British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 856: heroic posture

The latest website: "Commissioner Wilson is very polite, managing such a big place, and still so young, we live here, we need more care from you." Queen Nanfang smiled and complimented, completely unaware of the colonial commissioner in front of her, and was comparing me in her heart On the question of who is stronger or weaker with Prime Minister Cao, "According to our Eastern words, young people are promising, and there is no problem with Malaya's development."

"It's not without problems." Despite Queen Nanfang's compliments, Alan Wilson accepted all the orders but still said modestly, "At least in terms of security, we can't say that there are no problems. When we were not independent in Indonesia, we seized the state. Kashima was a failure."

Alan Wilson, who knew about Malaysia in later generations, felt the security problems of the Malayan colony at first, and suggested that Gerard Edward, the high commissioner of the Malayan colony, should evacuate once the Netherlands could not maintain its rule in the Dutch East Indies. In the process of Java, we must grab the offshore islands that are related to the security of the Malayan colony.

This can change the unfavorable geographical position of the Malayan colony. If Indonesia infiltrates the Malayan colony in the future, it will be better defensive. Most of this purpose has been achieved. The Riau Islands, Natuna Islands, Linga Islands, Anan The Bass Islands were all occupied by the British.

Also because of the establishment of a defense base to defend Singapore, without these islands of more than 20,000 square kilometers, the area of ​​the British Malayan colony would not have reached 500,000.

After occupying these islands, the British control of the Strait of Malacca increased a lot, Singapore also got rid of the threat of Indonesia after independence, and the two parts of the Malayan colony, the West and East Malaysia, were more easily connected.

But if you want to completely overwhelm Indonesia and dare not act rashly, the location of Bangka Island is very important.

If you are in control, Indonesia is almost treated like Turkey. You have to be careful when you swim, and don't try to swim out of the country.

Bangka Island was once a British colony, and was later used to replace the Dutch stronghold in the Indian subcontinent with the Dutch.

Now that British India has become independent, Bangka Island has come to Indonesia.

Otherwise, it would be easier to suppress Indonesia, but I didn't do it at the beginning, and I think it's too late today. Even the United Kingdom cannot grab a large island of more than 10,000 square kilometers at this time.

Fortunately, Belitung Island next to it is still in the hands of the Dutch. In a certain sense, it can block Indonesia's penetration of Kalimantan Island, but it needs more patrols by the Navy.

In general, when Britain and the Netherlands responded to Indonesia's independence, they basically occupied the islands near the Strait of Malacca, and now they occupied the islands near the Strait of Malacca.

The third in Indonesia is basically Bangka Island, the barrier of this Sumatra island.

Of course, Sukarno also knew the actions of the UK and the Netherlands before and after independence. The UK took the opportunity to take away the islands near the Strait of Malacca, which greatly reduced Indonesia’s influence on this golden waterway and made a dent in the existence of the Malayan colony. , it is understandable.

Although it had nothing to do with Emperor Bao, but when Empress Nanfang said it, Alan Wilson was still a little embarrassed.

He never felt that there was anything wrong with dividing and ruling, let alone that the country after independence was qualified to take all the land.

Emperor Bao was very uncomfortable. When Alan Wilson talked about his mistakes, he lost his own country and had to choose to leave South Vietnam and go into exile here.

If Alan Wilson wanted to know the feelings of Emperor Bao Da, he must be content with it. According to the oriental tradition, all heads fall, and if he is alive now, he should be grateful to the British Empire for bringing modern standards to the world. Otherwise, their heads will be hung on the top of the city to show the public, and the former subjects will cheer and cheer.

Alan Wilson assured Emperor Bao Da's treatment and said, "Britain respects all royal families. If you live here, you don't need to worry about anything. What I can guarantee is the safety of your family, as for what property you want to buy. , also under the protection of the colonial government.”

When Alan Wilson talked about your family, Queen Nanfang's face was slightly unnatural.

She and Emperor Bao have been separated for a while. Although they were an enviable couple when they first got married, Emperor Bao is an emperor after all. There are many women in Nanyue who want to be emperors. It also started to plummet.

The reason for not getting a divorce was because she was worried about protecting the status of the emperor, and Queen Nanfang was reluctant to take that step.

But immediately, Queen Nanfang returned to her normal expression, and on this occasion, she had to save the face of Emperor Bao.

For some reason, she always felt that this Englishman seemed to be scanning herself intentionally or unintentionally, although it was well hidden.

But I have to admit that the Englishman seems to be more like a ruler of a place than Emperor Bao.

