British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 891: Space supremacy overture

Of the three parts of the plan, the simplest is satellite launch, which is also standard in the space programs of various countries.

During the Cold War, only the United States and the Soviet Union conducted manned spaceflight, and as for landing on the moon, only the United States did it.

As for the unplanned part of the space station, at least when the Soviet Union was alive, the Soviet Union had an absolute advantage.

The space station is also the end of the space hegemony. It is not much different from the US Star Wars propaganda but its implementation. The Soviet Union's Red Star combat plan to counter Star Wars has entered the implementation stage. The space shuttle Blizzard is a finished product of the Red Star combat plan. , while the larger combat space station program has not been completed, the Soviet Union has disintegrated.

The entire combat space station will be composed of two parts: a laser weapon system and a space nuclear missile. Naturally, the nuclear missiles on the ground can be intercepted by the United States through the anti-missile system, so the Soviet Union will build an uninterceptable platform in the sky.

This kind of idea is unbelievable even if it is said, let alone it has entered the implementation stage. It is impossible for countries in this era to use ordinary space stations. Naturally, Alan Wilson will not take this part out.

Of the three parts that can be implemented, it is normal for the UK to launch satellites, and manned spaceflight is a surprise. Alan Wilson didn't take it seriously when he landed on the moon.

The moon landing plan was completed by the United States with its peak national strength and the Saturn V rocket manufactured by the von Braun team. Finally, after falling behind all the way, it returned to the disadvantage by landing on the moon.

If we compare the four stages of space hegemony, the Soviet Union was the undisputed winner in the stages of launching satellites and manned spaceflight, but lost to the United States in the third stage.

In the fourth stage of the showdown between Red Star Wars and Star Wars, the Soviet Union relied on the accumulation of the Mir space station and produced more finished products than the United States, but because of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, it was impossible to let people know who was more powerful.

"Dear Minister, this plan is called the Mega Rock Project. It is formulated by the British Interstellar Association. As for the part that takes into account both military and civilian use, please see." Alan Wilson pointed out the bright spot in the plan.

Of course, this part was added by himself through later memory, but it doesn't matter, it will soon become Harold Wilson's future achievements.

This part is mainly the part of occupying low-Earth orbit to ensure global communication. The space orbit of later generations will first follow the principle of first-served space orbit position in the world, that is, the latecomer should coordinate with the early-occupier to avoid using the same or the same as the orbiting satellite. close orbits and radio frequencies.

Although the Soviet Union was the first country to launch satellites, it did not realize this at the beginning, at least not as profoundly as the United States did. It discovered areas that the Soviet Union did not notice, and the United States rushed to catch up and completed the arrangement first.

But Alan Wilson knows that the biggest victim of Beidou's successful deployment in later generations is Europe's Galileo plan.

The reason is that Beidou and Galileo have the same target orbit, one is completed first, and the other has no place.

Even if the UK cannot support the entire space program on its own, it can preemptively occupy high-quality orbits to attract European countries to join and establish a UK-led satellite network.

"Alan, you graduated from aerospace." Harold Wilson looked at the colonial commissioner in shock when he heard these words. The cabinet's generalization of establishing aerospace colleges is actually inaccurate, and most universities are inaccurate. is accurate, but Oxford and Cambridge already have aerospace schools.

Although Harold Wilson had met Alan Wilson before, he only stopped at the familiar stage and didn't know the details of the other party. Alan Wilson, who thought he was talking eloquently, was a top student at the School of Astronautics.

"Respected Minister, I just relayed the considerations of the Interstellar Association and explained it to you." Alan Wilson denied that he was an aerospace talent. If he admits it for a while today, there will be trouble in the future.

After dispelling the doubts of the cabinet ministers, Alan Wilson continued, "The first two stages of the current Mega Rock project are considered feasible, while the third stage is a beautiful imagination, of course not After excluding technological progress, it enters the implementation stage.”

"Before the Minister came, I had received instructions from Whitehall to raise funds from the major colonies and put them into the Megaloch project. Because of the limited funds of the major colonies, I could only raise 30 million pounds of funds. Half of it is still What the Malayan colony obtained, my wife, Pamela Mountbatten, is willing to contribute to the country and provide help without asking for anything in return, hoping to save some costs, and hope that this world-watched space battle, the United Kingdom can get the order. satisfactory results.”

