British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 852: One more hardship, one more hardship, France

Latest website: Having a brother country like Australia really solves a big problem in the UK. From this point of view, finding Australia's iron ore in advance has made Australia's finances more abundant, and at this time helped the United Kingdom.

"In the field of security, Australia is really willing." Frank couldn't help but sigh, he didn't expect it to go so smoothly.

"In the field of security, you can always trust Australia, and you can even count on Australians to help you fight a nuclear war." Alan Wilson laughed and gave what he thought was the highest evaluation.

"Is this an exaggeration?" Frank smiled wryly, how could there be such a country?

"It's not an exaggeration at all." Alan Wilson shook his head with a smile, "This is the real thought in my heart."

Eight million people mobilized 950,000 troops, which is only ten years ago. Alan Wilson has not forgotten so quickly. With this history as a reference, what is the cost and what is the economic benefit for Australia's security It's all little things.

The United Kingdom and the United States are willing to let Australia make knives, and Australia itself is willing to make knives. With such tools, it can be said that they are not afraid of nuclear war. If Australia is really leveled, Alan Wilson does not care, as long as they die with the enemy. That's the value of Australia.

In any case, this result is still very satisfactory, and the Labour government is indeed stingy with its military investment. Now with this single arms sale as the basis, the construction of new aircraft carriers should not be a problem.

"It is better to invest in the military sooner rather than later. The later the investment is, the greater the investment." Alan Wilson and colleagues said, "Our prime minister is a little unclear on this point."

When China's economy was not particularly strong, it forcibly promoted high-speed railways, which was also questioned at the beginning.

But what if you wait ten years at night to have money and build it? That cost is not enough? Might as well implement it while the cost is low.

Frank almost laughed out loud and reminded, "I know the relationship between General Mountbatten and you, but this kind of complaining about the party should be avoided. Although we are not a system, it is also a trouble."

"Frank, you misunderstood. This is just a small problem. If you think about it, you can overcome it." Alan Wilson corrected Frank's conjecture. He is very supportive of the Labour government.

It's just a small problem to pick up and down. With the British military stock here, it is difficult to maintain the current scale.

Unwilling to invest in new weapons and equipment is also understandable. Better than the Conservative Party performing high-altitude diving, right?

"Actually, our problems still exist. For example, the resentment class has little potential for modification. If it is sold, it will be an aircraft carrier with more than 30,000 tons. It is not cost-effective to sell less, and it may also arm unfriendly countries." Allen Wilson's reference to the current inventory of the Royal Navy is also a mess.

There are not many countries in the world that are rich and willing to pay for it, such as Australia. If Canada is willing to accept it, I can't help but ask Frank if he has heard similar news.

During World War II, in addition to the United Kingdom, the United States and the Soviet Union, Canada was the fourth largest in the world, both in terms of military strength and economic strength, and served five aircraft carriers at the same time.

If you compare the navy alone, Canada was the third largest in the world during World War II. Now Canada still has two aircraft carriers in service. Needless to say, it was naturally built by the United Kingdom during the war.

"Canada doesn't have much hope. Now Canada doesn't have this demand. I don't know if Argentina is interested." Frank also knew that the Admiralty and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were selling aircraft carriers everywhere.

"Argentina? It's not impossible!" Alan Wilson thought, in fact, selling to Argentina is not a big problem. The main combat power of an aircraft carrier lies in carrier-based aircraft. What is the use of an aircraft carrier without carrier-based aircraft?

It just so happened that the hangar of the Qiu-class aircraft carrier was specially strengthened, which made it very difficult to refit. In his opinion, the two Vengeance-class aircraft carriers should be sold to countries like Argentina or India.

"It's better to ask Canada. After all, the Resentment class is a 30,000-ton aircraft carrier, which is much larger than what Canada is using now." Alan Wilson still said that he must fight for it, and it is best not to sell the Resentment class to India.

He knows the country of India too well. He really sold his grudges to India, and he will only want bigger things in the future.

There are really not many candidate countries. Mexico has a very good economy in this era, and it is still competing with Spain for the top spot in the Spanish-speaking world. There is this impulse buy. But Mexico is America's neighbor. If the United Kingdom sells its aircraft carrier, the United States will definitely not want its neighbors to grow in military power.

The same is not true for Spain. You must know that Spain and the United Kingdom have a dispute over Gibraltar. Strengthening the navy of such a country will not pass the cabinet level.

