British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 864: Martin Luther King

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Up to now, the aircraft carriers before the British Eagle-class aircraft carriers are useless. The Eagle-class and the Queen-class that has just served are in the direction of the mainland and the Mediterranean respectively. The Radiance-class is in the Pacific Fleet, and the Qiu-class aircraft carrier has not been retired. the result of the debt.

After the two Queen-class ships are in service, the modification of the two Grievance-class ships that are not high may be greatly reduced. There was still a theoretical possibility, but now there is not even a theoretical possibility.

Not disappearing from the Royal Navy's ranks was the result of the efforts of First Sea Lord Mountbatten.

Because of Australia's arms sales, it may not be so soon to be retired, but it is basically in a state of doing nothing.

Britain has been selling aircraft carriers after the war, but due to technological progress, the stock in its hands is depreciating at the speed of light. If carrier-based aircraft did not develop so fast, these aircraft carriers still need to be reserved, and now they are in a state of tasteless.

Given the opportunity, the UK would be more than willing to shed those burdens and make the Royal Navy a healthier configuration.

Among the various outcomes of aircraft carriers, decommissioning and storage is the most expensive method, which does not create any value, and requires money to maintain.

Taking advantage of the fact that France is now asking for help, Alan Wilson asked his wife to quickly facilitate the arms sale and leave this burden to France. And for France, the Vengeance-class aircraft carrier is also needed. France supports the Algerian war and really needs a grudge-level presence.

Returning to London this time, Pamela Mountbatten also has the purpose of setting up an urban planning team and hiring teachers to go to Malaya to develop the education industry. Meeting the circle of the United States of Europe is an unexpected gain. We should take the opportunity to take the burden of resentment during the negotiation. toss out.

"One last thing, a black leader in the US called Martin Luther King Jr. is campaigning against apartheid. This is something Australians should care about."

Pamela Mountbatten couldn't help but smiled, picked up the phone and said, "Marina, tell the Australian newspapers to report on the boycott movement of black Americans, to carry out a smart report, add pessimism about the future of the United States, but don't too obvious."

"I'll contact Perth immediately." Marina's voice came from the microphone, and she hung up after answering two sentences.

Australia's founding policy is the White Australia Policy. So far, the White Australia Policy is still being firmly implemented.

But the United States is different. The peak of white Americans came after two world wars and white Europeans immigrated to the United States. In 1945, the white population of the United States reached its peak of 92%. Five years ago, it was 1990. In 50 years, it has become 90%.

It is the end of 1955, the baby boom has not ended, and the proportion of the population will not change significantly in a short period of time. But with a drop of just one per cent, Pamela Mountbatten could have the controlled Australian media reporting in disarray.

It is useless in Australia to slander the United States in other fields, but it is absolutely useful to sing about the racial issue. The root cause is the White Australia policy, which combines the increase of the black population in the United States with the sense of unease in the hearts of Australians, and firmly believes that Australia has two boats. Determination.

Martin Luther King Jr., the pioneer of equal rights in the United States, has received more attention in Australia, which is lonely overseas, than in the United States. The comparison of growth trends and fertility rates of different races has also begun to become an afterthought in all parts of Australia. Talk about money.

All of this Alan Wilson has deep credit and fame, and he is still sweating profusely for the second child plan. Celebrating the birthdays of Heidi Rama and Vivien Leigh, busy feet do not touch the ground, I don't know how fulfilling my life is.

And far away in Paris, Pamela Mountbatten worked as a salesman, constantly selling the Vengeance-class aircraft carrier to Sylvia Bodini, the wife of the chairman of the European Commission.

"Madam, you misunderstood. It involves the major policies of France. How can we be involved?" Sylvia Bodini forced a smile, indicating that she did not have the ability.

"I just want Mr. Monet's help. I don't have no connections in Paris. But I'm not sure that I will pass it at one time." Pamela Mountbatten said with a reserved smile, "This time the arms sale is actually very simple, the British Royal Navy. The size of the fleet is excessive, while France is on the contrary, and the naval force for cross-sea combat is somewhat insufficient. Of course, the Mediterranean has the help of the Royal Mediterranean Fleet, but we can’t always help, right?”

The Algerian war is a top priority for France at the moment. If Sylvia Bodini said that France doesn't care, it would be a lie. There are now 600,000 French soldiers in Algeria, and maybe more will be added. can be seen.

While Sylvia Bodini was still hesitating, Pamela Mountbatten continued, "The unity of Britain and France is the foundation of European stability. Although Britain has accused France of colonial policy on some occasions, in fact, Yes. But what about European economic integration? The problem is more complicated, and of course we also want to feel the goodwill of France. If France is willing to help, my father will definitely express his gratitude, and the British side is definitely not a problem.”

