British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 862: Women can beat women

The latest website: Lower body fort? Alan Wilson was very embarrassed. He only remembered Habsburg for the first time. Among the remaining people, except for a little impression of Adenauer, other names were smeared.

"Germany and France? Economic community, it's good to be limited to this, but it's not enough to go further." Alan Wilson explained, "It is difficult for maritime countries to fight continental countries. Reconciliation between Germany and France puts Britain at risk of being marginalized. . But we can't stop it from the outside, but luckily we are now the leader of the European Community, and it's easier to stop it."

"You are the commissioner of the colony, and it is not yet time to formulate foreign policy." Pamela Mountbatten covered her mouth and chuckled, feeling that her husband was a little worried.

"As soon as I get the foundations right here. It's time for me to contribute to British diplomacy. Sir Norman has said that at the end of my term, I may have to go up a notch." Alan Wilson showed off in front of his wife, as if being Playing with Tom in the palm of his hand.

"Wow, that's really good news." Pamela Mountbatten's eyes lit up, although the scenery of the Malayan colony was good, he still liked more lively places, "After all, there are too many aliens here, there are When I thought about it, I was still afraid that the history of British India would repeat itself."

"No, absolutely not." Alan Wilson waved his hand and said, "Of course we can't despise different civilization carriers, but we don't have to be afraid, both are wrong. In fact, whether it is China or India, they Their culture is not worth fearing, of course, in their own eyes, all the beautiful words are not enough to describe the greatness of their culture, but we should know in our hearts that this is illogical."

The understanding of things at different times at different times, take the Guandi Temple worshipped a few days ago as an example. He had different understandings at different stages of his life in his last life. At first, he thought that Guan Yu was really a god. Later, he thought that Guan Yu was a character who was blown out by Romance. In the end, he returned to the understanding at the beginning. Wu Sheng's name is well-deserved.

Can Liu Bei be able to create three great men, all hope is on Guan Yu, Guan Yu fails, and the Shuhan Group loses this possibility.

The same is true of his understanding of civilization. He once believed that China and India were strong in ancient times, but they couldn’t beat Europe in modern times. Later, the filter on India was broken immediately. Without the British invasion, India has been ruled by the religion of peace for hundreds of years. .

As for China, it is hard to say whether it is strong or weak. With the expansion of Peace Religion in the agricultural era, reason tells Alan Wilson that Peace Religion is the number one in the agricultural era. But the last dynasty in China, although it was a complete defeat to the industrial country, it could not find a few defeats in a row against the enemies at the agricultural and animal husbandry level.

Before the Opium War, Daoguang executed the rebellious Zhang Ge lingeringly. Thirty thousand Qing troops arrived in the northwest and were so frightened that the Kokand Khanate did not dare to stab. How strong is Erqiang, he can completely follow the old story of destroying Zhungar, and even destroy the Kokand Khanate. As for the scale of troops, 30,000 is enough.

Therefore, if it encounters a large-scale attack by the Peace Religion, it is definitely impossible to end up like South Asia.

In the eyes of Alan Wilson, the Qing Dynasty was a stable master of vegetable abuse. If he returned to a hundred years ago and became the Governor of British India, he might have borrowed troops from Emperor Daoguang. Afghans are so annoying. The Qing Dynasty slaughtered Afghanistan. White land, half of the land,

It's not that he didn't know the style of the Qing Dynasty, he never knew what kind of education, and he always killed the rebels first.

"What are you thinking?" Pamela Mountbatten asked suspiciously while watching her husband wandering into the sky.

She didn't know that her man was comparing the military strength of the Peace Religion and the Qing Dynasty, and Guan Gong fought Qin Qiong, whom she liked to hear.

"It's nothing, I think about the strengths and weaknesses of major civilizations. When we encounter the strengths of other civilizations, we have to learn." Alan Wilson interrupted the keyway simulation, "Although the current world is a mainstream world in Europe and America, it can be seen from thousands of years. There must be something special about the civilization that has come and lived up to now.”

"Really?" Pamela Mountbatten looked in disbelief, smiling like a little fox, "Can you talk about black civilization?"

Alan Wilson leaned back tactically, and said to him, "Why do you think of this problem, the angle is very tricky."

"It's nothing, didn't Margaret choose to develop her career in Angola? The main ethnic group in the area is black." Pamela Mountbatten laughed while saying, "Let's talk about what is unique about black people."

"The proportions of the body are very harmonious, huh?" Alan Wilson opened his mouth and added uncertainly, "The character is very optimistic."

