British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 881: god call me god

"But which is the right place to be in charge? To be the vice president in charge of North Sea Oil?" Pamela Mountbatten was also caught in a tangle. Edward Bridges was a cabinet secretary and is now the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Finance. The price will be too low.

Not to mention the period of being a cabinet secretary, just being in the Ministry of Finance for so many years, managing the purse of the civil service.

This potential energy cannot be underestimated. It is not so easy to make Edward Bridges complete a gorgeous turn.

"Leave this matter to me, and I'll tell you the result." Alan Wilson told his wife to take it easy, and don't rush to arrange a post. Even the French commander of Dien Bien Phu, Naval, is now in Libya. Oil sits. Edward Bridges couldn't be any less than Naval's role.

Of course, there are quite a few conditions to consider. For example, Edward Bridges may not want to leave the UK. Whether he just likes to take money and is not willing to work hard, these factors must be considered, and only by seeing him can we find out.

"That's hard work." Pamela Mountbatten glanced at her husband, and then skillfully untied her husband's waistband.

Sometimes Alan Wilson thinks that as a man, he has a lot of responsibility on his shoulders, and he is willing to continue to do so.

If you are not diligent about this kind of thing, the end result is that someone will carry the burden for you.

As long as the conditions allow, he keeps in touch with everyone. Before people have arrived in Europe, the ladies who live in Europe and have the same status as their wives have already received the call of love.

"You came back for your boss's retirement?" Hepburn, wearing a long black dress, looked at the man who appeared in front of him with surprise, and asked with surprise and resentment.

"It doesn't matter why I came back, as long as I have the opportunity to see you, no matter what happens, it will appear in front of you." Alan Wilson was pale, and the jet lag was still in chaos, but he still maintained the light of the central air conditioner. and hot.

As long as the conditions allow, he can always make a woman feel warm. Hepburn was obviously warmed up, and he directly reached out and took the tired man to his boudoir, and then went to put the bath water to let Alan Wilson relieve his fatigue.

It was unavoidable, and eventually it turned into a delicate body that was dripping and rubbing, holding the ball flower. Alan Wilson slept into a dead pig after not enjoying himself, "I have seen the war and peace show, your performance in it. It's good, I'm afraid you're going to fake it."

"I'm always worried about these unreasonable things." Hepburn pinched the man's soft underbelly and said coquettishly, "But if you ignore me for a long time, then maybe it's impossible. Alas, the movie hasn't been released in the UK, how do you know. "

I want to watch a movie, how can I not get the negative film? Alan Wilson coughed softly. "My friend Joseph saw it and told me by telegram."

I have to say that McCarthy is still quite busy and has great prestige among American conservatives. This is rare in this day and age, because McCarthy is a Republican, and conservative supporters generally support Democrats.

"If you don't have a break from work, you can consider going to Malaya. The local climate is pleasant and it is a place to relax your body and mind." Alan Wilson took the opportunity to sell the colony he managed to Hepburn.

"Is it a place to relax?" Hepburn rolled his eyes at the man and seemed to see the bad intentions among them.

Maybe she will go alone, and the last two will come back. Not to mention that she is in the rising stage of her career, and her education is relatively conservative. It is not easy to accept the current life. She is not mentally prepared to have an unmarried child without a name.

Alan Wilson is not in a hurry about this matter. He also received a good start in 1956 from Her Royal Highness the Princess. Now he is in a time of great pride. As long as he is given time to grind slowly, the final result will definitely be good. .

It is normal and reasonable to have jet lag here in Hepburn. When I return to London this time, I will also take care of personal matters.

For example, take a look at de Havilland, whether his Apache outline drawings have been realized.

I hope that there is no difference. Two days later, he arrived in London with the atmosphere including but not limited to Garbo, Bergman, and Heidi Rama. If it wasn't for the lack of time, he wanted to visit his predecessor in Malaya. In the name of the commissioner, go to the head of the Hellman family to catch up.

"I've always heard that you are a hard-working commissioner, but you don't have to be so hard-working." Markins almost dropped his chin when he saw Alan Wilson, commenting in amazement.

"It's because of the jet lag." Alan Wilson put his exhaustion on the jet lag, reached out and touched the hair of the future Prime Minister Boris, and looked at Lord Sheffield provocatively, don't you envy?

