British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 869: Urban construction experience sharing

Thinking so, he still has to give Eiseide full courtesy, take the initiative to inquire about the construction period of the Aswan Dam, and ask if there is anything that can help. In fact, having said that, Farouk I has today's image, and the British public opinion Strength also has certain responsibilities.

Without the unanimous British caliber to bind the Aswan Dam to Farouk I, how could the thief king have such a great reputation today?

"The whole of Egypt has huge expectations for the Aswan Dam, which is also due to Mrs. Wilson." Seeing Alan Wilson's initiative to ask, Yiside directly expressed some thanks, "On the completion of the dam , the whole country has expressed its solidarity."

"Oh, after the dam is built, Egypt has the power supply brought by the dam, and it can start a lot of industrial construction." Alan Wilson breathed a sigh of relief. The flow of the Nile River is not good for its length, but at least it is more than Australia's. The country's rivers should be large, and water resources are not a problem, as long as there is no accident upstream.

Water is important for many other countries, but for a country like Egypt, it is not important, but life.

In the 21st century, Egypt has several times to do something to Sudan and Ethiopia because of the water resources of the Nile.

In fact, on the African issue, it is not that there is no room for cooperation between the United Kingdom and Egypt. Didn't the cooperation in the joint management of Sudan have been very pleasant before? It's just a question of who leads.

Even now, the two countries are not still taking a unanimous attitude on the issue of the Sultanate of Sannibar. Even Alan Wilson wants to sell the giant class to Egypt, and the elimination will be a blink of an eye anyway.

As the king's special envoy, Yi Said attended the meeting of colonial commissioners in Kuala Lumpur, and many people in Egypt know it.

According to the analysis of the Egyptian Civil Flag Party, it was King Farouk I, who knew that Egypt itself did not have many resources, but the British Commonwealth and the colonies were rich in resources.

The importance of the banner party lies in this, for the sake of a better long-term future, the idea of ​​​​temporary austerity and patience. With this thought, the Egyptians can grit their teeth. Without this thought, it is not a good thing for the royal family, whether it is violent overthrow of the king's government, or even death.

Listening to Alan Wilson expressing goodwill to Egypt and taking the initiative to describe a bright future for it, Yiside was also happy.

Of course he didn't know that Alan Wilson's sincerity was based on the fact that in his heart Egypt was not a threat. A country of one million square kilometers can live in only 30,000 square kilometers. Where can you go?

What needs to be vigilant is not to stimulate the psychology of Egyptians who are not afraid of wearing shoes with bare feet. When the initial construction results are obtained, then things will be much easier to handle.

After inquiring about the construction period in detail, Alan Wilson has already made a judgment in his mind. It is impossible for the Aswan Dam to be completed without a ten-year construction period.

At that time, Egypt and the United Kingdom will talk about the Suez Canal again, I believe there is no need to negotiate in a hurry.

At the time of the Colonial Commissioner's coordinating meeting on British overseas assets in Kuala Lumpur, London's Vengeance-class aircraft carrier negotiations were coming to an end, and France was absolutely serious about Algeria.

A special allocation of £20 million and $56 million has arrived, surprising the Labour cabinet to a degree. At this moment, the Grievance-class aircraft carrier has been filled with raw materials and set off from the British port, heading for France, the next stop in her service career, and will arrive at the port of Toulon in a few days.

At the same time, the refit work after the resentment-class aircraft carrier has nothing to do with the UK, and will be done by the French themselves.

Immediately afterwards, Mountbatten, the First Sea Lord, submitted plans for the construction of four new aircraft carriers to the Cabinet for approval. Of course, there are also feasibility assessments for touting the Giant and Tejas ships.

Putting these two reports together, the significance is self-evident, selling old ships to build new ships to complete the renewal of the Royal Navy. If Alan Wilson could see the description of the new type of aircraft carrier, he would definitely have the impression that this is the Enterprise without nuclear power, but he is not there, and he is still working with the commissioners of other colonies to calculate the profit for this year.

For the United Kingdom, when the strength is no longer the only one in the world, the development of armaments has become radical, and immature but sufficiently advanced technologies have been used in various weapons. Compared with the plans of other military services, the navy relies on the accumulation of previous technologies, and the shipbuilding industry, which is considered to be huge at this time, is the most likely military service.

Almost from front to back, Alan Wilson sent the Colonial Commissioner's meeting from Kuala Lumpur to calculate the scale of overseas assets and circulating funds. There is no mistake, scale and circulating funds are two different things.

This telegram was received by the Cabinet, which was considering the construction of a new aircraft carrier in the Admiralty. The next day, the construction plan submitted by Mountbatten was approved, and the construction of four ships was started at the same time. The hesitation before, that is, the difference between three ships or four ships.

