British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 868: egypt lord of revival

Two more big burdens have been thrown out, so that in ten years' time, the aircraft carriers in the future battle sequence will have two to three new aircraft carriers, two Queen-class, two Eagle-class and four Centaur-class, and none of them are sold out. aircraft carrier.

Even if the naval construction is stopped, it can serve until the 1980s, and there is no need to worry about the collapse of the Royal Navy in a short time.

This premise is of course based on the smooth construction of the new aircraft carrier, but it shouldn't be a big problem. All of them have received money from Australia. Do you still expect the UK to spit out this money? As for underwater power, aircraft carriers may be sold, nuclear submarines will never be sold, and the Royal Navy's collapse crisis is basically lifted, if not completely resolved.

"I'm glad to see you." Ingrid Bergman reproached her face. She had just been hit by a man like this, but she still didn't show it. She seemed happy for Alan Wilson.

"I'm going to get a bottle of wine to celebrate." Alan Wilson jumped off the bed and walked happily.

At this time, Ingrid Bergman was covering her chest with her hand, and Heidi Lamar squinted, "What? Don't you dare to say it now that you've been bumped into it? How can this look like a first lady."

"He didn't do it on purpose." Ingrid Bergman sighed softly and said understandingly, "What a dynamic man, he's also very good to us, what else do I have to be dissatisfied with?"

Heidi Rama said in disbelief, as if she had seen the New World, "In the past two years, I have found that your attachment to him has become stronger and stronger. You were not like this before."

Ingrid Bergman looked at the bedroom door, and only heard the sound of rummaging through boxes, and then whispered, "Heidi, I'm forty years old, you're a year older than me, and our appearance is still very good. If you think about it, there are still many people rushing to us, just like before. But if we say that our bodies are still the same as before, and we won’t feel tired, I believe you are lying.”

"What on earth are you trying to say?" Heidi Lamar squinted blankly, not knowing what Ingrid Bergman meant.

"I mean, every year, I feel lucky to meet him." Ingrid Bergman said solemnly, "This kind of life is not bad, I have two daughters, you have a son, if not If you are satisfied, look at Baolian. She is like us, does she have few suitors? But she has not been able to find a good job in recent years. Major companies have long thought that she is out of breath. The most important thing is that she has not Child, there is always loneliness, and it's not like you didn't hear similar complaints when she came to Paris."

"She did say a few times that she likes children very much." Heidi Lamar opened her mouth and finally gave up the rebuttal, and then stopped talking.

If there are many older women who cannot be touched without husbands and children, then Pauline Gaodai is an actress on the same level as them.

Such a state could no longer be ignored by Ingrid Bergman. When she came to the Malayan colony this time, she took the initiative to come here, just to see this man.

"He really has nothing to say about women. If he has any shortcomings, he is like the sun to beautiful women." Heidi Rama was a little annoyed, "If I was only twenty years old, I would definitely discipline him well. "

Ingrid Bergman put her head aside, and she just listened to what she said. No woman is always twenty, but there are always twenty-year-old women. In her opinion, Heidi Lamarr was just a tough mouth.

"At this moment, you must find a bottle of French red wine." Before anyone arrived, Alan Wilson's voice had already arrived, holding red wine and a goblet, and breaking into the door with a gentle smile, "Now I'm going to celebrate with two ladies of equal status with my wife."

"It really should be celebrated." Ingrid Bergman got out of bed and took the cup from Ellen Wilson's hand with a smile.

"It's flattering. I've recently discovered that I'm more attractive." Alan Wilson handed the glass over narcissistically, and opened the wine with a corkscrew.

A man and two women just sat on the bed and exchanged cups, celebrating an event that seemed to have nothing to do with them.

"In fact, France still has a lot to praise. At least there is one goal they are willing to work for. The bad part is that the French have too many goals, so they always coup." Alan Wilson added alcohol to the fun and started again. Saying nonsense, "And he thinks very highly of himself, and is a little arrogant."

"Agree!" Heidi Lamarr and Ingrid Bergman looked at each other and tacitly expressed their agreement.

It was almost 1956, and Alan Wilson was always a little confused about the year when the Suez War broke out. His reason told him that Nasser didn't know where he went, and the whole of Egypt was paying attention to the Aswan Dam. There will be no problems with that golden waterway, which is vital to the UK.

