British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 877: Dajian plus nuclear bomb

He worked tirelessly to travel thousands of miles away, who is the ultimate beneficiary? Not yet England, not yet the royal family?

Thinking about it this way, the favor of the royal princess is over, and I have a clear conscience. The princess needs him too!

If it wasn't for worrying about Princess Margaret's love affair, why wait until today?

"People from the five places must know that you are like this, maybe they will come in and cut you." Princess Margaret smirked and frightened her brother-in-law.

"Then can you allow them to do this?" Alan Wilson asked for forgiveness with his hand in his arms, "Perhaps for my safety, with your permission, I should take an artistic photo of you or something. of."

Thinking of this, Alan Wilson was faintly excited. He was a private collection, and he was only short of a princess, not even the female prime minister.

This time, the two of them are entering the rhythm of getting better and better, and Her Royal Highness has also taken a lot of initiative. With time, Alan Wilson believes that Her Royal Highness The Princess can still exert more potential.

"This is our secret." The two men who were jogging in parallel with each other looked at each other and repeated their agreement.

"Hmph, for the British Empire..." Princess Margaret said the man's mantra with a look of disgust.

"And for the sake of a reliable government that is passed down from generation to generation." Alan Wilson responded conditionedly to the next sentence, and after that, the two stiffened people didn't speak for a long time.

The good start from Princess Margaret made Alan Wilson think that maybe in 1956, the year when the British Empire's tiger skin fell, things weren't so bad.

The problem is actually very simple. As long as there is no accident in the Suez Canal, it is not insurmountable for the United Kingdom to do anything wrong.

It is necessary to keep in constant contact with the new Persian Gulf Commissioner and old colleagues.

Both of them agree with each other that although British Africa is very large, it is not as important to Britain as the Middle East and Malaya. This does not take into account that Africa is the place where the colonial powers are the strongest. Today, the colonial powers all have colonies in Africa. , can help each other, the situation is still quite stable.

Before rushing to his new post, John had already told other countries that there would not be a situation similar to Sudan. The UK will never leave the country irresponsibly and unilaterally, putting the territories of other European countries at risk.

"France has increased its troops again. The French army in Algeria, together with the local French immigrant armed forces, has exceeded 800,000. People who don't know think that France is fighting a world war. There are various signs that Algeria's oil resources are indeed being used by Paris. Government values.”

Alan Wilson, who had not yet returned to Kuala Lumpur, looked at Lana Turner's giant billboard outside, the smoke-filled construction site, blew a whistle, and entered the telegraph room to send a message to John, "To dismantle the guerrilla-infiltrated existence soil, lies in Controlling the population, in fact, the urbanization construction in France can provide useful experience. Malaya is currently undergoing urban construction. If France wants to concentrate the population, if its own production capacity is insufficient, Malaya can help. Anyway, we are also here. It provides raw materials for the needs of Iran, dams in Egypt, airports in Dubai, and urban construction in British Africa, no less than France.”

The useful experience mentioned by Alan Wilson refers to the Khrushchev Building. In fact, this kind of piled up community was also introduced from France by the Soviet Union. In France, it is called low-cost social housing. Model home on the ground floor.

So it's not just Alan Wilson who does this, he just thinks that after ten years of accumulation in the Malayan colony, he can now afford the cost of the city's construction, so he started to do it. The French have done it for a long time. .

If the French are sincere, they want to fundamentally disintegrate the Algerian resistance, break up the Algerian community, and centralize management is inevitable.

After all, neither Malaya nor Algeria had the same weather as the Soviet Union, and guerrilla warfare ceased in one winter.

The cold weather in the Soviet Union is not only detrimental to Germany, but also beneficial. For example, the guerrilla warfare in the Soviet Union did not play a big role. The fundamental reason is that the supply of a large number of guerrillas will become a big problem when winter comes.

In such a climate, a heavy snowfall can really kill people. The northeast is the kind of weather. After a few winters, the guerrillas who stayed in the ravines froze to death much more than those killed in action. In the end, they could only escape to the Soviet Union.

Although Algiers has a large area of ​​interest, the situation is only better than Egypt. The same large area is part of the Sahara Desert. While the 800,000 French troops are vigorously suppressing, they will migrate the population for urban construction. The two-pronged approach may be useful.

For the sake of unity and self-preservation of Britain and France, Alan Wilson is willing to share the beneficial experience of Malaya in the city.

When Gerald Edward was the High Commissioner before, he specially established Huacun to contain and prevent the resistance to the British. Alan Wilson essentially stood on the shoulders of giants and came to an advanced version.

