British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 883: armed helicopter test flight

The gunship is the standard of the army in later generations, and the Apache gunship is the most famous one. The advantage of the heavy gunship is that it can allocate more weight to armor, weapon load, fuel or other equipment. War has been tempered.

Even America's adversaries recognize Apache's status very well. The powerful group of armed helicopters has a huge restraint on the armored force. Even in the previous French-Vietnam War, France also relied on the armed helicopters.

However, the performance of the early armed helicopters was not satisfactory. This is especially true of the UK. The UK has not been good at making defective weapons for a day or two. The gunships manufactured for a long time do not even have tail rotors.

For a country like the United Kingdom, which has accumulated a lot of technology in the past but lacks the ability to integrate, a shell happens to be very useful. Before Alan Wilson provided a sketch, he asked de Havilland to worry about it through his wife to see if he could. Integrate it as needed.

In all fairness, Alan Wilson is not very confident. Although he is barely a military fan, he has seen Apache photos in the era of developed Internet, but he can only do large pieces without describing errors. The final product, It also depends on De Havilland's own abilities, but no matter what, it's not a loss compared to a product that doesn't even have a tail rotor.

In the field of armed helicopters, the United Kingdom can be regarded as the weak link of imperialism. The previous level was among the major warring countries, and it was slightly stronger than that of China and Japan, and it would not dare to say that it was stronger than Italy.

But it is precisely the United Kingdom that is a strong country in fixed-wing aircraft, even stronger than the Soviet Union and Germany, but it is a lame.

Now this lame leg has the hope of being straightened. With this hope, Alan Wilson arrived at the headquarters of de Havilland and the world's largest civilian airliner manufacturer, but I don't know when it will be Meet the famous entrepreneurs that Boeing has caught up with.

It was not the first time that Alan Wilson and de Havilland had met, and this time they did not beat around the bush, saying that his son-in-law was replacing his wife Pamela Mountbatten. Test flight.

"Of course, there is another reason, which is to look at the shipping test of customized containers. If it shows great economic value, the routes connecting the mainland and Malaya will be replaced with new containers. The planned Singapore will become Asia's Refinery Center."

Containers have been around for many years. The structures and specifications of early containers were different, which affected the international circulation of containers. It is urgent to formulate international general standards for containers to facilitate their development.

This standard was formulated in Paris 20 years ago, which is normal. Paris has formulated many modern standards, which also reflects the long-term important position of France in the world. Compared with the metric units formulated by the French, a container standard is also What kind of?

But now more than 90% of the containers in Europe are made of wood. This time, Alan Wilson ordered steel containers for sea and land combined transportation.

The idea of ​​building a wharf freight yard would allow trucks to drive along ramps to specially designed ships and unload trailers. Ships can carry trailers to New York and other ports. After the ship arrives at the port, the trailers are picked up by other trucks. In this way, sea-land combined transportation can be realized.

This is not the first idea of ​​Alan Wilson. Americans are also thinking about this at almost the same time. The difference is that the United States is thinking about sea and land transport as a businessman, while Alan Wilson is an official.

As long as Alan Wilson pays attention to this aspect, he must be pushing it faster than the Americans. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of time to return to Whitehall this time?

"France has proven that helicopter gunships are excellent against guerrillas. Malaya is not far from South Vietnam, and our advisory team in Saigon at the time could confirm this. We in Britain are lagging behind in this regard. Not as good as any of the United States, the Soviet Union, and France. And the United Kingdom has to face the threat of the Soviet Union in Germany and the Soviet Union. The huge armored group needs an excellent gunship."

Alan Wilson talked about the importance of gunships to the UK. By the way, he said that this was the common opinion of their husband and wife. De Havilland couldn't believe it. "Not as good as China?"

"Mr. de Havilland may not know that the Soviet Union has given full support to China, starting with the Korean War." Alan Wilson explained calmly, "China's armed helicopters belong to the Soviet Union."

The Z-5 is the first helicopter produced in China, and it is also the beginning of the scientific research and application of helicopters in the new China. The Z-5 helicopter is imitated by the Harbin Aircraft Manufacturing Company based on the Soviet Mi-4 helicopter drawings.

During the 1950s, there was no gap between China's weapons and equipment and that of the world's major military powers.

The Soviet Union and even Imperial Russia have nothing to say when dealing with their allies. They have always tried their best. The Three Kingdoms Pact during the First World War was essentially that France had no confidence in going to war with Germany alone, and spent a lot of money to buy Imperial Russia. It is a big contradiction, but for the world war, Emperor Russia is desperate.

