British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 855: upper route

The latest website: The entire East Indies alone fall into the hands of the Dutch, there are dozens of Sudan. Until Indonesia became independent, there were still many sultanates in the Dutch East Indies, and now there is only one remaining in the whole of Indonesia.

If Sukarno has been ruling Indonesia, instead of being killed by the CIA halfway, how long this last remaining sultan will exist is difficult to say.

The nine sultans of the Malayan colony are preserved similar to those of the Dutch East Indies.

The British colonial policy was similar to that of the Netherlands, but there were still some differences. The commercial characteristics of the Netherlands were stronger than all European colonial empires in the colonial era, characterized by strong monopolies and weak empires.

They are all plantations, but plantations are different from plantations. The Netherlands, because of its small local strength, is better than the United Kingdom in leveraging its strengths. It pays special attention to the differentiation policy. In the trend of abolition of slavery in the Americas, Slavery was also the strongest in the Netherlands, which lasted until the late nineteenth century.

After the abolition of slavery, the Dutch were the most efficient in bringing in labor, resulting in an influx of Indians, Indonesians and Chinese.

In Indonesia, the Netherlands, like the United Kingdom, introduced Chinese to check and balance Indonesians, which led to the Dutch East Indies being the place with the most Chinese in Southeast Asia. However, Indonesia itself is densely populated, and from an overall perspective, there are still very few Chinese.

Unlike the Malayan colony, once the British opened their mouths, they could easily label the Malays as a minority.

Malaya and Indonesia are in the same cultural area, and now the Indonesian sultans are left with only one fruit. The nine sultans of the Malayan colony are all doing well, and there are two more. The comparison is already high and low.

"Respected sultans, we are a cooperative relationship. In this era, wealth is no longer measured by the amount of land. You cooperate with the British, and the Chinese perform their duties, and run the Malayan colony as a successful enterprise. Everyone is completely You can sit down and have a good negotiation." Alan Wilson did not hide his desire to make a big cake. "Why bother with national independence? Are you the same kind of people as the people at the bottom? You are the same kind of people as the UK."

The role of introducing Ali Khan to Sabah is manifested. Ali Khan, who has lost his country and his family once, is now a firm pro-British representative, and he uses his own personal experience to prove it, and it means that the expansion of wealth is the truth. .

As the Maharaja of Sabah with no less financial resources than Pamela Mountbatten, Ali Khan has a very strong voice. In terms of religion, the Malays do not reject Ali Khan, and because of his origin in South Asia, the Congress Party composed of Indians also has a natural favorable impression of Ali Khan.

As a result, although Ali Khan was a latecomer, he was very prestige among feudal monarchs with this support and his own financial resources.

Now, Ali Khan represents the weak link of the Malayan feudal monarchy and played the role of imperial Russia before the First World War.

Money kicked into his pocket is his own. With Indonesia as a foreign enemy, the choice is actually not difficult.

For a while, these Sudanese talked a lot, and psychologically, they did not resist Alan Wilson's words resolutely.

That is resolute non-resistance, Alan Wilson added without losing the opportunity, "You are a respected monarch wherever you go in the system of the British Commonwealth. In another country, it is not necessarily."

There was no pledge of loyalty, and there was no need to make a tough defense of the authority of the monarchy. As the tip of the rustling nose crossed the document, the major sultans signed the declaration of coexistence with the United Kingdom.

"The eleven monarchs of the Conference of Rulers have certain supervisory powers over the colonial government. Of course, given the scarcity of management talents in Malaya itself, I still use my previous attitude and use it with caution." Alan Wilson collected the sultans "But the rulers' meeting can be held every year. As a platform to demonstrate the authority of the monarch, the colonial government will also respect it. Dear sultans, we will cooperate happily in the long time to come. "

"The times are different, and the sultans don't have to worry about their status and security. The UK will protect the power of the sultans. Maharaja Ali Khan's own experience can best prove this." After listening to her husband's words, Pamela Mountbatten helped, "Everyone In the future, he will be a respected monarch, and now there is only one thing to think about, how to work together to make Malaya’s economy to a higher level.”

Alan Wilson nodded, and in front of the ten Peace Sect monarchs, tilted his head and kissed Pamela Mountbatten's red lips, making the Sarawak monarch blushing, and then made a concluding speech, "The big reason is that Pamela will tell you that for the military parade three days later, I hope all your respected monarchs will be present, and I hope that all sectors of the Malayan society will give the Jakarta government a response to the issue of Indonesia’s long-term undermining of Malaya’s economic development.”

After he finished speaking, his wife, who was still a little embarrassed, nodded and left the conference room.

