British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 879: 500 million Commissioner Ai Zhongtang

"There's nothing to learn from this year. What kind of public-private partnership is useless for us." Alan Wilson regretted putting away the latest file that Alyssa had transferred from Xiangjiang, "Archive."

"Okay." Alyssa took the documents, knowing that no one would find this batch of documents in the future.

"The regulations for the management of picking quarrels and provoking troubles that we promulgated will be announced once they are formulated. Some industries should not allow gangsters to infiltrate, they are not worthy." Alan Wilson set his eyes on Richard, "What step has it reached? Once the promulgation is carried out at the same time as a campaign to crack down on crime, of course we cannot eradicate pornography, gambling and drugs, the fundamental purpose is to control, if it is not controlled, it may bring hidden dangers in the future, oh, rule the Lieutenant General Scones."

"What was the announcement from Commander Scones?" Richard raised his eyebrows, waiting for a reply.

"Strictly delineate the scope of the garrison's activities and the establishment of entertainment areas. Most of the time, the garrison soldiers should not appear in the society, that's all." Alan Wilson thought hard and determined that there was no missing place for the time being, "Just here for the time being, provocation. The crime of causing trouble should be as vague as possible and give the police enough room to play. In this regard, we don’t have to draw guns like the American police if they disagree, but the entire regulation should ensure the interests of the police as much as possible.”

The more ambiguous it is, the more friendly it is to the police. It mainly highlights a shocking nature. Allen Wilson said in all fairness that the famous pocket crime in his previous life was a shocking and deterrent to him that he will never forget.

This kind of punishment highlights that it is all-encompassing, and it can put everything into it, and it is almost impossible to cooperate with the reform-through-labor system.

Of course, there are also advantages. No matter how strict the law is, there are always gaps to be drilled. Especially in countries where case law is practiced in the United Kingdom and the United States, endless litigation will make the lawsuit stinky and long, and ultimately lead to no results.

Take the big compradors and sultans in Malaya now, the British lawsuits are extremely limited in their deterrence. He wanted a clause below that would allow the police department to assume power alone, so he remembered the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble.

"The purpose of my second term is to focus on solving some people's livelihood issues, urban construction is only a part, and some problems that have been allowed to develop savagely in the past should also be eliminated together. This is also for the sake of your work after I leave. ."

Alan Wilson nodded at the two subordinates, "Then, immediately after the promulgation of the regulations on picking quarrels and provoking trouble, we will start to rectify the gang problem, especially the gambling and drugs. It is naturally impossible to eradicate them, but we limit them to a certain range. It’s not hard to get in, the police department likes it, and it’s another great source of grey income.”

Military police Xant, the first two are huge in number. After Alan Wilson took office, the adjustment method is that the British army itself is the army. The police are Malays, while the Xant, who checks and balances the police, is composed of a small number of British and most of the Chinese. Such a model is not new. Britain has been playing divide and conquer for many years, and no one knows how to divide the rebels better than the United Kingdom.

Although in the 21st century, the United States has surpassed the blue in identity politics, but now, the United Kingdom is still the most professional.

"Commissioner, let's go first." Alyssa and Richard nodded and left the commissioner's office to do their own business.

If the UK can gain a firm foothold, it can basically rule out that the Singapore model no longer exists, and only the Malayan model can be used for reference in the future.

After leaving get off work at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Alan Wilson returned home. The domineering female president was reading the ordered American newspaper, with headlines such as what is changing in America, people's capitalism, reverse practice magic, horror like this.

"In the past year, public opinion in the United States has changed, and the proportion of ideas exported has greatly increased." Alan Wilson sat down beside his wife and said, "It can be judged that the current United States has completely changed its thinking and is no longer a single In 1945, he still looked hesitant."

In the face of the aggressive posture of the Soviet Union, with the full-scale rise of the United States and the intensification of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, the U.S. government used economic rhetoric as an important weapon to defeat communism and shape its own identity. By launching a series of economic-themed campaigns, American elites have exported key words such as "people's capitalism", "transformed America", "everyone prosperous" and "a new paradigm of prosperity" at home and abroad.

In order to comprehensively shape the "rich" and "reformed" economic image of the United States, strengthen the audience's deep identification with its economic system and free identity, and then win the final victory of the Cold War.

"Yeah, the current Washington is also qualified to say that." Pamela Mountbatten glanced at her husband, "Don't you say that the United States is now stronger than ever before. It has almost no weaknesses."

