British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 873: good news from the USSR

Nine million pounds is not cheap at the cost of a giant-class aircraft carrier, but also consider the installation of steam catapults and angled decks, the application of these new technologies. When Britain sells weapons, it may charge high prices, but it will not compromise on quality.

This alone is higher than the two superpowers who do not talk about martial arts. The Soviet monkey version of the weapon is world-famous, and the American weapon is famous for its high price and low value. If a country encounters a military power like the United Kingdom that is clearing its inventory, it should quickly mount.

India may not be able to grasp the major policies and strategies, but it has always had a keen sense of smell on this issue, knowing that after passing this village, there may be no such shops. Because of Mountbatten's visit, New Delhi reached an arms sales contract immediately.

Mountbatten returned with a full load and sold the unfinished aircraft carrier hanging on the slipway. Nehru was also very happy. India will be the only country in Asia to have an aircraft carrier, not to mention Malaya, which is a British colony and is essentially a British military force, and India is the first.

At Kuala Lumpur International Airport, two beautiful figures walked out of the guards, and the radiant image of course belonged to the most wealthy woman in the United Kingdom, and her Royal Highness the princess of the dynasty.

Alan Wilson waited in front of the passage, and when he saw his wife and sister-in-law, he took the initiative to step forward, "Welcome my wife and Your Royal Highness to the faithful Kuala Lumpur."

"Speaking strange things." Pamela Mountbatten's eyes flashed, and she said to her yin and yang husband, "Have you seen those designers, is it easy to use?"

Pamela Mountbatten follows her father on a brief stop in India, but the designers and teachers that she has assembled are already one step ahead.

"I have already met with them, and talked about urban construction and education industry support. It can't be said that the host and guests enjoyed each other, but it can be said that the conversation was very pleasant, and the treatment has been negotiated. It was also recommended to local elites, and public opinion feedback Pretty good."

Alan Wilson took the initiative to help his wife with the suitcase and led the two to find the waiting car.

"Speaking of urban construction, I also have an idea to build a tower in Kuching and Kuala Lumpur at the same time, facing each other in East Malaysia and West Malaysia respectively. As a landmark building in the Malayan colony, what do you think?"

The car drove smoothly, and Pamela Mountbatten asked her husband in the front passenger seat.

"Of course I'm fine, as long as you think it's fine, my dear. As we all know, I can't even buy the glass of a building. What's the name?" Alan Wilson complained to himself, his words full of blood and tears of capitalism.

"Mountbatten Building." Pamela Mountbatten looked through the car window to some billboards beside the road.

On these giant billboards, the city's bright and beautiful images of beauties are accompanied by slogans cheering for urban construction. It's nothing more than that, but the images of these women are too famous, and they are all photos of famous actresses.

"You use these photos indiscriminately, don't let people sue them, Americans pay attention to these things." Pamela Mountbatten looked back and reminded sideways.

"It's not a misuse. They came to Malaya for vacation. I met these people and paid them to shoot some advertisements. It's an advertisement for urban construction. Ms. Vivien Leigh lives in Xiangjiang, and she helped connect them."

Alan Wilson turned back and said with a clear conscience, "Actually, from the image, we should find people like Hepburn, Taylor, and Monroe, but they are just popular, and it is estimated that they will cost a lot."

"That's true." Princess Margaret said to help, and then poked secretly, "I guess you are not interested in messing with these old women."

"Margaret, what nonsense are you talking about." Pamela Mountbatten lowered her face and scolded the current princess. Let her not talk nonsense and provoke her father's feelings on this occasion.

"It's alright, after all, Her Royal Highness has an extraordinary identity." Alan Wilson didn't mind, and smoothed things out.

Back at the two people's residence, Pamela Mountbatten saw her husband busy, as if full of energy, Pamela Mountbatten felt warm in her heart, "Don't be so attentive, they are old couples. "

"How old are you, what kind of old husband and wife are you." Alan Wilson diligently prepared the food, without looking back, "Others are not old yet, and I don't like it when they get old first."

The food is very simple, and European food is not complicated at all. It is not like the flour and rice in Asia and Africa. Tends to pasta, it's not impossible to eat rice, but only soft rice.

Pamela Mountbatten directly showed signs of ear pregnancy, suppressing her elatedness and saying, "I still don't know if you have something good recently that made you so energetic."

"The Soviet Union held a conference, which brought important benefits." Alan Wilson, with an expression like my wife was smart, brought the prepared pasta and looked at his wife who was chewing slowly, "This time, we can Don't worry about the Soviets subverting the free world."