"Respected sultans, he is like this. In fact, he is a very gentle person, but he seems inhumane at work."

By the time the imperial commissioner left, Pamela Mountbatten was still busy appeasing the feudal monarchs of the Malayan colony. Explains the rationality, validity and scientificity of just being kissed.

This speech ushered in a kind smile, which caused Pamela Mountbatten to keep protesting after she went back. Does she want to lose face? He was kissed by so many people.

"Half of it is done. The Chinese don't make a fuss, and the fundamentals of resistance will be much smaller." Alan Wilson is full of confidence, "The premise is that the external threat of Indonesia must be implemented. Otherwise, it will not be reassuring."

Alan Wilson's character is such that anti-British elements are not a small problem, preferably one that doesn't. Didn't Rockefeller say that 90% is not enough, I want 100%.

"You're really worried," Pamela Mountbatten sighed. "But is that enough? These sultans are on our side and can solve all problems."

Princess Margaret also looked straight at Ellen Wilson, obviously interested in this question.

"It can make a big difference. History tells me that what is usually called public opinion doesn't really matter. It's the same in any country, even the Soviet Union."

Alan Wilson didn't dare to say how confident he was, but it was much more confident than mobilizing the bottom. "For the people at the bottom, let them move and have no time to think about resistance. There are many ways, and they will be practiced slowly in the future, but they must always be maintained to the top. Communicate, clarify where the boundaries we allow are, everything is safe within the boundaries, and the pain is killing people outside the boundaries.”

"Even the Soviet Union? It's as if you can do something about the Soviet Union." Princess Margaret blinked with big eyes, "What can you do against the Soviet Union? Governments all over the world are having a headache."

"The key to defeating the Soviet Union is to defeat the Soviet cadre at the psychological level. There is no other way." Alan Wilson said decisively, "We will use all occasions to prove to the Soviet cadre for a long time in the future. How unreasonable it is to have so much power and only get so much. Petty theft and worrying about Lubyanka finding himself, there must be something wrong, and once they start thinking that, we win.”

Alan Wilson had seen some of the Soviet-era corruption investigations and nearly burst into tears after reading it. That's a thing too?

With so many connections, smuggled caviar to the free world for sale, so many people participate, and the only income is to buy a good TV, this kind of corruption is comparable to capitalism and primitive society compared with the free world. gap.

Look at the corruption of buses that the Soviet Union always emphasizes, which is nothing more than the issue of private use of buses. This can be criticized at high-level meetings of the Soviet Union, and it is also strongly emphasized that "some cadres even use buses when dealing with personal affairs."

Housing corruption emphasizes that "the houses of some cadres are too luxuriously decorated and out of touch with the masses."

Medical corruption means that you live in a single room when you are hospitalized, and then this is unbearable?

That's it? Once the managers of the Soviet Union, such as the Soviet marshal at the end of the Cold War, visited the United States and found the fact that the salary of a soldier in the United States was higher than that of him, the mentality of the entire Soviet Union would collapse. Who will win and who will lose?

"If you defeat the upper echelons of the Soviet Union, you will defeat the entire Soviet Union!" Pamela Mountbatten summed up her husband's views, "Won't the people of the Soviet Union resist?"

"I've only met one by one, and I've never met any people." Alan Wilson replied with President Yuan Da's famous words, then raised his wrist and said, "I want to meet Emperor Bao, after all, I expect him to The colony's economy contributes. Mosquitoes are meat no matter how small."

I believe that Emperor Bao will be envious of the major sultans in especially compared to the situation where he lost the throne of the emperor.

But there is no way, who made his supporter France withdraw. And Wu Tingyan finally chose to be Prime Minister Cao.

Alan Wilson, a friend of the reactionary forces, can't do anything about this matter. Bao the Great is rich, but he is not as rich as Ali Khan. Otherwise, if he takes out 100 million pounds, he is still very willing to come out again, as if treating him Like Ali Khan, he fought for the Great Emperor from London.

The price has risen, who makes the UK not like the post-war period, and the poor are going to be trousers. For the huge debt on his body, he will consider any method, but it can only be said that Emperor Bao did not catch up with the good time.

Alan Wilson also sprinkled a pinch of salt at this time, still politely addressing Emperor Bao Dai as Your Majesty, and at the same time saluting Queen Nanfang, "I don't know if it is customary to respect Your Majesty and the Queen living in the Malayan colony. About His Majesty And the most beautiful queen in the East can live here, and as the chief executive here, I am still quite proud."

He acted as if he didn't know that Emperor Bao and the Queen of the South had separated, and greeted him friendly. I have to say, he really wanted to show off his talent as a prime minister.

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