British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 859: Allies are increasingly suspicious

Latest website: In fact, there is nothing noteworthy about this treaty, and it is even weaker than the original Baghdad treaty in history.

The fundamental reason is that the US support for Israel has made Arab countries unable to let go.

For example, Egypt and Iraq, the traditional Arab world powers, are taking Israel as the main contradiction shifter, competing for influence in the Arab world. Egypt has a larger population and has been the center of Arab culture in the past few hundred years.

Although Iraq is not on the same level as Egypt in terms of population, it occupies the two river basins and is backed by oil revenue.

Since the first Middle East war, Arab countries have been very disgusted with the United States' biased behavior. Now ignoring the supporters behind Israel and jubilantly confronting the Soviet Union in the north, it is difficult to gain the support of domestic public opinion.

Will the US drop its support for Israel? Of course not. The Arab world has too much potential. Israel is a nail in the Arab world. It is nothing more than a question of who will support Israel, not that no one will support Israel.

Those who support Israel can be the United States, the Soviet Union, and if necessary, France and the United Kingdom. So in the last war with the Middle East, both the United States and the Soviet Union supported Israel.

But the Soviet Union and the United States are different, because the political system is different, the Soviet Union can do a support and then stop. The United States could not do it. The Soviet Union waited for Israel to stabilize and then retreated. As a result, the Arab world can only see that the United States supports Israel.

After the United Kingdom got rid of the financial hijacking of the United States, it is impossible to exchange its decades of operation in the Middle East for the diplomatic support of the United States, and the United Kingdom will not really set up a model country in the Arab world with its heart and soul. The local country is at best a protectorate. , and not everything obeys the colony of London, but also will not take the initiative to go to the United States to show Dad's love.

Without the financial hijacking of the United States, the United Kingdom continued to practice an orderly retreat, and also did not have to force the Arabs to hang themselves for a little benefit. In the final analysis, after the war, the United Kingdom’s failure to advance and retreat was caused by lack of money. If it is financially healthy and there is no problem with internal circulation, it will be used by the bird’s air of the United States?

Alan Wilson dared to conclude that the United States was not happy when Britain settled its arrears.

Because there is still a lot of inheritance in the hands of the United Kingdom that has not been obtained by the United States, these inheritances are invaluable compared to the billions of dollars owed. After passing this village, if you want to take it from the UK in the future, the price you will pay is not billions.

"Suspicious allies are getting more and more suspicious." Alan Wilson compared the Baghdad Treaty in his memory with the current Ankara Treaty, and decided to communicate with his old boss, Sir Barron, who benefited the end of the society, and asked about the situation in the Middle East.

And it also lists the countries that may be broken by the United States. Alan Wilson has reason to believe that the United States is not satisfied with this member state of the Ankara Treaty. If you want to block the southern route of the Soviet Union, without the participation of Iran, this so-called line of defense will be the same as nothing.

And relying on the big loophole in the free world, Alan Wilson, the current High Commissioner for Colonial Malaya, is in. Iran is still a third of the world. Mossadegh definitely doesn't like the Soviet Union in his heart, but it doesn't mean he likes the United States. He carefully balances the domestic situation.

Mosaddegh, the prime minister of Iran, will not easily let Iran fall into this vortex. So in the telegram, Alan Wilson suggested that Sir Barron should investigate whether the United States would do anything to Mosaddegh.

How to protect the interests of BP if you do it? As for Iraq, the current US influence is not large.

The so-called influence is largely achieved by garrisoning troops. In this era, the United States has a lot of global bases, but it is not like it was later, with thousands of military bases all over the world.

For example, the military base in Saudi Arabia, after Iraq annexed Kuwait, the United States seized the opportunity to gain a firm foothold in Saudi Arabia.

American military bases have been expanded for decades. Now many independent countries do not have American military bases. Even Pakistan and the United States exert their influence through the dollar.

Historically, the United Kingdom and the United States have stationed troops in each other, but because of MacArthur's frivolous attitude towards nuclear weapons and various reasons, the military bases that were originally in the United Kingdom are now in France.

Alan Wilson also did not dare to guarantee that Mosaddegh would be overthrown, but only said that it was possible.

I hope that the old bosses who are waiting to retire, don't enter the retirement state early, and stand the last shift for the old imperialism.

Sending out the telegram, Alan Wilson, with his hands on his waist, pondered how to deal with a potential move by a suspicious ally. In the colonial field, Britain and France should of course adopt a cooperative attitude, but the colonial countries are not only Britain and France.

The Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal, and Spain are all colonial countries, and Belgium has only the Belgian Congo in the center of Africa. And it's hard to say willing to be the first bird for the colony. France has enough national strength and determination, and is now suppressing the resistance of the Algerians, not to mention the Netherlands, the neighbor of the Malayan colony.

But the most determined in the colonial field is Portugal under the rule of Salazar. How could the last colonial empire be in vain? The only shackle is that Portugal itself is not very powerful.

"It seems that I have to help the Portuguese." Alan Wilson has entered the role of the Six Nations. The last time he was in this state, he was in New Delhi, but he had already helped the Netherlands devise a divide and conquer route.

It just so happened that Governor Carle was still in Malaya, and he had already agreed to use his contacts to help the Mountbatten Group enter Brazil.

However, Alan Wilson was not in a hurry to find Carle. Taking advantage of his wife's inattentiveness, he went directly to his sister-in-law, Princess Margaret.

Putting the salty pig's hand in a familiar warm place, Alan Wilson, who hugged Her Royal Highness the Princess, said, "I want to help you expand your career. Although you are a princess and an important member of the royal family. But some expenses should not depend on appropriation comparisons. Good. Reducing the chance of being in the news is actually very important to the royal family."

"Huh?" The princess who clamped her legs looked puzzled. Is her brother-in-law so serious? She couldn't help but tease, "If you take out your hand, it will be more convincing."

"Do you think I'll give advice casually?" As if not hearing Princess Margaret's ridicule, Alan Wilson, who was standing still, said in a low voice, "This is my wife's treatment, not casual. Anyone can get it."

Alan Wilson didn't lie. He supported the Hellmann family in Germany, helped Heidi Lamarr and Ingrid Bergman develop their careers in France, and helped Hepburn enter show business. Helping Vivien Leigh to go further is a real deal without asking for anything in return.

Although there are exceptions, Greta Garbo likes to be a house girl, but this is not his problem.

He even went out to help many actresses who had only been in contact with him for a while. In fact, he didn't need to do it at all. Many of the female stars in the Golden Zodiac were not so familiar with him at all, but he still did it.

He is not the kind of person who doesn't give money to Andy, and he has given returns in all areas within his power. After all the calculations, in addition to being hollowed out, many women who have the same status as their wives have earned it.

"What do you want me to do?" Princess Margaret thought for a long time, and asked her brother-in-law for advice.

"I don't want you to worry about external things like money." Alan Wilson confessed affectionately, "I want to see a radiant princess who is free to do what she wants to do."

It's hard to imagine that these sour words just came out of his mouth, and Alan Wilson himself didn't want to think about it again.

But the effect was very good. Princess Margaret's eyes were almost dripping with water, her body and mind were in a state of double pleasure, she looked like an obedient baby, "I will listen to you."

"You should listen to my brother-in-law, my brother-in-law has absolutely no heart to lie to you." Alan Wilson said with a reserved face after receiving the signal from his buttocks accurately, "Then just do as I say, don't question what I say, you can Take the initiative to ask Pamela to help you progress in business, and I will help you communicate the rest."

"Well." Princess Margaret's head was directly tilted on Ellen Wilson's shoulder, her body was in a relaxed state, full of attachment, "I listen to my brother-in-law in everything."

"Your Highness the Princess wants to do business?" Alan Wilson pretended to be surprised, his eyes shifted from Pamela Mountbatten to Princess Margaret, his eyes full of the eyes of troubled children.

As if he didn't know about it at all, Pamela Mountbatten didn't explain it, just said, "Margaret said the world is so She also wants to replicate the miracle and go to Africa to see What can be found."

"Is that so?" Alan Wilson made a standard response again, "but the environment in Africa is not very friendly. It may be lost, these factors are all to be considered, of course I am not preventing anything, after all, I am not I understand the situation. But I personally support Her Royal Highness's career."

"It's alright to try." Pamela Mountbatten glanced at Princess Margaret and agreed, "The world is so big, you really should walk around, maybe you will get unexpected results."

Unexpected gains are sure to exist. In the early development of a country, especially when it relies on its own resources to build a foundation, there will be a principle of proximity to resources, and try to find places with rich resources to build central cities.

For many late-developing countries, this principle occupies the vast majority. Alan Wilson agreed to help, saying that it happened that Governor Carle was there, and he was willing to communicate with the Portuguese government on this occasion and sign a contract to follow the example signed with Australia. Colony for exploration.

"Sounds good." Pamela Mountbatten knew that her husband had so many twists and turns in her heart. Poor her, she was toyed with by her husband.

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