But Alan Wilson was always at a loss, and he couldn't extricate himself in the mentality of worrying about gains and losses. If it weren't for the great encouragement from ladies of the same status as his wife, maybe he would be even more anxious.

"It's obvious that they are getting older and want to find a stable support." Hearing that Alan Wilson expressed that several movie queens were understanding, Anna curled her lips, "I just don't want to lie to you, otherwise I will study psychology for many years. It's not easy to make you fool around."

"Oh, is it?" Reaching out and rubbing the little dragoon's plump, Alan Wilson started a shameless teasing, "But then again, if the Soviet Union's basic education is so strong, it's really a troublesome thing, it's a problem for us. Trouble, trouble for you."

Anna asked inexplicably, "Where does this come from? Is it wrong to educate an ignorant person well?"

"If a person knows everything but can't change the status quo, it is easy to become dissatisfied with society." Alan Wilson whispered with a smile, "They have the power of ignorance and know nothing, so they will not be dissatisfied with society. Every day Eating, sleeping, eating, isn't it good?"

Alan Wilson is still very fond of the little dragoons for no particular reason. He is young at the box office, has children, and most importantly, he thinks that Anna is not lying by claiming to have studied psychology.

Anyway, he couldn't hide his thoughts from the other party. After reconciliation, Anna never mentioned any political matters, so as to avoid the unpleasant memories of the two of them.

The only difficulty now is that Alan Wilson doesn't know what to do before and after Christmas. Arrange work as before, and then subconsciously avoid company?

"That's not good, you? Ladies of the same status as wives, except Hepburn, can be handled easily." Ana analyzed from a man's point of view, "They are all about forty years old. Thirty-year-old thinks It’s okay to be immortal, and it’s impossible to still have that mentality. Anyway, it’s all a profession, and I think they all know each other’s existence, so it’s better to live together. I’ll forget it, but leave it to me for two days.”

"I'd better arrange work to stagger the time and accompany them separately." Alan Wilson said that it was false to be unmoved, but he was still cowardly when he was close to the door. It was common for him to say that he had three wives and four concubines, and he would be careful at critical moments. for the better.

At the end of 1955, Alan Wilson convened the overseas commissioner meeting again, and the commissioners of the major colonies and protectorates came to Kuala Lumpur again, as before, except for the old boss of the Persian Gulf.

Before these colleagues came, Alan Wilson first started the year-end summary of the Malayan colony, and by the way appointed a new Christmas Island Commissioner, a position that everyone is in awe of.

The main reason is the location of Christmas Island, which is too lonely. This small island under the jurisdiction of the original Straits Settlements is located in the southern waters of Java Island, closer to Australia.

In fact, before and after the independence of the original Malayan colony, Australia sought the sovereignty of this island from the United Kingdom out of the consideration of preventing Indonesia, and the United Kingdom gave Christmas Island to Australia.

Among the people who came from Egypt, there is also the special envoy of Farouk I, Yi Said, because the gap in building materials for the construction of the Aswan Dam in Egypt was provided by Malaya. This time Yiside came over to see the situation here.

Alan Wilson, of course, attaches great importance to the two places where Britain has long supported its empire, not white dominions like Canada, but British India and Egypt, where both ethnicities and cultures are incompatible.

The former can be replaced. Now the Malayan colony is good, but how can Egypt be replaced? Can't go around.

Because of Yiside's visit, Alan Wilson took the precious time, did not accompany a lady of the same status as his wife to do a parallel jog, and came to visit with a bearded man.

"Commissioner Wilson, Malaya's appearance has exceeded our expectations." Yi Said was greatly surprised. Egypt itself is the center of the Arab world, and other Arab countries are not as good as Egypt, but now the intuitive feeling is a little worse than Malaya.

If it's the same, I haven't worked in vain for so many years? This is still not the beginning of urban construction.

With this in mind, Alan Wilson said modestly, "You're welcome, Mr. Yiside, I believe that after the construction of the Aswan Dam, Egypt will soar into the sky. Of course, a stable social environment is the foundation of everything. "

In fact, the pursuit of the two places is almost the same, infrastructure, education support and autonomous power. This is what Egypt wanted, what Malaya wants now, and what British India wanted in the past.

Alan Wilson can't give self-government power, but he has the means to support infrastructure and education.

However, it was beyond his expectations that Farouk I could send a special envoy. Did he lie for a long time and believe the lie? Do you really think that he is Ali Pasha, the master of rejuvenation in Egypt?

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