British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 866: grudge-level arms sales

Even if it hasn't officially started yet, Alan Wilson already has an idea for the four major cities in the planning. Singapore and Penang Mountbatten Group and the four major families of Hong Kong must have a share. Kuala Lumpur can be handed over to the mainland and Malaya. There is still one remaining capital, and Malacca City is now ready to share the interests of the two actresses.

This is already the limit. He can open a back door, just like the two big movie queens do the same to him, but he can't hand over the urban construction of the four major cities to them.

"This? We have never done such an industry." Ingrid Bergman was a little embarrassed and looked embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter, nothing has a beginning." Heidi Lamar, on the contrary, said to Ingrid Bergman, "He will not harm us unless he wants us to take our children to sleep on the street."

Alan Wilson smiled wryly with his mouth open, "What kind of person is sleeping on the street, I'm not that kind of person."

"Otherwise, I'm sorry for the treatment we gave you." Heidi Rama glanced at Ingrid Bergman meaningfully.

This reminded Alan Wilson of the good memories of yesterday, and he felt that it was ok not to go to work today.

"However, the colonial government is not going to make more money for the construction of the city this time. It must be done in moderation." Alan Wilson solemnly instructed that the two movie queens would benefit from it, but they would not reach the sky in one step.

The real estate bubble has appeared more than once since the First World War. Every time it appears, the people facing it are full of confidence that this time is different, but in fact? It's the same every time.

To be really different, like the Soviet Union did with a fully planned economy, there would be no bubbles, but deflation. Deflation, at least while the Soviet Union was alive, was never completely resolved, only moderated at various times.

The current policy of the Malayan colony is really only to cut leeks on the city building, but only once.

After this round is over, the next time is not ten years or twenty years, and I will not continue to use my brains on real estate.

As for the income this time, Alan Wilson feels that 200 million to 300 million pounds is enough to complete the task.

This number is not large. The Gold Coast in Africa now has a revenue of 200 million pounds on the books. Are the residents of the Malayan colony still inferior to the blacks on the Gold Coast? impossible!

In his spare time, a large part of the High Commissioner's work in the Executive Office is to see what the United States is doing, what France is doing, and then what Indonesia is doing. If the colony has nothing to do with him, he can wait to get off work.

The Malayan colony was a small department, but also had twenty regional commissioners, one hundred and sixty senior officials, and more than twenty thousand civil servants, benefiting society in this far-flung colony.

It is not enough to have redundant officials. The civil servants in the Malayan colony did not have as many garrisoned troops. Therefore, it was absolutely reasonable for him to let the major sultans pay attention to the garrison before. Good steel is used on the blade.

After work, Alan Wilson, who had a shot from Shentong to change places, arrived at Anna's residence. The little dragoons who had worked so hard to accompany him here. Whenever he thought of people coming to accompany him from thousands of miles away, he would always feel hot in his heart.

"Aren't those two movie queens here? With your Vivienne, you can still think of me." Anna was very rude, accusing the three and four men, pinching her waist with her hands, "It's all very strong. It's been so long and my stomach hasn't moved, of course I don't care, who made my man so popular."

"Honey, it's heartbreaking for you to say that, you know, I've always been there for you." Alan Wilson stepped forward, one hand already upstairs at his waist.

"I'm doing it for your own good, those old women are poison and will drain you." Anna snorted, "Even if I can't compare to when they were young, I've been screened out, the most important thing is me. young age."

Woohoo... In order to quell the dissatisfaction of the little dragoons, Alan Wilson could only have a battle of words, and temporarily suppressed the woman's protest, "There will be careers, children will have, everything will be there..."

"Don't change the lines of our movie." Anna broke free from the man's mouth and said indignantly.

Recently, the little dragoons have been very irritable. I don't know if it is because the battle situation did not follow the plan and is in an unstable state.

There is always a small temper with Alan Wilson from time to time, but it is all within the acceptable range.

If it is the fault of the boxer, Alan Wilson will definitely change to another attitude. Anna obviously has a certain degree in her heart, and controls the joke to a certain extent, so that it will be taken seriously and will not be annoying.

I don’t know if I only focused on psychological games when I was studying in Gartzner.

Anna carefully grasped the heat. She knew that in addition to herself and the two actresses, there was also a Vivian in Malaya who lived with her son. If there was too much trouble, the man had a place to go. Check in.

