British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 870: 1956

"No problem." Many high commissioners said one after another, "Deputy Secretary-General, in fact, you are already slow."

"There is no way. Malaya has been built by Japanese prisoners of war once before. This time it is a renovation. However, if it is a major construction in British India, I started it earlier than you."

Alan Wilson boasted with a smile on his face, "So, isn't this sharing the joy of labor with colleagues?"

Labor can also be very happy. Real estate is not a very technical job, but it is enough to meet the needs of the colony, and it will also drive the sales of steel, cement, ships and automobiles. The former is necessary, and the latter cannot be carried on one's shoulders to transport raw materials.

And the advantage of building a colony is that you can do it boldly. If there is a final thunderstorm, the big deal will be to let the colony become independent.

This landmine does not affect the mainland, but the nationalized enterprise where the colony is located suffers losses. The risk is not completely controllable, but it can also be said that it is basically non-existent.

It boosted sales in the British shipbuilding and automobile industries, and allowed the Malayan colony to increase production capacity.

One eye looks at the Soviet Union, and the other looks at Washington, Britain and France. Of course, he also knows about the large-scale construction of Britain in the major colonies, but there is a precedent for British India there. Washington's judgment is that the United Kingdom is about to leave. Scrape the skin.

Who made the previous batch of large-scale construction in British India too impressive? Until now, the main content of Nehru's request for assistance has been to get the follow-up projects in the Kolkata Industrial Zone right.

The frequency is so high that even the Americans have noticed it. Now, after reviewing the original British construction plan in British India, they have an insight into the consequences of the failure of the British construction.

The reason why Washington pays attention to the large-scale construction of the United Kingdom’s repeated use of old tricks is because the United States is also in the process of construction, or is it promoted by the current President Eisenhower. If we don’t take a few examples as proof, wouldn’t it be dereliction of duty for so many think tanks?

Because of the short time distance, the last Kolkata industrial area in British India was built, which became a perfect contrast.

This time, the urban construction of the major colonies was also considered by the United States to be a repeat of the British old trick, leaving reinforced concrete and concrete to the colonies, while they had to run away with the wealth of the colonies.

The United States doesn't care what happens to Africa, but it really wants Britain to withdraw, so it won't say anything on the surface.

Britain is currently carrying out large-scale construction through the commissioners of the colonies and protectorates, as well as the airport in the Persian Gulf, and part of the Aswan Dam project. In the past three hundred years, except in the white-dominated colonies, Britain has never been so conscientious pass.

Because the coverage area is very large, this wave of large-scale construction will definitely not be completed within ten years.

The highlight of African urban construction is not the larger East African colonies, but the densely populated British West Africa.

Gold Coast is very important because of gold production, and Nigeria is also valued because of its sufficient population. Now it is the main profit point of this wave of large-scale construction.

The urban construction in West Africa can provide some experience for Malaya. In this meeting of the colonial commissioners, a big purpose is that Alan Wilson wants to mobilize resources to start the urban construction in Malaya.

Other colonies can grow savagely and become independent in the future, and let them bear all the bad consequences.

But here is different, he never meant to let the Malayan colony become independent.

The large-scale construction of African colonies is just that the people in the colonies feel very conscientious, because the UK has never been so dedicated to building infrastructure for a long time. In Malaya, it's not about feeling, it's about being really conscientious.

"Respected gentlemen, the urban construction of Malaya will start after the year, that is, 1956." When Alan Wilson said this, he glanced at Yiside for no reason, he still couldn't put 1955 The number six is ​​separate from Egypt.

This made Yiside very strange, but the auditing in the past few days also allowed him to see the strength of the British Empire to a certain extent, so he suppressed the doubts in his heart and did not ask the meaning of the eyes just now.

"The five-year goal of the Malayan colony is to build four cities with a population of one million. Malaya can solve the raw materials by itself. The urban design has planners from London. I believe that this urban construction can promote local automobiles and machinery. Exit. Of course, you have all experienced similar things, so I don’t need to say more.”

"Send the most professional people to ensure that the urban construction this time can be used as a model project, and at the same time, it is also for Nehru to see. It is not that we cannot manage the colony well. The mess in India is obviously the problem of the Indians. We have never no problem."

"Yes, we've never had a problem, it's these savages that have a problem."

The conference room was full of people all of a sudden. Colonial commissioners have become rich in recent years, and they have a good impression of Alan Wilson, his immediate boss. Although everyone's immediate boss is sitting in Whitehall, the person who often asks is not the high-ranking cabinet secretary. , but the deputy secretary in front of him, everyone respects Alan Wilson.

