British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 860: win

The latest website: "Since everything feels fine, I will talk to Governor Carle." Alan Wilson said that Angola is still relatively cost-effective, at least it does not need to go deep into the African interior.

Although Belgian Congo is now the treatment of later generations of Chile, it is considered the mining capital of the world. However, as Australia will tap its potential more and more in the future, the role of the Belgian Congo is not much anymore.

Of course, Belgian Congo is not useless at all. If the local white residents don't mind, they can go to North Rhodesia with valuable land. The Slavs of North Rhodesia are very dissatisfied with the borders of the colony. Find a way to adjust, this kind of bad defensive boundary.

Angola is an important oil importer for China in later generations, and it was the number one importer for a certain period of time.

Angola's oil resources depend on a strong reserve of key political knowledge. Alan Wilson knows where it is, near the later capital of Angola and the current capital of Luanda, which is very in line with the resource allocation principle of early industrialization, and resources are nearby.

As long as careful exploration is carried out near Luanda, Angola's oil resources are guaranteed and will never slip through the net.

Once the resources of Angola are found, with Portugal's relatively stable rule in Africa, it is a win-win for both Britain and Portugal, and the Portuguese government has found a growth point of wealth. The extracted oil can be sold to the European market.

But Portugal is a country with backward technology and weak foundation in Europe. There must be a country to support Portugal.

Isn't Alan Wilson now preparing for support? She even persuaded Her Royal Highness, the Princess of the British Empire, to support the development of Portugal. Once oil is discovered, a new type of cruise ship will definitely be needed to transport Angola's oil resources away.

Then there is no doubt that, as the largest shipbuilding country in Europe, the UK will also receive a batch of needed cruise orders, which can promote the continued prosperity of the shipbuilding industry. In general, the UK is good, the princess is good, and Portugal is good.

The advantage of Alan Wilson is that he once again saw the brilliance of women blooming in his own hands.

"Oh, from a national point of view, I also hope that the United Kingdom can find resources in Angola." Governor Carle nodded immediately after learning of his intention, "The Governor of Angola is Rear Admiral Vasco Lopez Alves, Rear Admiral Vasco Will definitely be delighted that British professionals travel to Angola and even hope to replicate Lady Pamela's miracle in Australia."

"Of course, this is what we all look forward to." Alan Wilson nodded, and then took out a contract, but it did not involve Angola, but the contract for exploration near Timor Island, which was almost a replica of the contract for exploration in Australia.

It's just that the exploration contract with Australia involves two levels of government: the Australian government and the Western Australian government.

The contract with Timor Island is much simpler. Mountbatten Oil and Gas Group signed a contract with the Timor Governor's Office, with a clear shareholding ratio of 51% and 49%. Once oil and gas resources are discovered, this will be the case. as an assignment.

During the whole process, Mountbatten Oil and Gas Company will provide technical and financial support, and the Portuguese Governor's Office will ensure that once oil and gas resources are discovered, the local stability and stable development.

"There is absolutely no problem." Governor Carle confidently assured that Timor Island is now in Portugal's hands. He is the Governor of Timor and can completely settle this matter.

"Then, I hope the UK and Portugal can take a consistent attitude on certain issues. In fact, Portugal is very admirable on certain issues. I am very impressed by Prime Minister Salazar's persistence." Alan Wilson The opening hints, and even the respect for Salazar.

Salazar's foundation is not clean. During World War II, Salazar remained neutral, but he was pro-Axis, and received arms assistance from Germany, Italy, and Spain, and trained the army through them.

In the later period, seeing the gradual defeat of the Axis powers, Salazar had to improve relations with the Allies, and made concessions in exporting tungsten ore and allowing the use of the Azores naval base. The army was also trained to move closer to the free world, which was also opposed to the Soviet Union.

But so what? Salazar also helped the UK. During the difficult period for the UK after the war, he bought two battleships on a budget. For Portugal, which does not even have large destroyers, it has already expressed its sincerity through arms sales. .

Portugal is now the closest ally of the United Kingdom, and an absolute iron core that can be relied on on the colonial issue.

To help Portugal is to help Britain itself. Alan Wilson wished that all colonial countries had the same attitude as France and Portugal, so that Britain's goals in front of suspicious allies would be much smaller.

For a stubborn colonial country like Portugal, it is a good thing for Britain because of its increased power in the discovery of oil resources.

In the end, Alan Wilson reminded Governor Carly that the terms of the settlement in sterling were clarified at the end of the contract, but don't take it for granted. This is also very important.