This time, the urban construction plan is naturally due to the help of the big Chinese compradors who need support. Alan Wilson constantly greets the big compradors who have passed their infancy, and plans how to stimulate the potential of the Malayan comprador group.

As for the city left to these big compradors, it is Kuala Lumpur at the foot. Generally, there are only two places where the value of real estate is best preserved, either the political center or the economic center. There are many countries like the United Kingdom where the political center and the economic center are combined. But not in the planned Malayan colony.

Singapore will play the role of a transit port. Penang and Malacca are also important ports, but there is only one political center, which is the colonial capital Kuala Lumpur. From this point of view, Alan Wilson is quite good for these big compradors. One of the big cities was separated and handed over to the Chinese to build the city, which is simply the conscience of imperialism.

The future of the entire Malayan colony was in his mind. Of course, the big compradors who knew the inside story were flocking to him, lest they be left behind in this round of competition. These days, they have been surrounding the High Commissioner to show their loyalty.

"I believe all of you are reliable people." Facing the attention of the big compradors, Alan Wilson did not reject people from thousands of miles away, pretending to be arrogant, but implied that everyone had a stake in this matter, "Each of your companies You all have a share. I believe that your wealth will increase to a new level after the completion of this project. Of course, at this stage, you have not fully undertaken the strength. Compared with those of the Taikoo Group, you lack too much. You can only carry out second-hand contracting in the downstream industry. , all of you together, it is not bad to be able to make the same profit as the Taikoo Group. Well, I will pay for it to ensure that all of you will not earn less than the Taikoo Group. Now that I have finished speaking, who is in favor? Who is against it? "

More than a dozen people, including Su Yang, Coca, and Tian Qianqiu, nodded, expressing that they had no objection. Alan Wilson was very satisfied. He joked with everyone and asked about the person's original place of origin to get closer.

"Where is Coca from?" Alan Wilson asked the No. 3 person in the comprador, of course he just asked casually.

"My ancestral home is Changsha, Lord Zhongtang." When Coca opened his mouth, he found Alan Wilson's expression a little strange, "What's wrong? Lord Zhongtang has heard of it, and he is really knowledgeable."

"Disrespectful!" Alan Wilson looked respectful, it turned out to be a talent from Changsha, how could he have the qualifications to make irresponsible remarks, if nothing else, who made him a man?

However, he did not treat Coca because of his place of origin. In the final analysis, Coca is also a hard worker. Who made him also a man, born in Boxing Capital, is already worthy of sympathy.

Reaffirming the role of the navy to public recognition was indeed Mountbatten's first priority as First Sea Lord.

He believes that only by letting others admit that the Royal Navy's ships can become the delivery vehicles of large swimming rockets in the future can other matters be brought up on the agenda.

It was the first cornerstone of the policy pursued by the Admiralty during Mountbatten's tenure as First Sea Lord. The second cornerstone is a pledge to support amphibious strike forces around the world on a mission to protect British interests. Mountbatten is realistic and strategic when it comes to applying for government funding.

The Royal Navy is in the process of transformation, so naturally it cannot be as capricious as it used to We can only treat the Royal Navy as an ordinary branch of arms and wait for the opportunity. Fortunately, with the progress of Australian arms sales, the construction plan of the new aircraft carrier It's already on the agenda.

In the past few days, he has completed the resentment-class aircraft carrier with no potential for modification, and is ready to submit a feasibility report for storage. To the Secretary of the Navy, Secretary of War, and Secretary of the Air Force.

After doing this, General Mountbatten waited for the French to take the initiative. It really didn't make him wait too long. George Piddle then came to London to visit England.

George Pidour's working experience shows the speed of change in the French government in recent years. In the second half of 1946, he was in charge of the coalition government. From 1947 to 1948, he was the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Affairs. He was prime minister for the second time in 2000, followed by defense minister three years ago and again last year as foreign minister.

George Dupier's trip to London, in addition to calling for British support for France, immediately took out a bargaining chip to look forward to British support, expressing his desire to buy two British Vengeance-class aircraft carriers.

Because of this request, a cabinet meeting was convened directly under the auspices of Attlee. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Finance, and the Minister of the Navy gathered together to discuss George Piddle's intentions.

Unable to come up with a consensus in a short period of time, Attlee started with the data and asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Secretary of the Navy to explain the situation.

As a result, Frank's report on the financial pressure caused by the Vengeance-class aircraft carrier and the sealing report submitted by Mountbatten, through the hands of Norman Brooke, appeared in front of Prime Minister Attlee.

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