British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 861: small circle of energy

Latest website: In the eyes of great Indonesians, even the Malayan colonies should be part of Indonesia, and the Dutch East Indies are complete Indonesia.

But now when the Netherlands evacuated from Java, they took away Kalimantan and half of New Guinea, the most sparsely populated island, and transferred West Timor to Portugal.

Sending the islands around the Channel to the UK is already a small problem compared to the above. The final result is that the current Indonesia has shrunk by 50% compared to the Indonesia in the minds of the great Indonesians.

The contrast between ideals and reality is too strong, which makes Indonesians who claim to be patriotic feel heartbroken.

The source of this suffering is the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Portugal, as well as the accomplices Australia and New Zealand. Wandering around Indonesia, this time he used the fleet in his hand to forcibly expel and sink the Indonesian fishermen, which made Indonesia's disgust with the colonists to a peak.

As for the Indonesian infiltration of the Malayan colony? Just kidding, how could the Jakarta government admit such a thing.

"Our territory is naturally a part of our country since ancient times. The territory of other countries is naturally either aggression or robbery. Anyway, it was obtained by conspiracy."

In the Malayan Executive Office, Alan Wilson grinned to the bottom of his ears, "Actually, in terms of area and population, the East Indies before being divided were the foundation of the largest country of peace, now? Australians should always be grateful We have eliminated Australia's greatest potential threat ahead of time."

"Judging from the information collected, the Jakarta government's opposition to the free world has reached its peak." Richard glanced at the information from different channels, then raised his head and said, "Commissioner, India and China have already expressed their condemnation. A large group of people who came to the colony in Asia is the Chinese, and although the population of Indians is small, will they be affected by New Delhi?”

"Oh, I understand." Alan Wilson put his hands behind his head, lying comfortably on the backrest, and said slowly, "It's not a big problem, in fact, in terms of vital interests, for the Malays, no matter what Chinese and Indians are all outsiders. In fact, nationalists cannot tolerate outsiders occupying too many resources. This is a common problem of the right wing. If the Chinese and Indians in the colonies are smart enough, it is best not to oppose us ."

"Our departure is the beginning of their annihilation, in order to make them stop being naive about this issue. We should not save our saliva in this regard, we should keep reminding them. As for the Malays in the colony, with the help of the sultans to stabilize, we are in Proper tilt. On the ground, at least, I haven't treated them badly since I took office."

As far as the Chinese community in Indonesia is concerned, Alan Wilson is in the perspective of a third country, unless Indonesia becomes a country with the Soviet system. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the end will be tragic, and ordinary nationalist countries cannot tolerate these Chinese.

No matter how many years ago they came to Southeast Asia, in the eyes of the locals, they were brought in by the colonists.

What's more, Allen Wilson had seen before, the photos of Chinese people celebrating October 1st.

That is to say, Sukarno is still mild, replaced by ordinary Indonesians. When you see people living on your own land holding another country's flag and celebrating another country's National Day, can you not want to kill them and then hurry up?

For the Chinese in Southeast Asia, independent of the mainstream ethnic groups, how do the mainstream ethnic groups view them?

"I also heard that before the Dutch left, many Chinese were evacuated to Kalimantan." Alyssa mentioned a situation, "to help the Dutch develop Kalimantan."

"Maybe this is good for everyone." Alan Wilson replied with a blank face. No surprise, most of the Chinese evacuated from the Netherlands should be supporters of the Artillery Party.

Just like Belarus hates the Soviet Union, it is a good thing for Chinese of this composition to leave. Staying with most Chinese people is more than success. How dangerous can it be to leave? It was just a couple of grumbling words.

If this group of Chinese still stay in Indonesia, then at a critical moment, they may lead the Chinese collective into the ditch.

In the Malayan colony, Alan Wilson attacked both the pro-Soviet elements and the Artillery Party, but he did not expect the Dutch to do the same, nor could he instruct the Dutch on what to do because Britain and the Netherlands shared Kalimantan.

In the face of Indonesia, Britain and the Netherlands are both members of the imperialist family and should treat each other as equals. Colonial empires have arrived at this time, and every bit of strength is precious and should be unanimous.

As for the solidarity between China and India for Jakarta, it's very simple, just cover your ears and pretend you didn't hear it.

"I don't agree, I don't oppose, I don't respond, I don't refute. China and India will feel boring when the time comes." Alan Wilson has set a plan for this time.

