British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 894: Establish the British Army in Australia

"Alan, it's nice to see you." Turing was also excited to see acquaintances in Australia, and took the initiative to say hello, "Why are you here? I remember you said you were a commissioner in the colony."

"Oh, the Malayan colony is actually no stranger to Australia because of business relationships." Alan Wilson explained why he was here. "Some of the work at the launch site happens to be my responsibility."

Turing nodded, introduced each other behind him, and then said, "This is my team, you know, the rocket launch mission involves huge computing power, and we may not be able to transport the equipment by air, only By sea, computers are not small objects."

"It's really not a small object." When Alan Wilson thought of the size of computers in this era, he knew that Turing was right. He was also very curious about the computer that Turing brought. After all, this is a well-known figure in history. Maybe you can look forward to it. one time.

"Alan, you know each other." Harold Wilson happened to see this scene and came over to talk and introduce himself.

"The Chancellor for Space, MP Harold Wilson, is the cornerstone of space."

The stakes are high, and Alan Wilson doesn't mind wearing a top hat at this time, it's all about the big picture.

Harold Wilson was going away anyway, the day after Turing arrived.

"Dear Minister, hello." Turing obviously changed a little from his dull appearance.

It may have been a change, and after being fished out by Alan Wilson, he understood the importance of personal connections. Turing has now made a considerable difference in how he treats people.

Saying hello to Harold Wilson like he does now would never be as smooth as the old Turing.

Alan Wilson introduced the merits of Turing during World War II and the authority of the current field.

This made Harold Wilson appreciate it, and said, "It's like saying that this kind of large-scale project will allow many industries to serve it, and ultimately generate huge economic and social value."

"Minister, your observation is very keen." Alan Wilson recognized with a face, "Space technology and its products will be promoted and applied in various fields of the national economy, which will profoundly change our society. Ultimately, social and economic benefits will be produced. "

At least in the early days of the space race, the industrial changes brought about by it were still quite huge. As for the Star Wars stage, the United States and the Soviet Union were obviously obsessed at that stage. It is not to say that the space race has no effect on society, but it is not so big. It is also a fact that the investment of the two countries has become more and more huge.

Even if Red Star Wars and Star Wars do not continue because of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, they can only satisfy the tastes of military enthusiasts. Let’s see if the US national missile defense system is more robust, or the Soviet Union’s air and space nuclear strikes including combat space stations are sharper.

However, from Alan Wilson’s point of view, if it is based on defense, it will definitely not work. The background of Star Wars is the premise that the Soviet Union’s nuclear attack force and penetration capability are stronger. The United States is afraid that the nuclear balance will be broken. The plan formulated.

As a more offensive plan, the Soviet Union's Red Star War must be stronger. History has proven many times that offensive weapons are obviously developing faster than defensive means. The long evolutionary history of the earth proves that there is a dead end for stacking armor.

The stage where two lunatic countries can only proceed is still far from now. Alan Wilson doesn't have to think so far, but he still expects a miracle to decipher the existence of Germany's so-called undecipherable riddle machine in the world war of Turing.

The current conditions are much better than before, and Turing can concentrate on calculating all the data of the space program.

If Turing could do this, it would have saved the space program a lot of effort.

"Turing?" Pamela Mountbatten saw her husband come back to attack this man, a trace of suspicion flashed in her eyes, and she suddenly stepped forward and sniffed lightly, before saying for a long time, "He made mistakes, you should be careful."

Turing was arrested because of his orientation. Pamela Mountbatten already knew about this. She was a little worried about someone who led the team to Australia. Don't bring her husband bad.

Alan Wilson looked helpless, looked at his wife's suspicion and swore, "Who am I, haven't you experienced it?"

"Even if you are a man, you should always protect yourself." Pamela Mountbatten insisted without changing her original intention. "It is more dangerous for you to contact him than to contact Marilyn Monroe."

Been taught a lesson! When Alan Wilson saw his wife with this face, he resolutely bowed his head and confessed that reasoning was the last resort, and he should have realized this long ago.

Of course, the wife's concern is not unreasonable. For Turing's group, most people's discriminatory mentality, to be honest, is open, consistent, and not based on anyone's will.

Is this fair? Of course that's unfair, but that's the way this society is. Playing political correctness can handle it without any setbacks. Once turmoil begins to appear, all political correctness will result in more violent revenge.

In addition to stripping away the method of political correctness, this requires individual struggle to solve the problem.

