British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 875: gated community

Keeping in touch for a long time is a habit that Alan Wilson has always insisted on. Two important news came from London. The British government promulgated the world's first modern air pollution prevention and control law - the "Clean Air Act", which marked the The determination not to repeat the smog incident.

The promulgation of such a bill has greatly helped Alan Wilson to move out the local high-polluting industries.

There is also about last year's national economic statistics. In the tenth year after the war, the United Kingdom finally caught up with Australia in per capita income. Converted to the exchange rate, the per capita income exceeded 2,000 US dollars.

This is a milestone, even though the per capita income in the United States is about to reach 3,000. But this is a good start after all. You must know that in Attlee's first year in office, the per capita income of the United Kingdom was only half of that of the United States, and it was also burdened with huge foreign debts.

Britain has probably never been so humbled to ask a country to help itself. After all, the United Kingdom is not a single-strand France, and it can really eat bran for the sake of a big country.

The UK is much better today than it was then. It's just that the UK is trying to catch up, and the US is still not idle. Driven by Eisenhower's massive infrastructure, the US economy is still growing rapidly. For many countries, the gap is widening rather than narrowing.

"America is so powerful, it's so frustrating," Alan Wilson, holding two telegrams, lamented in front of his wife.

Pamela Mountbatten squinted at her husband, and Nunu said, "Why don't you have confidence? It's not like you."

"With a population of 50 million in the United Kingdom, even if the income is equal to that of the Americans, the economic power that the country can mobilize is far behind. You must know that the population of the United States has just passed the five-year census, and now the population has reached 170 million. Ten million. What's more, Americans' income is already close to three thousand dollars, and the UK's income is only over two thousand."

The United States of this era is so impeccable that Alan Wilson, who thinks decades later, feels despair.

With this kind of economic power, it is no wonder that other countries respect the United States like gods. Now the imperial commissioner has only one question, when will the Vietnam War begin? Isn't it a bit too much to accumulate such great wealth without fighting?

"Yeah, even with the same income, the United Kingdom is only one-third of the strength of the United States." Pamela Mountbatten couldn't help but sigh when she heard her husband's words, although she didn't know why her husband didn't seem to like the United States.

It's not that Alan Wilson doesn't dislike America. If he were an American, he would definitely like America. But he is not, because of the influence of his nationality and the memory of his previous life, he can only serve the country of birth.

In the matter of patriotism, if he was a patriot in his last life, he would change his face when he changed a country in this life. This shows that his patriotism in his previous life was also false.

"Europe does need to be integrated, but it must be under the leadership of the United Kingdom, otherwise the United Kingdom will be more and more marginalized in the future. Not to mention recalling any world hegemony, even itself will become a joke." Alan Wilson plunged into his wife's warm embrace , "The harmony with French capital can make Britain have the strength to protect itself. I believe that after the war Britain continued to support France's position, and I saw this."

Pamela Mountbatten nodded, and she always accepted her husband's political knowledge. "It just depends on how much the infrastructure in Malaya can bring to the mainland this time."

Most of the British urban construction in the colonies is to build a capital. The only exception in the African colonies is Nigeria, mainly because Nigeria is the most densely populated place in Africa.

The urban construction in Malaya is different from building a capital in Africa, and the supporting facilities for industrial transfer must also be considered. Larger scale and higher investment, real estate development is only one aspect, and there are other considerations.

Unsurprisingly, the steel group in Kuching, the capital of Sarawak, will officially let the Malayan colony exceed the steel output of the British mainland in terms of steel production this year, and cement production is similar, twice that of Japan.

To achieve the result of surpassing Britain and catching up with the United States in the true sense, Alan Wilson has already planned the financial expenditure for the next five years, and the Malayan colonial government will not expect to have a surplus in the next five years.

"Penang's urban construction is about to start. I want to meet Su Yang and the others. Originally, Kuala Lumpur was given to them, but now it is about the same amount of work as Penang, but it needs to be appeased." Alan Wilson Ask for advice and see if your wife has an idea.

"Support the local elites, of course I have no problem." Pamela Mountbatten never thought much about her husband's words, looking like she was being toyed with.

As the president of a business group, she doesn't have enough time, and she often cares about the reports of other divisions.

Now Princess Margaret also has this trend. Maybe she just started doing business and is still curious about everything. Very concerned about the exploration team to Angola.

