British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 857: Military Parade in Penang

Latest website: A ghost, the ghost of imperialism is consolidating in Penang, British colonists, Malayan feudal monarchs, Chinese compradors, Dutch governors, Portuguese military chiefs, Australians, New Zealanders, all united .

At this moment, the spokesperson of imperialism, High Commissioner of Malaya, Alan Wilson, made no secret of his thoughts, "To put it bluntly, Britain will never leave Malaya, whoever dares to drive us away, we will destroy everything. Also, what I saw was that Malayan subjects generally embraced the British Empire."

"Support the Queen!" The sultans expressed their support for Queen Elizabeth in unison.

"Support the Queen!" A group of Chinese businessmen headed by Su Yang, Tian Qianqiu, and Coca bowed slightly, but looked confident.

"Long live the Queen!" On the streets of Penang, the subjects holding the British flag shouted in unison. Penang is the base camp of the Straits Settlements, and the residents here and the rest of Malaya can't pee in a pot.

In the Penang Strait, the silhouettes of steel giants are looming, and the years have inevitably left traces on these warships, but the sense of oppression brought by the tonnage has not disappeared because of the passage of time.

For most countries and regions in the world, the Royal Navy's Pacific Fleet, supported by the Malayan colony, is still a force at every turn.

Residents of the entire Penang walked out of their homes, or appeared at the port, or on both sides of the street, waiting for the start of the military parade with curiosity. At 8:00 in the morning, the troops of the five countries participating in the parade had already appeared in in people's eyes.

"I am the chief executive of a colony, and I never thought that such an occasion would be possible in my life." Alan Wilson took the speech and said to Penang Commissioner Everred, "Do as the locals do, I speak Chinese, you use English, Don't interfere with each other. Just leave a gap, and most of it is what I say."

Then he walked to the reviewing stand, which is a coastal street. The sea and land review will start at the same time, and the loudspeakers that have been set up will convey his voice to the ears of the crowd.

"Respected subjects of the Empire, it is a great honor to witness this display of security power." Alan Wilson started this Bibiza into the microphone, "Since taking office, he has upheld humility and took into account professionalism. Benefit Malays. Asia is a diverse society, and when I think about it carefully, this will be a rare and precious experience in my life.”

"There have been many challenges along the way, but the tolerance of various ethnic groups is amazing. I dare not say that it is perfect, but it can be regarded as complementing each other. Over the past few years, thanks to the support of the British Commonwealth, Malaya has made explosive progress. It is not as good as a developed society in the traditional sense, but when you look at it, there are very few comparables within Asia.”

"We are not a nation, but we live together. Dear Sudanese, with tolerance, have made outstanding contributions to the stability of society, benevolent, humble and benevolent. Business giants represented by Suyang and Coca, for this Society is energized, and Britain's job is to do everything in its power to keep this fast-growing society safe."

"Everyone deserves credit, including today's distinguished guests, Governor of Kalimantan Okust, Governor of Timor Kalai, the five-nation security mechanism has contributed to the region's security award, deterring some with unrealistic ambitions nation."

"Today, to be modest, the development of Malaya has left the surrounding area a bit behind. How to develop does not need to be taught by a backward place. From the perspective of social governance, they are still far behind. From a normal perspective. It should be catching up, not jealous and wanting to take other people's wealth as their own."

"If there is a security threat to Malaya, two world wars broke out in Europe, and the United Kingdom and other European countries are deeply introspecting after the war. Recognizing that economic development is the mainstream in this era, if someone insists on taking military confrontation to subvert the Malaya, the jewel of the British Commonwealth?" Alan Wilson paused when he said this, "For most countries in the world, the United Kingdom is still an existence that can occupy a country with a few cannons. "

At the end, Alan Wilson's voice changed abruptly, a voice unique to imperialism spread to no one's ears, and Evered sent the last sentence in English to the ears of the troops under review.

Immediately, a roar of applause erupted from the troops under review of the five-nation joint defense mechanism.

"Now I have the honorable commander of the Far East Joint Operations, Lieutenant General Skoons presides over the start of the military parade." Alan Wilson said this and left the microphone.

During this period, the citizens of Penang who heard the speech savoured the words of the Chief Executive of Malaya in their minds.

With Lieutenant-General Scons announcing the start of the military parade, the vampire fighter jets that suppressed the Kenyan rebellion only last year appeared over the parade ground with colorful exhaust, and the joint sea-land military parade officially began.

On the Corniche, the troops under review from the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, the Netherlands and Portugal made their debut. In the distant Penang Strait, warships of all levels, including battleships and aircraft carriers, passed through the Penang Strait and appeared in everyone's sight.

