British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 863: Let's talk about arms sales

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In the Malayan Administrative Office, the colonial officials saw their superiors come back with a unique temperament, and those with a good nose can still smell the fragrance.

The head of the Administration Bureau and the West Malaysia Commissioner were already waiting in the High Commissioner's Office, and their superiors came out and brought the smell in, "Commissioner, the smell is quite strong."

"I can't do anything today, I have to change my clothes." Alan Wilson walked to his desk and sat down, then said, "No matter what beliefs, Malay mosques and Chinese temples are not allowed to be demolished. We Respect their beliefs... and give me the documents that need to be reported..."

Dear Colonial High Commissioner, I just returned from the temple where the son-in-law Guanyin was sent, not because of Anna's second child plan, but out of respect for the Chinese tradition of having more children and more blessings, in order to make the colony's population structure develop healthily.

The fundamental purpose is to maintain the population ratio of the two major ethnic groups. The pension problem in the Malayan colony cannot be counted on the so-called pension. The pension is essentially the wealth created by the young people and used by the government to support the elderly.

Counting on pensions will sooner or later make ends meet. Old-fashioned imperialism such as the United Kingdom needs to be supplemented by the heritage of the former colonies. The future Britain is to build a financial center and attract wealthy immigrants to the United Kingdom for consumption.

For example, in East Asian countries, if young people are under too much pressure, the birth rate will avalanche, and sooner or later, there will be a scene where seven sisters support the whole country.

Land and resources are a quantitative measure. Like a country that was not a colonial country in the past, it is either as vast and resourceful as the Soviet Union, or it can break through the big filter jointly arranged by Europe and the United States.

In this process, traditional concepts cannot be ignored, and once the concepts are changed, they cannot be returned. Peaceful countries have no fertility problems because of religious issues. In addition to the low economic level, the stubbornness of the traditional concept of Peace Religion is also a major factor.

And Malaya needs a balance between the two major ethnic groups, so Alan Wilson should also take the initiative to contact the feudal dross of burning incense and praying.

Taking the reports of the two subordinates, Alan Wilson was still babbling, "I heard that China in the north of the Xiangjiang River is not promoting the power of people. We change the name and adopt the same public opinion. There is no need for the Malays. Urge, get one group right, and the other group will naturally follow."

"Understood." Alyssa took out the same habit as her immediate boss, and wrote down the words with a small note to prevent forgetting.

"Theoretically, the Malayan colony will not feel the population pressure before it has a population of 50 million." Richard thought about it and nodded, "It's still within the range we can handle."

Alan Wilson is holding a survey report on the urbanization of Penang, Malacca, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore, glanced at random and said, "The first wave of urbanization can already start. Wait until Pamela brings it from London. A group of planners can officially start, and the supervision is handled by the four major companies in Heung Kong. As for building materials, cement and steel are not lacking in Malaya now, and the first round of urbanization can begin. Kuching and Kota Keena in East Malaysia Baloo is not in a hurry and will start with a one-year delay."

Counting from Japan's defeat in 1945, it will be eleven years in one month, and the population of the Malayan colony has exceeded 13 million. After the war, the southern Japanese army was intercepted by Malaya, and a number of housing and infrastructure were built, but it was time to replace the single housing and the roads from ten years ago.

Most importantly, Malaya does need a certain degree of urbanization to cut leeks.

Necessary urbanization will help absorb social wealth, but Malayan residents don't have to worry, he will not exhaust the pond to fish, and use real estate to build this important colony. The method of cutting leeks has long been the method of education industry. degree of unavoidable ways to increase economic vitality.

"In the report, is there no industrial land left in advance?" Allen Wilson asked Richard after reading the reports of the four important cities in Western Malaysia.

"Commissioner, we don't have any special design and planning talents. We can only make judgments when someone from London arrives." Richard said with a wry smile, "Actually, I don't understand, we can find a group of people from Australia, and it's even cheaper. ."

"It is better to take care of people of one nationality in advance. It is cheaper to find them in Japan." Alan Wilson shook his head and smiled lightly, "This round of urbanization is expected to be completed in Penang, Malacca, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, four cities will exceed A million people. I hope to see results before the end of the second term, not later than 1960, Richard, do another investigation."

Richard nodded and left the office with the report, and Alyssa took out her briefcase and handed it to her immediate boss, "Commissioner, you went to ask for a child, is it because Pamela has only one daughter to make you sad, in fact, as long as You think, what's the problem?"

"Of course there's no problem!" Alan Wilson glanced at his reliable subordinate who was ill-intentioned, and said frankly, "I really went for the purpose of colony development."

