British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 853: No matter how poor you can't have poor education

Latest website: It is true that the vast majority of arms sales projects cannot be paid in one go, and this time is not the case. Otherwise, Australia would not be able to take more than 90 million pounds without knowing it in the existing system. come out.

However, the results of the three-year installment payment are enough to satisfy the cabinet. Many Ministry of Defense submitted to the cabinet for so-called urgent projects of 100,000, and the funding required is only 60 to 70 million pounds. Take the strategic bomber project that the Air Force strives to strive for. The figure requested for funding is £83 million. The Comet was sold for only £275,000.

Thanks to Australia's help, the new aircraft carrier of the Royal Navy has been on track. General Mountbatten enjoyed a drink that night, and was happy for the smooth landing of the project.

Of course, it is impossible for an aircraft carrier not to consider carrier-based aircraft, but as long as the project progresses smoothly, is there a platform for fear of not having a carrier-based aircraft?

General Mountbatten, who was in a good mood, also sent a telegram to share his joy at this time with his son-in-law. He knew that the victory of the Admiralty was due to Alan Wilson.

Alan Wilson, who got the telegram, has a deep reputation. A few hours ago, he was at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport, welcoming the supreme Queen of Sarawak, arriving in the faithful Malayan colony, and oh, and the important royal family of the British Empire. Member HRH Princess Margaret.

"The project of the new aircraft carrier is going smoothly because of the relationship with Australia. However, the problem of the Royal Navy is still very big. There are too many warships in stock, and the cost of keeping all of them is too high. Most of the aircraft carriers have little potential for reconstruction, and the post-war cabinet is always on the go. Just thinking about finding a seller for these ships that are destined to be dismantled."

Pamela Mountbatten smiled like a little fox. After listening, "So? What do you think is the scope of elimination?"

"Including but not limited to all aircraft carriers below the Hatred-class aircraft carrier." Alan Wilson replied without thinking, "Don't expect the Malayan colony to share the burden, and the increased fleet size will affect the Malayan colony itself. Finances, I'm not ready to scratch here and run."

"I understand!" Pamela Mountbatten nodded, in the special period of poor urinating pants in post-war Britain. She bought the Sarawak Brooke Dynasty's succession by buying it, and the money spent is a huge sum of money now, but after all, she got the throne of a place, and after the communication between the colonial government and the Dutch Kalimantan, it was actually Purchased, adjusted and expanded the land.

Now even if her husband wanted to shave once in the colony and leave, she would not agree, but Pamela Mountbatten knew that since her husband mentioned it, he must have an idea, and straight to the point, "Is there any place for me to come forward?"

"I talked to Frank about the stock of the Royal Navy and the obstacles to normal change." Alan Wilson was not polite to his wife who was sleeping with him. He listed several candidate countries and then said, "Frank judges that among the countries in need, the strength The strongest is France, and the Vengeance-class aircraft carrier should be sold to France. Currently, France is using troops against Algeria. The Mediterranean fleet cannot help the French blockade for a long time, and they still have to do it themselves.”

"You want to facilitate this deal, let France make a purchase request, and then let my father help pass it at the Admiralty." Pamela Mountbatten was no longer a little girl in New Delhi, and immediately understood her husband's intentions.

Alan Wilson narrowed his eyes and said with a half-smile, "For the special friendship between Britain and France to maintain order..."

"Also for the oil interests in North Africa." Pamela Mountbatten's eyes flashed, Shi Shiran said, "Well, I will discuss with my French friends that the Mediterranean Fleet is my father's old subordinate after all, passing through the Mediterranean Sea. Is it very reasonable for the fleet to propose blockade operations to increase spending?"

"Algeria is, after all, a French colony. It's so reasonable, how can anyone help in vain." Alan Wilson strongly agreed, and continued to follow this line of thought, "Let the French themselves use the navy to block outside aid to the resistance forces, oh my god. Now, the strength of the French Mediterranean Fleet doesn't seem to be enough."

"Then it's natural for the French to make a purchase after discovering this problem."

"And the Admiralty thinks there is no problem. Even if it is not for the special friendship between Britain and France, it will not refuse for the sake of money."

"With the completion of the arms sale, the French Navy will usher in two more Vengeful-class aircraft carriers than the current aircraft carrier to enhance its strength."

The two of you said one sentence to another, and outlined a very logical and self-consistent process, and the whole thing should evolve like this.

Of course, France needs aircraft carriers, especially now that it is no secret that the first aircraft carrier has been built after the war. At present, France is in great need of aircraft carriers to safeguard the interests of the vast colonies.

"Find me such a task again, making my wife so busy that she has no time to have children." Pamela Mountbatten sat directly on her husband's lap, hooking one hand around the man's neck, He asked with a smile, "What's the matter?"