Of course, respect, Alan Wilson even solved the physical needs of these colleagues, and specially selected a group of foreigners who went to Nanyang to earn foreign exchange to increase this respect.

As for such a diligent and conscientious person himself, of course, he disdains to join forces, and he can only work **** some actresses and Maomei, which cannot be compared with the high-quality life of these gentlemen.

At the end of the meeting, Alan Wilson said very much from Versailles, "I hope that in a few years, the scale of assets under the name of our overseas asset management committee will reach 10 billion pounds, which requires demand, and there is no demand to create demand. In fact, through Dajian can see that as long as we are good at using our brains, there are still many opportunities for the vast colony."

"It's like Africans always wear fancy things around their necks. You can try to sell jade in Africa. Anyway, there are so many in Myanmar. It's nothing if you don't succeed. If you succeed, it will be a profit point." Ren Wilson pointed at Ingram, talking about the raw materials of his Emerald House. Many British people have seen it, but Africans have not seen it.

As long as the colonial commissioners are diligent, there may be unexpected harvests. In fact, diamonds are not uncommon. Isn't the same one forever? If you have money, you will be tough. Just like London, you didn't even think about the construction of an aircraft carrier before, and now you have four more.

"Then here, Richard, tell my colleagues the location for today, and I'll go first." Alan Wilson asked Richard to arrange the nightlife of the colonial commissioners, and he prepared to apply oil to the soles of his feet.

Around Christmas is his busiest time, and his colleagues are still full of ideas and experience exotic customs in Malaya. Which is like him, dealing with several tigresses every day.

If it weren't for the fact that he was still professional, like Ingrid Bergman's suggestion to live here to accompany him in turn, not only did he not feel honored at all, on the contrary, he felt a sigh in his heart. Thankfully it was just a joke.

After Christmas, these colonial commissioners all left Kuala Lumpur, either returning to their own jurisdictions or back to London for the New Year, while Alan Wilson stayed where he was, calling friends and family for the New Year.

We welcomed Ms. Pokina to visit her sister, as well as the good friends of the Golden Zodiac. It is said that these good friends came to reminisce with Vivien Leigh, and Katharine Hepburn was among them.

The Hollywood award ceiling solves a big problem for him, because she's here and Ellen Wilson has a moment's rest, but on some occasions Katharine Hepburn asks, consciously or unintentionally, "I'm just wondering, Heidi and Inge. Li, it doesn't seem like she came here for a trip, she seems to be familiar with this place."

"Oh, that's right." Taking his eyes back from Yingyingyanyan in the apartment, Alan Wilson said with a clear conscience, "Miss Catherine, you and Vivian are friends, in fact, they are all your friends here. , It's enough that everyone gets along very happily, you see, how happy they are laughing."

"Maybe." Katherine Hepburn looked at the smiles of many actresses and said lightly, "You don't have to say that you are friends. I think they all like you very much."

"Oh!?" Alan Wilson straightened his back and muttered in his heart, "Who told me to give more."

Apart from Greta Garbo and Katharine Hepburn in front of him, he hardly met anyone he couldn't handle.

It is also good for people to talk a lot. Several ladies of the same status as their wives are mixed in, and all of a sudden they are all ladies.

This gives him plenty of strategic space for time management, flirting with Joan Crawford and Bette Davis asking how Romance of America is doing, Lana T. Na, Joan Bennett, he is open to anyone who comes, anyway, he is everyone's friend, the man behind Great Britain Treasure, there is no need for taboos.

Time came so ruthlessly to 1956, Yisey Derby left so many days later than the colonial commissioner, and took Alan Wilson's aircraft carrier, which is a symbol of a powerful country, and left after missing the indoctrination that had no chance.

I don't know if Egypt will show a tough style. Whether Farouk I has the ambition of Ali Pasha, it depends on whether he will propose to buy an aircraft carrier. If he does, it may lead to a wave of inventory clearance.

At the work meeting at the beginning of the year, Alan Wilson officially proposed the start of urban construction, "Many colleagues came directly from British India to work in the Malayan colony, and even your family lives here. It seems that a long time has passed, and the powerful leader of the great power seems very complacent."

"It's time to issue an announcement and announce the urban construction plan. We must pay for the Calcutta Industrial Zone plan. This time, we have to prove that the reason for the failure of British India's large-scale construction is entirely India's own problem. Indians can't do it. . This time, the city construction in Malaya is sure to be successful.”

In January 1956, the Malayan Executive Office announced that it would launch urban construction plans for Penang, Malacca, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore this year, and it is expected to build four cities with a population of one million. Sub-colonies sparked heated discussions.

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