At least in Asia, the Portuguese currency has no additional value, here either the US dollar or the British pound. Alan Wilson is British, of course trying his best for the value of the pound,

At present, Australia recognizes the value of both the British pound and the U.S. dollar, and the British pound is still recognized in Australia. On the one hand, it is because the iron ore in Western Australia discovered by Pamela Mountbatten is linked to the production base in Malaya. The Asian pound that Malaya now uses is backed by sterling.

Sterling is also circulated in the colonies of the Netherlands and Portugal, and the situation nearby is closely related to Australia. Since they are all gold-standard countries, Australia naturally recognizes the value of the pound.

Then there is the surge of British immigrants after the war. These new immigrants are no strangers to the pound and maintain an emotional connection with the British mainland, as evidenced by the Union Jacks all over Perth.

The British immigrant group who immigrated to Australia after the war was nicknamed Ten Pounds. Australia was discovered and ruled by the British for a long time. At that time, it was believed that the British language and culture were less different from Australia. Aiding British immigrants was an effective way to maintain the "British character" of Australia and increase the population.

The plan was proposed by Australia's first immigration minister, Arthur Calwell, who advocated encouraging and subsidizing British immigration. For every non-British immigrant to join, ten British immigrants would be introduced.

The two countries signed an agreement after the war. Australia requires all sponsored immigrants to work in Australia for at least two years, and the government will ensure that they will provide subsidies before they find work; and provide immigrants with social benefits including medical insurance, unemployment protection, and employment services. The federal government is responsible for recruiting and transporting immigrants, and the state governments are responsible for reception, temporary accommodation and follow-up.

For the whole process of immigrating to Australia, the United Kingdom and Australia charge a nominal fee of ten pounds to immigrants. This is where the British immigrant ten pound nickname comes from.

Any British person can come to Australia for ten pounds. This is a back door opened by Australia alone for the United Kingdom. Compared with the Australian immigration threshold that is as high as the sky in later generations, it can be seen that Australia's dedication to blood is thicker than water.

With such a group of ten-pound immigrants in Western Australia, of course the Australian government cannot just use the US dollar as a currency anchor.

The same prepared Angola mining contract, as well as the British investment, is settled in sterling, and the pound has to resist resistance, in case a miracle occurs.

The host and guests enjoyed themselves, and Pamela Mountbatten was also happy for her husband's help. The couple accompanied Calle and Okust to visit the construction of the Malayan colony.

"Actually, I'm curious if the beliefs of the Chinese are too complicated." In front of a Guandi Temple, Kalai shook his head and expressed his incomprehension at the lively scene of the Wusheng Temple.

"No Indians." Alan Wilson had a good expression, "comparison of Chinese beliefs? Huh? Pragmatic."

Compared with China now, Malaya is definitely full of feudal dross. In theory, men can have many women who don’t break the law. The colonial government is not ready to stop this, it only serves as a persuasion. If you like to marry more If you don't listen, there's nothing anyone can do.

Although for people in Christ's world, statues are considered idolatry and not worth advocating, the two governors entered the Guandi Temple in a novel way and asked some questions.

In this regard, Alan Wilson, of course, answered flawlessly, and Okust said in surprise, "This is equivalent to the French watching Napoleon?"

"Yes or no, it's very complicated." Alan Wilson glanced at Guan Yu's statue and confessed.

Guan Yu has almost become a history-blind appraiser after a few decades. He has never been someone who was deliberately elevated in the Qing Dynasty. In fact, Guan Yu's status in all dynasties was very high, and every dynasty passed a bunch of titles. It is normal to gain status over time.

When Alan Wilson, on behalf of the United Kingdom, and the two governors were enjoying themselves, the Asian fleets in the ports of Malaya, Kalimantan, and Timor began operations aimed at ensuring freedom of navigation, expelling and detaining Indonesian ships entering the sea. The Indonesian ships that intervened in the confrontation were sunk.

A few days ago, Alan Wilson once told the media that he was interviewing, a warning to keep Indonesian slates out of the sea. With the attacking force of the three countries on the sea surface, it began to become a reality step by step.

The colonists proved with practical actions that this time it was real. Not only Sukarno protested violently against this imperialist act. Even Nasution, the Indonesian Army Chief of Staff, said that such behavior would only push Indonesia to the position of the enemy.

How could this kind of remarks stop Alan Wilson, who had this purpose? Then, in the name of guaranteeing freedom of navigation, he ordered the Malayan media to shout to Indonesia that recognizing the existing borders is the solution to the problem, otherwise it is a threat to world peace.

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