"The gold standard system of the Breston Woods system is the weakness. This system is very stable, but the upper limit is not high." Alan Wilson said calmly, "The Breston Woods system has shaped the US-centered economic system, But it's definitely not invulnerable, it's a double-edged sword, and once the dollars in the hands of other countries flush out the U.S. gold reserves, Americans will be anxious."

The later petrodollar, to some extent, has the characteristics of the Keynesian plan proposed by the United Kingdom, which is to bind some bulk goods to maintain the currency value. Only in 1944, this favored Britain, which controlled many colonies.

In the 1970s, when the United States disintegrated the Bretton Woods system, the United States had completely replaced the British position, controlling most raw material origins and important transportation hubs. So the Keynesian plan did not disappear, it was just implemented a little later. The beneficiaries changed from the UK to the US.

"Can we regain Lee's financial hegemony?" Pamela Mountbatten asked her husband carefully, since the Bretton Woods system is so unbreakable, can Britain regain its previous status?

"Uh, this is a long-term struggle process, and part of it depends on the UK's ability to maintain its current power." Alan Wilson opened his mouth. He couldn't say that there was no hope at all, because the financial hegemony of later generations is also shared by the UK and the US, but it's just that It is still in accordance with the distribution model of the American big head and the British small head.

In the era of Bretton Woods, the United States controlled gold trading, and in the era of petrodollars, the world's largest gold trading market is actually in London.

The Bretton Woods system and the sterling area were destroyed, both in the seventies, and the pound could never make a comeback. So the basis for the pound to make a comeback is to delay the life of the pound area as much as possible.

And this is exactly what the Overseas Assets Management Committee is currently doing. Alan Wilson is crazy to help Pamela Mountbatten, and even all colonial countries are looking for untapped resources to improve the resistance of the United Kingdom and even Europe. He even laughed at himself that he was going to match the seal of the Six Kingdoms.

"This year's Colonial Commissioner meeting, I discussed with John, was held in Aden. John just became the Persian Gulf Commissioner. Colleagues should celebrate." Alan Wilson asked his wife, "Is there anything you need to help? Your oil company is also in the Persian Gulf."

"We are happy to cooperate with the local monarchs in Iraq, Kuwait and other places, but if you are willing to pay attention, my dear, of course I am very grateful." Pamela Mountbatten looked reliant, "You know, I have been doing my best. Do your best to be a good wife."

The prelude to the year of change, while the Malayan colony was promoting urban construction, along with the promulgation of the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble, the colonial government launched a campaign to crack down on crimes, maintain public order in the Malayan colony, and have zero tolerance for gangsters.

Through the Administrative Office, the Malayan police department was dispatched to start a large-scale cleaning of gambling and drugs.

Ai Zhongtang, the 500 million commissioner, is sharing the proportion of money with his subordinates, "This time, the action is not to eradicate the gangsters, after all, we can't do it either. From the perspective of sustainable development, neither We should do this, confiscate all the drugs, and we will find a place to sell them. I think America is good. As for the gambling money confiscated by the casino, we will not take any of it, and hand it over to the police department to deal with it independently.”

"You can all have a share of the drugs sold in the Americas, except for me. Of course, I'm not saying that there is no place to sell them except in America, but now that the circulation of US dollars is relatively wide, everyone must respect the objective facts. In fact, I Even the commissioners of the colonies should learn from to do this kind of admirable but profitable thing."

Alan Wilson naturally doesn't care about these three melons and dates, but he can't expect everyone to be the same as him. He has lost money so far when he took office as a commissioner. Although he has become the shares of some big compradors, from the perspective of money, it is indeed a loss.

With such an understanding boss, of course there is no objection in the conference room. Did you not see the public opinion outside, they all praised and supported the move of the colonial government.

Gangsters stink like chamber pots. Who would have sympathy for gangsters in normal people?

"We have arrested more than 10,000 people and are preparing to use labor reform for half a year for urban construction, which can save a lot of labor costs. Many bosses also like this." Richard reported the current results.

"That's great, it looks like everyone is satisfied." Alan Wilson smiled and joked with his colleagues, "Then if you believe me, the routes to the Americas will be handled by me."

He is such a caring person. Even if it is difficult to sell to the United States, it is still a piece of cake for the United Kingdom to sell to the United States.

Day by day, the city construction and social security in the year of change have clearly improved, which makes him a high commissioner very pleased, and the news of the 1956 Grand Canyon air collision is even more exciting.

"It's a pity that it's not Boeing, but it can be used to point out that there are many problems with civil aviation in the United States. Put the stereotype on the head of the American aviation industry."

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