When the UK sells an aircraft carrier, it can only choose countries that have no disputes, and it also has to worry about the idea of ​​​​the United States.

"There is another country, you didn't think of it." Frank suddenly said, "France, now France is at war in Algeria, and ensuring the smooth flow of the Mediterranean is a top priority. The Royal Navy's Mediterranean Fleet cannot always help the French for free and block others. The state secretly supports the Algerian route, and the most important thing is that they do it themselves.”

Alan Wilson clapped his hands and said angrily, "That's right, Frank, but are you sure about this?"

"The key is for the Admiralty to have this idea. France's needs exist objectively. I heard that France has already started to build its own aircraft carrier, but the construction cycle also takes time. What about the French requirements now? ," Frank said, changing the subject. "However, in order to maintain the unity of Britain and France in this matter, General Mountbatten needs to do the work. If there is no problem in the communication between the navies of the two countries, the transaction can be facilitated."

France now has five aircraft carriers in its hands, the representative of which is the Beyon aircraft carrier, built in 1927. About the same age as Alan Wilson, but younger than the battleships in the Malayan naval port. Among the remaining aircraft carriers, the most combat-effective is the Giant-class leased from the United Kingdom, and the rest are almost unusable.

Alan Wilson got up, took out a bottle of whiskey and poured it for Frank, celebrating the consensus on the bitter French, and he touched a glass and said, "Actually, most of the Royal Navy's aircraft carriers have no other way out than dismantling. The grudge class is indeed suitable for the French. If we keep it, we will spend too much. It is not suitable to sell it to countries such as Argentina and India. Those countries are not too suitable to buy a giant class. "

The most important thing, Alan Wilson did not say that his wife Pamela Mountbatten's oil share in North Africa is related to the interests of the French, not to mention other, how close is Libya to Algeria?

"I didn't say anything." Frank smiled and shied his responsibility, "Just kidding."

"No, it's not. France is worthy of a 30,000-ton aircraft carrier. And Frank, don't be too modest, you can definitely help, you're in the Treasury." Alan Wilson said understandingly, he had already decided Now, I'm going to call my wife for this and see if I can help.

This is a matter for the Royal Navy. As the daughter of the First Sea Lord, shouldn't you be more concerned about it?

Frank took a sip of his whiskey and shook his head with a wry smile, "What I call helping is just to settle an account for the cabinet, and it's more profitable to sell it to the French. But in fact, to facilitate this deal, it takes someone in France Only people with connections, sorry, I'm not talking about your wife."

"I don't think so either." Alan Wilson evaded unknowingly, then poured another glass to his trusted colleague.

After two days in Kuala Lumpur, Frank declined Alan Wilson's invitation to a reactionary rally and took his wife on a flight back to London.

This time, the location chosen is Penang, the earliest British colonial stronghold in Southeast Asia. Although Singapore is the location of the Far East Combat Command, it is too remote, and the location of Penang is much more friendly to the major sultans.

Of course, among the people invited were Alan Wilson's old friend Ali Khan, and his new friend Bao the Great.

At this time, Frank, who had returned to London, with the help of Edward Bridges, made a clear report to the cabinet.

"It shouldn't be a problem, sir." Frank was still a little nervous. The opportunity had appeared, but he began to worry about gains and losses.

"What's the problem with that?" Edward Bridges asked curiously. "Do you think the cabinet will see it? In fact, most cabinet ministers only do true and false questions. It's good to know right and wrong."

"I hope This time the arms sale is very important." Frank, who wanted to go further, did not hide his progress.

Edward Bridges, who has seen this too much progress, explained, "They were selected by the party organization in their constituency, that is to say, by thirty-five men in dirty raincoats. chosen by men and thirty-five women in ridiculous hats. The subsequent "selection" process was equally absurd: with only 630 MPs in all, a party of more than 300 MPs formed the government ——Among the 300 people, 100 people are too old and too stupid to be ministers, and the other 100 people are too old to become ministers, so the remaining 100 members of parliament fill up 100 government positions. There really is no choice."

"Of course the Labour Party has been re-elected in the Three Realms and has accumulated a lot of skilled political officials, but in the face of huge benefits and no loss of arms sales, it will not pick faults."

With the words of Edward Bridges, Frank was much more confident and left the Treasury for the Cabinet.

Things were also in line with what Edward Bridges had expected, and it was passed very smoothly. Soon the cabinet's resolution was circulated on a small scale, and the decision on the construction of the new aircraft carrier was passed.

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