"Oh? It's rare for you to look like this." Pamela Mountbatten was enjoying her husband's craftsmanship and asked vaguely curiously, "What happened, did you get the news?"

"I am in the civil service system, so I can be considered a high-level executive." Alan Wilson first boasted, and then said mysteriously, "This time at the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the information left is extraordinary, and I have submitted a report to analyze this. things, and of course communicated with my friend McCarthy."

There is nothing to hide from his wife. At the 20th Congress of the CPSU just held, Khrushchev pointed out: "Because some European and Asian countries have declared on the world stage not to join blocs and alliances as their foreign policy principles, the power of peace will be greatly enhanced. enhanced." As a result, "a vast peaceful region has emerged on the international stage, including the peace-loving socialist and non-socialist countries of Europe. This region covers a very broad area, with a population of nearly 1.5 billion inhabitants, the majority of the world's population."

Khrushchev also put forward the theory of detente, which warmed up the confrontation situation last year because of the establishment of the Warsaw Pact.

Of course, this is not the point. At least for the free world, there are more important points. The meeting mainly criticized Stalin's personality cult, completely denied Stalin's various theories when he was in power, and pointed out the mistakes of Stalinism.

This part is good for the free world, which has been worried about being subverted by the Soviet Union since the war. While this hope is better than nothing, it does exist.

And Khrushchev's change this time makes this possibility even more remote.

Of course, Alan Wilson knew that this meeting was not what some people said. It severely damaged the pro-Soviet forces in Western Europe. In fact, the parties in Western European countries still had considerable strength for a long time. It was not because Stalin was arrested. Criticism leads to a rapid loss of influence.

Western European parties easily accepted Khrushchev's statement, saying that although there were mistakes in the process, the concept was fine and it was still good.

The reason is very simple. Stalin's brand has fallen, but the Soviet Union is still there. The Soviet Union is the first country to implement a new system. As long as this country exists, there will be no shortage of people to sing its praises.

But Alan Wilson is willing to make Whitehall think that this is a huge failure of the Soviet Union, as some countries deliberately exaggerate the significance of the Bandung Conference.

At this moment, Alan Wilson's telegram has arrived in Whitehall. The main content is to exert influence on Indonesia through public opinion and contain the influence of the Indonesian Communist Party. Among the much longer secondary content, there is the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Content.

"The possibility in the next one or two years is that the pro-Soviet forces in Western Europe will enter into chaos for a period of time. Seizing this opportunity may fundamentally curb the possibility of the free world being overturned, and can manipulate public opinion to build a psychological defense line for citizens. . Let the Socialist International replace Soviet ideology and form a defense."

The above content is of course limited to Europe. For example, in other places, even eating is a problem. Those parties in the Second International that distribute welfare can have Mao's influence. If they want to distribute welfare, they must have talent.

Alan Wilson asked the United States to give welfare to the whole of Asia. Can the Americans pay it? Even a country in Indonesia Americans can't afford it. This report, which I have won again, is just a simple discussion of security issues in Europe.

Likewise, McCarthy's telegram from an old friend, the content is the same, but the tone is completely different. Similar to the telegram to Whitehall, it was because of hearing about Martin Luther King Jr.'s protest that McCarthy would consider whether to take the appeasement route and use welfare to quell the anger of black people.

How is this possible? Although the Republican Party has made more progress than the Democratic Party so far, it has always treated black people passively. McCarthy is also deeply affected by the threat of four colors. He believes that black people are the weak link of the United States leading the world, and provide benefits to these people. ?

The only effect of this report from an old friend is to make McKinsey think that the black movement in the United States may be related to the Soviet Union, and strengthen McCarthy's determination to make trouble.

Friends in London and Washington were thinking hard. After Alan Wilson lit the fire, he accompanied his wife for a good time, and received the four major families, including the Swire Group and the Jardine Group, who came to Malaya. It took several months to find them. Manpower, this time we can officially start the construction of Malaya.

"Kuala Lumpur will be handed over to you." Pamela Mountbatten said to several group representatives who came to Kuala Lumpur, "I hope you can help my husband and build this place well."

"Actually, the urban construction of Xiangjiang is a matter of time. If you do a good job here, you will have the experience to do it when you return to Xiangjiang. I have already communicated with the Hong Kong Governor." Alan Wilson also opened his mouth to welcome, "Then, just Thank you so much."

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