British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 872: sound navy

Regarding the fact that he has won hemp, it is not difficult to have the help of the major Sudanese to support it. Ali Khan conveyed news from another country, and this year is also a new measure for India's year of change.

As in Malaya's year of change, Nehru, India's macho man, redrawn the borders of Indian states at the beginning of this year after a few years of waiting, and it looks like nothing.

The only change is that after the borders of the Indian states were redrawn, the original political structure of the native states was completely dismantled. It turned out that the dominance of the monarchs of the major princely states was disbanded with this move, and their influence was greatly reduced.

In essence, aren't the major sultans of Malaya better off than the monarchs of the Indian states? Ali Khan came forward to ask the sultans to support the colonial government, saying something like a win, that's the purpose.

Every country has its own affairs, just like what Pokina revealed is also very important. "The federal government is preparing for a ban on the German Communist Party, which will definitely be promulgated this year."

"Oh?" Alan Wilson's hand touching Anna's belly stopped for a while, causing the little dragoons to be dissatisfied.

"Sorry." Apologizing to Anna, who looked unhappy, Alan Wilson said to Pokina, "In fact, this is a matter of time, how important Germany is, how can the pro-Soviet forces have an influence Power. I heard that there are also many people in the German Communist Party, and they should be eradicated."

"There are probably less than 90,000 party members." Pokina seemed to be talking about things that were not expected. "What do you think?"

"I think about it, if the ban is strictly enforced, the Soviet Union will easily get caught. I think even if the ban is promulgated, there will be other actions in the future. For example, the old pro-Soviet political party will be banned and a new German Communist Party will be established, but Completely different from the original." Alan Wilson said as he thought.

Although democracy or something is just a joy, but in the front line, the free world should not be so rough. There must be other backup means. In fact, this is the case. Under the current international political environment, the federal government has prepared relevant bans for several years. In the domestic political environment, the nascent federal government was dominated by a political judiciary based on Third Reich-era personnel. The crackdown on the left was already widespread and intensified with the ban on the KPD.

The ban has remained in effect since then, and in its place, a new communist party was approved, the DKP.

After the transition between the old and the new is completed, this matter is considered to come to an end. Alan Wilson didn't want to hide anything. Now that he knew, all kinds of filth during the period should be recorded. He never had too much of the matter.

"You guys are really careful." Anna, who dribbled the ball well, glanced at the captive's father and praised with admiration, "Sure enough, only someone like you can understand the hypocritical capitalist state."

"Don't make trouble, this is also your choice." Alan Wilson nibbled at Anna's red lips and said nonchalantly, "We are at war, and it is possible to use such tactics, I believe even Moscow , and understandable.”

This is a war, and Alan Wilson feels that it is a matter of his own accord to kill the proletariat for the final victory. Not to mention the German Communist Party, what about the Indian Communist Party and the Indonesian Communist Party, not all of them have been liquidated and arrested, there is nothing new under the sun, just get used to it.

"What about your wife, who has been staying in London?" Pokina didn't want to continue the topic, and began to punish her at this time, "Are you relieved that a woman is not around?"

"We are in contact every day, and she is indeed coming back soon, but before that, she has to go to New Delhi." Ellen Wilson stretched, and was actually accompanying Mountbatten on a visit to India, but considering the pair He still couldn't reveal what the sister's previous convictions were going to do.

Compared with the ban of the German Communist Party, the official announcement of the reconstruction of the Air Force by the Federal Republic of Germany is a small problem.

The related discussion is that if there is cooperation within Europe one day, I hope the two sisters can help.

When the year of change began on the Malayan side, Mountbatten, who had been away from New Delhi for many years, this time went to this new and powerful country, accompanied by her daughter and Her Royal Highness the Princess.

The main purpose of this rhetorical question is to talk about the issue of dumping goods. Let me directly say that the Giant class that the UK does not want to continue to serve. Is India interested in being a pick-up man? The above is almost the glorious level of the reduced and simplified version. In order to save time and cost, its power system directly adopts the configuration of the cruiser, resulting in a maximum speed of only 25 knots, which can only barely keep up with the fast fleet.

The Admiralty is also what Mountbatten himself meant, adding a steam catapult and selling it to India for nine million pounds. Of course, the carrier-based aircraft also calculated separately, adding to the great power of India.

This move can also show Dad's love, maintain traditional influence in India, and can even be said to be a win-win situation.

