British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 890: Tame a Minister for the first time

The successive responses of the United Kingdom and the United States immediately caused an uproar all over the world, and the whole country was boiling. The media reported the will of the country, and the students from countless schools entered the aerospace discipline with the concept of serving the country. , talking about the competition between the two camps in the aerospace field.

Alan Wilson, who was holding the telegram, learned that the cabinet minister Harold Wilson had set off, and joked to his wife who was maintaining a lazy sitting position, "The cabinet finally showed a decent attitude this time. Originally, as a Labour government, it keeps saying If we want to establish the socialist community of Great Britain, why not learn from the Soviet Union's national system, even if it is to imitate it."

"Aren't you very disgusted with the Soviet Union after studying the Soviet system?" Pamela Mountbatten glanced at her husband with tender almond eyes, "Now that the political system of the Soviet Union is better, I can't understand it."

"It's good for most people, but it's not good for us. So the enemy is right, they are the enemy." Alan Wilson said in a sincere attitude of one-two-two, "but we can also imitate certain policies. Yes, ten years after the end of the war, Britain finally showed a little bit of forge ahead, even if the final result is not satisfactory, it is worthy of praise."

"My dear, the aerospace industry is a feat for the entire human race. Human beings will be able to get rid of the shackles of attraction and fully enjoy the fun of freedom. This is no longer a matter of money. If we participate in it, our whole life will have a great impact. Meaning, when we are getting old, we can say with a clear conscience that this life is worth it."

Pamela Mountbatten originally listened to her husband's words with a light smile on her face, but with the man's voice, she sat up long, and a different kind of brilliance flashed in her eyes.

Alan Wilson at this time is not absolutely different from the past, not the bureaucrat of Whitehall. Nor is it the colonial commissioner who built a big filter in Kuala Lumpur. The bureaucratic sophistication and the businessman's stench disappeared, and the image of an aspiring youth was rarely shown.

"Darling, as long as you like it, I'm fine." Pamela Mountbatten's almond-eyed love was almost inseparable, and she said to herself in disbelief, "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would It's hard to believe that I can hear you say that."

"For a country, qi is extremely important. Once this qi is released, it will be difficult to find it again." Alan Wilson grabbed his wife's little hand, "In some areas, don't take money so seriously, right?"

If it weren't for the fact that he didn't want to destroy his stalwart image in Pamela Mountbatten's eyes, Alan Wilson would definitely change his view.

What level of businessmen play in real estate? Even the compradors in the colonies can play it. It is not difficult at all. How high is the control of raw materials? It is only the level of a kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

No matter how high it is, it looks like a consortium of Japan and South Korea, but it is not very strong. If you want to really become bigger and stronger, you have to work **** the high-tech. After all, oil and iron ore are just means. To reach the forefront of humanity.

These words were not spoken, but Pamela Mountbatten held her face in the palm of her hand, "My dear, I seem to admire you very much now, which is completely different from when you spread conspiracy theories."

"The most difficult thing for a writer to overcome is that he can't express his true thoughts in words." Alan Wilson kissed his wife's hand directly, and said proudly, "There is no merit to be admired, how to be a female president s husband?"

"I think..." Pamela Mountbatten expressed her desire to ride the rocket with a look of nostalgia.

Harold Wilson, the British Prime Minister in his memory, appeared in Australia with a pipe in his mouth, which was very meaningful in this international context.

"Minister, here you are." Alan Wilson showed up at Perth Airport to greet the future Labour leader.

Forty-year-old Harold Wilson has gained a firm foothold in the work order. As the minister in charge of the aerospace industry this time, it can be said that he has gone a step further and entered the top ranks of the Labour Party. It can be said that it is a time of high spirits. The age of forty is a prime time for politicians, when everything is promising.

"Allen, thank you for your hard work." Harold Wilson said with a smile on his face. "The Prime Minister attaches great importance to the space program. The blue-light missile test plan at the Wumaila launch site is very important."

"I already know the purpose of the minister. Let's talk about it when we go back." Alan Wilson made a gesture of invitation and asked the cabinet minister to get in the car. The Wumaila launch site is an important overseas asset of the United Kingdom.

And Alan Wilson also knows that one of the most important aspects of the Space Launch Center is that it must be close to the equator. A launch site for launching geostationary satellites built close to the Earth's equator can do more with less for two main reasons.

