British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 865: future executive secretary

"Oh, it seems that you have everything planned." Mountbatten looked at his daughter's raised eyebrows and said understandingly, "Then dear daughter, you should at least let your father know what cards are currently in your hand, so that you can Steady progress."

"On the French side, because of the good relationship we forged before Algeria, we successfully got in touch with the lobbying forces through the local military, and the group represented by Pidoul is not a big problem." Pamela Mountbatten knows all about it The words are endless, and I hope to get a different opinion from my father, "There are also some people from the Commission of the United States of Europe, Monet, Schumann, Wan Leiter..."

"Although they are from two different circles, they add up to two prime ministers, two foreign ministers, and the French National Intelligence Coordination Committee, so it seems that the French side is not a problem." Mountbatten nodded and said, "Then the pressure will be It's all on our side."

"What is the problem with us?" Pamela Mountbatten thought she had heard it wrong. The advantage the UK has over France is its political stability. No matter how small the conflict is, as long as it is on the battlefield, the country's Destruction is inevitable.

In the process of competing with Britain for hegemony, France gradually became unsupported, because of the political instability in France and the constant coup d'etat.

"You should have heard that our Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary have been at odds in the early years because of the party leader's victory and defeat, but Morrison's prestige is too high. This gap has been particularly prominent in the past two years, and The Chancellor of the Exchequer Gaiske, the Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary in general are still accepting European integration. The Chancellor is more conservative."

"In general, the relationship between the Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary, the Chancellor of the Exchequer is complicated, and the Chancellor is a supporter of the Prime Minister, and he is not on good terms with the Foreign Secretary. Perhaps only people in Whitehall know about the complex relationship."

Compared with the joint promotion of the two circles in France, the current Labour Party cabinet seems to be in good condition. It has been in power for three consecutive terms, which has driven the UK to clear its foreign debt, and the economy has not suffered any major setbacks. But only the internal contradictions are not known.

When it comes to Europe, the Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary agree, but the Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary are hostile to each other. The Chancellor of the Exchequer supports the Prime Minister, but the Chancellor of the Exchequer is against European integration.

"Father, Pidour and Monet are not in the same circle. Pidoul firmly supports the Algerian war. Monet pays more attention to integrating Europe. They can all sit together. There is no reason why we can't. The Labour cabinet will not be because of this matter. No, I'll talk to Sir Edward and Frank."

Pamela Mountbatten said this, and said in a squeamish voice, "Of course I'm not saying that the Navy is not good. If the arms sales are successfully completed, the number of new aircraft carriers may be built up to four. In this way, in the next 20 years, You don't have to worry about the marginalisation of the beloved Royal Navy."

"You... and your Allen learned badly, and you came to deceive and take advantage of your father." Mountbatten looked sad, and really wanted to give his daughter a five-flash whip.

But Mountbatten still eats this set. He is happy to see the growth of the Royal Navy. Not only does he feel that he should sell the Vengeance class and the Radiance class, but also a batch of ten smaller Centaurs and Giants. He is also actively looking for buyers. .

In fact, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is indeed selling these aircraft carriers of less than 20,000 tons to different countries. Candidate countries, including but not limited to Brazil, Chile, Argentina, India, and even want to sell one to Iran.

Of course, in order to make the French feel value for money, General Mountbatten still drew his attention back to his old army, the Royal Mediterranean Fleet, the Mediterranean Fleet with Malta and Cyprus as important naval bases, and the east and west ends of the Mediterranean. Gibraltar and the Suez Canal, controlled by the British, could help France cut off support from other countries to the rebels.

"Now there are 600,000 French troops in Algeria, how many locals are there in the whole of Algeria?" Mountbatten really didn't know much about Algeria, so he could not help asking his daughter who had explored there.

"More than eight million." Pamela Mountbatten hesitated for a while, "The exact number cannot be calculated, this is just an approximation."

"The French really take it seriously." Mountbatten chuckled after hearing this. "Most of the country's military power is in North Africa. I don't know how many troops are still under command within the framework of NATO."

With 600,000 troops suppressing Algeria with a total population of more than 8 million, Mountbatten could not think of a reason for his failure.

In this case, it is estimated that France will win the premise. The sale of two aircraft carriers is the icing on the cake, and Paris is still willing. This is a win-win situation.

Pamela Mountbatten went to two civil servants of the Ministry of Finance, former cabinet secretary and current Ministry of Finance, when the old father was drafting a report on the refit potential of the Vengeance-class aircraft carrier with almost zero potential to be sealed to the Secretary of the Navy. Permanent Undersecretary, and his deputy Frank.