And Pamela Mountbatten, who came with him, took a look at the biomedical industry operating in India.

My wife hasn't arrived yet, but the planning and design personnel recruited this time have already arrived in Kuala Lumpur, ready to benefit the society in Malaya and contribute to the lighting of this Asian beacon.

Nehru was very happy with Mountbatten's arrival. Although Mountbatten's son-in-law was not a thing, it did not damage their personal friendship. He was also very interested in Mountbatten's idea of ​​selling the aircraft carrier.

Great powers need aircraft carriers, and Nehru also thought so. He could not afford it in the United States, but the Soviet Union did not. The United Kingdom, which has already made some giant-level sales business, is the only choice.

Just after the end of the world war, the United Kingdom has already started the sale of aircraft carriers, but it is only for countries with the same language and language as Australia and Canada. Now it is finally India's turn. Nehru, who knew that India could not manufacture an aircraft carrier at present, very much hoped to contribute to the construction of the Indian Navy, so that the Indian Navy would also have a brighter future.

"It's far worse than Malaya." Princess Margaret has a very bad impression of India. Only the city center can be seen. Once you get far away, you can see the unbearable scene immediately. It seems that the air is not clean. .

"Although the place is a little worse, for me, there are many good memories." Pamela Mountbatten fell into the memory with a smile, where she met her true son.

Although my husband is not perfect, some minor flaws and strengths are completely negligible. To this day, Pamela Mountbatten also believes that Ellen Wilson is her most suitable life partner in this world, no one.

When Pamela Mountbatten was reminiscing about the good memories of the past, Mountbatten was at the former British Indian Governor's residence, talking about win-win with the current owner, starting with personal friendship, and then showing that India was already a powerful country, and then turned to sales.

Nine million pounds, plus the latest steam catapult, is not a problem for India now, at least General Mountbatten thinks so, and things are not smooth sailing.

Nehru also wanted the UK to exert influence to see if they could talk to Portugal about Goa.

"Oh, I really can't do anything about it. The situation in Europe is still very complicated." General Mountbatten spread his hands and said helplessly, "What position does Britain take to persuade Portugal? Britain itself has many colonies under its management. With this premise, It is unreasonable to let Portugal give up Goa. As for Goa, Portugal and India can handle it themselves, and no other country can interfere, I am really sorry.”

Although Mountbatten is not a civil servant, but deep talk skills, it is impossible for Nehru to dig a hole. It is better that this business cannot be done, and he cannot give Nehru any promises on the Goa issue. There are many places in Portugal that can help What about the UK.

Even so, Nehru suppressed a small unpleasantness, depending on the relationship between Britain and India. The fundamental reason is that the UK still looks strong, at least currently stronger than India.

A week after Mountbatten arrived in New Delhi, Nehru endorsed the giant-class arms sales contract.

The achievement of this arms sale has long been foreshadowed, and its roots can even be traced back to the time when British India was still in existence. At that time, Mountbatten, who was the governor of Britain and India, once talked to Nehru about the importance of the navy and sea power~ said that the geographical environment of India and the United States is similar. Nehru learned about the uniqueness of aircraft carriers as "floating airfields" and the concept of aircraft carrier battle groups. Mountbatten said at that time that it would make India a place in the Indian Ocean. A naval force to be reckoned with.

It can be said that Mountbatten laid the groundwork nearly ten years ago, and today has finally come to the day of flowering.

This is why the previous cabinet had doubts about the number of new aircraft carriers built, and Mountbatten promised the cabinet that he would sell the giant class to fill the shortfall in funding.

This is not just after the New Year, Mountbatten can't wait to visit and come to India to sell the giant class, all for the sake of avoiding setbacks in the new shipbuilding plan.

When the arms sales contract was signed, Mountbatten breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that he was absolutely worthy of the position of First Sea Lord and did his best for the development of the Royal Navy.

On the one hand, the British Empire can sell its surplus warships after the end of World War II to India, and on the other hand, it can make the future Indian Navy inseparable from the help of the United Kingdom in the maintenance and support of large ships. A good deal.

Mountbatten sold the giant-class aircraft carrier whose construction was stopped because of the end of the war. More than 75% of the aircraft carrier has been completed. After India purchases it, the United Kingdom will also add angled decks, steam catapults and a more complete aircraft carrier. ship island.

Although sparrows are small and complete, the sale in the UK is far from over, and India is neither the first nor the last.

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