British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 878: ****

"Proliferation of nuclear weapons?" Pamela Mountbatten said incredulously, "This is really surprising."

"It's using other countries as a shield for the United States. Once the United States does this, I always want to deploy nuclear weapons in Malaya, and it's much easier for someone to set a precedent." Alan Wilson was very happy, "It's not really at all. Guys, these feel-good independent leaders can't hold back."

Unlike Truman, who only talked but did not do much, Eisenhower was in another stage, deploying nuclear weapons to reduce the size of overseas garrisoned troops, and it would be even more powerful in the next stage, when the garrison wanted to expand nuclear weapons and also deploy nuclear weapons.

With the deepening of the Cold War, Americans have also begun to get better and better, and have become accustomed to the role of world hegemons.

"Then how many nuclear weapons do you think Britain needs?" Although Pamela Mountbatten didn't like the arms race between countries, she couldn't help but pay attention. At her current level, politics and business have long been inseparable.

"Blu-ray missiles are in service successfully, strategic bombers plus nuclear submarines, one thousand should be enough." Alan Wilson dragged his chin with one hand and gave his own figures, "We don't pursue absolute numbers like the United States and the Soviet Union. The nuclear arsenal needs to be expanded to the point that it cannot be ignored. The homeland cannot build nuclear silos.”

Alan Wilson thinks this number is enough. In fact, the three countries of Britain, France and China are all establishing minimum nuclear deterrence. They are all three or four hundred nuclear bombs, which is like the two lunatics of the United States and the Soviet Union, calculated in ten thousand.

Take advantage of the Blu-ray missiles in service and build a few more nuclear submarines, and this number will be almost the same. Enough to safeguard the interests of the United Kingdom without relying on the breath of the United States, which is better than anything else.

"Will the Americans already recognize the value of Australia?" Pamela Mountbatten did not dwell on national issues, but instead asked about stakeholders.

"This needs data support. Is the United States still an exporter of iron ore, or is it still an exporter of steel?" Alan Wilson replied without thinking, "If it is no longer, it needs to be carefully analyzed. Step up the exploration and get as much as you can, given Australia’s geological environment, it should withstand the wind and the sun for an unknown number of years, as long as there are minerals, they are usually not buried deep.”

"Also, it is better to lose some money at the beginning, but also to get Australia's hydropower, both of which are in hand. With your current mineral share, Australia will not be able to run away. Similarly, New Zealand can be the next target. ."

Alan Wilson pointed the country in high spirits and described a broad road for his wife.

"But you also said that Malaya is the most important, whether it is strategic value or development value. We must maintain safety and operate well." Pamela Mountbatten sat directly on her husband's lap, "Now Is it safe?"

"It's not that we haven't had contact with the Beijing government. Of course, I haven't been there. Both Chen Zhenlu and Lin Lianyu from the MCA went to Xiangjiang to meet each other." Alan Wilson answered 1510, "Xiangjiang has a special status and is currently theirs. I also informed each other through Lin Lianyu about important external windows and some of each other's bottom lines."

"Oh, you actually have contact with them? Don't let anyone know." Pamela Mountbatten snickered and scare her husband, "Otherwise, for civil servants, reliability is more important than anything else."

"Dear, I have always listened to you." Alan Wilson had one hand climbed to the high ground when he spoke, showing his loyalty with practical actions.

"Where does this come from? It seems that I have been listening to you. You say this, it is easy for me to think that I am not a qualified wife." Pamela Mountbatten snorted softly, "You mean this Well?"

As a gentleman of the British Empire, Alan Wilson has the precious quality of not giving in to death, but sometimes, it is not impossible to learn the advanced experience of neighbors, so he raised his hands happily...

"Giggle..." Pamela Mountbatten made a silver bell-like whisper, hugging her husband's neck and offering a sweet kiss.

The female president was a little tired from running around all year round, so she directly handed the instructions to her assistant Marina via telegram. She was still in Kuala Lumpur. She had something to discuss with her husband, which was not something she could do alone, such as giving birth to a baby an heir.

"You actually miss my precious seeds." Alan Wilson exaggeratedly covered his neckline, "You are such a person."

"It's clear that my production workshop is better, and the effect is greater than your seed." Pamela Mountbatten also defended herself one by one, emphasizing the warning of childbirth.

The Saigon boxing champion refused to accept it. He had to let the woman know about the primary and secondary issues.

Originally in history, because of the failure of the Suez War this year, France would propose to merge with the United Kingdom to jointly deal with the threat of the United States and the Soviet Union.

But now it seems that there will be no soil for this incident. There is no abnormal behavior on the Egyptian side, and France is still fighting for the last time in Algeria.