As for whether France's own industrial capacity is sufficient, as long as the French are willing to speak, he is willing to communicate with London.

This is not what he said himself. In essence, the pricing of Malayan industrial products is in the hands of London. As the deputy secretary-general of the Overseas Assets Management Committee, he can speak, but he cannot make a single statement.

The scope of what can be said is mainly that Britain can get a share of the French war. The war money, if the French are willing to maintain the unity of Britain and France, this matter can be done.

Although the United Kingdom also made a few complaints about the Algerian war, France really wants to shed blood, which is good for all the colonial countries. For the sake of the pound, the British will not be hostile to France.

"I'm so kind to France. Don't let others suspect that I'm a French spy." Alan Wilson, who sent the telegram, shook his head and smiled bitterly. It's not a joke, but a fact.

The rest depends on what the French think. He has already sent out all the kindness that should be sent. If Pamela Mountbatten hadn't had the support of many French shareholders, he wouldn't care about it.

Two days later, Alan Wilson returned to Kuala Lumpur with his sister-in-law. Pamela Mountbatten took out the documents sent by Alyssa. "It was said that it was with the policy-making document from Xiangjiang, and Alyssa put it down and left."

"It's about the entertainment industry." Alan Wilson took out Xiangjiang's documents and said, "Xiangjiang city construction is earlier than this, and some industrial policies can be implemented, such as entertainment tax."

The British Hong Kong government collects a 17.5% entertainment tax on the entertainment industry, including movies and cinemas. This time the urban construction also includes the increase of the cinema line.

Of course, the French woodpecker company invests, which saves the colonial government's appropriation.

Alan Wilson has always worked tirelessly when developing Malaya. He didn't know how much energy he spent to get Heidi Rama, Ingrid Bergman, and Vivien Leigh to agree to help.

"It's really busy for you." Pamela Mountbatten squinted at her husband and said, "One more thing, Washington is talking about buying uranium ore, because the uranium mine is jointly operated by me and the Australian government, what do you think? ?"

Alan Wilson's face changed, and finally he smiled bitterly, "Sell, what else can I do? The cost of uranium mines in the United States is lower than that of the United States."

Eisenhower's tenure, in addition to building impressive, is the rapid expansion of the US nuclear arsenal. Most of the more than 20,000 nuclear warheads in the United States were manufactured during the Eisenhower period. By the time Kennedy came to power, the number had approached the 30,000 mark.

Eisenhower laid out a "massive retaliation" strategy. Its essence is to strengthen the deterrence of nuclear weapons and reduce the expenditure of conventional forces, that is to say, reduce the size of the US troops stationed overseas and defense expenditure, and achieve US national security.

Just like Dajian, when the number of nuclear weapons in the United States is rapidly expanding, it is normal to immediately express interest in learning that Australia has uranium mines.

"I thought you would object." Pamela Mountbatten chuckled, "Haven't you always been wary of America."

"There's no way to stop it. Australia has the same attitude towards the UK and the is basically responsive. Australia doesn't object, then we are the only ones left." Alan Wilson shook his head slightly, but he was not pessimistic either. "Actually, there is no problem. We don't sell Americans and there are other sources, so we won't offend the United States. After the Bandung Conference, didn't the United States let out a few rumors about deploying nuclear weapons overseas."

In fact, in the original history, the time when the United States deployed nuclear weapons in the United Kingdom was very coincidental. When the United Kingdom finally agreed, the Korean War had already broken out, but it was not the time for MacArthur to express his rash attitude towards nuclear weapons.

Britain had just agreed to the US deployment of nuclear weapons, and within three months MacArthur was clamoring for the use of nuclear weapons. This statement made the British intestines regret.

And now there is no American military base in the UK. After MacArthur's honest performance, it is estimated that the UK does not want to increase its own targets when facing the Soviet Union, let alone even think about it.

"Where do you think the United States will try to deploy?" Pamela Mountbatten asked with great interest.

"It's better for the defeated country to take care of it. Germany, Italy and Japan can't run away. And facing the most feared country in the Soviet Union, the Turks don't dare to look north when they pee. As long as the Americans speak up, it is estimated that the Turks will agree sooner or later. I don't know how long it will take the United States to achieve its goals diplomatically."

"It is possible for a few months to a few years. The influence of the Italian Communist Party is still quite large. I don't know how long it will take."

Alan Wilson's brain teaser, Italy and Turkey's nuclear missile bases, is that not the source of the Cuban missile crisis?

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