British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 897: light up the beacon

"Money is tough." When Alan Wilson said this, he remembered the fact that the United Kingdom owed Jordan's foreign debt. It was a very happy thing, but it was full of yin and yang when he said it.

He gave two pieces of advice to his old colleagues. They could pay in installments or pay them off in one go. After all, Nigeria is the largest colony in British Africa, which means the largest population. Nigeria can be regarded as the British India of Africa in a sense.

This round of privatisation will result in a massive loss of state property, making up for £8 million in arrears a piece of cake.

The instalment is a regular five-year repayment, in exchange for the continuation of Grubb Pasha's service in the Kingdom of Jordan, and the assurance that the United Kingdom will not retaliate because of the previous friction.

The exchange condition for the one-off payment is that on the basis of Grab Pasha's continued tenure, Jordan must publicly rectify the name of the United Kingdom, especially the recent Chinese and Soviet accusations against the United Kingdom in public opinion, and the Kingdom of Jordan must be cut off.

Similarly, the United Kingdom promised Jordan and Jordan's Arab-supporting countries behind this incident that it would not use any tone to persuade the Arabs to follow the United Kingdom and the United States to build a siege network against the Soviet Union.

Alan Wilson, an old colleague of high speed on the telegraph, there are not many monarchies in the world, so think about ways from this aspect.

From the mouth of an old colleague, Alan Wilson also knew that Jordan’s bid this time also involves the issue of leadership within the Arab country. As we all know, the Kingdom of Jordan and the Kingdom of Iraq are actually a family, both descendants of the Hashem family.

Judging from the current population size comparison, whether it is the Kingdom of Jordan or the Kingdom of Iraq, it is far from the Kingdom of Egypt under Farouk I. Although Iraq has oil resources, it is extremely difficult to deal with Egypt, which has four times the population of Iraq. .

Although the Kingdom of Jordan has less than one million people, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, and the two royal families are still related.

The de facto occupation of Palestinian land by the Kingdom of Jordan was also recognized by the Kingdom of Iraq and the United Kingdom.

Since the Kingdom of Jordan wants to make such an offer, there is nothing it cannot agree to out of consideration for balancing Egypt. Egypt's dominance in the Arab world is not in Britain's interests.

"In this era, Saudi Arabia is really a little transparent." Alan Wilson looked at some Middle East intelligence and concluded.

The status of Saudi Arabia in later generations has been strengthened once. The root cause is the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Middle East. The protectorates of the Persian Gulf controlled by the United Kingdom, including but not limited to Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait, these small countries with high per capita resources and small populations have attached to Saudi Arabia. Let Saudi Arabia's status in the Arab world rise.

The combined oil reserves of these small countries are almost equal to that of Saudi Arabia, and their dependence on Saudi Arabia has improved Saudi Arabia's status.

At present, Pamela Mountbatten has entered these protectorates. If you want to evacuate in the future, it may not be so easy.

In the Royal Palace of Jordan, Hussein ibn Talal, as the king who had just ascended the throne, met with John, the Persian Gulf Commissioner, who also had not been in office for a long time, and Grubb, the chief of the Jordanian army general staff and the commander of the Arab Legion.

"Dear Your Majesty, the United Kingdom knows very well that the colonial era has passed, and it has been adjusting its policies and re-establishing international relations after the war. The independence of British India and British Sudan proves this." John looked at the same failure to ascend the throne. The young king said, "I emphasize again, I am the former Sudanese commissioner, and I have only been in office not long ago."

"But the new relationship I was looking forward to has never appeared." Hussein Ibn Talal said calmly.

"Dear King, it always takes some time. If you don't handle it well, you may think that the British are too bad, but if the United States and the Soviet Union come over, wouldn't things be more troublesome? You give Britain some space, and the United Kingdom also I will give you some space for feedback." John said righteously, "We have decided to repay the special debt owed during World War II and the early post-war period, which is an expression of sincerity. At the same time, we also recognize the Kingdom of Jordan and the Kingdom of Iraq. special state relations."

"Your Majesty, there are not many monarchies in this world. At least the United Kingdom has no reason to overthrow you. Other countries may not be sure. Our policies in the Middle East are constantly being adjusted. It also ended properly, the key is that we have to solve the problem candidly.”

"I think His Majesty the King and the UK are not enemies. You have been studying in London for a long time, and you also have a certain relationship with the UK."

"If I must take back military power, I believe the UK is ready for a coup d'etat." Hussein Ibn Talal looked at the Persian Gulf Commissioner who came from Aden and said firmly.

"No, we will evacuate Jordan." John glanced at Grab Pasha and replied without thinking.