It's like Turing is now trying to reach out to politicians, the only way he can avoid the repeat of the old incident of being caught by the police.

The next morning, he and Turing reappeared at the same time, this time to send Harold Wilson on the plane and return to London to submit a draft space plan, including dual-use, economic and social values. content, stuffing the briefcase he was carrying with him.

"The space program requires huge computing power, it's up to you." When the comet airliner took off, Alan Wilson turned to look at Turing, talking and laughing. Of course, Turing responded with a smile and said that he would do his best.

This scene made Pamela Mountbatten, who drove over but did not get out of the car, feel tight.

"I am a researcher, and I am happy to face difficulties one by one. Just wait for the large computers shipped by sea to arrive." Turingman solemnly promised, "I hope I can still contribute to the UK's national strategy."

Alan Wilson, of course, wanted this. He even hoped that Turing could create a miracle for Britain under the overwhelming advantages of the United States and the Soviet Union.

After a long flight, Harold Wilson brought back this space plan with the clearest logic and hierarchy in this era. This space plan was formulated by Alan Wilson with reference to the stage of the space race.

Behind each part is the accumulation of countless human and material resources, and the sky is full of fireworks.

Compared with the heavy price behind this plan, the fireworks that the blue-light missile exploded in the air, that is, Tu Yile, were nothing.

This space program has also been highly appraised by the Royal Astronautical Society and the Interstellar Society. At this time, in the cabinet, Prime Minister Attlee was discussing matters related to this space race.

"The rocket plan that Harold brought back has condensed the sweat and wisdom of the British Empire's aerospace field." Prime Minister Attlee said, "I have discussed with the Minister of Defense Count Alexander, Given Australia's attitude, and the importance of the space program. There is an idea to implement."

"Need financial appropriation again?" Chancellor of the Exchequer Geske's heart was tight. The defense minister's favorite thing to do is to appropriate money, but he, the chancellor of the exchequer, is just the opposite.

"Uh, it's not exactly this time." Prime Minister Attlee was almost interrupted by such a shot at Geske, and looked at the foreign secretary Morrison, who was not very harmonious, and said, "It has something to do with the diplomatic field. ."

At this point, Prime Minister Attlee will not be in the dark. Australia's own military is not strong, and the Wumaila launch site is in Australia. The space program is so important to the current world. In order to ensure the safety of the Uumeira launch site, while preventing espionage by hostile camps and suspicious allies, the United Kingdom needs to invest more, and this investment is not just funding.

It may be difficult for Australia to be responsible for the safety of the Uumeira launch site. To this end, Attlee put forward his own views in the cabinet, to establish a British army stationed in Australia, specifically responsible for protecting the safety of the Wumaila launch site.

"This idea is understandable, and I also believe that Prime Minister Menzies will never oppose it." Foreign Secretary Morrison has a complicated relationship with the Prime Minister, but at this time he will definitely not oppose it for the sake of The Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary quickly reached a consensus on the issue of establishing a British army stationed in Australia. As for the idea of ​​Australia, they did not stay in their minds for even a second.

The remaining issue is how to form the British army stationed in Australia. There are 800,000 active soldiers in the British army, mainly divided into three major groups. The domestic, European and colonial garrison troops are of course the strongest in combat effectiveness of the British army stationed in Germany. But they couldn't move when they faced the Soviet troops in Germany.

It is not easy to move around within the range of 800,000 British troops. After all, the plate of the British Empire is still very large compared to the current military power.

"Referring to the independence of Sudan, one part of the British troops stationed in Sudan was withdrawn to South Sudan, and the other part was added to the Middle East Joint Operations Command. Now Nigeria is calling for the establishment of a self-governing dominion, and we can use this to withdraw part of the troops stationed in British West Africa. Add The Upper Middle East and Far East Combat Command split up and called out some troops as part of the British Forces in Australia."

Defence Minister Count Alexander gave his advice, "As for the command structure, Singapore's Far Eastern Combat Command is not far from Australia, and it can be directly assigned to the Far Eastern Command."

"That's all right, Morrison, have a good talk with Prime Minister Menzies." Attlee nodded at Morrison.

In November 1956, the first batch of troops mobilized from the British Army stationed in Malaysia landed in Australia. As the first batch of troops stationed in Australia with a scale of 6,000 British troops stationed in Australia, they began to enter Australia. The British troops stationed in British West Africa were also ordered to withdraw from Nigeria.

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