Pamela Mountbatten laughed. Seeing her husband's embarrassment made him very happy, he stopped the conversation and urged, "Stop talking, quickly fulfill my husband's obligations. I have to go to France to facilitate arms sales."

When it was time to hand over the public food, the imperial commissioner worked tirelessly and sweated profusely, making the woman who was about to leave quite satisfied.

It's not that Alan Wilson didn't think of a place where black people can become talented, it's just that this country hasn't appeared yet.

Because Castro has not yet succeeded, during the Cold War, Cuba was mainly armed with blacks, and went to Angola to face the South African white army. The crime rate, education level, and life expectancy of Cuban blacks in later generations were not comparable to Cuban whites. difference.

Looking at Haiti, which is emulating the United States next to it, it is almost impossible to compare the two. It's a pity that Cuba hasn't done anything yet, so Alan Wilson can't boast about it. Besides, the proportion of black Cubans in the world is too small.

Although it can prove that black people can also be good citizens in modern society, they can't change the impression given by most black people. Besides, they would rather have the grass of capitalism than the seed of socialism and the good things of the hostile camp. Can it be a good thing?

A day later, Alan Wilson performed an eighteen farewell to his wife and sister-in-law. With great reluctance, he watched Comet 1 take off, and then turned around. There is a second child plan waiting for him, Empire. How busy the commissioner is.

It's time to lie down again, and it's time to enjoy the tenderness of the national treasure and Xiaomaomei.

Paris, the capital of France, is also home to the headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty, which the French love and hate. For many French, the NATO headquarters is not a source of pride, but a disgrace.

The Algerian war, separated by the Mediterranean, did not seem to affect life in Paris. But in fact, Algeria at this time has gathered 600,000 French combat troops, and the number has far exceeded the French military force to deal with the Iron Curtain, but in the hearts of French people, what is more important.

It was at this time that Pamela Mountbatten arrived in Paris, and at the same time arranged for Comet 1 to return the princess to London.

In this way, using radio waves, Pamela Mountbatten and her husband in Kuala Lumpur jointly deal with this meeting and test the purpose of the French.

Sylvia Bodini is Monet's wife, twenty years younger than Monet. If Alan Wilson, who considers himself a prime minister, finds out, he might come over in person. Bao is still a few years younger, so there must be something special about him being admired by Monet.

It is a pity that Alan Wilson is benefiting the society in the Malayan colony, and this important task can only be accomplished by Pamela Mountbatten.

Now, after a series of good fortune, Mountbatten Group has surpassed a number of old-fashioned companies and has become a wealth myth in the UK in the new era. As the owner of the group, Pamela Mountbatten also has a halo. The dizzy little girl became a strong businesswoman.

Seeing a graceful and luxurious Sylvia Bodini is not false at all. France is a republic, and she still pretends to be an aristocrat in front of the British? However, Pamela Mountbatten kept in mind her husband's usual words and deeds, respected any civilization, and asked if there were new business opportunities to discuss cooperation together?

"Oh, Pamela, what do you think about the European market?" Sylvia Bodini, who was also on the task of testing her husband, started the conversation with a kind face.

"Beautiful prospects, foreseeable interests, to a certain extent, are good for Britain and France. Of course, it may not be so easy, the challenges are huge, the interests of countries are not completely aligned, and it may be necessary to Lots of time to communicate.”

Pamela Mountbatten immediately realized that Sylvia Bodini's purpose was not simple, and immediately changed to another state. , see more...

Sylvia Bodini nodded frequently at the, but later found out that Pamela Mountbatten was just a taste of it, and did not talk about the European common market in depth. , "The vast market is also a huge benefit to the UK. You should not deny this. The business expansion of Mountbatten Group also has great benefits."

Her husband's obsession with European unity stemmed from the formation of the Entente against Germany during World War I when Britain and France formed the Allies.

Monet was keenly aware of the lack of cooperation between the British and French Entente countries in the supply and transportation of strategic materials. Monet communicated with Britain at that time to ensure the logistical integration of the Western Front battlefield, and finally reached an agreement on logistical transportation between Britain and France.

The conclusion of the agreement left a deep impression on Monet, from which he realized that countries can make some concessions for a certain common interest. This became an important guiding ideology for Monet's later advocacy of European unity.

"This benefit is of course foreseeable, but there are so many countries in Europe, people are talking a lot, I am a little pessimistic." Of course Pamela Mountbatten can't reveal the bottom so quickly and continue to go around in circles.

The offense and defense between the women continued. After the first meeting, Pamela Mountbatten immediately sent important content to Kuala Lumpur and asked her husband to help her with her staff.

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