"Jordan is next to Israel, and will not participate in any encirclement network built against the Soviet Union. I have communicated with Baghdad, and our two countries have the same intention." Hussein ibn Talal no longer mentioned any coup d'etat. Turning around, "The strength of the US's support for Israel makes us also have doubts about the UK. Of course, my heart to regain sovereignty remains unchanged. But I am also willing to give the UK time to adjust."

"Thanks to His Majesty the King, the British Empire is undergoing a difficult transformation. During this transformation process, we are very grateful for the goodwill of all the interested countries." John breathed a sigh of relief, "About the Arab Legion, Grab Pasha There is something to say."

“The Arab Legion will provide training for the Jordanian army, and I have therefore requested military assistance from London. In the next five years, the Arab Legion will be integrated with the Jordanian army in an orderly manner. Because Jordan has a small population, the United States and the Soviet Union The experience of the United Kingdom does not apply, and the size of the British army is small and powerful to protect the security of the Kingdom of Jordan."

Hussein ibn Talal nodded, but offered to add a written assurance, "Britain is a country that pays attention to contracts, so that the citizens of Jordan will suppress dissatisfaction that the country's most effective army is controlled by foreigners. ."

"Of course there is no problem, there is nothing to discuss." John immediately agreed, "My colleague Ahmed Pasha is also very concerned about this matter. I will communicate with him and settle the debts of the United Kingdom and Jordan."

"Ahmed Pasha?" Hussein Ibn Talal muttered in confusion, why did he not have this person in his mind?

"If I were John, I would arrange for a fair-skinned and beautiful English girl to marry the King of Jordan right now."

Far away in Kuala Lumpur, Ahmed Pasha, who is talking about the Kingdom of Jordan, is talking nonsense to Vivien Leigh. He remembered that the future wife of the King of Jordan was British.

"Won't it look like this? Somewhat?" Ingrid Bergman couldn't find an adjective to describe it for a while.

"What? Shame? Shame?" Alan Wilson replied nonchalantly. "This is normal international interaction. What's wrong with being the queen of a country for an ordinary British woman? Break your head."

Isn't this the ancient marriage, the Han Dynasty used this trick, and it did not delay the hanging and beating of the object after the Han Dynasty's uprising. Both the Han and Tang Dynasties had kisses, but it was just a political trick, and they didn't stop them from swallowing thousands of miles.

Among the big compradors in Malaya, the one he trusts the most is Su Yang, who has a British spouse. It is not for nothing.

"There is a lot of work here this year, so don't work too hard." Compared with Swedish luxury cars, Great Britain Treasure is more considerate. Vivien Leigh doesn't care about the British Empire, but only about the man who promoted the city's construction.

"Vivian's words are always heart-warming." Allen Wilson said in a dazed voice, "I know it. After this round of city construction is completed, the foundation of Malaya will be solid, and the rest is to pass the Chinese The personal connections have penetrated into other countries in Southeast Asia.”

"Speaking of this issue, there is a Fu Manchu script in the United States." Heidi Lamar suddenly remembered this matter, "If you don't like it, I will push it."

"It's your freedom to shoot or not. But I definitely won't let this series of films enter the Malayan colony." When Alan Wilson heard the name, he already knew what kind of film it was.

The image of Fu Manchu does not necessarily make the Chinese feel what he is. He is erudite and talented, and his mind is It is his duty to liberate Asia, Africa and Latin America from the rule of the white people. Isn't this a nationalist's dream? An absolute national hero.

What really makes people jump is the image of Shangqi. Your father, such a heroic figure, gave birth to such a scum who deceives his teachers and destroys his ancestors?

"Then we will withdraw this script, anyway, we have never been short of scripts." Ingrid Bergman rolled the man, "You are afraid that the colonies will be dissatisfied with British rule for this."

"The United Kingdom and the United States don't stand together on everything." Alan Wilson straightened his back, "Recently, the image of Fu Manchu has been raised again. Is it related to being beaten in the Korean War? Look at the United States. Mind, can you deceive me?"

Another New Year, the colonial government officially launched the construction of the West Malaysia Railway, which has been warmed up for more than a month. Alan Wilson attended the groundbreaking ceremony as a high commissioner and announced the official start of the project.

"Thank you, Lord Zhongtang, and thank you Ahmed Pasha." The elites of the two distinct ethnic groups present congratulated Alan Wilson.

"This is just the beginning, the long-term plan of the United Kingdom is to make the Malayan colony a beacon in Asia." Alan Wilson shouted with a fake smile on his face, "My job is to light the beacon. The West Malaysia Railway is a Start."

At the beginning of the new year, four successive missile launches were carried out at the Uumeira launch site, all of which were successful.

Perth's Pamela Mountbatten told Alan Wilson that the Blu-ray missile is already trustworthy, and discussions are ongoing at the Wumaila launch site to use the missile body as a space project.

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