British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 871: Malayan household registration system

"If there is no accident, once the urban construction starts, this wave can greatly increase the income of the colony." The Malayan Administrative Office, a group of officials gathered together to discuss how to advance the urban construction this time.

West Malaysia Commissioner Alyssa and commissioners from the four major cities including Evered were all present to exchange experience with each other.

"It mainly absorbs the Chinese to become the urban population, and incorporates the Chinese with a high standard of modern life. As for how to satisfy the Malays? The main focus is that the Chinese entering the city can reduce the competition with the Malays on land." Allen Wilson played with a pen and gave Alyssa a wink to tell her to do it.

"Actually, according to our general survey, the Chinese do accumulate wealth much faster than the Malays." Richard nodded in agreement, "And from the perspective of population distribution, the trend of the Chinese grouping together is also very concentrated, including Kuala Lumpur. Including Penang, Malacca and Singapore, the three places that were originally part of the Straits Settlements, have a high proportion of Chinese.”

"It means that the foundation is good, and it saves us some energy." Alan Wilson pondered for a moment, "I don't want to take out defective products. It's not impossible for the Chinese to pay out, but it makes them feel that it is worth the money."

"We discussed it a few times, commissioner." Evered exchanged glances with several regional commissioners, and then said, "We think that the urban construction should still be based on the British style. Anyway, the people who plan and design are from the From London. The remaining problem is that the subway construction should not be rushed, and the profit may be pitiful.”

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Alan Wilson directly recognized that he had also investigated the subway facilities in detail after returning from London.

Then the fact that the London Underground was losing money sparked a memory in his head.

In future generations, the only subway in the world that does not lose money is in Xiangjiang. The remaining subway facilities, whether in London, Paris or Berlin, require financial subsidies from the state. As for a certain infrastructure madman, there is no exception for the subways running in major cities across the country, and one is losing money.

In the Malayan colony, public spending alone will greatly increase, and perhaps only the subway in Singapore can pay less, and the rest will be subsidized by the colonial government. Knowing this fact, the subway in Alan Wilson's eyes became a face project.

Anyway, there was no population pressure in the colony, so he never mentioned the subway again. The four district commissioners rejected the subway construction this time, and he agreed directly.

"The Administration Bureau will start to improve the colony's resident identity and household registration system. It is mainly divided into two sets of documents, the household registration book for family units and the personal ID card. The latter starts from the age of sixteen. For our management. Special attention should be paid to distinguish between ethnic groups and add a column of ethnicity to the identity certificate to distinguish between Chinese and Malays. This is a general pattern.”

Alan Wilson took out paper in a format similar to the ID card of later generations, and emphasized, "Pamela has contacted local chemical companies and will provide samples for making ID cards."

Several officials of the colonial government, who took over the styles and circulated them to each other, nodded with satisfaction, "Commissioner, that's a good idea."

The United Kingdom originally had a similar household registration system, which was developed during the enclosure movement, but after the Industrial Revolution, it has disappeared in name only. What kind of household registration book, ID card, etc., at least the British can't see it.

"Other civilizations also have something for us to learn from." Alan Wilson is not embarrassed that he has shamelessly copied East Asian characteristics. As we all know, I have always followed the local customs in colonial management and fully absorbed the experience of other civilizations. In this way To be long-term, even beyond.

Alan Wilson has a reference. In addition to the redistribution of land, New China has also implemented a strict household registration system. Each farmer can only live on his own land and cannot move to other places, otherwise he will be sent back to his original place. The purpose of household registration is to prevent the land from being annexed again.

He is now at the forefront, because China is still in the process of brewing and has not officially implemented it. However, the previous dynasties also had a household registration system, and he said that it is okay for heroes to think alike.

"The Chinese have such a tradition, it shouldn't be a problem to accept it, but the Malays have some difficulty."

After a discussion, everyone felt that the household registration status system was a good thing for the colonial government, and it could more easily control the trends under the rule. The difficulty of implementation lies with the Malays.

"Promulgated together with this year's immigration management regulations, on the pretext that neighboring poor countries often smuggle into the Malayan colony. Strictly control the terms of entry and exit, and promulgate a decree to repatriate all male smugglers from the Malayan colony from now on."

