British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 893: Turing team

"These two monsters, but I believe that the United Kingdom and France still have a huge advantage at present." Alan Wilson muttered after reading the reports of TASS, the Associated Press, AFP and Reuters.

In terms of national system and mobilization, no other country can currently compare with the Soviet Union. If it is richer than the wealth and the investment at all costs, the United Kingdom is nothing in front of the United States.

It's very much like Churchill said, "On one side of me sits a huge Russian bear, and on the other sits a huge bison. In the middle sits a poor little English donkey."

But the consequence of rolling up is that France followed up earlier than the original history, easing the embarrassment of the United Kingdom in front of the United States and the Soviet Union. If you don’t weave the dream so big, and just suppress the French side, the embarrassment of the United Kingdom will be enough. received great relief.

"Alan." Just when he thought so, Harold Wilson pushed in the door and interrupted the Colonial Commissioner who was caught in the state of night watching the sky phenomenon, "The first batch of local researchers who came to Australia, I believe that they will be in a few days. arrive."

"It's really good news, Minister." Alan Wilson stood up and handed out reports from several major agencies to Harold Wilson, "The current trend in rocket launches shows that not only we attach great importance to it, but major powers attach great importance to it. "

Just now, Alan Wilson was still lamenting the embarrassment of Britain facing two monsters, but now he is not afraid, and he must give the minister a confident attitude at this time.

"France?" Harold Wilson said to himself, looking at the report in his hand.

"France!" Alan Wilson nodded expressionlessly and said, "We must admit that France's philosophy in chasing the dream of a great power should be respected."

Harold Wilson saw France almost as a weak link in imperialism.

But in the eyes of Alan Wilson, the real weak link in imperialism is embarrassing to say...

Thinking of my own national conditions in Great Britain, Alan Wilson hinted indiscriminately, "In fact, if the competition is set at the level of suppressing the French side, it should be very simple."

"Why?" Harold Wilson asked incomprehensibly. "France's foundation seems to be inferior to ours."

"It is precisely this minister, because France's foundation is not as good as ours, and it is poor in all aspects. That's why we can be sure, after all, the United States and the Soviet Union are a bit too strong." Alan Wilson spread his hands, "We know France, just like The French know us just as well."

Harold Wilson saw the serious face of the Deputy Secretary-General in front of him, and said uncertainly, "This is too sophisticated."

"Yes, Minister, but we generally call this diplomacy." Alan Wilson winked and smiled, "From the current public information, the resources that the United States and the Soviet Union will invest will far exceed the United Kingdom countless times. . We try to make as few mistakes as possible, but we cannot make up for the huge material gap. Not to mention other things, the Soviet Union has been proven by countless examples in the past that it is really strong.”

"You mean plagiarism?" Harold Wilson absorbed the meaning of the words, took out a cigar and lit it.

The cigar, a souvenir from Pamela Mountbatten, will skyrocket in value once Cuba changes color.

Harold Wilson has always been smoking a big pipe in public and has an image of being close to the people. But in private, Harold Wilson's big pipe is similar to MacArthur's big pipe, but it is only part of the character. The difference is that one is for the people and the other is for coercion.

"Eh? It can also be called reverse engineering. The normal state of late-developing countries catching up is not limited to any particular country. There have been countless similar examples in human civilization. In the past 100 years, Germany and the United States have also gone through That stage, and now the Soviet Union is also in this stage."

Without waiting for Harold Wilson to answer, Alan Wilson continued his long speech, "The United States and the Soviet Union have large populations and vast resources, and technology is generally on the same level as ours. It is really difficult to fight against. Although the colonies have large populations, they are not high-quality labor. Population, in many colonies in Africa, the subjects of the colonies are chaotic, and they don't even know they are alive, this part of the population can't help much, and the contribution they make is very low."

Once again, Harold Wilson didn't say anything, Alan Wilson continued, "And countries like China and India that also have the advantage in size, there are still many courses to make up in the short term, and the basic level is different from the United Kingdom. It is very far away, and it is not worth worrying about in the short term, so there is only one country that can compete with the UK in the space field, and that is France.”

"And the biggest reason why Britain wants to enter the European Community and play a leading role is to prevent the French from leading the organization, so as to use the population and industrial capabilities of the upper European countries to overtake the United Kingdom. Once that happens... "

"The subversion of civilization, the catastrophe of Britain." Harold Wilson's face was solemn, and he seemed to be envisioning such a future.

