British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 895: West Malaysia Railway

Alan Wilson is grateful that the current government has moved and squeezed out the forces within its capabilities to form the British Army in Australia and **** Britain's entry into the space race.

After all, the times are different. Back then, when the sun never set, the empire spread across the world and didn’t need so many standing armies. But now the standing army of 800,000 people has been maintained since the war, and it seems a little insufficient.

The reason is also very simple, the opponents are different in different times. Two thousand years ago, when the Han Dynasty became the Wuhu, it was established in an environment where the Huns had almost no metallurgical skills. As time goes on, you are an iron tool and I am also an iron tool. Naturally, you cannot replicate the glorious years. It has nothing to do with the blood of the Han people two thousand years ago, and the Han people now have no blood and no bullshit.

Now that the United States and the Soviet Union have more populations and are at the same level in technology, how does this make the United Kingdom parry? Naturally, there were more colonies than there are now, but there is no such thing as the current shortage of troops.

At the end of the year, it was not good news that Nigeria was successfully upgraded to a dominion.

Britain was given five years to prepare for independence. Ingram is talking to the local elite about how to hand over the nationalized enterprises established by the local British and how to distribute the profits.

Of course, there are various plans. These companies can be privatized and then listed in London. Of course, the condition of settlement in sterling is also bound. After the independence process of British India and British Sudan, the British way of dealing with such colonies, Already familiar with it.

In place of Sir Barron's old colleague John in the Persian Gulf, there was also bad news. Jordan's dismissal of Grubb, the British commander of the Arab Legion, marked the shaken of Britain's unique influence in Jordan.

"I have been in contact with the Jordanian royal family, and I will go to negotiate soon."

Alan Wilson took the telegram from an old friend and fell into deep thinking. Grubb Pasha represents the influence of the United Kingdom on Jordan. Jordan's previous role in World War II is equivalent to the law of Ali Pasha's life now. Luke I.

Regarded by the United Kingdom as the main base for maintaining influence in the Arab world, this influence is maintained through Grubb Pasha, a British who served as chief of the Jordanian army general staff and commander of the Arab Legion.

As early as 1935, Britain established the military dictatorship of the commander-in-chief of the Arab Legion, Grab Pasha. Military authorities have the power to arrest those whose activities threaten the security of Transjordan, seize property and detain and deport "suspected" persons.

From the date of implementation of the Defence Law, the foreign covenant and all other laws cease to be in force. The very, virtually unlimited, full power that Grab Pasha had in Transjordan was used by the British imperialists to satisfy British military needs.

Grab Pasha's Arab Corps only has a name related to the Arabs, and is actually under the command of the United Kingdom's Middle East Combined Operations Command in the Middle East, and is part of the British military in the Middle East.

"Try not to let the Jordanian royal family dismiss Grab Pasha. What conditions can be discussed? Talk to the Jordanian royal family based on the fact that Nigeria has become an autonomous dominion. If it is money, it is actually simple, mainly to express sincerity."

Alan Wilson quickly called back an old friend, saying that the UK and Jordan have nothing to talk about, and don't make a bad end. Alan Wilson actually doesn't think Jordan is worth much.

The value of Jordan is essentially the vision of the previous era. For example, the United Kingdom has always regarded British India as the most valuable colony, but in fact? In this day and age, Australia is worth more than India.

In the eyes of Alan Wilson, Jordan is not as valuable as Qatar in the Persian Gulf, even though the area and population of the former are dozens of times that of the latter. But even so, because the United Kingdom had previously occupied a large proportion of Jordan in the Arab world, he still did not want to tear his face.

If it can't be done, then don't publicly tear your face, and the request to leave the UK a few years to evacuate should not be too much.

Soon, Alan Wilson submitted the matter about the Jordanian Arab Legion to the British Foreign Office, and put forward his own views. At the same time, he said that the Persian Gulf Commissioner had left for Jordan and he would follow up on this matter.

"What's wrong? Darling?" Pamela Mountbatten walked into the bedroom and saw her husband sighing, thinking that she had recently driven him back to Kuala Lumpur and made him angry.

Pamela Mountbatten just felt that it was better to be far away from Turing. After all, that kind of person is different from ordinary people.

"The UK's layout in Jordan is in danger of being shaken." Alan Wilson said with a wry smile when he saw his wife come in, "Sometimes I wonder if it's too powerless to face such a scene after working hard. Some?"

It can be said that he does not work hard. Every year, he turns around in the major colonies, and he is afraid that something bad will appear unprepared.