Even if this happened as scheduled, the United Kingdom would refuse, two different nationalities, the French mainland is still larger than the United Kingdom. How can it be so simple to merge evenly.

However, if France joins the Commonwealth, Alan Wilson is in favor of it, but unfortunately he is not Prime Minister.

The Golden Zodiac has already left Malaya, and the two female presidents of Woodpecker Pictures are mobilizing funds to prepare for urban construction in Malacca City, and also to build a cinema line in Malaya, so that the filming will be better in the future. Movies come in.

So now the Malayan colony, including his wife, only Anna and Vivien Leigh are there, plus his sister-in-law, it did not cause too much pressure on Alan Wilson.

Pamela Mountbatten is very curious, what is the use of building a theater chain, of course Alan Wilson can't tell the truth, saying that it is for the happiness of a lady of the same status as his wife? Instead, he said, "To carry out the construction of spiritual civilization and subtly resolve the hostility in the subconscious, film and television works are very important. Maybe it will also be good for your father."

"Er? How to do it?" Pamela Mountbatten was puzzled, which had already involved her knowledge blind spot.

"For example, when we made a movie about the friendship between Acura and China, the focus was on the Burmese battlefield. Before your father took office, mutual mistrust and mistrust led to temporary failure. After taking office, we bridged the conflict and made a strategic counter-offensive. Is it a good subject?"

Alan Wilson, with the soft face of his son-in-law, mentioned Mountbatten's military career peak. After all, his father-in-law was the commander of the war zone in World War II, but he was on an equal footing with Stalin and Eisenhower.

It would be a pity not to put this kind of highlight on the screen. Of course, don't mention the long-term vacation in Ceylon. Not in line with the main theme, the most important thing is to damage the image of the First Sea Minister.

"It's a really good idea." Pamela Mountbatten was very interested, and her husband was really thoughtful.

"Of course, the filming will also help the Lavender people's goodwill." Alan Wilson straightened his back. He felt that his words were simply the truth of the universe. It would be a pity not to do so.

For Britain, besides the European battlefield, the Southeast Asian battlefield, especially Burma, is the only battlefield to regain lost territory. The meaning is also there, and the negative character is Japanese, that's even better.

For Southeast Asian countries, Japan's role is not so negative, because it was a colony of European countries before.

Japan's rhetoric of Asian liberation is still quite marketable. Moreover, Japan was quickly defeated and did not establish a long-term rule, and Southeast Asian countries did not have a deep understanding of the negative impact.

But the Chinese are different, not to mention that the enemy of the Chinese mainland battlefield is Japan. The Chinese in Southeast Asia were also pulled in by the colonial powers to balance the role of the local ethnic group. And Japan made a brutal attack on the Chinese.

The Japanese-hatred thinking of the Chinese in Southeast Asia should be cultivated, and it will also be beneficial for Malaya to occupy the Southeast Asian market in the future. After all, the base of the Chinese group is not small, and he is going to use it in the future.

"Once the city construction has achieved results, I also want to recruit Chinese to form an army before I take office. Of course, I will consider balance and recruit Malays to join the army on a one-to-one basis." Alan Wilson said frankly, "It also counts as Nepalese. In fact, there are only less than 50,000 British troops stationed in We can't be like France, and we can send all the troops of the whole country in a colony. It is necessary to increase the local troops."

"You have your own considerations, but why did you do it now?" Pamela Mountbatten was puzzled, is it time again?

"The children who immigrated back then have grown up in ten years. When it's time to use them." Alan Wilson calculated the conditions, "With Gerrard's tenure in office, we have already laid the foundation. Of course. There are still some places to follow the local customs, I am going to issue a regulation, I heard that China has a crime of sabotaging military marriage, and I am going to introduce it."

As a gentleman with a flexible moral bottom line, Alan Wilson never minds copying such a copy.

After explaining the concept of sabotaging military marriages, Pamela Mountbatten understood what it meant, "Maybe this will be supported by the locals."

"Of course, even the local garrison may be envious. You also know that the issue of illegitimate children of American soldiers during the war caused a lot of trouble." Alan Wilson said with a wry smile.

He remembers that a few decades later, there was a well-known conservative in Germany, who called on traditional values ​​every day, attached importance to family, anti-immigration and so on, but was ignored by the politically correct. Then he came into contact with the ideas of Peace Religion, and found that these things were repeated and preached by Peace Religion every day. Therefore, this very famous conservative person directly joined Peace Religion.

If the soldiers in the garrison found out about this law to take care of the residents of Malaya, they might want to bring it into the UK, who knows.

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