British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 867: Simplified and not Simplified

"It's... heavy." Attlee was holding two document bags as thick as a finger. Attlee, who was born in 1883, is now seventy-three years old.

When Churchill was in the House of Commons, he was long regarded as stubborn and dying. But now, Attlee is not much stronger than Churchill at that time, and it is inevitable that he will suffer from lack of energy when he is older.

From the second half of his second term, Attlee also began to rely on the Cabinet Office to share the huge workload to reduce his workload. To be fair, he has not had high-intensity work for a long time.

Otherwise, how could the next Sleeping King satisfy all the departments in the United States? Although voters are not all satisfied.

After watching it for a while, Attlee gave up her efforts and directly asked Norman Brook, "Norman, do you have a more concise report, or do you know the general framework."

"As ordered, esteemed Prime Minister." Norman Brooke was not surprised by Attlee's behavior, all of which were within his expectations, and directly introduced, "Frank's report, the main purpose is to judge the trend of the optimization of the Royal Navy's structure. , and considering the reduction of military expenditures from the perspective of cost saving, let’s say that the resentment-class aircraft carrier involved at present, I simply calculated an account, if we agree to the French military sales request, we can save a lot of logistical expenses, in addition to being able to If you get the money, you can also earn a modification fee.”

"Of course, the specific model of arms sales still depends on the opinion of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Whether we modify it locally or whether the French think that we don't need help and pull the aircraft carrier back for modification. The final figures are different."

"As for the report of the First Sea Lord, although it is from a different angle, it is essentially one thing." Norman Brooke picked up General Mountbatten's report again, "essentially the Royal Navy is in its own perspective. The optimization plan given shows that General Mountbatten is also a very enlightened admiral, a respectable and professional naval leader."

Attlee nodded and heard Norman Brooke continue, "Respect is the Prime Minister. First of all, let me briefly introduce the Royal Navy's streamlined integration plan for the next five to ten years, starting with aircraft carriers."

The Prime Minister remained silent, listening to Norman Brooke's introduction, not to mention the battleships. Even the latest battleship HMS Vanguard has now arrived in loyal Malaya. The battleships that are still active in the Royal Navy are all in the Pacific Fleet. The logistical maintenance was borne by the Malayan colony.

This makes the Royal Navy, from 1945 to the present ten years, still appears to be the framework of the global navy. Although a batch of warships have been dismantled and sold, the total tonnage is still more than 2 million tons.

As for the aircraft carrier part, in 1945, the Royal Navy included, but not limited to, four Tejas, two Eagles, two Haters, and fifteen Giants that had not yet been built. Twenty-three aircraft carriers.

At that time, there was still the Malta-class, and now the Queen-class aircraft carrier has started construction, and the four improved Centaurs of the Giant-class have also been retained and continued to be built. Counting this part, there are a total of 29 aircraft carriers.

After the war, Britain encountered financial difficulties and continued to sell aircraft carriers to reduce the expenditure of the Royal Navy. However, the financial pressure has eased over time, and the number of aircraft carriers currently resident in ports is still large.

"In the report of the First Sea Minister, the Eagle-class and Queen-class must be retained. Although the Centaur-class tonnage is slightly smaller than the Radiance-class and the Resentment-class, because of the late construction, the issue of the increase of the carrier-based aircraft has been taken into account at that time. .So the modification potential is greater than that of the Glorious Class and the Grim Remorse Class. But the Grim Remorse Class, Glorious Class and Giant Class may be sold for the best result. It is not unacceptable to store them, but it only delays the dismantling time."

Norman Brooke flipped through the streamlined and integrated part, then pushed it over and placed it in front of Attlee and said, "Ignoring the pension fleet in the Malayan colony, the battle sequence of the Royal Navy in the next five to ten years will be two to ten. Three new aircraft carriers, two Queens, and four Centaurs, ranging in number of undisassembled and sealed parts of the Vengeance, Radiance, and Giant that may remain."

"Then five to ten years from now, the configuration of the Royal Navy will be like this, ten or so aircraft carriers at all levels, as well as legacy aircraft carriers as appropriate, four cruisers, about seventy destroyers, seventy frigates, and a different number. Waiting for the submarine force. All of this does not count the Pacific battleship formation that has lost its combat effectiveness by then, with a tonnage of about 1.5 million tons."

Norman Brooke played a trick here. As we all know, the battleship formation in the Malayan colony is also very large, with a tonnage of nearly 600,000 tons. If the battleships with poor performance are placed in the mode of continued service in Malaya, they will continue to serve. If it continues, the so-called streamlining and integration will be out of the question. The scale of the Royal Navy envisioned in this report in ten years is likely to be the same as it is now.

