British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 884: peak era

The regional airliner had not yet successfully tested, and Alan Wilson left after a circle, using a telegram to inform his wife of what happened here, and he could wait for Edward Bridges to retire.

The father-in-law must meet. For a long time, Mountbatten will be the core figure of the British military.

Although the Queen doesn't care, it can be concluded that the nature of the British state is that of a monarchy.

Admiral Mountbatten is still busy with the process of denuclearizing the Enterprise, and he, the First Sea Lord, is more attentive than anyone else about what could be the main battleship of the Royal Navy for decades to come.

"The nuclear submarine is going well, and I'm worthy of my childhood dream." General Mountbatten sighed quite a bit, catching up with the time when Britain's national power was declining, and he could only win at this level.

In the end, it is nothing more than to see if we can add up to a great deal, and ultimately reverse the UK, even if it just maintains the UK's international status.

Alan Wilson felt the same way. If he was a Soviet, even a French, he would have a better way to face the current situation than it is now. The UK and the US share the same language and culture, which is not good for the UK to some extent.

Of course, he can choose to become a sign of the special relationship between the United States and the United States, but if he chooses, why not just do it all the time, and consider completely eliminating the hostile faction, so that there is no non-capitalist country in the world after the 1990s? He was disloyal to England anyway.

Small repairs are still done. Alan Wilson mentioned the test flight of the armed helicopter and expressed his satisfaction. He hoped that the father-in-law can think of a way to get government orders.

"Oh, Alan, you know, I'm an admiral." General Mountbatten pretended to be modest, "I may not interfere with other military affairs, which is beyond my powers."

"If it is someone else, it must be beyond the power. But father, you are different." Alan Wilson said calmly, "You have an extremely important position in the military, this is an undeniable fact. The fact. I personally think that the joint combat command structure of the three armed forces that you think will become a reality sooner or later."

"Oh, so, then I'll borrow your good words." Mountbatten pretended to be serious, but he couldn't hide his smile, and then said, "When the time comes, I will talk to the Minister of Defense, Count Alexander, but the final result is still It depends on the performance of the armed helicopter and whether it can impress the military in its positioning.”

"I believe there will be no problem, and Pamela is also looking forward to being able to leave her own mark in the British military construction." Alan Wilson was delighted. Not much.

"I miss Pamela too. Then again, do you have to stay in control of the situation in Malaya? When will you be transferred back. When you are older, you always want your family to be together."

Mountbatten was still quite fond of him. Fifty-six years old is not very old, and Mountbatten himself is not old. It's just that his mental age doesn't lie, and he pays more and more attention to his family.

"In my second term, I will focus on solving the hidden dangers, and then I can come back. Sir Edward also asked a similar question and said that Sir Ismay would also retire, so I can work hard to make a difference in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

"Hastings is going to retire?" Mountbatten looked very strange when he heard this, and then lowered his voice, "Is that what Edward said? People in Whitehall don't know each other, he is not retiring, but Get out of Whitehall and go to Paris as NATO chief of staff."

"No. 1 civil servant?" Alan Wilson's mouth twitched, and these people were all playing the game of retirement.

"You just need to know." General Mountbatten shrugged and said, "I will communicate with Viscount Alan Brooke first about the gunship. As a marshal, he is still very much loved in the Army. There is a consensus, and I will discuss with the Minister of Defense. Much easier."

Viscount Alan Brooke is Alan Francis Brooke, British Field Marshal and Chief of the British Imperial General Staff. But now retired, Montgomery was his division commander.

After retirement, life was dull and boring, serving as director of companies such as BP, Wachovia, National Discount Bank, Belfast Banking Company, Hudson's Bay Company, and also as the royal housekeeper.

Already knighted and holding a royal position, the former chief of the imperial general staff was just within Mountbatten's range.

Explaining the relationship here, Alan Wilson's admiration for his father-in-law has been raised to such a level, "If you don't mind, I will tell Pamela the good news in the telegram."

"It can't be said that there is no problem at all, nothing is certain in the world." Mountbatten muttered in a Versailles tone.

Edward Bridges' retirement farewell party, don't need to look elsewhere, Whitehall Palace is big enough, just find a hall by the way to get together, Burke Trend, Frank, Armstrong and Markins, And a large number of senior civil servants in Whitehall were present to participate in the retirement ceremony of the permanent secretary of the Treasury who left his era in Whitehall.