"Britain is willing to support integration?" Sylvia Bodini hurriedly asked after hearing this.

"It can only be said that the probability increases, what is 100% in this world?" Pamela Mountbatten replied with a smile, "Of course, during the formal negotiations, the United Kingdom may add some conditions, but I am willing to do so. Activities, the premise is that Mr. Monet releases goodwill."

Pamela Mountbatten still expressed conditional support. The European economic integration will definitely give the UK a nod because of a single arms sale. Once the formal negotiations begin, the UK will definitely have other conditions, but that will come later.

Even if the Mediterranean Sea is calm, it is still the sea. The logistics of the 600,000 French troops largely require the support of the French mainland. The Royal Navy cannot always help in vain, but is willing to provide two 30,000-ton aircraft carriers as a backup plan. Not bad for France.

After Sylvia Bodini left, she relayed Pamela Mountbatten's words to her husband who was twenty years older.

"Actually, it's not a disadvantage. France really needs to protect the supplies of the front-line soldiers, and at the same time cut off the support of other countries for the resistance forces." Monet asked his wife after thinking for a long time, "She said that as long as we can handle Paris, the British side will definitely not Putting up barriers to the sale of aircraft carriers?"

"That's what she said, referring to General Mountbatten's willingness to see the arms sale come to fruition, and the price may not be as high as he imagined." Sylvia Bodini replied immediately, "It seems that, at least on the colonial issue, It is still easy for the two countries to reach a consensus.”

"Invite Schumann for me, let's talk about it." Monet made a decisive decision and decided to seize this opportunity. Anyway, France really needs it, and it is not a loss on the issue of arms sales.

Monet didn't just care about national affairs, and asked his wife, "You seem to be at home these days, why don't you go out and walk around."

"Ingrid and Heidi are said to have gone on vacation to Asia. Only Greta is hosting the film company. She basically doesn't show up much, and I don't have a place to go." Sylvia Bodini sighed, "There something to play."

Why not, the imperial commissioner was almost exhausted, more tired than the buffalo held by the farmer's uncle.

After coming to Malaya from two domineering female presidents, he was such a diligent commissioner that he stopped working overtime and did not work until two o'clock in the afternoon, and formulated a strict time management plan, making the two actresses feel at home .

Pamela Mountbatten returned to London, while Monet was discussing with Robert Schuman how to get the UK's support for European economic integration. keep."

"More than that, the UK also uses the industrial base of the Commonwealth to dump the European market." Robert Schuman did not hide his emotions when facing his old friend, "It's just that France really needs the help of the UK at present, and the UK is indeed the one after the war. On certain issues, sincerely help France. Now that the Algerian war is over, France still asks Britain."

"Yeah, there are quite a lot of supporters for the Algerian war, and many people clearly expressed their support." Monet couldn't help shaking his head when he thought of this war, and then mentioned the issue of arms sales, "Britain intends to sell two aircraft carriers, I have previously When talking to the Mountbatten group, the little girl said it."

In terms of Monet's age, it is very normal to call a little girl Pamela Mountbatten. It does not mean that he does not recognize the strength of the Mountbatten Group. Robert Schumann obviously knows the strength of the Mountbatten Group. She is still an ordinary daughter of a nobleman, and she has such a large industry in such a short period of time. Although I have seen it with my own eyes, I still don’t quite believe it.”

"There are indeed some lucky people in this world." Monet shook his head in confusion and went straight to the subject, "Robert, do you think this arms sale to France will suffer?"

"If it's the people of Pidul, they would like the arms sale to be completed as soon as possible, and the attitude of the military is similar." Robert Schumann said without What? We also help. "

"The Mountbatten Group is now an important place in the UK, and Mountbatten himself is an important sign of the British military. It would save us a lot of work if we could show goodwill to European integration. You know, the UK has always been very good in the diplomatic field. Difficult to deal with, even if it saves a year, it will save a huge cost.”

Monet expressed his attitude and looked at his old friend eagerly. Robert Schuman did not answer immediately, and finally said uncertainly, "Well, I hope this upstart capital can feel our goodwill."

At the same time, Pamela Mountbatten, who returned to London, is also talking to her father about this arms sale, hoping that it will come naturally. "

"Now I need my father to submit a professional report with little potential for modification. As for the job in Whitehall, I will talk to Frank." Pamela Mountbatten said immediately, "Alan and Frank have a good relationship."

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