British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 892: rolled up

"Healthy competition!" Furtseva watched Khrushchev's speech on TV. Just as she was thinking, there was a knock on the apartment door, and she immediately got up and opened it.

A boy with a red scarf appeared in front of him, and he said to Furtseva in a vigorous manner, "Mother."

"School?" Furtseva's face showed a hint of doting, and then she looked at the couple behind her son and said, "Please come in, I just came back from Poland, and it's really troublesome to help pick up the child again."

"No, Alekseev is very obedient." The woman who spoke was very gentle, but she was tall and tall. Unlike her tall figure, her face was extremely delicate, and she was no inferior to any woman. Her hair was Gold, draped over the shoulders.

"Come in and sit." Fortseva invited the couple to come in, and asked while packing up, "Long time no see, Alexeyev is still so attached to you, but I said, Yekaterina, you don't Are you going to have a baby?"

Obviously the husband and wife looked at each other, and at the same time said easily, "Don't be in a hurry, everything is work as a priority."

"Well, I don't understand the Lubyanka thing." Fortseva sat on the sofa with her son and chatted with her friends.

Khrushchev's speech at this time has just ended, and the topic naturally revolves around the most popular aerospace engineering at present.

"The test of the intercontinental missile project in Poland has obviously stabilized the situation in Poland and Hungary. Of course, I do not deny that in the face of these comrades who have been in a misunderstanding for a while, they also need to temporarily leave their jobs to calm down. This kind of thing is the Ministry of Defense. It's best not to come forward and leave it to our anti-rebel workers."

When it comes to Poland and Hungary, the man is in high spirits and has a connoisseur's tone.

"I want to be like Uncle Yura in the future." Furtseva's son, obviously already familiar with the aunt and uncle, said in a tone that was not unfamiliar at all.

"The red scarf on the chest is more colorful." Ekaterina stretched out her hand to grab the child's red scarf and encouraged with a smile.

"Secretary Fortseva, Alexeyev is already ten years old." The man looked at the half-old child in front of him with deep eyes, and changed the subject, "Alekseev, you must first It is enough to be the director of the General Administration within 30 years. During this period, you also need to have experience in foreign countries, work in the embassy of any country for a period of time, and have nothing to consider learning another foreign language, and then you may be able to speak like this. "

Speaking of which, the man took out a short knife with a pattern from his coat and handed it to Furtseva's son, "This Damascus steel knife is here for you, remember to use it well."

"Then, Secretary Fortseva, let's go first." After sitting for a while, the two got up to say goodbye and left from Fortseva's apartment.

"Why did you even send out the fruit knife you've used for so long?" The woman tilted her head and asked her husband.

The man took out another Damascus steel knife like a conjurer, and said lightly, "Replica. A towering tree needs to grow from a small sapling, and the wheat ears also need to be carefully nurtured before they can reach their value."

"Indeed, if we are here, it's too bullying." The woman understands her partner's mind very well, "Find a chance to leave?"

"This time Fortseva proposed an ICBM test in Poland, and if nothing else happens, she will be promoted." The man strolled the streets of Moscow with his arms around his wife's shoulders, "perhaps in thirty years, her son will be able to do it. to the Director General."

"You shouldn't use your mental strength on others in the future." The woman immediately reacted when she heard it. The revolutionary partner made a move. Fortseva's son must always keep today's words in his heart and realize it as a dream.

"I know, I know, my dear, it's just to make him firm in his faith and tougher in spirit, which is a good thing."

In the face of his wife's accusations, the man is full of helplessness. He doesn't want to bully others, but is it not enough to cultivate an aspiring youth?

"But when I think about leaving, I still feel a little bit sad about Furtseva. I haven't seen you for a long time." The woman sighed a little, but she also knew that it was a matter of morning and evening, but when school was over, students with red scarves, She still had some feelings.

"The temperature in October is still a little cold." The man took off his gray military coat and put it on his wife.

The effect of Khrushchev's speech is very obvious. Although he said such words in his capacity, although it refers to healthy competition, in Washington's eyes, it is a move to provoke the United States to lead.

In 1956, the United States was in a period of prosperity. Every citizen of the United States of America was extremely proud of his country, and the citizens of the city on the hill were full of hope for the country. Her husband's provocation became more and more intolerable.

