British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 880: revolving door

"Is this okay?" Pamela Mountbatten asked suspiciously after hearing her husband's words. Although she also operates a media group, she still doesn't know much about the twists and turns in it.

"Of course, the biggest role of the media group is actually to spread rumors." Alan Wilson smiled, "Just think about how we slandered German-made products in the first place. American industrial products are not as good as Germany's, you don't deny this, right? "

The famous German made is a masterpiece of British public opinion hegemony. Britain became a world power through the industrial revolution and became a model for other countries to learn from. At this time, Germany also began to learn from Britain, because many factories stole the technology of British products and then counterfeited them. Imitation, this method was recognized and even encouraged by the German government, and some departments even sent industrial spies to the UK.

Subsequently, the British Parliament passed the "Commodities Act" against Germany on this issue, ordering that all products entering the United Kingdom and its colonies must be marked "Made in Germany".

Of course, in the end, the German factory owners were ashamed and brave, regarded the British commodity law as a great disgrace, and spent a lot of time reversing the negative effects brought about by the hegemony of British public opinion, but this is another problem.

To be honest, in traditional industries, the United States has no advantage over Western European countries, and even many industries have obvious shortcomings. To be blunt, there is no Soviet Union in the free world, but the United States is the Soviet Union in the free world.

Since the recovery of Europe in the 1950s, the industrial exports of the United States have been beaten down steadily. Later, even Japan took the lead in the United States. The automobile industry has long been the most important export industry of the United States, and was finally taken away by Japan.

You must know that the U.S. auto industry, which was an important industry for the U.S. to maintain its import and export balance after the war, was crushed by Japanese cars and robbed the market, resulting in an unrecoverable U.S. trade deficit, which eventually led to the shaken of the Bretton Woods system.

The aviation industry is the support of the US national strength. If it were not for the backing of the US national strength, Boeing would not have a side-by-side situation with Airbus.

Whether it is useful or not, for Pamela Mountbatten, who entered the aviation industry through the Comet airliner, even if she knew it was useless, she would take the opportunity to explain that American airliners are not safe.

"Cars are stupid, black and crude oil diggers, and planes only need high horsepower, but they lack safety. Saying that the cost remains high is unfriendly to consumers." Alan Wilson followed his wife's instructions, "Spread Political jokes, directed at some industrial rhetoric, summed up as American industry is the Soviet Union in the free world."

This requires the blessing of the hegemony of public opinion to be able to buckle the hat. Alan Wilson is not targeting anyone in terms of map guns. He dare not say that he is an expert, and he has sufficient experience. The hegemony of public opinion is important. For example, in the province where Jack Ma is located, the untrustworthy person ranks first in the country. If it is replaced by an old and a young and a poor, the map cannon has already been fired.

"Hmm!" Looking at her husband with admiration, Pamela Mountbatten wanted to take out a small notebook to remember.

Alan Wilson is not slandering the United States. In terms of traditional industries, the United States is indeed not up to the standard of European countries. Of course, the military industry is an exception.

And the United States has more population than any European country, so it has a complete range of industries, which can overwhelm a single European country.

Therefore, Europe has the need for integration, and only when all countries are united can they complement all categories and compete with the United States.

Now the purpose of the work of the Overseas Assets Management Committee is to eliminate the local low-profit industries to Malaya.

At present, when it comes to the steel industry, it is already very fast. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the steel industry in Malaya to go ahead of Japan. This is all because of the relationship between Australia and the United Kingdom, and Australia is very close to Malaya. The only basis for providing cheap iron ore is the market provided by Britain, the big European funnel, and the British colonies.

In the future, chemical industry, automobile, shipbuilding and other industries will follow a similar path to that of Japan and South Korea. The automobile industry may not be so smooth, because this is the trump card industry in Japan after the war, and the British automobile manufacturing is at the level of luxury cars.

But the shipbuilding industry is no problem for the UK. The UK's civilian shipbuilding industry is on a par with the US, and even has an advantage in most years. The chemical industry, at least for now, the UK still has influence in the Middle East, which can be used in the petrochemical field. To come to Asia to provide help is saying that Malaya has its own oil resources.

The basic conditions of the Malayan colony are still very good. When the support of the education industry is established, although the population size cannot be compared with that of Japan, the political and resource support of the United Kingdom and Australia is much better than that of Japan, which has lost Hokkaido. emboldened.

After supplementing the new knowledge point again, Pamela Mountbatten was satisfied and asked about work.

"There is really one thing for you to help." Alan Wilson said with a face of the old opium merchant, "This campaign to rectify social order is very significant, and several tons of drugs have been confiscated, so I gave a distribution plan, dear can Can't you help?"