In the middle-aged Markins, there are problems that most British male citizens will encounter, and the hair will inevitably start to thin. Although Alan Wilson has the advantage of age, the comparison between the two has already made a high judgment. .

"Don't you have anything to say?" Makins almost fried his hair, and the problem of hair volume has now become his inverse scale. "Pamela probably likes your vigorous hair."

"Maybe there is this reason, but the main thing is that I am an honest and honest person." Alan Wilson smiled and said, "Okay, congratulations to you my friend, now you have entered the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is three important departments. I seem to be It's enviable to see a Whitehall giant emerge."

Markins has made a reborn leap from London City Hall to the UK Home Office.

The Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of the Interior, also known as the Executive Deputy Minister in some populations, is definitely in sight.

How could Alan Wilson let go of such a network, and at the same time did not hide that he came back for the retirement of Edward Bridges, and began to inquire about the recent personnel changes in Whitehall.

"Why do you ask me, I've just arrived in Whitehall." Markins put on the air, and seemed to hold revenge for the issue of hair volume.

"Lord Sheffield." Alan Wilson changed his official title, "You work in the Home Office, don't ask who you are asking? Or I will go directly to Philby to ask our ministers and colleagues, and there is What a wonderful story?"

It is a fact that the relationship between the current cabinet and the current number one and two in Whitehall is delicate. He can't come back and plunge into the vortex directly. Only when he has sufficient confidence can he appear. In the end, Markins bluntly told him, "Sir Edward both As for the delicate relationship between the Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary, colleagues agree that it is a principle for civil servants to remain neutral."

"Then I'm relieved." Alan Wilson breathed a sigh of relief and asked again, "I wonder if the next executive secretary has been discussed by colleagues? Who is considered a reliable candidate? Is it Frank?"

"Haha, don't reveal it, especially don't talk about it in front of Frank." Markins lowered his voice with a weird face. "If some of the remarks make sense, Sir Norman intends to manage the Treasury himself."

Alan Wilson's waist involuntarily straightened a little, and he took a deep breath and whispered, "No way, the Secretary of the Civil Service and the Cabinet Secretary are already busy enough, and the Ministry of Finance will also take care of it?"

If this is true, what Alan Wilson deserves to be in the Six Kingdoms is a picture of happiness, and the real overview must be the respected Sir Norman Brooke, who is called the sole power.

"If you don't believe it, just treat it as if I didn't say anything." Markins shrugged and said indifferently, "I've already said it. Whether you believe it or not is up to you to judge. Then what are you going to do next. "

"Let's go to No. 70 Whitehall first and report that the meeting of the Overseas Assets Management Committee is scheduled to be held in Aden." Alan Wilson sat upright and said sternly.

He was definitely not cowardly, but really wanted to report to work. Because of a communication with Markins, he had to change his schedule, which was not ashamed. After all, he was the one who God called me.

So far, he can only observe a moment of silence for Frank. Alan Wilson thought that after the Australian arms sale, Frank would be the best choice for the permanent secretary of the Treasury after the retirement of Edward Bridges.

But the cabinet secretary has to personally manage the Ministry of Who can do this? Norman Brooke is the head of Whitehall in any sense, and the cabinet secretary is also the secretary of the civil service. Who can object to running the Treasury now? Want to be chairman of the War Cemetery Committee?

"Alan, I'm quite busy, and it may be even more busy in the future. You need to worry a little about the Overseas Assets Management Committee. You can represent me at the meeting in Aden, and my secretary will give you some Whitehalls later. You can just accept the recommendations of the Overseas Assets Management Committee."

After Norman Brooke met Alan Wilson, he listened to the report on the Aden meeting and directly assigned Alan Wilson to worry about it. However, what Alan Wilson heard is that it will be busier for some time to come, and it seems that the matter of being also the permanent secretary of the Treasury should be a certainty.

"I heard that Sir Edward was retiring, and I came here specifically to see you. Sir Edward and Sir Norman, you have had a huge influence in my life." Alan Wilson looked at the man God called me God, and did not Another purpose of concealing the return.

"Edward and I, although we have different opinions on some issues, I respect him very much." Norman Brooke said with a smile, "Whitehall intends to hold a private party, just when you come back, you can join us together. . The news has not been officially announced, but a lot of things have been confirmed."

Norman Brooke's words have a pun, and the news can be confirmed. Naturally, it also includes that he is also the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Finance, the cabinet secretary, the secretary of the civil service, and the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Finance. Trinity.

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