Frank wasn't as frustrated as he had imagined, apparently getting some promise from Norman Brook.

Alan Wilson and Frank and Markins stayed in a small circle, and Frank was teasing Markins' recent pursuit of lifelong events, "Actually, you have a lot of choices, an Oxford University lady with both temperament and connotation, as A good match is the best."

"You're getting married?" Alan Wilson was rather strange when he heard it, "your one? Um..."

When he once carried Fortseva's Soviet delegation, Markins also stuffed an actress inside, doesn't it seem now? Markins shook his head slightly and denied, "I'm getting married? She's not suitable."

Alan Wilson looked at Markins' thinning hair and thought that you were thirty-five before you remembered to get married.

If there is a choice, a person like Markins, who has the title and connections, and is now a senior civil servant, naturally would not be in such a hurry to get married, but there is an unwritten rule in Whitehall, that is, the evaluation of married men more reliable.

Markins can choose not to get married, but the future development may not be so smooth.

Frank was still chattering about the criteria for finding a spouse, Markins said nothing, and Alan Wilson finally couldn't help but say, "What's the meaning, what's the temperament, what's the use? For men, there are only two points, young, beautiful, and the most beautiful. All good."

Markins can't wait to grab Alan Wilson's hand and call out a bosom friend. He listens to this friend who doesn't come back often, and he is more comfortable than Frank. Does he need any temperament and connotation? Is it still not the same? Being young and beautiful is a visible advantage, and he is not looking for a housekeeper.

"Or does Allen know more about this?" Markins unabashedly agreed, "The virtues that some women think are worthless in our eyes. It's ridiculous that they don't realize this yet. ."

"Yes, across religions and ethnicities, this is the general consensus of men." Alan Wilson was helping, and he had attended how many times the big comprador's concubine's banquet.

"Do the men in Malaya think so too?" Makins asked curiously, "By the way, the colony you manage has many people of different nationalities."

"Less than seven million people." Alan Wilson calculated with his fingers crossed. "Fortunately, there is no major chaos."

"Isn't it more than 12 million people?" Frank was very puzzled. He had been to Kuala Lumpur and had some knowledge of the local area.

"When I'm talking about people, I mean people of value, and it's limited to men." Alan Wilson explained calmly, "We can use men as livestock, women don't have the physical strength, not to mention that they can't have children. Doing high-intensity labor, I usually feel uncomfortable for a few days every month, and the labor value is greatly reduced.”

It may sound politically incorrect, but from Alan Wilson's point of view as a colonist, there is nothing wrong with this statement.

"Let the leaders of the women's movement in the country know, and you're in trouble," Frank said with a smirk.

"The conditions are different. The Malayan colony still has the crime of adultery, but the UK does not have it now. We must respect the traditional culture of different civilizations." Alan Wilson yawned, "Forget about it, for Whitehall, marriage is really It is an important consideration, I believe that for the Lord, as long as you are this matter is quite simple."

With Markins' title and connections, it's all too easy to want a young and beautiful spouse.

During the reception, the small circle of Whitehall was also looming, chatting with each other. Finally, Edward Bridges gave a speech, recalled his career in Whitehall, and expressed his praise to the civil servants present, and finally expressed his appreciation to Whitehall. of deep feelings.

On this occasion, Norman Brook also came to the scene to express his goodbye to his former boss.

The Whitehall era of Edward Bridges came to an end at this moment. The next day, with the approval of the cabinet, Norman Brooke was appointed as the permanent secretary of the Treasury. Norman Brooke, while appointing Frank as second permanent secretary of the Treasury.

Since then, Whitehall under the leadership of Norman Brooke has reached its peak, and its power has surpassed that of the previous cabinet secretary.

"Norman's authority surpassed that of me and Sir Hankey. There was never a cabinet secretary, both civil secretary and permanent secretary of the Treasury, but he did."

Edward Bridges couldn't help but sigh. He admitted that this complicated colleague had done what the cabinet secretaries had not done in the past, and led Whitehall to the top.

"It seems that maintaining a good relationship with politicians is indeed useful." Alan Wilson said after listening.

Edward Bridges has just accepted the appointment of the director of Mountbatten Group, not the Mountbatten Oil Company, nor the mining company, but the director of the parent company.

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