One is because the flight speed of the launched satellite is formed by the superposition of the speed of the launch vehicle and the rotation component of the earth's speed. Under the condition that the speed of the launch vehicle is constant, the lower the latitude of the launch site, the greater the rotation speed of the earth. Thus, the orbital speed of the launched satellite can be made larger.

If the satellite is launched from the equator to the east, the rotation energy of the earth can be used to the maximum extent, which is essentially to increase the flight speed of the satellite by means of the rotation force of the earth.

In addition, when a geostationary satellite is launched eastward from the equator or a launch site near the equator, the flight orbit of the satellite can be placed in or close to the same plane as the final orbit, which can save a lot of the lateral maneuvering of the satellite to the geostationary position. energy, greatly extending the operational life of the satellite.

From this point of view, it was a very wise decision for the United Kingdom to choose Australia to build a space launch center.

In this regard, the Soviet Union is very disadvantaged. It can be said that the Soviet Union at high latitudes has to pay a lot of extra costs just for the geographical environment.

Before Harold Wilson came, he had already, in the name of the Overseas Assets Management Committee, asked the head of the Wumaila launch site to formulate a detailed future space plan, and then interfered and modified it with his current official position.

Therefore, in this era, the logic is the clearest, and the space program that is impeccable on paper is officially released. Including, but not limited to, launching satellites, manned spaceflight and landing on the moon.

This is all the result of removing the space station in consideration of the background of the times, otherwise the space program that Alan Wilson has polished. As long as it is leaked out, it can easily be sold to Americans for millions of dollars.

I believe that even Americans are at a loss for the specific steps of spaceflight, and do not know how to implement them.

And Alan Wilson's plan can completely play the role of an outline, which can't be bought with much money.

"Respected minister, it is limited by confidentiality, and considering the power of the Soviet KGB. You can take this plan back and give it to the prime minister directly."

After Alan Wilson took out the plan, he was full of solemn exhortations. If it is to protect state secrets, there is a reason for this, but the bigger consideration is to let Harold Wilson personally hand it over to Prime Minister Attlee. It can lighten his own personal touch in the formulation of the space program.

Otherwise, his interference and modification of the space program may be known to more people.

Although the steps in this plan are all correct, it definitely stands up to scrutiny. But Alan Wilson has no similar educational experience on his resume. Could it be that he said that after he came to the East, he studied the East and learned the stunt of watching the sky at night?

"Of course, every country attaches great importance to this information now, and you can't be too careful." Harold Wilson immediately took over the plan and looked at it. Although the plan has been revised, as his immediate boss, Alan Wilson, of course, also Let scientists come up with theoretical basis.

So although Harold Wilson felt very shocked, it was mainly the last part of landing on the moon. But I just sighed about the difficulty of the space program, but didn't think much about it.

"The minister can add some of his own color to this plan." Alan Wilson smiled understandingly, "Now that the government attaches great importance to the space program and the citizens' expectations for this matter, if the minister can In the space program, I have left a strong Maybe the name of the minister will appear in the history books of the UK in the future."

"Oh? Of course!" Harold Wilson has just taken office. This time, coming to Australia is the first important mission of his ministerial career. The first thing he will face is Alan Wilson, a colonial bureaucrat who has been working for ten years.

It's just that she hasn't realized this yet. Once he agrees, this plan has nothing to do with Alan Wilson. In the future, even if someone checks all the links, they will only find him.

The new cabinet minister doesn't know yet. This is the first time he has been guided by civil servants, and it is definitely not the first time. On the contrary, this is just the beginning.

With the help of Alan Wilson, this space program belonging to the Minister has mainly increased the dual-use part of the military and civilians. After all, the United Kingdom is not the peak of the past, and it still attaches great importance to cost saving. It is quite sincere to allocate 90 million pounds.

"Just this part of landing on the moon? It is indeed a very grand goal." Harold Wilson finally said somewhat unconfidently.

"Things always have to be done step by step." Alan Wilson said in his heart, he didn't take the moon landing part seriously. It is better to leave such a difficult thing to the United States and the Soviet Union, and pay more attention to the first two parts of launching satellites and manned people. aerospace.

The investment of the United States and the Soviet Union in the space race is astronomical, and it is unrealistic to rely on the national strength of the United Kingdom to compete in the end.

In particular, the cost of landing on the moon must be a bottomless pit, and there is a high probability that it will not succeed. It would be great to be able to complete the first two.

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