British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 876: Advanced Consort

The sister-in-law's initiative is simply ecstatic, and Alan Wilson is even a little addicted to it. Who made the other party a princess?

"How long do you want me to wait, keep teasing me, but never see any action." The disengaged Princess Margaret stared straight at the culprit who blasphemed the princess, and could no longer hide her true thoughts, "What do you want to do to me? Like? It goes on like this."

"But I already have a bond, which may be unfair to you." Alan Wilson is affectionate, but he still hasn't pulled it back, expressing a diametrically opposite opinion to the unfairness to you in his mouth.

The sister-in-law who is in love can't continue to be indifferent to her brother-in-law's provocation, "I only want you to love me."

"This?" Alan Wilson struggled between his brows and seemed to be in a very tangled state, "I dare not, if one day you wear a wedding dress and marry someone else, I may not be able to bear that scene. I will go crazy. , Margaret."

Such brazen remarks simply put the current princess in the position of a mistress, and no one would agree to it.

"Don't think so much, the big deal is that I won't get married, and I'll never go back to London again." Margaret stared at the man's face and proved with practical actions how terrible love is.

Alan Wilson was also taken aback, and looked closely at the face that was very similar to Her Majesty the Queen. That is impossible, who can be indifferent to the favor of the princess at this moment.

"What you said is true, really willing to be with me like this." Alan Wilson asked God in vain for the last mercy, but in fact it was just an excuse for a clear conscience.

When Princess Margaret nodded, the imperial commissioner's mouth had already covered the princess, expressing greedily her determination to be the consort, the atmosphere inevitably heated up.

It's just that Lang Lang Qiankun postponed the real main event, and it was a little sloppy to ignore it in broad daylight.

But the window paper has been pierced, and both of them know in their hearts that some things that should happen will happen sooner or later.

Thinking about it carefully, the wicked imperial commissioner and the princess in love have been fettered for many years, and neither of them can deceive themselves. They have made up their minds for this step.

It's not that reason doesn't work, but reason can't solve all problems, such as this time.

The night in Penang is still hot, and the eruption of a volcano that has been suppressed by reason for years is enough to break through any obstacles.

With the cooperation of the royal princess and the imperial commissioner using their powers, no one will come to defend the majesty of the royal family at this time.

In the middle of the night, with suppressed exclamations and gasps, Alan Wilson completed the transition from imperial commissioner to court consort.

Holding Her Royal Highness, who was as comfortable as a kitten, pained and happy, Alan Wilson sighed with pride, "Being a man who has done what I am today, I will have no regrets in my life. Now I can say that I am not afraid of death."

"Don't talk nonsense, people who say this kind of thing in the movie will not end well." Margaret's lotus root-like arm stretched out from the quilt, covering the man's mouth, "I just let you take advantage, you To die now? At least with my consent."

"Why am I willing to die? It's just that the best way to face fear is to overcome fear. God, it's like a dream." Alan Wilson took out a cigar and lit it. A red dot.

Faced with such compliments, the sister-in-law, who successfully gave away half her butt, couldn't hide her happiness. Although she was a little uncomfortable, her long-cherished wish came true once, and a little tingling, how could her loving heart return to calm?

"Look at how proud you are, you must have thought about this day many times, otherwise you wouldn't be like this." Princess Margaret was accusing, but her voice was full of temptation, and it was obvious that this man also loved himself.

"How could I have never thought about it, but you're a princess, I still have a family, and I'm afraid of hurting my family." Alan Wilson took a deep breath of his cigar and shook his head, "In the end, I still lost to my instinct. But the person who wants to be a cabinet secretary has made such a big mistake, how can he benefit the society in the future."

how? Wouldn't this benefit society? Princess Margaret's face turned cloudy, but it was covered by the night.

However, the environment for thinking about whether it was wrong was immediately lost, and the imperial commissioner was full of energy and wanted to score twice.

Before dawn, only Her Royal Highness the Princess was left alone to relieve fatigue and fall asleep with a sweet smile.

As for Alan Wilson, because he was busy with work recently, he went out to find a big comprador with exhaustion. In fact, he just wanted to find a place to catch up. I have to say that he was full of energy when he did not benefit India in New Delhi.

Looking back at the peak of the year, I will go to British India to wipe out all the elegance and glory of the British India. This scene can no longer be reproduced. What I should think about now is to live out the value of life and better benefit the society.