Frank didn't expect that the chatter he had been passing through Kuala Lumpur when he returned to London would be approached so quickly.

"Actually, I can't do anything. I can only settle an account for the Chancellor of the Exchequer Gaiske, and save a lot of money." Frank smiled wryly and repeated what he said in Kuala Lumpur, "The most important thing is whether Paris has any This intention, if I have this intention, I can only exert influence from the side, our Chancellor of the Exchequer is not easy to fool."

"How hard is it to fool?" Pamela Mountbatten was curious, which was a high evaluation.

"He can almost be a civil servant." Frank shook his head and muttered to himself, "So I... the chancellor of the exchequer wants to pass a decision, and I don't agree."

"Me?" Pamela Mountbatten whispered suspiciously before turning around, "Maybe I should ask if Sir Edward can do anything, after all, he is an experienced gentleman."

"It's not that serious." Hearing the name of his immediate boss, Frank immediately changed his attitude, "We each perform our duties and never interfere, all for the benefit of society, and with our concerted efforts, we should appear. optimistic outcome."

"Indeed, my friend." Pamela Mountbatten was very satisfied with this answer. "I heard that Sir Edward also said that he retired. It seems that the future of the Treasury rests with you."

"Pamela, don't say that. Our Ministry of Finance is only a small department, with only 123 senior officials and 467 secretaries, that's all." Frank immediately expressed to his immediate boss. Absolutely agree, "As for who will be the future permanent secretary of the Treasury, who knows?"

"This way I can feel at ease." Pamela Mountbatten smiled slightly, "My husband said that you are a colleague he recognizes."

"I also recognize Allen very much." Frank also reciprocated, responding positively to positive responses.

Pamela Mountbatten has left, and it is too early to talk about what the future will bring in return. She returned to London not only for arms sales, but also for the deployment of exploration teams with maritime exploration experience, looking for cities to help urbanize the Malayan colony. Planning talents, as well as people in vocational schools, are not trivial matters.

According to the colonial government report published by the Malayan colony, "the professional knowledge and skills of the people are the "intangible capital" that constitutes prosperity, and the cultivation of such knowledge and skills is the guarantee of economic development. , commercial schools, merchant marine schools, industrial tutorial schools and apprenticeship schools are all included in a vocational school system. As a secondary technical education school, the industrial school is divided into labor, agriculture, fishery, commerce and merchant shipping. It also recruits graduates from primary and secondary schools, The vocational training period is three years.”

In addition to the vocational school part, the Malayan colony will build four, relying on urbanization to focus on the development of Singapore, Malacca, Penang and Kuala Lumpur Universities, as the educational support of British higher education to the Malayan colony.

Of course, the four universities are a long-term plan. At the beginning, such a large amount of investment is not required. However, the teacher groups who go to the Malayan colony will receive more favorable treatment than in the mainland.

In a high-end apartment in Kuala Lumpur, Ingrid Bergman, who was wearing a men's shirt, was busy making baguettes when the bedroom door was pushed open. Ti Rama came out and asked, "Is he awake?"

"Sleeping soundly." The corners of Heidi Rama's mouth twitched, as if thinking of something Huh, don't make him tired. "Ingrid Bergman continued the baguette tour with a distressed tone.

"Oh, it seems like you're working too hard." Heidi Lamar rolled her eyes, obviously working so hard last night.

Ingrid Bergman blushed and quibble, "I mean let him have a good rest, he was already very tired from work. Put down the bath water and let him get up and relax."

"What's the point of taking a bath." Heidi Rama disagreed. Isn't there any dirty place that has been kissed clean? Now what are you worried about? If you don't have so many tricks, he will be tired?

"How about making food?" Alan Wilson staggered out with sleepy eyes, missing the scene just now.

"I'll put you bath water." Ingrid Bergman floated over and led the man to the bathroom, where the food could be made later.

After a while, Heidi Rama could hear the faint applause of love, coming from the bathroom, gritted her silver teeth, "Don't get tired of him? Humph..."

The time to satisfy the appetite was slightly delayed, and Alan Wilson, who had finished the morning exercise, devoured it, and did not hide his desire to attack the food.

"If you want, the city of Malacca can get a share of the city's construction. But you have to build a new company through Newfoundland to participate. French capital entering the British colony is still easy to find." After the battle last night, Alan Wilson obviously In the state of being complacent, if the old problems are committed, we must give enough returns.

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