British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 858: Treaty of Ankara

Latest website: This kind of accusation has no effect on Alan Wilson. He is a patriot. He was in his last life, but this life was transferred to Britain. determination to benefit society.

At this time, I am talking with the stakeholders of the Five-Power Alliance about how to maintain the security order in Southeast Asia. Although half of the world may not think so, he cannot hear the voice of that half of the world.

Alan Wilson thought in his heart that without his own help, the Netherlands would be doomed to get out of Southeast Asia.

But no one knows about this future except himself. The fact is that before and after Indonesia's independence, the Netherlands did give up some of its interests to the United Kingdom. What Lieutenant General Scones said should respect the Netherlands is the fact that people see.

As for what Alan Wilson said should be the Netherlands thanking the UK, no one but himself would think so.

The Netherlands did cede some lands under its dominion to the British, which were now incorporated into the Malayan colony.

Similarly, there is also the part ceded to Portugal. Timor Island was originally divided between the Netherlands and Portugal, and the part managed by Portugal is called East Timor.

However, during the period when Indonesia's independence was inevitable, the Netherlands had to retreat from Java Island, to shrink to Kalimantan Island, and by the way, transferred the other half of West Timor to Portugal.

Therefore, the entire Timor Island is now managed by Portugal, and Portugal is currently eliminating the influence of the Peace Church. This is what the Governor Carle said, and Alan Wilson admires it very much. I have to say that the countries of the Iberian Peninsula are really affectionate. Have a soft spot.

Without the two brothers from the Iberian Peninsula, Christ's world would be almost like a scumbag in front of the world of Peace Religion.

I just don't know the Portuguese, and they used the flames of the Inquisition to deal with the peaceful believers in West Timor.

Alan Wilson was too embarrassed to ask, otherwise he would not appear to be a gentleman, so he could only ask side by side what step it had taken.

"Australia is very supportive of our work." Governor Carle referred to Canberra's diplomatic and even economic support for Portugal's work.

"It's no accident." After listening to Alan Wilson, he said in his heart that Australia has always been willing to pay for the issue of safety. The fundamental reason is that it was scared out of the psychological shadow by Japan.

As long as Australia's security is involved, Canberra doesn't care if the Portuguese are religiously persecuted.

Alan Wilson also expressed goodwill to Governor Calle, who knew from history that, at least while Salazar was alive, Portugal could be trusted to suppress waves of colonial resistance.

Don't think that the UK has no determination to maintain the colony. Last year, it suppressed the rebellion in Kenya. It's just that the UK and France have different styles. After the fight, they will talk immediately and adopt the method of divide and rule. It's not like France, I want it all, so the impact is not as big as the Algerian war.

"Commissioner Wilson, the development of Malaya is really surprising." Okust praised the prosperity of the Malayan colony. After all, most of Kalimantan is still in the hands of the Netherlands. If it can develop well, yes The Netherlands is also a big help.

"We work together, it shouldn't be a problem." Alan Wilson pretended to be perfunctory, he didn't have time to help the Dutch. In his eyes, tropical rain forests are almost as worthless land as deserts.

Coincidentally, Kalimantan Island has a tropical rainforest climate. Except for a few coastlines, there is almost no development value in the vast inland. The reason why he suggested the Mountbatten Group to regard Northern Rhodesia as an agricultural base for planning. The fundamental reason is that Northern Rhodesia is actually a plateau.

If the climate is like the Belgian Congo, don't think about any agricultural bases, and the soil nutrients are more limited than Australia.

The population of Kalimantan Island in later generations is only a little over half of Malaysia’s, and the land of 700,000 to 800,000 square kilometers can support such a small number of people. It can be seen that apart from resources, the development value is not large. Fortunately, there are not many Dutch people on the island, and life can still be lived. good.

"How to develop Timor Island, we are also at a loss." Carle also said that Portugal has encountered a similar problem now.

"Do some exploration to see if there are any valuable resources. I may be able to help with this." Alan Wilson said that he was willing to help immediately. There are two major supporters of East Timor in later generations.

One is China and the other is Australia. Australia has more influence because of its distance. After East Timor discovered natural gas, it was sold to Australia and tied together through energy.

This kind of influence enhancement does not need Carly to say, Alan Wilson has to do, not to mention the other party takes the initiative to speak.

Alan Wilson thought of this flash in his mind and took the initiative to ask, "Governor Carle, my wife's company intends to enter Brazil for development. I wonder if Portugal can provide some convenience?"