If Alan Wilson hadn't used the princess' signboard to swindle and deceive the princess in front of the big comprador, Princess Margaret would have almost regarded the telegram as an instant message, and kept trying to contact the exploration team that was not there.

After more than a month of investigation, the plans of major cities and cities have been published on giant billboards.

Of course, there are places where people do as the locals do. From the perspective of centralized management, it is actually like the Khrushchev Building in the Soviet Union. It is a better choice. The layout of the community in China in later generations is the perfect version of Khrushchev Building.

Alan Wilson appreciates this arrangement very much. British and American residences are open-plan layouts. Compared with residential layouts, they are not easy to manage. If there is a black swan incident, nowhere can stop them.

It is easy to carry out centralized management in a closed community. If something really happens, just block the external passage of the community.

So for the urban planning talents from London, Alan Wilson just asked them to design the public facilities. As for the residential part, it was replaced by a closed community.

This decision has been sincerely supported by many subordinates. The argument that without him, the gated community is easy to manage has conquered them. The first thing to consider when working in the colony is the issue of resistance.

When Alan Wilson said, "In the future, most Chinese people will live in such closed communities, which will fundamentally disintegrate the anti-British foundation of a large ethnic group. If they really live in rural villages, we and the garrison will have a lot of work. Woolen cloth."

As for the final urban construction that does not match the billboards that are standing now, this is too easy to explain, and the renderings are for reference only.

The only place where designers can use their residual heat are public facilities and shopping malls, golf courses, and schools.

"I hope the gentlemen don't take offense in Penang." After arriving in Penang, Alan Wilson met and greeted a lot more formally this time, calling another identity of the big compradors, a justice of the peace.

Because of his existence as a chief executive, the identity of a justice of the peace has also ushered in a certain devaluation. Immediately, he reached out to introduce Princess Margaret's identity, "This is Her Royal Highness the Princess of Great Britain, Her Majesty's sister."

"His Royal Highness." A group of growing compradors greeted each other very well, "Master Zhongtang, in fact, Penang is also very good. We are willing to use our strength to build Malaya."

"You can think about it, the difference is not big, it is nothing more than a problem of reinforced concrete." Alan Wilson said happily, "I hope you can make the radiance of the Pearl of Malaya Asia even more radiant."

When Princess Chao was present, everyone said that there was no problem, and their words also expressed compliments and praises to the princess. After my brother-in-law's translation, my sister-in-law, who was not in a good mood, was also happy.

After this meeting, Su Yang, Tian Qianqiu and others got the real design drawings of the closed community.

"I don't know, their compliments are real or fake. Your blueprints are obviously not very aesthetic." Princess Margaret curled her lips, not interested in the blueprints of the closed community.

The Khrushchev Building is really not aesthetically pleasing, and the Soviet Union introduced it to focus on solving the housing problem. Later, it spread to China and became a common residential style.

But what? It is 1956, as long as Alan Wilson does it fast enough, this will be the evidence of the Soviet Union ignoring copyright and copying the British colony You don't understand the benefits of centralized management, which is conducive to the The bottom layer controls their movements. Extremely important to us colonists. "Alan Wilson stretched out his hands again, and found a warm place with ease, but on the other hand, he kept talking for Dae Ying and doing business in a businesslike tone.

"It's really selfless enough. In the end, only one of the four cities was given to Pamela. I don't know what you think." Margaret squeezed her legs and twisted her body.

"You don't understand, great wealth is behind." Alan Wilson felt the amazing elasticity of the princess' legs, but firmly denied that he did not give his wife the biggest cake.

Once the urban construction is completed, water and electricity are the bulk of the cash flow. Compared to this, any urban construction can be ignored.

He remembered that Jack Ma's rival, the corporate empire's dream was to be the water and electricity of the Internet. In the end, Jack Ma, who had a pattern, was hit hard, and the corporate empire was at least temporarily safe.

Therefore, to say anything about the pattern is to deceive the people who eat melons, and the pursuit of the most basic goals is serious.

"Yeah." The imperial commissioner who was fascinated by her thoughts was terminated by a whisper from Her Royal Highness.

"I encountered an obstacle? Was it intentional?" Margaret's eyes seemed to drip with water, and her tone was very sad.

Looking at the face similar to the Queen, Alan Wilson swallowed a spit for no reason, and became incoherent for no reason, "Margaret... I am, no."

what not? Margaret kissed her brother-in-law directly on the mouth, and she had never fought such a rich battle before.

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