"Indeed, Minister." Alan Wilson, with a satisfied smile, fully recognized the Minister's understanding, and then further emphasized, "If in the space program, the suppression of France is one of the goals, this goal will not be difficult. In the future competition, we will not be able to win the competition with the United States and the Soviet Union, and we can also use this to appease the emotions of the citizens, at least partially successful, and not let the ruling party lose support.”

The focus of politicians is political performance, and the root cause of political performance is the approval rate, from the perspective of approval rate. Alan Wilson offers where Harold Wilson should set the bottom line for the UK space programme once he returns to London.

As a cabinet minister, Harold Wilson will not stay abroad for a long time, even if Australia has a deep licking mentality towards the UK, and for this reason, he also strongly supports the UK's space program, and the Parliament passed an allocation of 20 million Australian dollars.

I came to the launch site in person, expressed the concern of the British government for the aerospace industry, and was about to leave. For the rest of the matter, the responsibility is unclear. Of course, the space launch site has a special person in charge, but it still needs to be managed by someone. In addition to the funding from the United Kingdom, Australia also contributes.

The managers in the UK, through the comprehensive private fund-raising in Whitehall, are actually mainly funded by the Mountbatten Group. Coupled with the Malayan colony's share of overseas funds, the final decision was that Alan Wilson had executive powers, and in order to check and balance his management, Marshal Slim, the British Governor in Australia, was required to supervise on behalf of the British government. .

At the same time, as a marshal, Slim also represents the attitude of the military in a certain sense, and is also in line with the dual-use value of the aerospace industry, especially the military side.

"This is the end of the minister's role." Alan Wilson, who returned to Perth, said to his wife Pamela Mountbatten, "The rest of the matter is limited by his professionalism, and he can't help much. "

"It looks like your guiding work is pretty good." Pamela Mountbatten said knowingly when she saw her husband's expression, "Like you said, politicians value votes."

"Actually, the strength of a country has nothing to do with that thing at all." Alan Wilson sneered and said coldly, "Scotland's votes and England's votes are votes. Will it change the long-term neglected situation of Scotland? Change Scotland's votes. It was North Sea oil that was discovered. Similarly, Western Australia has today, and it is not the government on the east coast that is merciful and wants to share its pie with Western Australia, but Western Australia has discovered a bigger pie.”

"Maybe in the future, there will be a scene where citizens of the three major cities on the east coast are rushing to live in Perth."

"Really?" Pamela Mountbatten couldn't believe it after hearing it. At least now she thinks that the southeastern part of Australia is stronger than the vicinity of Perth.

"Look at the problem from the perspective of development. Also, don't think that a place can remain strong forever. The so-called high-quality population is not very noble in pursuit." Alan Wilson gave a firm answer.

The Great Lakes region and the Northeast of the United States are the regions with the strongest industrial base and resources in the two countries for a period of time. In the era of their strength, can you think about the impact brought by changes in the environment?

The so-called high-quality population has also become a spokesperson for low-quality and red necks? The only difference is that the system is different. If you are dissatisfied, you will just mumble a few words. The other is easy to understand. , nothing.

In terms of Australia's mineral distribution, Western Australia's advantages are enough to cause changes in the environment within Australia, while in southeastern Australia, it is said that the Tyrannosaurus Rex before the meteorite is a bit excessive, but it cannot cope with the mining value of Western Australia. pressure.

The more conscientious the mineral contracts Pamela Mountbatten and Australia signed, the greater the advantage for Western Australia.

Because the Australian government and the Western Australian state government also have to share the accounts. The more minerals are discovered, the stronger the financial resources of the Western Australian government, which will bring about changes in all aspects.

The biggest beneficiary of this wealth, of course, is Pamela Mountbatten, who is sitting on a rocket. At least she will not look like the wealthy Australian of later generations. Her biggest hobby is to put a group of women on the same level as their wives. dog on a leash.

Before Harold Wilson left Australia, under the guidance of the Colonial Commissioner, who was dedicated to helping ministers achieve political achievements, he had already completed the transformation from a noob to an aerospace enthusiast on the surface.

At this time, the first group of British researchers who arrived in Australia from China also arrived in Perth.

"Turing?" Followed Alan Wilson, who came to see the minister's design, and saw a familiar face.

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