Norman Brooke is an honest man, and if Prime Minister Attlee raised objections at this time, he would definitely speak up. But the great Prime Minister didn't ask, he didn't need to say that the so-called streamlining and integration will not reduce even a ton.

Although Prime Minister Attlee was much more enlightened than Churchill, he was still a prime minister from the old times. He had also seen the days when the British Empire ordered the world to declare war on Germany, together with colonies, dominions, and dozens of political units.

The 500,000-ton streamlining plan was enough to satisfy him. He was not mentally prepared to make the Royal Navy a second-rate navy. After listening to it, he said with satisfaction, "This way, the cost of the Royal Navy will be greatly reduced, and the cost of the Royal Navy will be greatly reduced. Keep up the normal replacements?"

"It is true that, esteemed Prime Minister, most of the Radiance, Hatred and Giant will disappear from the current order of operations. It can be said that General Mountbatten may be bleeding in his heart."

"There's no way around that. Wartime is different from peacetime. After World War I, the Royal Navy was in a similar situation."

"Yes, many battleships were sold at that time, just like aircraft carriers are sold today." Hearing Attlee mentioning the past of selling battleships after World War I, Norman Brooke agreed deeply. moment.

The new aircraft carrier that is about to start construction is bigger than the Queen-class that has not been in service for a long time. From this point of view, there is no need to reserve aircraft carriers below the resentment class. The Ministry of the Navy has come up with professional advice. The modification potential is not large, but the modification The cost is not small.

Compared with the big guy in the future, although the grudge class has a tonnage of 30,000 tons, it can only be called a little guy.

"So, Norman, do you think it's okay to sell the grudge class?" Attlee looked at Norman Brook for advice.

"Dear Prime Minister, this is a tough decision you made alone." Norman Brooke joked, "Of course if you ask me, it's a good way to save costs. We can add some additional conditions, For example, the Strait of Gibraltar and the Suez Canal, help the French to check more, don’t let any dangerous goods flow into Algeria, and the French will do the rest.”

"That's right, this is an additional condition that can be appreciated by the French at no cost." Unconsciously, Prime Minister Attlee has already recognized in his heart that this is an extremely important arms sale to France.

Who doesn't matter to whom? Even though Prime Minister Attlee has made a decision, the work is not over in order to try to eliminate distractions.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer Gaiske was a cabinet member who was very wary of France's need to integrate European integration. He was very disgusted to hear about the ideal of the United States of Europe.

France's idea of ​​integrating Europe for integration is certainly worthy of vigilance, but it can be clearly seen that the circles that insist on the Algerian war and European integration are not one.

"Dear Minister, these two things can't be done at the same time. If Algeria can become part of France and integrate into Europe, then the entire Commonwealth can join European integration. If this is the case, we certainly have no problem in the UK. The Commonwealth is much stronger than the French community."

Gaiske attaches great importance to or is very wary of the issue of European integration. Frank knows this very well and takes this as an entry point.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer who is most likely to oppose now feels that this is indeed the case, and his position is quietly changing.

In the next cabinet discussion, the discussion on whether to sell to a French aircraft carrier has turned into what price is right to make France feel the warmth from Britain.

Although the grudge class has enough tonnage, the fact that the modification potential is not small and the cost is not small, still makes the cabinet restrain the idea of ​​​​making a knife on the traditional friendship of France for 700 years.

Everything is discussed in accordance with the professional assessment provided by the Ministry of Finance. Based on the cost plus the discount, 20 million pounds is not a loss for the two Grievous-class aircraft carriers. It has become one to two point eight. Losses in exchange rates cannot always be borne by the French.

This offer directly informed the French. After meeting with George Pidour, Prime Minister Attlee also put forward additional conditions that were discussed before. The UK will help on the east and west ends of the Mediterranean, but the UK cannot solve all the problems. Contraband from other places, such as Yugoslavia, should be handled by the French themselves.

"Sometimes, we have to, like the Americans, accuse France of two sentences." In private, Attlee also mentioned his difficulties with George Pidour.

But at the same time reassures George Pidour that Britain's heart to help France from the end of World War II has not changed until now. Only the unity of Britain and France can protect the interests of both countries.

"What is the traditional friendship between England and France?" Alan Wilson lay directly in Ingrid Bergman's arms, enjoying the luxury hardware of the Swedish car on the back of his head.

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