Violently showing a heroic attitude, Alan Wilson invited the couple to participate in the military parade in Penang, which was understood by the Bao Dai emperor and his wife as the British want to show strength among the subjects of the colony.

This is almost the same, but there are still differences. Although Britain and France are both colonial empires, France focuses on assimilation and has an obvious continental mindset. Britain is an old tradition of divide and conquer. Compared with Vietnam, Malaya is the dominant ethnic group. A binary society, divided into two main ethnic groups that are moderated by the British, and a small ethnic group of Indian origin.

Britain likes immigration, France likes assimilation, Britain likes family farms, France likes small and medium-sized farmers, Britain likes immigrants, not necessarily immigrants from the country, but also welcomes immigrants from other ethnic groups to the areas occupied by the United Kingdom.

After saying hello to Emperor Bao and his wife, Alan Wilson took it up and went to Lieutenant General Scones to receive the Dutch and Portuguese guests who came to Penang. This military parade is also a demonstration of the five-nation joint defense, with a warning to Indonesia. Don't act rashly.

"The Netherlands and Portugal were able to unite and be present in Penang, sharing a lot of pressure on us." Lieutenant General Skoons is very pleased with the guests from both countries, especially at this time.

"I think they should be thanking Britain, not the other way around." After listening to Alan Wilson, he did not show any appreciation. It was not the arrogance of the old imperialists, but that he had the history in his mind for comparison. I know how much Britain has helped these two countries.

Without the UK, the Netherlands would have left Asia long ago and still occupy Kalimantan and half of New Guinea? Just kidding.

After World War II, in the face of the wave of resistance, the European colonial countries took different countermeasures one after another, delaying the retreat as much as possible according to their own needs.

The Dutch insistence is neither out of France's obsession with maintaining a universal empire, nor out of Spain and Portugal's nostalgia for past honors, but a reluctance to part with existing interests.

The Dutch-Indonesian federal scheme cobbled together by the Dutch appears ludicrous to Indonesian nationalists. When the United States threatened to cancel Marshall Plan support and demanded that the Netherlands give up, it obediently conceded defeat.

Without the efforts of all my colleagues in British India, the Dutch could not even think of a plan similar to the partition of India and Pakistan. There is no strength to implement it, and the entire East Indies are directly taken over by Indonesia, and the land of 700,000 or 800,000 is still reserved?

As for Portugal, it has the determination to maintain the colony, but without the support and encouragement from the United Kingdom, how can it have the courage to occupy the entire Timor Island? Occupying East Timor is hard work.

When Britain really began to be shameless and didn't care about order or sow discord, for many countries, it was the beginning of its overthrow. The original historical Britain was still shameful, but Alan Wilson didn't have that idea, his mind was full of Cash out.

India is not considered a victim. Without Alan Wilson, the two major forces of India would not have lived in the same country.

The damage he did to India was just scratching a layer of land before leaving, and the real first to be hurt was Indonesia.

Lieutenant General Sconce smiled bitterly. He didn't know these things, and it was the first time he heard it today, "If you say that, you will find your next place during the process of British India's independence."

"General, there are still 100,000 jobs in the country to digest us? You also know the employment environment in the country after the war. Can't we just find a place by ourselves and continue to benefit the society?" Xuan's eyes, "It can't be said to be a mistake if it doesn't cause trouble to the mainland, right?"

"It's not really but even so. I hope to show respect to the Dutch and Portuguese." Scones reminded in the middle that the United Kingdom still attaches great importance to the five-nation defense. In addition to the United Kingdom, Australia and the New Zealand, the Netherlands and Portugal are all allies in keeping Malaya safe.

Of course Alan Wilson knew this, and then the two received the Governor of Kalimantan, Okust, and the Governor of Kalai, the Governor of Timor Island. The two came to Penang, also under the banner of five-nation defense, to help the UK grow. momentum.

In the midst of the fun, the guests and the host enjoyed themselves. Now waiting for the military parade to start, Alan Wilson also took the time to fight with Her Royal Highness the Princess. He had no resistance to the name of the Queen and Princess.

Princess Margaret knew very well that she could always hear her brother-in-law calling her princess. After coming here for so long, she had already understood this dark psychology. Although she despised it, she also enjoyed it.

At this time in Penang, the national flags of the five countries have been hung on the main streets, and the combat troops participating in the military parade have also arrived.

Alan Wilson enthusiastically introduced that the backbone of the Malayan colony, the feudal monarch, the big comprador, and the acquaintance of Okust and Calle, the atmosphere of the big party of the reactionary forces has been set off.

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