"If necessary, Portugal will try its best to help." Calle immediately said no problem, the relationship between Portugal and Brazil is quite good, and even very harmonious.

The relationship between American countries and European suzerain countries, such as the United States and the United Kingdom, is not so harmonious on the surface. At present, Mexico is following the traditional route of the United States, which is not only submissive to the United States and Mexico, but also to attack Spain.

In order to compete for the position of the leader of the Spanish-speaking countries, Mexico can't wait for Spain to never be born. Compared with the United States and the United Kingdom, Mexico has already outperformed Spain.

This is not the case with Portugal and Brazil, Portugal has little influence in Europe. Paris is surrounded by a bunch of Spanish-speaking countries in America. Although there are times of disagreement, on the whole, they are sympathetic to each other. Although Portugal is not as large as Brazil, it still has quite a few colonies, and Brazil has not looked down on it now.

At the political level, the two countries have a high degree of consistency because of their similar cultures. Portugal under Salazar established a "new state" system; a few years later, Brazil under Vargas also announced the beginning of a "new state". The former supports traditionalism, the latter supports developmentalism, but adopts the same name based on a common corporatist idea.

The Brazilian sociologist Gilberto Freire put forward the theory of "racial democracy", arguing that Brazil is a multi-ethnic society built together, and there is no racial discrimination. This theory became the theoretical cornerstone of official nationalism in Brazil, and was quickly adopted by Portugal to promote the "Lusitania Tropical Particularism" and to support its own colonial activities in Africa. The synchronicity of the intellectual circles of the two countries is evident.

It can be said that Brazil and Portugal are in harmony at the official level, far from the hostile relationship between Spain and Mexico in Spanish-speaking countries, nor is it the current secret struggle between Britain and the United States.

Pamela Mountbatten's exploration team to Brazil, with the help of the Portuguese, can definitely save a lot of trouble.

After getting a promise from Carly, Alan Wilson, the mere son-in-law, immediately went to his wife to ask for credit, just like a big dog.

"My dear, I've got you worried again." Pamela Mountbatten's eyes blinked, giving her husband the motivation to support the family, and took the initiative to fight for words, and then said, "Brazil, I put the North Sea Oil's Let the exploration team be transferred to Timor Island. In exchange for Portugal's support for the company's exploration in Brazil, you don't have to consume your contacts. This is on the surface a cooperation between countries. "

"It seems that there are still many benefits to helping other colonial countries." Alan Wilson savored the fragrance of his wife's lips, and said with an aftertaste, "The original idea has been partially realized, increasing the influence in the Malayan colony. , By supporting the manufacturing base, by the way, the Netherlands and Portugal have been tied, and a regional political and economic alliance has been formed. The benefits to the United Kingdom are huge, and the special window status of Hong Kong, if it operates well, the influence of Asia It's been maintained."

"Energy is also very important. What do you think about the work in the Middle East." Pamela Mountbatten also counted on the UK to **** the development of her company, but her husband can only manage this area, and the Middle East is still out of reach.

"I've suggested John to Whitehall to be the Persian Gulf Specialist at Aden headquarters after Sir Barron. We've both worked in British India and we know each other fairly well. We'll just work together on things in the Middle East." Alan Wilson and The wife talked about her idea of ​​helping an old colleague.

How could he forget the Middle East, in fact, of course Britain also knows the importance of the Middle East. Otherwise, the original history would not have stayed until the 1970s, and later generations will have military bases in Oman.

While the United Kingdom was cheering for the five-nation joint defense, the capital of Turkey, the United States, Turkey and Pakistan jointly signed the Ankara Treaty.

When the news came, Alan Wilson recalled the memory in his mind, and said to himself in a voice that only he could hear, "Baghdad Treaty?" This so-called Ankara Treaty is very similar to the Baghdad Treaty Organization.

Alan Wilson was right in guessing that the United States really wanted to organize a military treaty organization in the Middle East to block the Soviet Union. But the Arab countries are not interested in this organization now, and they are especially interested in Israel.

Iraq, which was originally the core country of the Baghdad Treaty, is now more interested in competing with Egypt for the leadership of the Arab world than anything else, and the United Kingdom has not fanned the flames to encourage Iraq to join.

Because in this time and space, the United Kingdom is the backing of the Arab countries.

Without the British inciting Iraq, plus Iraq's serious competition with Egypt for influence, who is more anti-Israel than anyone else. The original Baghdad Treaty became an organization that only had Pakistan and Turkey. Anyway, Alan Wilson couldn't think of what else could these two countries have in common except religion.

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