Then he looked down at the report submitted by Alyssa, and the scope of Alyssa's report had nothing to do with Malaya. When it comes to Japan, South Korea, Indonesia and South Vietnam, the Indonesian part is nothing more than whether there has been a recent rally against the white world.

The reports from Japan, South Korea and South Vietnam are local reports along with photos. What kind of crimes have occurred in the American soldiers who can't control their **** everywhere.

At this moment, Alan Wilson's behavior is similar to Ren Bo'an, except that this part of his **** is specially directed at the United States, from the massacre of the American troops during the Korean War, to the **** of the American troops stationed in Japan after the war, and other Partly in other colonial commissioner books.

The last page of the report was that a week earlier, an American consultant had raped a middle school student in South Vietnam. Of course, accompanied by a photo of the death, Alan Wilson put down the photo expressionlessly and asked, "How many files have you accumulated?"

"There are about 4,000 cases, which have been reported before. The trivial incidents caused by drinking and making troubles are not included." Alyssa also did not change her face, "The death cases were 400 to 500, but many of them were caused by us in 1990. There is not much evidence excavated before 50 years."

"This kind of thing does not need such evidence. If the photos are evidence, there are photos of a hundred cases, and the visual effect is very shocking." Alan Wilson put the photos back on the mezzanine of the South Vietnam newspaper, "We will keep these cases for investigation. Well, maybe one day it will come in handy."

"Maybe?" Alyssa hesitated and said, "Our garrison in Malaya also has high consumption in this regard."

"I don't care if my body needs me. Isn't there still a Korean woman who came to Nanyang? It seems that a lot of Filipino women have come here recently. But the soldiers in the garrison should not affect the residents of the colony. I have said many times, the two major ethnic groups in the Malayan colony. They are all conservative. If something goes wrong, I am willing to sacrifice my life to prove the authority of British law.”

If there is a local woman who dislikes the poor and loves the rich, and something happens with the garrison soldiers, that is not in Alan Wilson's control.

But it is not impossible. The major sultans of the rulers' meeting are very willing to show that they are not afraid of power in this kind of thing.

While in Penang, Alan Wilson betrayed the garrison in order not to be interfered with by the Council of Rulers.

Although it is a little embarrassing to say it, it is better for the garrison to be supervised than to be supervised, and he wants to benefit the society in Malaya.

Similar things are not done by himself. For example, his old colleague John, who is busy with the independence of Sudan, has not forgotten how to keep one eye on how the French soldiers slaughtered the Algerians.

The Northern Rhodesian commissioner left behind numerous photos of Congolese hands being chopped off, and the Zanzibar commissioner documented the process by which the Sultanate of Sanibar drove blacks back to the African continent. Isn't the similar behavior of the commissioners in various places because a colleague of the deputy secretary-general of the Overseas Assets Management Committee taught me.

If it can be used one day, maybe it can be used for profit, even if Belgium has long since stopped doing this in the Congo.

But because it has done this before, if one day the United Kingdom does not feel reliable, with the hegemony of British public opinion, the reputation of Belgium as a country can be completely drained.

Alan Wilson doesn't feel that something is wrong. The collection of these criminal evidence, including but not limited to the United States, shows that he is still not afraid of power. The provincial United States always feels good about itself and feels that it is different from other European colonial countries.

The last was a telegram from my wife from Paris, about a conversation she had with Sylvia Bodini, Madame Monet, whose circle wanted to bring about the establishment of the European Economic Community.

"The Roman Treaty?" Alan Wilson pondered for a moment, knowing the purpose of Monet and the others. Different from the original history, the UK now exists in the European Community, and even has a great right to speak.

It's just that the United Kingdom regards the European Community as one of the two wings that fly is obviously not very concerned about the European Community. Monet, the chairman of the Commission of the United States of Europe, is also watching from the sidelines.

Monet is clearly looking for a representative of British capital to implement his Greater Europe idea. Pamela Mountbatten, who has a solid network of contacts in France, was considered a suitable candidate.

Alan Wilson immediately went to the telegraph room to explain his wife's confusion halfway across the world, "The idea of ​​a big Europe of Monet's group depends on what price they can offer. If the strength of the pound can be strengthened, it may not be the case in London. It will be rejected. But the most urgent thing is to talk about the arms sales of the hatred level?"

In a later telegram, Alan Wilson's thinking became clearer, saying that if some important European companies were listed in London for financing, and the financial strength of the United Kingdom was increased, there might be opportunities.

But this part needs to be discussed last. Let's talk about arms sales first, not to mention the grudge-class aircraft carrier will be scrap iron sooner or later.

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