"It's an exciting and grand project." Harold Wilson couldn't help but sigh even when he heard the feasible part, that is, launching satellites and manned spaceflight.

Such a reaction made Alan Wilson very disappointed. Cabinet ministers really have no knowledge in this regard.

But then again, if he really knew what to do, Harold Wilson would not have been sent over to be the minister in charge of spaceflight.

"Minister, the investment in the aerospace industry depends partly on whether the UK is still a world power, and does it still need to pursue such a magnificent cause? This is the real question." Alan Wilson asked, staring at the face of the future British Prime Minister.

"Of course, the border of the British Empire is in the Himalayas." Harold Wilson replied with a solemn expression, "This is our mission, and we are obliged to do so."

Listening to the Prime Minister, who is known for the Labour Party's misunderstanding, Alan Wilson nodded deeply, "The minister's answer should be the guarantee of the Megalok space project."

Because Harold Wilson had just arrived in Perth, Alan Wilson did not delay the minister's rest, finished his preparations, and left the Mega Rock project, and left directly.

In fact, whether Harold Wilson came or not was not very important. People came to express their opinions and put out the 90 million pounds of funds. Basically, the task was completed.

Do you expect a cabinet minister, resident in Australia, to face the Great Gobi all the time? This is unrealistic.

Pamela Mountbatten waited for her husband to return and asked about Harold Wilson's arrival before asking, "My dear, it seems that the cabinet does take the space program very seriously."

"We should look heavier than them." Alan Wilson reached out and pinched his eye sockets, and replied a little tiredly.

"Of course, I've always listened to you." Seeming to see her husband's tiredness, Pamela Mountbatten slowed down, hoping to bring a sense of relaxation.

"It's nice of you to say that, dear. But it's more important for you and your business."

Alan Wilson closed his eyes and enjoyed his wife's massage, "Iron ore, oil, even farming, water and electricity, all need military protection. A space project like this will definitely gather the most cutting-edge talents in the entire country. And if you happen to be included through De Havilland, whether the future Mountbatten Group can become Lockheed depends on how deeply you can participate.”

"If your business becomes the mainstay of the UK's defence, that's a real national weapon. No one can ignore your presence, your military business can make no penny and it won't change people's awe. Trust you They won’t look at the profits, whether it’s oil or iron ore, it’s enough to lie down and make money.”

For the country, you can't have only the market without the army, otherwise it will be the end of my Qing Dynasty. Of course, that is also caused by the unknown factor of the industrial revolution in the world. The little friends that Da Qing can reach are still resounding.

"I'm not worried about your company's profitability, but I'm more worried that your company has no power to protect its wealth. Only by entering the real high-end field can the country provide an umbrella for your company. Only in the military industry can this be achieved. The most direct."

Alan Wilson hollowed out his brain and tried his best to help his partner get on the road to wealth. When the time comes, he will be governed by a long arm from the United States and spit out all the wealth he has obtained?

"Have a good rest, that minister is coming to Australia, you have to be busy Pamela Mountbatten is a little annoyed, "He doesn't know anything, what's the use other than taking money. "

"Taking money is the biggest thing, and it's my job to tame the minister. My job is to make a minister feel like he's leading the country." Alan Wilson looked happy, "Nothing is more exciting than this kind of work. People are happy."

"Didn't Whitehall always think that he is the one who leads the country." Pamela Mountbatten quipped.

"But Whitehall can't go against the Cabinet. We are willing to help the minister with everything except the weakening of Whitehall's authority. Whitehall and the Cabinet are not hostile, but two different parts of a national government."

Alan Wilson categorically denies the hostile relationship between the two. The purpose of Whitehall is not to compete for power and gain. Although he has done so, it is mainly to preserve his responsibilities and not let the cabinet cross the line.

"My dear, you have to know that those who are elected can do anything for the sake of polls. If they are allowed to mess around, the foundation of the British Empire's civilization will be shaken."

Satisfied with his wife's ride on the rocket, Alan Wilson accompanied the minister who he said shook the cornerstone of the British Empire's civilization and arrived at the Wumaila launch site, demonstrating the government's emphasis on the space program.

In Moscow, the capital of the Soviet Union, on TV, Khrushchev was giving a speech on the field of space work, arrogantly and insolently teasing the big moves of the United Kingdom and the United States, "I don't understand what the mentality of London and Washington is now, but from a benign From a competitive point of view, the Soviets were never afraid of any challenge."

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