British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 896: firefighter

"When this round of construction is completed, the Malayan colony will be no less than Europe in terms of hardware. The purpose of our promotion of the entire project is to integrate the social accumulation of nearly 12 years since 1945. Clean it up."

Alan Wilson said word by word, "It's as simple as that. We give them houses and railroads, and the price is their wealth back twelve years ago, which is fair."

Alan Wilson believes that there must be a huge accumulation of folks in the Malayan colony. Think about who they recruited in 1945? And what was Chang Gong's country like at that time?

Will the Chinese run away if they survive? After all the hardships and hardships in the Malayan colony, these Chinese started anew with a deep memory of hunger, struggling like machines with their backs to the loess, living a frugal life, accumulated over the past twelve years How much wealth?

Anyway, Alan Wilson felt that as long as he had the ability to pay out the money, he could complete all the projects in this round, including the railway construction, without a bank loan.

In this round of construction, Alan Wilson believes that most people do not need to be house slaves. This is based on the memory of his previous life, although his hometown is not a big city, at best a county.

Even the entire region is already aging and birth rates are plummeting. But in the ranking of per capita savings, plus the capital of the gods, the three brothers of Heijiliao are also in the top ten, and Inner Mongolia in the same region is also in the top ten.

After comparing the current wages and prices in Malaya and converting, Alan Wilson felt that this round of urban construction does not require financial means and relies on lending to complete.

Because this round of urban construction is essentially the consumption accumulated by Malaya's development over the years, and it is impossible to talk about overdrafting the future.

The key is that the area of ​​the Malayan colony is not large, and this round of urban construction projects are started at the same time. In other words, with the help of external forces, the entire West Malaysia will start the project at the same time, and the cost will not be subject to inflation as the urban construction deepens.

If the 20-year construction is still not over, the housing cost of the Malayan colony will definitely rise in the future, but if it is completed in five years, this kind of thing will not happen.

This is a good thing. He knows a piece of data from later generations. If a person owes more than 30 months of his monthly salary on an online loan, the person will be in repayment almost all his life, and the rest of the time will only be oppressed by the online loan. Run down.

Although British banks are certainly not comparable to online loan interest rates, if the residents of the Malayan colony can avoid dealing with the financial industry and complete the infrastructure upgrade of the colony through accumulation, it will also be a huge success.

"It shouldn't be so difficult to figure out the accumulation of Malayan residents." Alan Wilson said to himself, feeling that the mentality of Malayan subjects and his hometown is still different.

To put it bluntly, although lying flat is a new word, Alan Wilson has practiced it for many years in his former hometown.

In his previous life, the entire area of ​​his hometown had been developed long ago, and people felt in their hearts that there would be no major changes. No amount of words would be useless to the locals.

But the Chinese in Malaya have not yet reached this stage. Compared with the memory of not having enough to eat in the past 12 years, the development of Malaya can be called rapid progress, and the changes are visible.

He believes that the mentality of the Chinese in the colonies is absolutely different, and he also believes that hard work will bring better returns, such a rhetoric and deception.

Then, as a colonial commissioner, Alan Wilson's face brushing effect must be more effective than any revitalizing regional strategy.

"The urban construction in Malaya is not lively enough. Every newspaper has to set aside a page for me to report on the urban construction. The duration is one year. I immediately told the major newspapers to find me the newspapers reconstructed after the war in the Soviet Union. According to Copy the words for me, and mobilize the spirit of the entire colony." Alan Wilson ordered Richard, "First give me a month of hype, and officially start the West Malaysia Railway project after the year."

"Soviet propaganda?" Richard was surprised, thinking he had heard it wrong.

"Yes, Prime Minister Attlee said that we need to combine the advantages of the two concepts to build a socialist community of Great Britain." Alan Wilson told his subordinates bluntly, you heard it right, that's what happened.

"Is it necessary to change some neutral words, such as the revitalization of Malaya strategy." Richard asked for instructions after a long silence.

"That's a good idea, Richard." Alan Wilson raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Although we essentially want to spend their savings, but with such a big frame, it's logical."

This year's Colonial Commissioner's meeting has already been held in Aden, and Alan Wilson will not be as busy at the end of the year as it was in previous years.

Taking the opportunity to take her to Anna's place to see his bloodline, the little dragoon was very unhappy, because she felt that this man was not around when she gave birth again.

"I'm too busy, there are so many things between the colony and the SASAC." Given the other party's criminal record, Alan Wilson never mentioned the British space program, and finally had a battle of words under Anna's chatter.