If three ships are to be built, the Cabinet will not need to allocate additional funds. Australia's arms sales plus the cash for the two Vengeance-class aircraft carriers are more than enough. If four ships are to be built, Cabinet funding may be required.

The Labour Party cabinet also believes that prostitution is happiness, and it is a headache to take the money, so the main dispute is to build a few ships.

Before the telegram from Kuala Lumpur arrived, Mountbatten was also doing his best to wash the plan he submitted so as not to be cut off, and even hinted that if the country needed to sell the giant-class aircraft carrier, he was willing to do his best to go to New Delhi and Nigeria. Helu said that the funds from arms sales can be used for the replacement of aircraft carriers.

However, after the telegram arrived, the cabinet approved the construction plan submitted by Mountbatten, and the news came that the entire naval headquarters was immersed in a sea of ​​joy.

Queen-class and Centaur-class, in the final analysis, is the completion of the construction of World War II aircraft carriers. The construction started before the end of the World War. The war has been over for ten years. Strictly speaking, the ship-building plan submitted by the Royal Navy has only passed the Brave-class destroyer in the past ten years. The only new ship in service.

The construction of the four new aircraft carriers is the second batch of ships built after the war. You must know that the war has ended for ten years. How could such good news not make the Navy Department happy?

Alan Wilson, the son-in-law, also felt happiness from his father-in-law's telegram, put the telegram away, looked at Vivien Leigh, who was doing yoga, and said, "My dear, it's alright, do you really want to humiliate my figure? "

"Immediately!" Vivien Leigh didn't look back, she got up sweating after finishing the stretching.

Alan Wilson continued to look down at the other documents, although he also didn't object to how exploding muscles a woman could have. But now the Great Britain Treasure has gone a bit too far. Heidi Lamar and Ingrid Bergman have been exercising for a long time, but they have not developed eight-pack abs, which makes him embarrassed.

The most important thing is that the foundations of the three major actresses are different. Vivien Leigh is a petite figure, and it is not worthwhile to lose her chest training.

Vivien Leigh, who was still sweating on her face, came over and kissed the busy imperial commissioner. She glanced at the recent meeting minutes and exclaimed with a smile, "You chief executives of the colonies actually control so much wealth."

The scale of assets is 4.2 billion pounds, and the liquidity is close to one billion pounds, which is an astronomical figure that Vivien Leigh could not imagine.

"How much? It's less than a year's worth of military spending. That's what nationalized enterprises are all about." Alan Wilson sighed. "The growth in scale comes from colonial urban construction, but it's not sustainable."

Don't you see Brother Belt, it only takes three or four years from the proud saying that his company has a capital reserve of 300 billion, to the constant thunderstorms and negative news.

Prosperity of overseas colonial real estate is essentially to leave a pile of reinforced concrete to the colony after independence, and then drain all the wealth so that the colony can become independent.

But in the eyes of many colonists, Britain finally has a conscience to do something good. For a long time, the British colonies have pursued infrastructure construction, educational industry support and autonomy.

Now the Overseas Assets Management Committee is exchanging infrastructure for the stability of the colony. When it really comes to a mess, the colony can become independent. The best place in Africa to develop real estate is Nigeria, because Nigeria has a large population. In the 1950s, there were 30 to 40 million people. UU reading Especially in Africa, it is very incredible thing.

Northern Rhodesia, which is not much smaller than Nigeria, has more than 500,000 Slavic talents. This is the result of Mikhailovich's continuous incitement to Yugoslavia from Italy.

Now Tito keeps saying that it is the biggest challenge for the Yugoslav people to be wary of Mikhailovich playing the immigration card.

Alan Wilson shared his work experience in British India with his colleagues for free. If the colleagues were not motivated and did not need incentives, he would like to share the method of sharing the common area.

"By the way, my dear, didn't you also get a few pieces of land in Xiangjiang?" Alan Wilson took the warm body of the national treasure into his arms, and joked with one hand constantly roaming around the eight-pack abs. , "Do you want me to die on the bed?"

"You are obviously very satisfied, and now you are saying this again." Vivien Leigh turned her head and glanced at the man in front of her, "I said before that my buttocks were raised a lot."

"I seem to have said..." After a moment of meditation, Alan Wilson fell into deep memories.

"Deputy Secretary-General?" Ingram said in the administrative office conference room, "Did you hear it? Don't you want to listen carefully to Nigeria's urban construction experience?"

"Oh, I'm sorry." Alan Wilson did not blushed, and continued to participate in the discussion of urban construction, "This time, the Malayan urban construction needs a lot of help from you, and sent some experts. In the final analysis, Malay Sub-colonies are different, the profits may not be high, but the significance is important.”

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