Such disregard for British influence was finally cracked by the outstanding British Lord of the Admiralty Churchill, at the cost of two battleships, leaving the huge imperial Russia at the center of a full-scale siege, and ultimately disintegrating.

"The Soviet Union is crazy. How can anyone support a country so sincerely, they will regret it later." De Havilland is just an entrepreneur, and it is impossible to understand the extent of the Soviet Union's support for China, but he still gave His own evaluation, he thinks very pertinent.

"It's crazy, and I will definitely regret it in the future." Alan Wilson nodded earnestly, agreeing with the pertinent evaluation.

From the perspective of the United States, in fact, the optimal solution is to take advantage of the collapse of the Soviet Union and kill all the remaining forces by the way.

After achieving this goal, it is not too late to turn around to deal with Russia. And in that time period, there is no doubt of success.

But that is from the perspective of the United States, not from the perspective of the United Kingdom. Alan Wilson is British, not American, and has no obligation to open his mouth to suggest. If he were an American official, he would definitely think about changing the outcome of the Cold War from a great victory. Cheng Quansheng, but he is not, there is no way.

De Havilland took Alan Wilson to the tarmac, had the sheet cover uncovered, and said as he walked, "The engine is provided by Rolls-Royce, and the technical support in this regard and the profit distribution once the bid is won have not yet been discussed. ."

"Thank you for the support of Rolls-Royce, but then again, I helped negotiate the engine contract between them and the Soviet Union. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a classic case of being deceived?"

Alan Wilson patted his chest to show his performance. Although the result has not changed, isn't the contract countless times better than the previous conditions in Moscow?

Now that the helicopter's engine is provided by Rolls-Royce, Alan Wilson's worries have been reduced a lot.

The current industrial technology in the UK is not a problem. If it's ok on the toughest engines, it's just a matter of materials.

In fact, the UK does not have a big problem with materials. It is better that the United States invests huge amounts of money in research and development of new materials, and it is better that the Soviet Union excavates the rarest metal stacks.

If there are no problems with the engine and materials, the biggest problem is the traditional British design problem. First-class technology makes second-class equipment, which eventually leads to a series of tragic consequences.

Looking at de Havilland talking eloquently, Alan Wilson said to himself, if I didn't exist, your Comet airliner, together with you, would be the background plate of Boeing in aviation history, and the reason why it is now respected in the industry Your status, it is all up to me to make up for your shortcomings.

"The driver and shooter are in the front seat, and the driver's seat is in the back seat. Both seats can be used for flight control and weapon firing control. The two seats are separated by bulletproof glass to reduce simultaneous damage when hit by enemy weapons. The probability of two occupants. The cockpit glass is designed with a flat plate to reduce reflection, the front section of the fuselage is made of multi-beam stainless steel structure reinforced with plastic steel, and the rear section is made of honeycomb structure with plastic steel skin.”

"I have to say, the rocket launchers attached to both sides make people's eyes shine. I want to meet the very imaginative designer, and the cannon on the head is just right." De Havilland praised ~www. Introducing Alan Wilson.

"I drew this helicopter." Alan Wilson looked at de Havilland with his hands in his pockets, looking at de Havilland with a half-smile, "Pamela gave it to you, I drew it. Sketches. Of course, I don't have the ability to draw, it was written by someone else."

"Ellen, it's amazing that you have such talent." De Havilland was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but invite, "If you're not a civil servant, you can consider starting a business."

"I'm still more willing to think of ways to benefit the society." Alan Wilson refused flatly. He was more interested in code words than entrepreneurship, and he could use the unsolved mysteries of the world to spread conspiracy theories and fool around. Happy Red Neck.

At the same time as the two were talking, the engine of the gunship had started, and the propeller above was spinning. The landing gear flew off the ground, and the strong wind brought the two of them away for a distance. The balance is very good and I saw it with my own eyes.

It seems that there is no problem with Rolls-Royce's engines. After all, Rolls-Royce is responsible for manufacturing the nuclear submarine reactors for ships' engines in the United Kingdom. We just know where we are now.

Alan Wilson's excitement lasted for a while, and since the first feeling was good, it should be good. At least he didn't find anything awkward, and happily asked de Havilland, "Where is the development progress of the regional airliner, I wonder if I can take a look."

"The test flight in this area has not yet been completed, but it's okay to take a look." De Havilland did not refuse, and called his assistant to prepare the car and took Alan Wilson to visit.

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