"I'll give birth to two sons for you. Both of them are sons." Anna pinched her waist with both hands, looking like she's terrified.

"You are a meritorious person in the Wilson family, and I am grateful to you for the rest of my life." Ellen Wilson bowed her head in front of the authority and plunged her head into the magnificent waves that Anna was no smaller than Ingrid Bergman.

"Speaking of this child, he is very lucky." With Anna sitting on his lap, Alan Wilson turned to look at Pauline Godai, who was holding the baby with a motherly expression, "He has two mothers who love him from birth. It saves a lot of trouble.”

If you were born in an ordinary family, you are not only unlucky, you also need to bear the burden of two families. But neither Anna nor Pauline Gaodai are comparable to ordinary families in terms of material. So Alan Wilson said the kid was lucky.

"I'm his mother." Anna muttered dissatisfied, making Baolian Gaodai's eyes darken.

"Anna!" Alan Wilson stared at the little dragoon with a bad color, "It's not fair to Pauline to say that. After adulthood, this child has a mature mind, and you and Pauline can communicate this matter. And through My consent, if I were still alive at that time."

"Mr. Wilson." Pauline Godai came over. After all, she was one step behind this man, but she was still very grateful to see him speak for herself. She wanted a child to accompany her too much.

"Pauline, I am very grateful to you for this matter." Alan Wilson said sincerely, "I cannot bear the consequences of this child because of my public duties. It is very selfish to make this decision, and it also increases your burden. As long as I One day, no matter what character this child will be when he grows up, he will recognize you as a mother. If he does not recognize it, it can be concluded that there is a problem with his character, and I will never agree."

Alan Wilson is a consistent, unwavering central air-conditioning line in this sort of thing.

"I believe that Pauline will take good care of our children. We owe something to this matter. Pauline is of course also the mother of the child." Alan Wilson taught Anna, "Your sister is right in some places, you have a certain meaning I haven't grown up yet."

"Don't you just like how I didn't grow up?" Anna squinted at her man, and then said, "I'm not unreasonable, after all, I was born, even if I know that I will be well taken care of, Thinking that it will have nothing to do with me for a long time is a bit sad."

In the end, after negotiation, the child's name was named Garland Godet Hellman. Both women's surnames are taken into account.

Baolian Gao Dai is also quite satisfied with the result, "I will definitely take good care of him and let him grow up safely."

Although Alan Wilson won't be bothered by the Colonial Commissioner's meeting in previous years, it doesn't mean that he can relax. As we all know, his second brother has never been busier than him, and invited people including but not limited to Vivien Leigh, Ingrid Bergman, Heidi Ladies, including Rama, take the rocket at the end of the year.

The old colleagues who went to Jordan also always sent the communication with the Jordanian royal family. If you want to maintain a harmonious relationship and do not disclose the contradictions between the UK and Jordan, the UK must make a public commitment that it will not let Jordan and the countries behind Jordan. joined the siege network that contained the Soviet Union, and the second point was to settle the 8 million pounds of foreign debt owed to Jordan during World War II.

"And this?" Alan Wilson really didn't know that the UK still owed Jordan money, which subverted his understanding of the UK. We all know that the price that Britain paid for World War II was very high, but I didn't expect it to be so large that it even owed Jordan money.

A telegram was sent to the Foreign Office in London for confirmation, and a quick call back made Alan Wilson's fluke reassured, and it turned out to be true. Now he really wants to pull out the Qianlong sword and cut two anti-British elements to add to the fun, which is really shameful.

"In the Dominion of Nigeria, the nationalized enterprises are being divided, and we can think of ways in this process."

John, the Persian Gulf Commissioner in Amman, the capital of Jordan, received a telegram from Alan Wilson. There is no money in Malaya now, but there must be in Nigeria, because the local British enterprise before the nationalization is undergoing privatization. During the period There will definitely be a large loss of state capital, from which the money owed to Jordan can be made up.

Alan Wilson reported to Whitehall, and Norman Brooke called back and approved, eventually making up the arrears.

When he was busy working as a firefighter, the blue light missile project supported by the cabinet did not stop for a moment. After the Turing team assembled the computer, they began to calculate the entire project, which made the project abruptly accelerated.

Leaving Australia from Alan Wilson, six trials were carried out in succession, ensuring a 75 per cent success rate. In particular, the last three launches were all successful, and the Blu-ray missile is moving towards reliability.

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