The main force of the Royal Navy's Pacific Fleet resident in Malaya, if it is the exclusive force of Malaya, will undoubtedly be the third largest surface fleet in the world. The dark main battery on the battleship is chilling.

The presence of two Tejas-class aircraft carriers in the strait aroused the attention of onlookers.

Unfortunately, Alan Wilson was selling the Tejas-class aircraft carrier to the governor of Timor, Calle, swearing that the island of Timor needed the protection of the Tejas-class aircraft carrier, and as long as Portugal's finances allowed, the United Kingdom would definitely sell it.

It's a bit unkind to always catch a sheep's wool, but it's better to sell it than to dismantle it in the end. Portugal is a European country after all, and Alan Wilson is embarrassed to match up with the Giants. The aircraft carriers at that level can handle India well, and they do not meet the status of Portugal as a European country.

For today's Penang residents, it will be an eye-opening day, even in the United States or the Soviet Union, such scenes are rare. Although the United Kingdom is in an awkward position where the navy is inferior to the United States and the army is inferior to the Soviet Union. But he still found confidence in faraway Asia.

The soldiers of the troops who were inspected held their heads high, and those who did not know thought that the glorious era of the British Empire had returned.

Because of their different styles, the soldiers of the five countries who were read were not like their counterparts in Moscow's Red Square. Once they took a step, they burst into overwhelming momentum, but it was enough to deal with the melon-eating crowd who didn't know the truth.

The key is the battleships and aircraft carriers that slowly sailed through the Penang Strait, which greatly enhanced the force of this military parade.

Alan Wilson was still communicating with Timor Governor Carle, his eyes swept away from the Portuguese army. It's not bad luck for an Algerian to meet France. It would be bad luck if Algeria was a Portuguese colony. If someone like Salazar led France, he didn't dare to imagine what would happen.

Portugal was the first to start a great voyage, and it was also the last colonial empire that bowed its head and conceded defeat. In the jungles of Africa, he carried a weapon older than the thirty-eighth Gadu, facing the rebels who used automatic rifles, and persisted until the last moment.

Salazar did what he said and kept the Portuguese Empire until the very last moment while he was alive. The colonial era began in Portugal and ended in Portugal, completing the cycle of fate.

With this military parade, demonstrations in favor of Britain and independence from Indonesia's ambitions broke out across the Malayan colony, and these demonstrations were interpreted as anti-Indonesia movements.

Immediately afterwards, anti-Malayan demonstrations broke out in Indonesia. Malaya was against Indonesia, and Indonesia was against Malaya. The two places separated by a strait are full of hostility to each other.

Alan Wilson accompanied Lieutenant General Skoons, Commander of the Far East Operations, and the Governor of Kalimantan, Okust, Governor of Timor, Calle, and the garrison commanders of Australia and New Zealand, who came with him to sign the five-nation joint defense security mechanism. A declaration aimed at ensuring the security of the Southeast Asian region.

Britain, the Netherlands, Portugal, Australia and New Zealand will guarantee freedom of navigation in the Strait of Malacca. The five countries jointly oppose Indonesia's threat to infiltrate its neighbors, and call on Indonesia to stop similar actions, recognize existing land as Indonesian territory, stop advocating Greater Indonesiaism, and abandon propaganda and agitation hostile to white countries.

Every single one of those accusations is a real thing, and Indonesia did infiltrate Kalimantan. It does not recognize the current territorial scope of Indonesia. As for the hostility to white countries, Sukarno's speech at the Bandung Conference is direct evidence.

"Independent Indonesia should not be a regional security threat. It is very worrying to take an aggressive attitude and incite hostility to white nations. Indonesia's ambitions deserve the vigilance of all members of the free world."

The most resonant among them is the old-world remarks of white people originally said by Sukarno. With the public attack brought by the UK, followed by the Netherlands, Portugal, Australia and New Zealand, Indonesia was established almost overnight as an enemy of the free world against white ultra-nationalists.

Later, Alan Wilson announced in Penang that the five countries will activate a joint defense mechanism to block Indonesia's infiltration route to surrounding territories and stop illegal acts of invading the territorial waters of the region.

"If Indonesia does not stop its actions that threaten regional security, the ultimate consequence will be that even a piece of wood will go into the sea with the consent of the free world." Alan Wilson expressed to the various media who heard the news that the board should not go into the sea. Determination.

The response of the Jakarta government is to accuse the white old world of oppression of Indonesia and the despicable act of wanting to permanently separate Indonesia's inherent territory.

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