism. "The enemy is very strong, and the British capital will support you, but you have to work harder. Japan is also supported by the United States."

In the field of diligence, the Chinese are naturally no problem, but it does not mean that the Japanese social animals are low.

For a long time after the war, the Japanese worked more than 2,400 hours a year. In the 21st century, Japan has become a developed country for a long time, and Japan still has 1,700 hours of work.

In the 21st century, in China, where the slogan of 996 has spread throughout the country, the working hours are 2,200 hours. In South Korea at the same time, the working hours were still around 2,110 hours.

At least in the 21st century, China, which is known for its hard work, does not work as long as in post-war Japan. A simple comparison is that in post-war Japan, the working hours were greater than that of China in 1996, and China in 1996 was larger than that of South Korea.

This is why, when Japan first started investing in an open China, it felt that Chinese workers were lazy. The number of hours worked in Japan has dropped dramatically after 2,000 years, and that's another issue.

After all, the population of the Malayan colony is not very large. Considering that ethnic balance is a problem, there is also a problem that Alan Wilson has no place to introduce Chinese in a short time.

Japan has a population of nearly 90 million. Even if he turned the Malay-Chinese jobs into a zero-zero-seven system, the effect was not great.

Fortunately, Japan's natural conditions are not as good as the Malayan colonies, and the Malayan colonies are still superior in terms of external conditions.

The problem is very simple, if Malaya's food self-sufficiency rate is 200% without importing, Japan is only 50%. Does the 50% gap in Japan need labor to replace?

Is Japan just short of food? Steel-making nations have no iron ore, and automobile nations have no oil. The latter is available in Malaya, the former can find a way through the imperial preferential system, and Australia's iron ore is its own.

Japan is a country that lacks a lot of places, and labor is needed in all aspects. In other words, it is not enough to be diligent.

The vast land and abundant resources can indeed create a buffer zone out of thin air. Before the First World War, the United States and Germany surpassed the United Kingdom in the industrial field, but the two countries were obviously not as comfortable as the British.

The fundamental reason is that the United Kingdom has a huge colony to cover the bottom line, so that the United Kingdom is still living a life far inferior to its own in the face of two countries whose industries have surpassed itself.

Alan Wilson still encouraged Tian Da's comprador, and the United States could open up its market to help Japan. What he can do is not only to open up the market, but also to help the Malayan colonies find cheap resources within the imperial preferential system.

The hope was that the industrialized Malayan colony would help stabilize the sterling area.

On October 1, 1955, everyone was beaming with joy, and countless people poured into the streets, chanting long live the motherland. Huge banners and surging crowds became a sea of ​​joy, and the streets were lit up to celebrate the special day.

This scene on the streets of Jakarta appeared on the office desk of the administrative office a day later. Alyssa looked at the boss in front of her, her eyes wandering between the photos on the table and the boss's face, "Commissioner..."

"You forgot, I understand Chinese characters." Alan Wilson sighed inwardly looking at the background of Long Live the Motherland in the photo. It is hard to imagine this kind of relationship between Indonesia and China in this era.

When I think about the views of Indonesia on the Internet in later generations, it feels like a time and space disorder. The later generations' view of Indonesia is about to eat its flesh and bones, and the change started at the peak of the Cold War by the CIA.

Of course he knew where the roots lied in the land under his feet, the British colony of Malaya.

In the hearts of Sukarno and Indonesians, they have always firmly believed that the best destination for the British colony should be to merge into Indonesia and return to the great Majapahit Empire, and now the Malayan colony is obviously under colonialism. The continuation of the remnants in Southeast Asia.

Indonesia is the largest country in Southeast Asia. In this era, Sukarno seems to be the mentor and standard-bearer of the Asian-African national independence movement. The existence of the Malayan colony is trampling on Indonesia and Sukarno himself. It is no wonder that the response of Indonesians will be different. Unexpectedly strong.

"It seems that Sukarno is more inclined towards the Eastern Group?" Alyssa said tentatively when she saw that her boss was silent.

"The price of bringing Indonesia back to the free world is that we leave and give the Malayan colony to Sukarno. Would you like to?"

Alan Wilson returned to his indifferent expression again, and said sullenly, "I would rather Indonesia follow the Soviet Union than give up this colony. Why do these independent so-called national leaders take it for granted that they can inherit their suzerainty. All the land? And go find the Dutch."

"It may be that the living standard of the Malayan colony has been known to Indonesia." Alyssa pondered for a while, "From this point of view, they certainly hope to accept a wealthy area."

"Indonesians may be dreaming." Alan Wilson smiled coldly and thought for a moment. "We must find out what the United States thinks, and let MI6 in London communicate with the United States to know what the United States thinks about Indonesia."

Alyssa nodded and walked out of the office, while Alan Wilson was thinking about a favorable time point. It is best to settle the Indonesian affairs during his term of office, and no later than the official outbreak of the Vietnam War. This time period is the most favorable.

Once the U.S. military formally intervenes in the Vietnam War, watching Sukarno, who is suspected of committing to the Communist Party, is in Indonesia, he will definitely be unable to bear the idea of ​​launching a military coup. As for now, it should not be decided yet.

In other words, the best time must be before 1960, once the official confrontation between North and South Vietnam begins. The United States is at a time when a coup may be possible at any time. It does not necessarily have to wait until 1965 in the original history. The Beibu Gulf incident was 1964. It was just that 1965 happened to give the United States an opportunity to intervene. .

At this time there are only more than 400 military advisers of the US military in South Vietnam. At present, the United States is still full of confidence and believes that South Vietnam can withstand the expansion of pro-Soviet forces with the help of the experience of armed training of the South Korean army.

Lieutenant General Scones, who took office during this time, has already become familiar with the work of the British Army stationed in Malaysia and began to shoulder the responsibilities of military commander. Alan Wilson was informed by telegram that there was a military parade and whether he would attend.

Alan Wilson asked the time, and then said that of course he was willing to join, and he also hoped to invite the sultans of the Malayan colony to participate, and also added Emperor Bao to the list of participants.

Here in the Malayan colony, a big coalition of reactionary forces is being prepared. A telegram from Canberra has attracted Alan Wilson's attention. This arms sale has been negotiated.

Frank stopped in Kuala Lumpur for a day on his way back home, and the two talked specifically about this matter, "The total cost of refitting the new aircraft carrier and Tejas class aircraft carrier is 93 million pounds. I believe this will satisfy the Cabinet and the Admiralty. ."

"It's great, the Australian government is really rich." Alan Wilson couldn't help but sigh, but the fundamental reason for the money is that the Australian iron ore contributed many years in advance.

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