Alan Wilson said while thinking, "Go and discuss with the editors of major newspapers and give me an analysis from the perspective of a big game, including but not limited to foreign stowaways robbing locals for jobs, from a male perspective, It can be analyzed that the colonial government is to ensure the balance of the local male and female ratio, considering the happiness of the men, only the male stowaways are repatriated, this is not difficult, right?"

"Of course it's not difficult!" Richard and the others knew in their hearts, it was just that Malaya had won again, so what's the problem.

Alan Wilson did not change the style of the Saigon boxing champion by the way, and sought a wave of welfare for the male residents of the Malayan colony.

There is no way this can be done. The rebels of all dynasties and dynasties are dominated by men, and he must give priority to the interests of men. Who made him prepare to use men as livestock?

This is the case in the Malayan colony. According to the religious law, Malays can marry four, while according to the Great Qing law, Chinese can take concubines. The size depends on the number of rich people, so what can he do?

Most of the world has a slightly higher birth rate for boys than girls, with Eastern Europe somehow being an exception.

Malaya, like most parts of the world, has a higher birth rate for boys than girls, and is blessed with the laws and teachings of the Qing Dynasty. Some men are destined to have a hard time solving lifelong problems.

These people are unstable factors, and even if there is no way to overthrow British colonial rule, it is annoying to always have Jack the Ripper.

This problem cannot be solved by conventional means, so I can only think of a solution from the surrounding poor countries. As long as other countries are worse than me, I will win, and let the surrounding neighbors solve the problem of women's shortage.

"Just like in New Delhi, let me mobilize the atmosphere first. This year will be a year of change in Malaya." Alan Wilson set a tone, everyone nodded, and left the administrative office to prepare separately.

The public opinion is prepared, about the behavior of Indonesians who say no, but their body is very honest, and they pretend to be smuggled into Malaya. First appeared in major newspapers and was criticized by word of mouth. This is considered to provide public opinion for immigration management regulations and household registration ID cards.

This does not require his special concern, and continues to deal with the ladies of the same status as his wife. It is not easy for Pokina to come here once, and he cannot live up to the painstaking efforts of others who have come from afar.

It is true that there have been some unpleasant things in the past, but she may need her help in the future. We must look at the problem with the eyes of development. The situation in the world is always changing.

"Look!" Anna boasted, pointing to her belly. "Even if I had it, I couldn't see it in the first few months. The main reason is that the production workshop has a large capacity, and it seems to be more concealed than other women."

"Humph!" Pokina was unmoved, and simply ignored the younger sister who was thinking about taking shortcuts. "Having one baby after another, this is your value in this world."

"How can I be considered a heroic mother in China? I can't justify without a year of maternity leave. Like you?" Old God Anna was there, her feet were shaking, "It's all about creating value, regardless of the level of work. Noble..."

She thinks that Pokina's indifference can be attributed to jealousy. She acts like a strong woman. If she has the ability, don't come here. It's not even more than 10,000 kilometers, and she came here specially to let her man prostitute for nothing.

Ellen Wilson is putting 120,000 energy into her work. How can she have time to think about her children's affairs? She hangs her camera when she has nothing to do, and invites Great Britain Treasure and her friends to shoot propaganda for the urban construction in Malaya. According to.

And the discussion about stowaways taking jobs and women is better every The major newspapers have called on the colonial government to ensure local employment. As for the people who are not colonial residents The numbers are also exaggerated, ranging from two hundred thousand to one million.

The Star exclaimed, "The constant stream of stowaways has become a major problem for Malaya. Commissioner Wilson should pay more attention to this issue."

This call for the attention of Lord Zhongtang finally made Alan Wilson take his attention back from the Golden Zodiac.

The Malayan immigration management regulations and the household registration card system were proposed at the same time. Along with the investigation of illegal households, the documents for the repatriation of stowaways were released. The point is, all stowaways will be hit hard."

"But? Women are the exception. Although this is a strong statement from the British and Malaysian government to curb the tide of stowaways. But a woman risked her life to come to Malaya to pursue a better life, and we will send her back, maybe it will pay off. There will be persecution, which may not be morally justified, neither moral nor gentlemanly, not an option for the UK.”

Papa... The words of the spokesperson of the Administrative Office caused a burst of warm applause, the big banner party reappeared, and the rumors that women could make men happy by staying behind began to circulate among the people.

"So, what's so difficult about it? The local commissioners will count the population and establish the household registration, and the ID card thing will start a few months later." Alan Wilson picked up the phone and asked Richard to inform the local commissioners to implement the household registration system.

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