In this special year of this year, Alan Wilson still has a lot to do. One eye can't wait to sleep and stare at the direction of the Suez Canal. Contact with the new Persian Gulf Commissioner has been maintained at a high frequency.

Coca, as the representative elected by the comprador group, will keep an eye on the progress of urban construction in Penang. Alan Wilson has no objection. He hopes that this big comprador can give full play to the excellent quality of Quandu and fight more if he has nothing to do.

Time is money. If you finish it a day earlier, you can also make a profit a day earlier. If necessary, some disgraceful means are also possible. Anyway, in the Malayan colony, as long as Alan Wilson did not see it, there would be nothing to do today.

"Master Zhongtang has worked hard, and it is really refreshing to come to me." Coca made a pot of tea and brought out desserts to entertain the biggest local snake in this place.

"I don't work hard, it's all for the benefit of the society." When I said in my heart that the princess was hard work, Alan Wilson received the praise from the royal princess, how dare he say hard work at this time, but he is loyal to Daying, "Actually, sometime , I really don't know what to do with you. Many colleagues think that you may become a hidden danger to the colony. Of course, I don't think so, we still have a lot in common. "

After all, it is a class that is personally supported, and Alan Wilson does not want to be unhappy with these people after he resigns. The stability of Malaya will certainly have a place for these successful people, but he has great expectations.

"Why didn't Her Royal Highness come with Lord Zhongtang as a guest." Coca's words almost choked the imperial commissioner who was concerned about national affairs. How could she know that Ai Zhongtang had been successfully promoted to the consort of the dynasty.

"Your Highness the Princess may be tired. After all, members of the royal family don't have to travel so hard." Alan Wilson changed the subject without a trace, "The railway in West Malaysia will start construction after the completion of the urban construction, and the supporting facilities will also include power grids and water conservancy facilities. , With your current strength, you can't help, luckily I can still think of a way."

The control of the world's water resources, just as agriculture is controlled by the four major grain merchants, is also under the control of several giant groups.

This has to be said of the French. Like the four major grain merchants, France also has a place in the control of water resources.

Veolia in France will be the only large group in the world that focuses on environmental services in a few decades.

Using the integration of water resources and wastewater treatment, it has blossomed in many places around the world, with an annual revenue of 45 billion euros, and 100 million yuan per day. Even the top 10 water companies in China have a combined total turnover that cannot equal to Veolia. Veolia's strength is obvious.

Veolia and another French environmental group, Suez, have a strong influence on the water supply systems of many countries. Together with the United States, we have carved up the world's water resources.

The old rival was so terrifying, Alan Wilson decided to help his wife's company as well, and couldn't let that suspicious ally leave the close friend of eight hundred years behind, starting from the Malayan colony.

In fact, Alan Wilson, chairman of the non-staff, has begun to show his wife the way to swallow Australia and water and electricity to help the UK stabilize its influence in Australia.

Pamela Mountbatten is liaising with headquarters in Perth to investigate the hydropower situation in Australia and is ready to intervene.

Now limited by their knowledge, Su Yang, Coca and others still don’t know the power of water and When the future grows to that point, they will find out how terrifying the industry of the Queen of Sarawak is. to the livelihood of the entire colony.

But now, there are benefits of not knowing what you don't know, at least you have a very happy life. There is a saying that people have the right to be ignorant.

Knowledge represents conspiracy and crime, ignorance has a certain dignity. You can't get people what they want with knowledge if it's not good for them. Would you give an alcoholic brandy?

Just like the matter of Princess Margaret, for the sake of the dignity of the royal family and the happiness of British citizens, Alan Wilson cannot reveal a little bit of his happiness in being promoted to the consort.

"When I finish this round of construction, I can go into battle lightly and go back to work in the country." Alan Wilson was full of emotion, and one hand naturally covered Her Royal Highness's buttocks, as if declaring some kind of ownership. .

"I really can't imagine whether citizens should be happy or sad." Princess Margaret's eyes flashed, and she wondered whether the high commissioner who was preparing to advance would be a good or bad thing to return to the homeland.

"You should be happy. There are not many social tools like me who are completely selfless and dedicated to benefiting the society." Alan Wilson asked in a low voice, "Darling, are you feeling better?"

"Well, okay, okay." Princess Margaret glanced at the man angrily, and felt that this question had ill intentions.

What's wrong with caring about Her Royal Highness's body? Isn't this also to express love for the royal family?

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