"Considering the proportion of ethnic groups in the colonies, that's fine." Richard agreed, and refuting the ethnic groups in the colonies against their home country was not easy, no matter how he responded, he might as well pretend he didn't hear it.

"Very good." Alan Wilson sighed and smiled, "Then there is no problem. Let's look at the effect of this operation to protect freedom, we are trying to figure out how to deal with it."

"Would you like to let Lieutenant General Scones formulate a landing plan for Jakarta." Alyssa suggested.

"Plans can be formulated, after all, it is not too much to make a plan." Alan Wilson expressed his agreement in principle, but disagreed in practice.

For a big scene like the Bay of Pigs landing, it is better to leave it to the counterpart of the CIA, and the United Kingdom cannot afford to lose that person. At least not now.

Alyssa nodded, knowing that her boss didn't want to think about military operations, at least not willing to conduct landing operations.

Think about it too, the Pacific Fleet is in Malaya, what is landing? Isn't that using one's own weaknesses to hit the enemy's strengths?

"It seems that recently, you will be scolded by Jakarta because of the freedom of navigation movement." Alan Wilson, who got off work at 2 o'clock in the afternoon and finished overtime, talked about today's discussion to his wife at home. Pamela Mountbatten has such remarks.

Alan Wilson shook his head and said, "Don't think highly of me, Jakarta is coming from the UK, the Netherlands and Portugal, how can I pay attention to my high commissioner in a colony? China and India did not condemn me in my name, right?"

"What does it have to do with their two countries." Princess Margaret was indignant for her brother-in-law, and Indonesia's condemnation was justified. The other two countries are so far apart, yet they seem to be related to themselves.

"Maybe it's because of the Bandung Conference. This conference has been elevated to the point of significance in those two countries." Alan Wilson was noncommittal, and then said easily, "Don't worry about them, the distance can't do anything but talk about it. People Didn't you stand up, it is understandable to show that you are not afraid of power."

Cursing is undeniable, especially for Alan Wilson. This topic came to an end, and I took the initiative to ask about the contract with Portugal. My sister-in-law still needs help. I can’t give half of my **** for nothing.

After dinner, when Her Royal Highness the Princess left, Pamela Mountbatten used this pretext to talk about the idea of ​​going to Paris, "Speaking of which, someone from the French really invited me to go there. This time I helped Margaret diverts the exploration team, and maybe she can talk about arms sales."

"Remorse-class aircraft carrier?" Alan Wilson was interested, "Who can handle this matter, who has such great energy?"

"It's Mr. Monet." Pamela Mountbatten has nothing to hide, especially to her husband, "I think he may facilitate the arms sale of the Vengeance-class aircraft carrier."

"He?" Alan Wilson said with a stern expression, "He might have this ability, and it would be best to facilitate arms sales. But you have to understand in your heart that London has always been wary of ideals such as the United States of Europe. "

Monet has a rich network of contacts throughout the United Kingdom and the United States. He has even served as a consultant to Chang Gong, and it can be said that he also has contacts in the East.

On the basis of extensive British and American contacts, Monet gained the power to supervise the implementation of the Marshall Plan in France. economic recovery plan.

Despite the fundamental difference between de Gaulle and Monet in statist and internationalist values, France needed American aid too much.

Monet is a staunch supporter of the coal-iron community in France, compared to the French government, which changes people every six months. This man represents another part of the people who believe that power is eternal.

Monet and his supporters the ideal Europe is the European Union of later generations, and even further the United States of Europe.

At best, de Gaulle just thought that the European Community was enough. The latter was a person who wanted to make France continue to be great. The understanding of the European Community was only a framework for showing French influence and making France stronger.

London's current thinking is very fake, supplementing itself through the European Community, and flying on both sides, which is more conservative than de Gaulle's thinking.

So when he heard the name Monet, Alan Wilson first reminded his wife not to be poisoned by the United States of Europe.

"Understood, but I also heard that Monet promotes the concept of economic community." Pamela Mountbatten nodded and whispered, "There are many powerful companies and families next to Monet, and they are very energetic. ."

Pamela Mountbatten is a treasure trove, including former French Prime Minister Antoine Binet, the head of French intelligence Jean Van Ret, Monet and Foreign Minister Schumann. On the German side, Konrad Adenauer, the first German chancellor who also had a close relationship with Monet, Otto Habsburg, the former crown prince of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the head of the Habsburg dynasty, and Carlo Pesenti, an Italian banker with close ties to the Vatican Bank.

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