But it still can't change the trend of the UK gradually falling behind. When the UK was hyping to join the space competition, he thought that the downward trend had dawned, but now it's too early to be happy.

"It's not your fault." Pamela Mountbatten saw that her husband was quite disappointed, and hurried up to hug her husband's head and comforted her softly, "Even if other people see your efforts, how could I, as your wife, not know , By the way, I have negotiated with the Premier of Western Australia and the Mayor of Perth to accept the operation of hydropower, so be happy for me."

"Finally good news, dear." Alan Wilson raised his head with difficulty, his chin still in the gully.

"The good news doesn't stop there. I'm not here this month. I'm going to go to the hospital to check. If there is good news, I'll tell you right away." Pamela Mountbatten winked at her man, the expression on her face. The smile is full of happiness.

"That's really worth looking forward to." Alan Wilson was overjoyed, and the heat in his mouth rushed over the woman's chest.

A little stagnation was diluted, and Alan Wilson still sent electricity to Kuala Lumpur to let the Executive Office pay attention to whether newspapers in other countries had noticed the incident in Jordan.

There will definitely be, especially the hostile camp. Soon, Alan Wilson knew about a report by a major country's official media with the headline of the British army getting out of Jordan.

Alan Wilson returned to his own administrative office in Kuala Lumpur and said with a wry smile, "What does it have to do with them? What if the UK doesn't leave? Send their army from the Korean War to Jordan to see me?"

"There is also the report of the Soviet Pravda." Richard gave the Soviet response to his immediate boss who had just returned to the base camp.

"It's worth noting." Alan Wilson's face immediately became solemn. Jordan's position was within the scope of Soviet interference, and it was also a statement, so it was more worthy of attention.

It can be seen from this that the High Commissioner of the Malayan Colony is bullying the soft and fearing the hard.

"This is the honorary murder case that occurred this year." Alyssa held up a pile of files and said, "The statistics of similar cases of Chinese and Malays, a total of 83 cases."

"Got it." Taking out the seal of the High Commissioner, Alan Wilson pulled the dossier with his left hand, without even looking at it, the sound of Bang Bang's seal came from the desk, and soon after all the dossiers were confirmed, he said lightly, " Archive..."

"The Malayan colony has murdered because of this kind of thing, do you want to interfere?" Alyssa asked.

"The British Empire has always adapted to the local conditions and respected the local customs. The Qing law and the teaching of peace have written records of this kind of adultery involving men and women. The British Empire should not interfere in this." Commissioner Alan Wilson put away Yin Xi said nonchalantly, "Whether it's stoning or any other punishment, the colonial government's attitude is to not interfere. The Chinese case is less than 30 years old, and according to the regulations, life imprisonment, and dozens of labor force can be used for a lifetime. , how nice."

"These are murders." Alyssa was a little silent, "It can be stopped as long as you are serious."

"The cost is too high to be worth it. Our main priority is to protect the power of the labor force, and women are less valuable than men." Alan Wilson looked indifferent, "There are so many places in the world where men and women are not We all need to help? We also need others to appreciate it. If the interference causes a huge decline in social morality and social unrest in Malaya, who will bear the responsibility?”

He has already taken the highest punishment for this kind of murder, and naturally it will stop here. Of course, a headache doctor is not the solution to the problem, but who can solve this kind of problem? How to deal with it?

European and American model? African model, Japan-South Korea model or Taliban model?

"Alyssa, maybe a few decades from now, this will be the basis for another economic take-off in Malaya." Alan Wilson comforted the empathetic female subordinates, "The world is constantly changing, who can say for sure. "

When the day of opening the country's doors came, those who had spent decades cultivating the best of the best suddenly found that Malaya was a colony with a much higher standard of living, but still retaining the traditional relationship between men and women. Then look at the rapid decline in morality around him, maybe he will sharpen his head and squeeze in.

"Commissioner, this is the planned West Malaysia railway plan." Richard has taken out a prepared railway construction plan for the Malayan Chief Executive to look over.

"Yes, it's almost time to start, connecting the major cities in West Malaysia. It will greatly improve the mobility of the Malay Peninsula, and it will be of great benefit to economic development." Alan Wilson is obviously a lot more serious, and other things are not Worth too much attention, this thing is quite different.

The urbanization of West Malaysia has been underway for more than half a year. If we take the opportunity to complete the railway construction in one go, this round of construction will be completed, and we will not have to worry about this aspect for at least 20 years.

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