British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 854: meeting of rulers

Things that help divide the enemy camp, from Alan Wilson's current perspective, should definitely not be avoided.

"Lord Zhongtang, I can actually see that compared to many people, you still respect other cultures." Lin Lianyu hesitated for a while and said frankly, "I don't know if my feeling is right or not, but this is my truth. idea."

Alan Wilson's face flashed strangely, and then he smiled, "You mean I'm not bad with your culture? Well, this issue is not complicated, it's because we have different perspectives."

"Huh?" Lin Lianyu didn't quite understand, and asked in an attitude of asking, "What does Lord Zhongtang mean?"

"In other words, China has been backward in modern times and has been in a position of passive beating. What do you think?" Alan Wilson took out a cigarette, lit it, and found a place to sit directly, "What's the reason?"

"Since modern times? The Qing government is corrupt and incompetent." Lin Lianyu said while thinking, "It's also related to foreign governments."

"Mr. Lin, I don't want you to spread this kind of thinking, because the queen of our country is actually a German nobleman. Before the German nobleman, the British royal family was a French nobleman for a long time." Alan Wilson reminded, if he just said this, He could pretend he didn't hear it, but if he meant something, Sang and scolded Huai would not do, "As for corruption and incompetence? All countries are the same. You see, this is because we have different perspectives because of different nationalities."

"In your eyes, it seems that only China has been in a backward position in the past 100 years. You open your eyes and look at the world. The countries crushed by the United Kingdom are all over the five continents. It does include China, but it can only be said to include but Not limited to China. China is just an ordinary member of a large group of countries that have been crushed.”

Lin Lianyu was startled and had to admit, "Yeah, I'm always entangled in my own country's perspective."

"Mr. Lin is a very learned person, at least not arrogant, and thinks that Chinese people live on earth. Since all countries have been hit at the same time, China is only classified as the majority, and this problem is I can see it." Alan Wilson said calmly, "There is no eternal power, but this round just happened to be met by the United Kingdom. I believe that your motherland will adjust."

There is no eternal power, Alan Wilson is most qualified to say that now, Britain is at the time when the sun goes down.

Lin Lianyu felt that today's conversation was very comfortable. Alan Wilson was no longer the high-ranking colonizer. The two seemed to be friends of different nationalities, and many questions could be asked, such as the different advantages of Eastern and Western cultures.

"I don't know if my feeling is right, but I can make an analogy. The ancient Greek civilization was a mathematician to a certain extent, while the civilization of the same period was more focused on writers. There are far more writers than mathematicians. Both can be people widely respected by society."

Alan Wilson explained while thinking and organizing language, "But in adolescence, when a person first enters society, the knowledge that he has learned may not be of much help. It is only a minority who can become widely respected scholars. People. The same is true of civilization. It may not always be a talent in the end.”

The same is true. Two thousand years ago, the mathematical knowledge of ancient Greek studies was a standard anomaly at that time. Who dares to say that the mathematical achievements of the ancient Greek civilization must be able to grow smoothly?

In fact, it did not go well. During the process of Christianization of the Roman Empire, the last wave of ancient Greek civilization in Egypt was persecuted by the way. If it can be picked up again after more than a thousand years, it is a miracle for the whole of Europe. Big luck.

If the dialogue ends here, it is estimated that this exchange will be like Alan Wilson and McCarthy, establishing a good personal relationship, and the development and development may be another special relationship similar to the special relationship between the United States and the United States, a walking special relationship between China and the United Kingdom.

It's a pity... Alan Wilson is a standard British bureaucrat, and he has already prepared to do some things in his second term, including, no matter how poor you are, you can't be poor in education.

From the perspective of competition with Japan, Alan Wilson cannot let Malaya compete with Japan with the current level of education.

At the same time, he must not support a place like the Soviet Union. The education industry is to be supported, but it needs to be paid more...

Lin Lianyu is a well-known educator among the Chinese. For Alan Wilson, who wants to start with the education industry, the greatest value is to realize the benefits of the UK in some areas that are not easily noticed, such as the education industry.

When he revealed that he might use resources to persuade the London government to tilt some resources to help Malaya establish an education system, Lin Lianyu was very excited, "Master Zhongtang, thank you."

"This is what I should do." Alan Wilson smiled, embodying the out-and-out imperialist bureaucratic face, deceiving the simple educator, although he was a little embarrassed, he was not ashamed but proud, "This Of course, I still need Mr. Lin's help."