"Shipping to America? It's not difficult. But it will hurt your progress." Pamela Mountbatten squinted at her husband, "You know it's not a good thing, and it has to be sent to the United States?"

"It's all the subordinates below who want a little benefit. I'm fine myself, and I'm not interested in money." Alan Wilson said in a tone of bad people in the crowd, "I can't exchange pounds in the Commonwealth. ? It can only be exchanged for dollars."

Where are you going without sending it to the US? Could it be sent to the United Kingdom, although the United Kingdom is not unfamiliar with this thing, and also fought a war with the Qing Dynasty for this.

But Alan Wilson did not wash the ground for Britain's unjust war. No one denies that the Opium War was a war of aggression, but the United Kingdom has been using this thing until 1920 before it was banned from being used on children.

In all countries in the world, drugs are considered harmful until very late. From this point of view, the Qing government still responded quite quickly, and immediately knew the harm of opium flooding, which is very commendable.

What is not worthy of praise is that the combat effectiveness of the Qing army was a daddy in the agricultural era, but Britain was the country of origin of the industrial revolution, and faced a lot of trouble with the British army.

It's not easy to get my wife to send the spoils to the United States. Today's United States has not degenerated into more than 20 million addicts. There are zombie kingdoms on Kensington Street in every state, but Alan Wilson can't wait for the Vietnam War to start. The American social environment He only went to cash out when he was degenerate. His subordinates need welfare now. He said that he would wait until ten years later?

Fortunately, Pamela Mountbatten still agreed to help, so that her husband would not be embarrassed by doing such a cheap thing.

As for manpower, Alan Wilson picked up the phone and asked Radwich to come over. He had something to communicate with Grace. At this moment, he didn't know that a dangerous door had been opened for Grace, the father of a Mexican drug dealer. They were born right after this call.

Of course Alan Wilson couldn't know the future that didn't fit in his memory, but it's going to take a manpower. The Slavs of Northern Rhodesia are more suitable, after all, he still has a life-saving grace for the Slavs.

With Pamela Mountbatten's channel, and Grace's subordinates escorting it, this matter becomes quite easy. It is also considered to be a bulk cargo delivery, so I can't help but be cautious.

If not for a telegram, Alan Wilson would continue to uphold social justice in Malaya and contribute to a prosperous and prosperous Malaya, but a telegram from London interrupted his comfortable life.

Edward Bridges, the second Cabinet Secretary in the Cabinet Office, now Permanent Secretary to the Treasury, is already retiring, just a few months after Sir Barron announced his retirement.

Edward Bridges is 63 years old this year. According to the normal retirement age, he has delayed his retirement for three years.

The most laudable time in his career as a cabinet secretary was when Churchill led Britain at the outbreak of World War II.

Churchill took over at No. 10 Downing Street, and from a personal point of view, Edward Bridges was in a very mixed mood.

Churchill, nearly twenty years older than Bridges, was Edward Bridges' boss when he was Chancellor of the Exchequer. Churchill had an eye for Edward Bridges. Cabinet secretaries are impeccable in front-line combat, devotion to duty and professionalism.

At that time, in the eyes of many neutral officials and politicians, UU reading www. uukanshu. com Churchill was still a dangerous risk-taker, threatening to put Britain in grave danger or act recklessly, as he did in his response to the Dardanelles.

Edward Bridges thought so too, which turned out to be true, and maybe that's why Edward Bridges kept his distance from Churchill.

Nine hundred and nineteen wartime cabinet meetings have condensed the sweat of Edward Bridges, but for Alan Wilson, the reason why he has to go back is because of the principle of retribution.

"Sir Edward is going to retire?" Pamela Mountbatten quickly learned of this. "In fact, Sir Edward can continue to work for two years, and no one will say anything."

"It may be that he is unwilling to continue to work. In the past two years, Whitehall and the cabinet have hidden dangers. The leader and deputy leader of the Labour Party, Sir Edward, the permanent secretary of the Treasury, and Sir Norman, the cabinet secretary. Power, but a person quickly Changed things." Alan Wilson sighed, "Dear, but Sir Edward has deep connections, do you know what I mean?"

"The revolving door." Pamela Mountbatten got through at one point, and then expressed her support, "Then you can go back and I will arrange the rest. After all, Sir Edward took great care of us."

Retirement or resignation of government officials is not the end, and it is not new to go to sea to work in enterprises and schools. Similar phenomena in the United States in later generations are more famous, but as a daddy, of course, the United Kingdom also has such a thing.

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