"Oh, my queen, I didn't mean that." Alan Wilson bowed his head along his wife's arm. "Actually, as long as things turn out well, it doesn't matter when you arrive in loyal Paris."

However, before arriving in Paris, I attended the collective meeting of the colonial reactionary forces.

Take a look at the list of invited people in Penang, colonists, feudal monarchs, big compradors, public opinion mouthpieces and people of all kinds.

They are all elements that should be hanged. Of course, from the standpoint of Malaya, everyone is a patriot who resists Indonesia's unrealistic ambitions.

Since Alan Wilson's second term, the propaganda surrounding me, the Great Malaya Asian Lighthouse, has been carried out. It is useless for a day or two, and a year or two has little effect. Effective.

In recent days, Alan Wilson and the distinguished guests who came to Penang have been chatting and laughing, talking about the Jakarta regime and Sukarno.

Including the major sultans of Ali Khan, Alan Wilson repeated the security assurance that the British recognized the monarchical powers of all sultans.

And is willing to devote energy to promote the strength of the Commonwealth to help Malaya develop. But if some anti-British elements who can't see the situation clearly want to let the UK leave, they will be regarded as agents of Indonesia's infiltrating power.

Pamela Mountbatten then replaced her husband, and her position was more in line with that of a feudal monarch, suitable for appeasement work.

Alan Wilson is in contact with various political forces, such as Umno for the Malays, the MCA for the Chinese, and the Congress Party for the Indians. There is nothing to talk about without causing trouble. The triangle is stable, and the number of Malays is not dominant. , Under the mutual jealousy, the imperial commissioner is still more worry-free.

"Mr. Lin, I heard that you just came back from Xiangjiang? Your heart has gone to the motherland?" Alan Wilson took the wine glass and greeted Lin Lianyu who came in with a smile. As the imperial commissioner, this is his duty. .

"Lord Zhongtang, I went to Xiangjiang, but not the mainland." Lin Lianyu immediately said the truth, "We just talked about some educational issues, nothing else."

"Of course, isn't Xiangjiang that role? The Sino-Japanese trade agreement signed last year was also signed there. The total amount of the agreement is 30 million pounds." Alan Wilson took the initiative to pour a cup for Lin Lianyu, and said without changing his smile, "I don't know how the communication in education is. The education here also needs Mr. Lin's help. After all, I am not a Chinese. Although I have a certain degree of confidence, don't try to fool me with small gestures."

"I have exchanged some teaching materials, and I can submit these teaching materials to the government for inspection." Lin Lianyu assured immediately.

"Show me first, don't you mind?" Alan Wilson was very interested, showing ignorant but almost stupid courage. It is estimated that the part involving learning from the Soviet Union will never be friendly.

Densely packed with formulas and letters, there is nothing in our free world, and the enlarged font illustrations account for half of the humanity.

Maybe I don't understand it, but it's good to have a general understanding. In contrast, using the education industry to cut leeks also knows a lot.

Alan Wilson, an expert in Orientalism, must be able to stand up, otherwise how can he be the leader of the British civil service in the future?

In the next few days, he compared the content and price of British textbooks and Chinese textbooks to determine the appropriate price for the book fee in the future. Also, from the perspective of quality education, Soviet-style textbooks are very unfriendly to children. Knowledge Too many children can't absorb it all, which is to be avoided.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that there are indeed people who are hungry for knowledge, so they can go to private schools to study. The strength of private schools is the political correctness of the free world, which is nothing to say.

Lin Lianyu, who has been following Lord Zhongtang for a few days, will definitely not have this idea like the chief executive of Malaya.

"Oh!" Alan Wilson took the initiative to ask, holding the 1955 historical illustration, "Who painted this?"

"Mr. Gu Lin Lianyu asked, "Master Zhongtang, what is your opinion? "

"It's nothing." Alan Wilson looked through the illustrations of the territories of various dynasties and found it very interesting. The territory map is generally slightly smaller, especially in the Yuan and Ming dynasties, it is no longer a bit, all of them are cut in half.

However, the sphere of influence of the Tang Dynasty is drawn very large, some of which are like the enhanced version of the Tang Dynasty in the eyes of the Japanese in the first Tang Dynasty. Even the Tubo is gone, and the Tang characters are erased, and some people believe that it is the territory of the Mongolian Empire.

"It's not much different from our textbook. I'll keep it as a souvenir. Maybe I can give it to a friend as a gift in the future." Alan Wilson put away this commemorative book and asked Lin Lianyu if it was okay.

"Of course it's okay for Lord Zhongtang to like it." Lin Lianyu said immediately, he didn't know if this could be a gift?

Of course, Ellen Wilson knows the first secretary of the Moscow Municipal Party Committee Fortseva, and I will give it to her if I have the opportunity.

It is better to wait until the Yuan Dynasty swallowed Siberia and when the Ming Dynasty arrived in Kamchatka, it would be more appropriate to send two copies as a comparison.

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