Of course, Lin Lianyu agreed immediately. In his opinion, there is nothing more important than this.

"Then, see you at the military parade in a few days, and talk about this in detail later." Alan Wilson sighed and looked at the time on his wrist. He continued to work on his own affairs until Lin Lianyu left.

Kuala Lumpur sent a telegram from London, and Alyssa also came to Penang to send a cabinet resolution. This is the resolution he requested London to make on the Malayan colony in the name of the Malayan High Commissioner.

The resolution was delivered to him today, and then Alan Wilson directly found his wife and took out the cabinet resolution, saying, "The cabinet has approved a meeting of rulers to adjust the properties of the colony."

Pamela Mountbatten didn't know the inside story yet, so she asked her husband, "What is involved?"

"The United Kingdom recognizes that you, Ali Khan, and the nine sultans of Malaya are hereditary princes, and eleven of you are the rulers of the colonies, holding a meeting of rulers to serve the British Empire." Allen Wilson said absently, "That's probably what it means. After all, we also have to keep up with the times. We can't let the colonial government decide everything. It's a new era, and Britain still needs to be embarrassed."

Pamela Mountbatten snorted softly and asked the bottom line, "What power do these eleven rulers have?"

"Have the right to monitor the policies of the colonial government and keep the government clean. There is no other power at present." Alan Wilson coughed softly, explaining to London, "Why does it take a while? The struggle between Parliament and the king is still more than three hundred years old. There will be results.”

Pamela Mountbatten couldn't help but roll her eyes, and it's three hundred years later? Dare to be a little perfunctory?

This matter is the matter of the cabinet, Alan Wilson asked his wife to inform the other rulers, and then asked Everred to prepare the venue in Penang for the meeting of the rulers.

The meeting of rulers did not include Emperor Bao, who lost his throne and had nothing to do with Britain. If he was dissatisfied, he could go to the French. In terms of division of responsibilities, Emperor Bao Da couldn't use a French sword to kill British officials.

According to European tradition, even if the royal family of a country is overthrown, the identity of the king is recognized, at least the contemporary king is recognized, and he is happy to form a government-in-exile for this purpose.

If Emperor Bao Da wanted to be particular about his title, Alan Wilson would not mind calling this obscure emperor who died after abdication according to eastern tradition as his majesty.

But a South Vietnamese emperor who went into exile in the Malayan colony and hoped that the British would admit when it came to the rulers of the Malayan colony, that was impossible.

From the Penang Commissioner's Office, Alan Wilson arrived at the splendid conference room with the resolution document from London, glanced over the faces of the major rulers, and then sat down beside Pamela Mountbatten , opened the mouth and said, "Hello, distinguished sultans, today is a good opportunity to communicate about some plans for the future of the Malayan colony."

"First of all, congratulations to all of you, the London Cabinet has confirmed that the honorable identities of the eleven rulers present here will be recognized by the London government, and you will gain judicial power to ensure their honorable status."

"Thank you for the recognition from the London government." Ali Khan immediately expressed his support for the goodwill of the London government.

Ali Khan deeply knows what it means to be lost to feel precious. Only he himself can understand the twists and turns of the road from the collapse of the Hyderabad state to the current Sabah

The Sultan of Johor asked, "Commissioner Wilson, what can we rulers do?"

"In principle, I hope you don't do anything, and it's best to leave the country to professional people. With due power, the colonial government will allocate funds for you to ensure your standard of living according to a certain percentage of fiscal revenue. The power to question government policy. But hope to use it with caution.”

Alan Wilson opened a double-ended exposition, spent ten minutes expounding on the poor powers of the Malayan colonial rulers, and spent half an hour refuting the above powers.

"What's the difference between this and now?" After hearing this, the Sultan of Johor was almost laughed at by the hypocrisy of the London government.

"There are differences. For example, the United Kingdom is a monarchy and recognizes your status. After Sukarno comes, you may change from a noble sultan to a civilian. I heard that the Jakarta government is now very much in favor of the Soviet route. Then it may be a good result to be a civilian, maybe it is the end of Nicholas II."

"Of course, I'm definitely not a threat. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a person who seeks truth from facts." Alan Wilson said with a smile, "This is especially true for rulers who are friendly to Britain."

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with it, everyone gets what they need." Ali Khan began to help after Alan Wilson said, "Now the real enemy is Jakarta, Sudan, I think I have the right to speak on this, once My kingdom was destroyed by people who pursued the same thing as Sukarno."

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