At this moment, Alan Wilson accompanied the minister and landed at the airport built next to the Wumaila launch site. There is still some distance from the inside of the Wumaila launch site. Fortunately, the launch site has sent a special car to receive them.

Alan Wilson has been here before and has no curiosity about the Wumaila launch site, but Harold Wilson is different. It was the first time he saw what the launch center was like. The launch site that has invested heavily in construction is full of curiosity.

"Alan, have you been here?" Harold Wilson immediately felt that the Colonial Commissioner's expression was flat.

“Although the Uumeira launch site does not seem to have anything to do with my job, as an important overseas asset, I still have to understand something. The facility was built to allow 5,000 people to work. Now there are This government's support should give the UK a place among the world's space-developing nations."

The theory of spaceflight is much easier than practice. Even the UK has relevant plans. Compared with practice, discussing something does not consume much money.

But even so, Alan Wilson only described it as occupying a place. Not to mention how much manpower and material resources the Soviet Union used as the first country to practice the aerospace industry.

But he knows the funds spent by the American Apollo program. During the peak period of the project, 20,000 enterprises, more than 200 universities and more than 80 scientific research institutions participated in the project, with a total number of more than 300,000 people. $24 billion, that was the gold standard era.

How does this human and material resource compare to the current UK? With such national support, even if the Soviet Union is making faster progress, it is still unknown who will die, but it is certain that the United Kingdom will definitely not be able to catch up.

Britain's early Cold War series of plans covering all aspects, most of them ended in vain, the reason is that there is no money.

Although the UK can be invested now, it is much stronger than the UK in the original history, but it cannot make such a big investment decision. This is more than ten years of British military spending.

The only thing Alan Wilson can be sure of right now is that if the space race becomes intensified, Eisenhower may not wait for Kennedy to take office, and Eisenhower will carry out national mobilization and the Soviet Union's plan to land on the moon. Kennedy's impressive record may be one less.

Just look at the Soviet Union, when did the first artificial satellite go up to the sky, which stimulated the fighting consciousness of the United States.

After Harold Wilson entered the Wumaila launch site, he expressed the current government's support and encouragement for the aerospace industry, "The government, individuals and state-owned enterprises have provided a total of 130 million pounds as research in the field of rockets. Support. There will be an influx of talent from many universities and hundreds of businesses to help.”

"Whether Great Britain can gain an advantage in one of the most pioneering fields at present depends on the efforts of researchers."

At the Wumaila Launch Site Conference Center, Harold Wilson instilled some chicken soup and encouraged the British researchers at the launch site. Unfortunately, he did not know that similar words were all said by the colonial commissioner who came to the site before.

Behind the warm applause, Harold Wilson said that 130 million pounds were allocated, 90 million pounds belonged to the government, 30 million pounds belonged to the funds including the Malayan colony, and 10 million pounds belonged to the Mountbatten group. private funding support.

1.3 billion pounds cannot be compared with the tens of billions of investment in the United States, but this figure is already the order figure of Australia's arms sales, France and India's arms sales Enough for the UK to build four heavy aircraft carriers Now, the Attlee Cabinet can be said to support it.

When the mobilization of the British, American and Soviet countries was about to compete in the field of rockets, Paris, the capital of France, Guy Moller, chairman of the French Council of Ministers and secretary of the Socialist Party, after continuous congressional discussions, officially announced the launch of the French space program. Congress approved the construction of a space center in Algeria.

One hundred and thirty large French national enterprises have joined the ranks of rocket development and manufacturing, and the French space program has been officially launched to join the space competition.

So far, the United States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and France have all announced their own space programs. The United States and the Soviet Union independently implement space programs, while the United Kingdom and Australia jointly undertake the space program. After success, they will share technology. The French space center was established in Algeria.

"It's best to establish the space center in French Guiana." Alan Wilson couldn't help shaking his head when he learned of the Frenchman's actions. The location of Algeria was only stronger than that of the Soviet Union's Baikonur Cosmodrome.

But he is not French, and he is not obliged to remind that the UK is not qualified to be a French teacher in the aerospace field. It is even more happier that Australia has allocated 20 million Australian dollars to support him.

So far, two emerging post-war elites and two old colonial empires have entered the market. The advantage for the UK is that the steps for the detailed space program that Harold Wilson is about to bring back to London are very clear, as for the other advantages, there is really no…

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